Playing Doctor

By Gay Contrarian

Published on May 25, 2018



A story in several parts by Gay Contrarian April 2018

This is a work of fiction, based on the experiences and imaginings of the author. Any similarity between the characters and real individuals living or dead is purely coincidental. Individuals not comfortable reading explicit gay sexual encounters by consensual adults should leave now. This work should only be read by those of legal age to do so according to the laws where you live. Please consider a contribution to Nifty to ensure the availability of stories like this are preserved for future readers. Any comments or feedback are welcome – address them to Thanks for reading!

Davy helped me to lift Dustin off of the floor, where he'd fainted just moments before at the sight of his European fantasy lover in person. "Do you have a similar effect on other guys you meet for the first time?" I quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

"I certainly hope not," was Davy's reply, "I'd never actually get to go on a date then, would I?" We lugged Dustin's inert body over to the sofa as it was closest, and set him down in a position he might take if he were napping. "I guess I caught you guys off guard," he continued, "But Dirk said he'd let you know I'd be arriving this afternoon."

Shit, I thought, Tumblr! I hadn't checked any social media sites or e-mail since yesterday morning! Dirk Longbottom (his porn star name to be clear) was an e-friend I'd made on the app a while back. When I'd found out over two months ago Dustin had agreed to meet me in Monterey this weekend, I'd hatched a plan to find his true love, Davy, and try to arrange to bring them together. My hope was that Dustin would then finally decide whether to continue living in closeted torment, or the reality of his interactions with Davy would allow him to make the choice to follow his heart. Yes, that made me an `interfering matchmaker'!

I tried for two weeks, unsuccessfully, to track Davy down in Europe via social networks using the limited hints I'd collected from Dustin about their relationship. I finally presented my predicament to Dirk, and asked if he'd be willing to use his European resources to help me. Dirk's extensive social and professional connections throughout continental Europe from his home in Brighton Beach, England, made an ideal detective-style search much more feasible to find this European dream lover Dustin had fallen for.

It took Dirk less than 3 weeks to locate and contact Davy to introduce himself and the reason for the contact. I imagine the first time receiving a message from a well-known gay porn star, especially if you're a young gay man, might cause you to sit up and pay attention. Davy was finishing up a Master's Degree in Economics in his hometown of Copenhagen, and had been accepted to start a doctoral program at Cambridge in the UK in September, but his parents were pressuring him to come to work at his father's company instead of continuing his education immediately.

Luckily for him, Davy's uncle owned a chain of Chinese restaurants in San Francisco, and Davy had finagled to get invited over to "work" for the summer as a reward for his scholastic achievements. Uncle Tin was Davy's mothers' brother, from the Asian side of the family, and had emigrated directly from Hong Kong over 30 years ago. Living in San Francisco that long had made the man quite tolerant, and so when Davy professed his undying love for an American doctor-to-be now living in the same city who was also in the closet, Uncle Tin was very willing to help play matchmaker and cover for any absences by Davy whenever his mother might call to check on him.

It was the fact that so many disconnected parties were involved in discussions and planning that caused the communications breakdown. I blamed myself because I was unsure whether or not Davy would actually come to America in time for this weekend, and whether or not he would be willing to even meet us down in Monterey, given the circumstances. I also thought about Dustin and whether he'd be upset that I'd been willing to have sex with him knowing that Davy was possibly close by and available. And everyone who knew about it agreed that it was best to remain a `surprise' for Dustin, in case something caused it not to happen.

Some of my fears were alleviated when Davy suggested we move Dustin into the bedroom, so we could talk in the main part of the cottage. We carried him in, and I put forward that Davy might undress him and slip him under the covers. I left them and pulled the door closed, realizing that the two of them together would likely spell the end of any sexual trysts for me this weekend, but I was okay with that; I wanted LOVE to conquer all in this case.

Davy came out of the bedroom a few minutes later to find me in the kitchen, sorting through his Chinese delivery to get things in the refrigerator for reheating and our culinary enjoyment later. "We haven't formally met," I said, "But we certainly do know one another through Dustin. I'm Steven, and I'm really glad to meet you, finally!"

We shook hands, and he replied "Steven, I'm Davy, as you know, and I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and caring for both Dustin and myself." The handshake became a brief hug, with the younger man trembling somewhat in my embrace.

"Everything, OK?" I asked.

"Well, this is probably going to sound strange, but having just arrived in America two days ago I haven't had a chance to absorb any local customs or peculiarities, especially with regard to gay culture. So, I'll just ask – when I took off Dustin's shirt and shorts, he had a strange aroma. I discovered it to be in the vicinity of his bum, and when I got closer, well...his boy pussy smells like a real pussy. Is that something American gays do to appease their straight bed friends?"

His observation was both logical and hilarious – not discounting the fact that I'd had my finger there a couple of hours ago, laden with fish fry grease. When I explained the reason, Davy laughed with me and looked relieved and more relaxed; understandably there are cultural differences in foreign countries which one must learn and absorb. "So, what is the special sauce recipe this cook wanted to give you?" he wanted to know – I tried to explain, but my laughter caused the reply to be somewhat disjointed.

