Playing Doctor

By Gay Contrarian

Published on May 29, 2018



A story in several parts by Gay Contrarian May 2018

This is a work of fiction, based on the experiences and imaginings of the author. Any similarity between the characters and real individuals living or dead is purely coincidental. Individuals not comfortable reading explicit gay sexual encounters by consensual adults should leave now. This work should only be read by those of legal age to do so according to the laws where you live. Please consider a contribution to Nifty to ensure the availability of stories like this are preserved for future readers. Any comments or feedback are welcome – address them to Thanks for reading!

Having just enjoyed a terrific, authentic Chinese meal hand-carried by Davy (Dustin's European lover through social media) from his uncle's restaurant in San Francisco earlier today, we were basking in the pleasant fullness of a splendid early summer evening as we each in our secret thoughts imagined what sexual adventures the rest of the weekend might hold. Davy and Dustin began stacking empty cartons and plates, and I carried the piles over to the sink or garbage bin as necessary. We were left with hot tea and dessert on the table, and not seemingly in any rush to finish them. We shared our little slips of paper with each other, having read aloud already what the fortune cookies revealed for each of us.

Although I have no proof, my memory is that the Earth and everything around us stood still for one brief second before a forceful rumbling began and the building started to creak and groan. "Earthquake!" I yelled, as my training from prior years of living in seismic-prone regions of the world kicked into gear. Davy looked dumbfounded and paralyzed - unaccustomed to, and totally unaware of, the proper reaction in such circumstances. Dustin, a California native as am I, knew instinctively to get a hold of Davy and pull him under the sturdy wooden kitchen table as protection from any falling debris. The table would not accommodate all three of us, so I went to an interior doorframe and braced myself there as the rocking and rolling continued to increase.

Although it seemed like an eternity, the quake only lasted about 90 seconds start to finish, but it was powerful enough to knock loose things off of tables and shelves throughout the cottage. The electricity went off, but it wasn't dark yet so we wouldn't notice that until nighttime. There were sounds of glass breaking and heavy objects hitting the floor. When I felt it was safe, I called out to Dustin and Davy to come up from underneath the kitchen table so we could assess the damage and agree on next steps. We immediately decided that we'd best get as much fresh water into usable containers as possible, in case this became an extended outage. We also agreed NOT to open the fridge/freezer unless necessary. It was too late to consider charging up our cellphones to the max, but Davy's was so low I agreed to let him charge it for a while using the rental car charger port. I certainly didn't want the car battery to be drained down, stranding us on the beachfront without transportation if we needed to get out for a tsunami evacuation.

I didn't hear any cries or calls for help from the neighboring homes, and we didn't seem to have suffered a devastating blow ourselves, but we weren't probably near the epicenter anyway. After about 30 minutes and 2 minor aftershocks, Davy looked pretty shaken and Dustin and I agreed it would be an unnerving, dark night together. We'd filled the bathtub with fresh water, found a mop bucket to use for flushing the toilets with 2 gallons of seawater, as required, and pooled together what candles, matches, lighters and such we could find to get through the night. We would be able to use the gas barbeque on the deck for cooking, and it was also equipped with a side burner. There was a fairly good stack of firewood and kindling in the carport; well, at least enough to have a fire for 3 or 4 evenings if it continued to be cool overnight.

As Dustin and Davy finished up the general tidy and cleaning of the mess made by the earthquake, Davy passed me the receipt from the Fish and Chips restaurant Dustin and I had eaten at earlier today, asking if I wanted to hold onto it to keep the cell number that the fratboy cook had given us after watching me blow Dustin in the restaurant's upstairs seating loft. At first, I only thought of it as a hook-up that wasn't going to happen. Then it occurred to me we might learn something by having a person closer to official information to help us become aware of how precipitous our situation at the cottage might actually be.

After briefly telling Dustin my general intentions, I decided to use some of the now-precious battery life on my phone to text the cook and ask if he was OK and if he knew anything, first needing a few words of introduction –

Steven: You offered us special sauce earlier today, but forgot to mention it would

be delivered by Mother Nature in the form of a shakedown! You OK? We are.

Cook: Hi! Yeah, OK for now. Boss is away this weekend, and just texted me to close up and not come back to work until he asks me too. Lots of damage near the wharf, but roads are open. NO power. Food will rot. My roommate texted me that I should find someplace to crash, our building is unsafe to occupy due to collapsed balconies. Need to sort that out. Looking for company, boys? ;)

Steven: You are welcome here. Unless there's a tsunami warning or another more powerful quake, it should be safe. We have a Bayfront cottage with a tubful of fresh water and a BBQ for cooking food. We are 3, but more bodies mean more warmth overnight :) Were you in Scouts? If so, please bring anything you can to help us camp out here until things go back to normal. Would be more than happy to "feed you" as repayment for services rendered...

Cook: Boss gave me keys to his SUV for supply pick-up this morning. Will get all I can and prove to you I earned that "Emergency Preparedness" merit badge with flying colors! 20 minutes to pack and load. Prefer not to demonstrate my "Exploration Skills" badge proficiency skills today, so your street address please?

I replied with our location and reminded him that he'd be wise to try to charge his phone to the max and listen to the emergency broadcast channel for information while driving over here, and signed off. It took 8 minutes of life off the phone battery, but probably extended our chances of being comfortable by several hundred percent! I told the boys the gist of my text chat with Cook (Jeez, I didn't even ask his name!) and they seemed relieved to know that we'd be getting supplies and companionship to survive the ordeal easier.

Jack pulled into our driveway about 40 minutes later. He was greeted with hugs and smiles, and he looked like he felt rescued himself rather than him being the potential lifesaver. Seems he really did pay attention to his emergency preparedness course training, which was extremely fortunate for us. As it was getting dusk, we all four formed a chain gang to empty the SUV of items we felt needed to come inside, at least for the night: two coolers full of ice from the restaurant, a third cooler with fresh veggies and eggs, and some triple wrapped fish fillets Jack proposed to cook for us the next day, candles, lighters, water bottles, paper plates and plastic cutlery to save water, various liquids including UHT milk that didn't need refrigeration until the container was opened.

We managed to get the less perishable items into the refrigerator, and divided the perishable items between freezable and "for immediate consumption in the next 24 hours". One cooler took a lot of ice and the frozen stuff, while the second took less ice and the items needing to be keep refrigerator cold – fish, eggs, bacon, steaks, milk, etc.

Trying to take advantage of the last of the dying light, I gave Jack a quick tour of the house, and we all met up on the deck to hear what news he'd learned from the radio and anyone he'd met before arriving to our cottage.

"Well, first off thanks, guys, for letting me stay with you! I really don't know anyone else I could have turned to, and home is way too far away to consider driving there right now," Jack said. After hearing our warm replies of welcome, he continued "It seems the quake was centered off the coast of Santa Barbara, about 1,000 miles south of here, and it's pretty bad there."

Dustin's heart sank upon hearing this news, as his family lives a few miles outside of that city. His mother, father, and younger sister would have likely been home when it hit. He hadn't planned to call since he'd told his parents he was camping with friends at Yosemite and didn't expect to have cell service most of the weekend. As he already had given up his dorm room at school with the final semester of medical school being over, he had intended to return home this summer until it was time to take up his residency in San Francisco. Now, he was probably homeless.

"It seems the damage extends up as far as San Jose, but the worst by far is down south," Jack continued. "They've got roads out, utilities are all down, and predictions are for weeks of repairs to get things back up to normal, and only IF we don't get hit again. Things in Monterey Bay seem a lot better, though, and the local station said it could take 4-5 days to restore everything to functional levels."