I decided it was best to share upfront the events of the past 24 hours, as I didn't want Davy to think this was anything more than a weekend "training sex seminar" for the Dustin and I. He knew better than I the things worrying Dustin, and seemed nonplussed about the sex.

"I had a similar arrangement with a close friend in Copenhagen before leaving for America – I didn't want to feel totally inadequate and inexperienced for Dustin. It seems as though you two got a lot more done than I did," Davy leered at me.

"I think you'll find Dustin to be, uhmm, an enthusiastic pupil of the art of lovemaking!" I offered back, as diplomatically as I thought prudent.

With that, the bedroom door came open and a naked, erect Dustin leaned against the doorframe to ask "How long have I been unconscious?"

I looked over at Davy, nodded and said "Well, not that we're keeping score, but you need to catch up with Davy and I before it becomes impossible!" We laughed, Dustin frowned and reached for a throw pillow and did just that – I caught it in time to prevent it from knocking over the pitcher of iced tea I'd made while Davy and I got to know one another. "Davy, why don't you take Dustin back into the bedroom, he's looking a little weak still," I suggested, "I'll be on the deck reading if he worsens and we need to summon emergency services."

Dustin flipped me two middle fingers, and with his erection still full-on, marched to the counter, taking the pitcher and two glasses with him to the bedroom, saying "fluids replenishment" over his shoulder as he went. Davy followed.

I grabbed my laptop and quickly opened up my e-mails, answering most as briefly but politely as possible. Then I sent a reply to Dirk, gushing with thanks and praise for his efforts on my behalf to unite this couple of lovers; I apologized for the lack of communication, blaming it on the fact I was getting my ashes hauled and completely forgot about everything unrelated to sex. I hoped (and figured) he would understand, and I promised to find a meaningful way to reward him for his role in this scheme of mine.

I was a bit unsure whether or not Dustin was pleased about the events as they had unfolded; he sure didn't seem upset, other than the sheer shock of the unexpected arrival of his true love while cavorting around a beach cottage with an older man. My fears were proven unfounded when Dustin emerged from their love hideaway 2 hours later to come sit with me on the deck and inform me that they, Dustin and Davy, had decided my efforts on their behalf should be rewarded. In between bouts of sexually pleasuring each other they discussed Davy's plan to stay in San Francisco "working" for his uncle until September, and possibly longer if he could find a way. Dustin apparently did not have classes again until his Med School Residency started in September as well, but his big issue was that he continued to live at home, and remained in the closet about his sexuality. They determined there were ample opportunities for them to be together most of the summer, but this weekend had a finite duration; therefore, they wanted to make the most of it.

"Davy hasn't had the same kind of experiences that I've had with you, and I think I would make and excellent instructor to catch him up on `things'," he said, using his hands to physically form the quotation marks mid-air. "He needs to understand the physiological and anatomical rationale for certain sexual activities, and with my background I'm in the best position to teach him," Dustin continued. "And you, my dear Steven, are going to be the patient on which I will be playing doctor." He saw me roll my eyes and held up his hand, "I guarantee you'll need medical attention from exhaustion by the time the two of us are through with you, mister!"

Like a man beaten down by superior numbers, I held up my hands in surrender and asked "One final request, if I may?" He nodded, and I said "Can I at least go out with a smile on my face and a cock in the appropriate orifices?" "You can't have both, silly!" he pointed out, "It's either a dick or a smile up top. In any case, you'll die satisfied; we'll make sure of that!"

Davy joined us on the deck and asked "Would it be a problem if I ate something? I'm still suffering some jet lag, and I'm hoping some food will perk me up at bit."

It was almost 6:30, so dinner was certainly an option. Since he'd brought the food with him from one of his uncle's restaurants, we had plenty to enjoy that one wouldn't normally find on a typical restaurant menu in Chinatown. It took 20 minutes to warm things up using both the oven and microwave – I certainly was glad Davy was there to advise how best to reheat each item so as not to ruin the texture or consistency of the delicacies he'd brought. We chatted as we ate, and learned that Davy's cousin, Sammy, had driven him down on his break between the lunch and dinner services at a restaurant he co-managed with his father, Davy's uncle Tin.

Unless something changed, Davy planned to return with the two of us late Monday afternoon and take BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) from the airport back to the Chinatown area and help with the dinner service clean-up that evening at one of his Uncle's restaurants.

Apparently fortune cookies are a global thing, so when the tangerines and almond cookies came out for our dessert, they were accompanied by 4 cellophane wrapped fortune cookies. I have a thing about horoscopes, fortune telling, and predictions of the future; I'm torn between the optimist's desire to believe and the pessimist's desire to debunk and scientifically discredit the whole thing. "Why four?" I asked as Davy set the plate of cookies and mandarins down.

"True believers say that one picks one's fortune by divine choice, not by having only one choice." he explained, "Therefore, we should always offer more than can be taken, so there is a choice."

I had a slight sense of foreboding as I opened my fortune cookie, which the boys did not seem to share:

Me: "Be careful what you wish for; it may come true."

Dustin: "You will receive news that may alter your current path in life."

Davy: "Your future depends on your actions in the coming days and weeks."

Generic enough, but little did any of us suspect how accurate those fortunes would be!

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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