Dustin and Davy held one another, Davy not knowing the full extent of the impact on his boyfriend, but sensing it was not good. We discussed the next course of action for each of us to ensure we communicated our safety to any loved ones, without depleting our electronic resources too much in these early hours after disaster struck. It was only Saturday night, and we had the cottage booked until noon Monday. I thought it wise for me to text the owner to see if we could stay a few days more, if needed. I also texted my neighbor back in Washington State, to let her know I was safe but may not be headed home Tuesday as originally planned.

Davy texted his cousin Sammy and his Uncle Tin up in San Francisco to let them know he, too, was alright, and as yet unsure of the timing for his return to them. Jack let his roommate and parents know he'd found shelter and would be just fine for the next few days. Dustin struggled with what to do, then finally decided a short text to his parents and sister would be best, letting them know he'd heard about the quake back home, that he was fine where he was, and he would get somewhere with a signal at noon on Sunday to see if they'd replied. That was all we could think to do, for tonight anyway.

As darkness fell we went indoors, closed windows and doors to stop the cool draft coming in, and lit a few candles downstairs so we could sit and talk a bit before calling it a night. I spoke quietly to Jack to see if he had a problem sharing the guest bedroom with me, or if one of us should plan to sleep on the couch. He said he didn't mind sharing, and his look told me that somehow "special sauce" might still be on the menu even after the events of earlier this evening. That meant Davy and Dustin could have the master bedroom and ensuite to themselves.

Getting water bottles and flashlights for the trip upstairs to the guest room, I noticed the disturbed look on Davy and Dustin's faces.

"Just getting what we need so Jack and I can leave you two lovebirds to yourselves for a while tonight," I said. "We're going to take the guest room, OK?"

"Won't you stay downstairs with us tonight?" Davy implored, as Dustin nodded. "We'd feel a lot better if we were all together tonight, if you wouldn't mind, guys." As if Mother Nature wanted to nudge us in that direction, there was another small aftershock at that precise moment.

"Yes, okay!" Jack and I both replied independent of one another. Being downstairs with easier access to outdoors made more sense, given the unknowns of the remainder of the night. So, four nervous, tired gay guys together by candlelight at 9:30 on a Saturday night. What to do????? Make sure all essential body parts are clean and approachable, and then make use of the California King sized bed in the master bedroom to make us all tired enough to sleep, that's what!!

There was lots of kissing, cuddling, fondling, and tonguing; even a circle suck for a while. But there was no sense of passion. This was solely for the purposes of achieving orgasm in order to go to sleep, so the hormonal drive was lacking. It was more like using sex to show each other support and comfort. However, there was no "comfort fucking" in the works tonight. It turned into a chain reaction of orgasms, which while not surprising, was quite pleasant and served its purpose in putting us all asleep within a few minutes of completing our combined efforts.

Although we'd fallen asleep in disarray, the early morning found us much like the cutlery drawer in the kitchen – a row of four spoons all nestled together for warmth and comfort. I was on the outer edge of one side of the bed, and when I rolled away from the center toward the edge, everyone else in turn rolled the same way one after another, so we maintained that contact in the opposite positions to just a few moments before. That's when I felt Jack's morning wood pressing against my asscrack. I snuggled back into it, and attempted to return to sleep. Fat chance! Fat fucking dick chance! It could easily have turned into a four man fuck train, but as it happened another tremor let loose and cell phones and other items from the night tables and bedroom bureaus began hitting the floor.

We'd all switched our phones off overnight to conserve power, so now everyone was scrambling to find their own and turn it on to see if any messages had come in. Needless to say, even though everyone's equipment was thoroughly inspected last night, no one seemed to have remembered and gawked unashamedly at the stiff boners on display as covers were kicked off and phones were retrieved.

We'd been clever enough to not return any breakables onto surfaces where they might fall during a tremor, so we four simply sorted through the phones until each had his own and began to read messages in our inboxes.

It was just before 7 AM on the West Coast, so only Jack had a reply from his parents in Iowa, saying they were relieved to hear he was safe and well, and for him to try to update them daily with a few words, if possible.

As we all slipped on shorts and tee shirts, Jack and I agreed to take on kitchen duty for breakfast, and the lovebirds agreed to make the bed and set the table for us all. I got a pot with enough clean water for coffee for all of us, and put it onto the BBQ side burner to heat to boiling. Thank goodness for the jar of instant coffee, as there was no other non-electric way to make java! Jack got a fry pan laid out with bacon strips and once the water boiled he turned down the burner and began to fry up the strips slowly. I set the boiled pot of water on the unheated kitchen stove burner and spooned large doses of instant coffee powder into four mugs, followed by the hot water. I left some headroom in case anyone wanted to add sugar or creamer powder, then remembered we had UHT milk, so I set that out too.

With the table set using disposable cutlery, plates, and napkins, the boys all collected their mugs of pure caffeinated gold, and began sipping and chatting about what the day's events should include. As it was an emergency situation within California, but also a Sunday, we decided that we'd use my laptop this afternoon to check the local and regional news websites for updates to the situation from its start less than 12 hours earlier. Dustin put on his educator hat, and announced it would be a good use of our time to practice using condoms. Our faces all reflected the surprise and confusion we all felt at his suggestion, and so he clarified further "So, I've never done it and I think I'll be nervous. But with all of you guys to look at, I don't think I'd really lose my erection while doing that, you know?"

"Well, I know I'd feel a bit awkward trying with someone the first time, so I think it's probably a really good idea. No shame, right?" I said.

We all continued to chat idly while Jack took the bacon out of the pan onto a papertowel- covered picnic plate. He then sopped out most of the grease from the pan with more papertowel, and poured the contents of a small mixing bowl of beaten eggs he'd been working on while the bacon cooked. He put the glass lid on the pan and turned the heat down to low, saying" the omelet/soufflé should be ready in 15 minutes, and then we can eat, OK?"

I got up and took a cantaloupe and a container of strawberries from the cooler, prepping and slicing them to accompany our bacon and eggs. Soon we all were quietly absorbed in the meal before us, and complimented Chef Jack on his talent at producing a light, fluffy egg dish in our basic circumstances. While the breakfast dishes were being collected for disposal, Davy asked a very pertinent question "What's it feel like to have a dick with a condom on it inside you?"

Hmmmm, none of us knew – for various reasons: Davy had yet to experience anal sex; Dustin and I agreed to do it "raw" this weekend only, given I was testing clean and he was a virgin to sex with anyone; and Jack had only ever topped before.

Dustin got this lusty look on his face as he said "it seems like the perfect opportunity to not waste the condoms by simply trying them on when they can be put to some functional use. Wouldn't you agree, boys?"

"Well, in principle, yes," I said, "but there remains the fact that it would be best to get cleaned out beforehand, and four guys douching could put a dent in our freshwater supply" I pointed out. The stuff coming out of the taps now was a bit on the brownish side, so we weren't using it for cleaning or personal consumption.

So, in true democratic fashion, we drew straws. Short straws were bottoms and longest straw took his choice of them to fuck wearing a condom. Runner-up long straw got the remaining bottom. Davy and I got short straws, and Jack drew longest. He chose me, saying he'd already started something with me in bed this morning, and wanted to finish it. I also think he was being considerate of the relationship between Dustin and Davy.

So, off to the bog went Davy and I to douche in separate bathrooms. Dustin went along with Davy to explain the whole operation and presumably give advice on proper technique. Ten minutes later, with that accomplished, we reconvened in the master bedroom with my bag of assorted condoms and some lube. We'd somehow decided it would be much more erotic to do all of this together, but had not yet vocalized any thoughts about whether of not the actual sex acts would be conducted in private. No one seemed to have any inhibitions thus far though.

Based on my observations and limited personal experience with rubbers, I handed over two normal sized ones to Dustin, saying they should start by trying them on for fit, while Jack's girth being like mine meant he'd try the Magnum for comfort. The first time I tried a regular size condom it felt like I was shoving my size 11 foot into a size 9 shoe! As the saying goes, `long and thin goes further in, but short and thick does the trick'!

"Hey, mine is red!" Davy exclaimed as he tore it open.

"And mine is strawberry flavored," snickered Dustin.

"Mine is just plain," groused Jack.

"Actually, big boys don't need all that other stuff, buddy," I replied with a grin.

So, we'd watched the video about proper methods for putting the rubber on ourselves using my laptop, and it seemed to help that we were all sitting around hard as we placed and rolled the things down the lengths of our penises. Comments and giggles and jokes abounded for the first few minutes, then things started to turn a bit more sensual.

"How would you guys feel about doing it together in the same room?" I asked.

The unanimous response was "YES"!

I then suggested maybe Davy and I could lay side-by-side on our backs and the "pricks" could work side-by-side on us from the end of the bed. This would maximize our abilities to touch and watch one another, which made the whole thing one helluva lot hotter I thought! This turned out to be a highly successful venture because, after loosening us bottoms up with lubed fingers, they both penetrated to the grimaces and moans from their respective bottoms, who seemed to adjust reasonably quickly. Then, we bottoms removed our own condoms, and Davy and I managed to stroke each others' dicks while we were getting fucked, and the tops were kissing each other while pumping our asses!

Nipple pinching, dirty talking, moans and exclamations of absolute lust permeated the air as we all got closer to ejaculation. Us bottoms both came first as we stroked one another, spraying jizz on our stomachs and chests while clamping down more tightly on the dicks stroking rhythmically back and forth in our holes. Them tops both came shortly thereafter, with Dustin scooping up cum from both Davy and I to taste while in the middle of his own throws of orgasm. Jack then kissed Dustin's lips to get the taste from that source. God, what a lovely mess we'd made!

Cleaning up with damp papertowel and still kissing some one or another seemed to go on for a few minutes. Softening erections were withdrawn from love canals, and cum-filled condoms were added to the waste bin for eventual disposal. Time had marched on and it was now approaching the noon hour. We all moved to the living area and each took up a spot somewhere to turn on our phones and check for messages. Dustin was the fastest, and was also the only one to look like he'd been hit be a freightliner when he scanned his inbox – one message only, from his sister. "Oh...My...God," he exclaimed, "I am so fucked right now!"

"I'm pretty sure I saw you doing the fucking a few minutes ago, buddy", Jack quipped, not realizing the severity of Dustin's predicament.

Davy came over and Dustin just passed him the phone and stared off into space.

"What is it?" I asked, "Did someone die?"

"Davy, read it to them," Dustin moaned.

Davy opened the message up fully to read the message from Dustin's younger sister, Angie:

"Glad to hear you are OK. The house is a complete mess – cracked walls and ceilings, no power or utilities, furniture fallen over, contents of cupboards and closets spilled out into our rooms. Mom's phone isn't working - dead battery after we lost power. No one was injured though, Thank God! Everything went quiet after a couple of minutes. Mom and Dad went out into the living spaces to check on stuff, and in the quiet I heard a buzzing noise coming from your room. I went to investigate in case there was a problem, and underneath some stuff that fell out of your closet was YOUR pink vibrator humming like crazy! Gross! I tried turning the damn thing off, but that's when Dad walked in and saw it in my hands! Uggghh! He started accusing me of being too young for that kind of stuff and said Mom would totally freak out, when I pointed out to him whose room we were in. Sorry, but I'm not taking a hit like that for you, perv! Then, Dad went silent, took it from me and switched it off somehow, and sent me off to find Mom to give her a hand tidying up. We haven't spoken about it since, but I figure there's going to be you doing a lot of explaining when you get home. They're gonna be pissed for sure! That's the best I can do, is give you some warning so you can prepare yourself. Delete this once you've read it – I'm doing the same after it's sent. Text normal stuff from now on, so we're cool, OK? Be Careful! xxx"

"P.S. buy me one?"

It seems a Day-Glo pink vibrating dildo isn't the only thing that fell out of Dustin's closet last evening...

(to be continued)

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