Playing at the Bookstore

By Chaz

Published on Feb 13, 2012



Last night I went to my favorite bookstore where mostly black guys hang. Walked in through the buzzed door and took a leak in the john. Then walked back to the booth area and walked up one isle. Only two doors were shut. All the other doors were open and no bodies seen. Turned the corner to go over to the other isle and walked down it. Saw a Latino guy standing with his foot and back against the hall wall.

I continued down the isle looking in all the open booths. Walked by one - the door was wide open and there was this black guy [#1] standing there watching this video. I stopped dead in mid step. He was standing there with his sweat pants down to his ankles, t-shirt pulled up and tucked behind his neck, jacking a big ole black cock. It was hard and sticking straight out from his pubes. He looked at the video screen, then at me, then took his hand off of his cock, shuffled his feet and pointed that beautiful cock directly at the open door where I was standing in the hall way. He looked down at his cock, then at me, then down at his cock.

I couldn't take my eye off that beautiful site (you already know what a voyeur and exhibitionist I am). He made that cock of his bounce up and down as he shuffled closer to the open door. I looked up and down the hall and there were no other guys seen. I stood my ground in the hallway with my eyes fixed on his bobbing 8" to 9" thick, black meat. I was there to drink cum, as much as I could get and to meet a 27 y/o white suck buddy of mine that I had not seen since November. He loves to watch me suck his cock and always gives me three nice loads over 2-3 hours of cruising.

This black dude was in his 20's, beautifully sculptured body, smooth, medium silky black skin with that hot, hard, thick, silky black cock. He shuffled and slowly got closer and closer. Soon this guy was standing in the door way with his cock poking out into the hallway. This was a real turn-on for me - such attitude and daring in a public place. Seldom do I find such occurrences. He placed his hands up high on the door jam on each side of the door, shuffled his feet forward a bit more so that they were in the hall and his body was arched back into the booth, really sticking that cock of his up and out away from his body. Well I reached out, placed my hand around his cock, and looked up and down the hall. He must have been jacking for some time because there was a big drop of precum in his piss slit, as I looked down at his dick.

Well I could not take any more. I was so turned on. I got down on my knees and had that cock head about 2 inches from my nose. I looked up at him and he down at me. I stuck my tongue out and he inched forward to place the tip of his cock right on the tip of my tongue. I closed my mouth and rubbed my lips all over his piss slit and his precum. It was soooooo slimy! Then I looked up at him and rubbed my lips together like with chap stick. He smiled and I grabbed his cock and hoped to milk out more of that slimy, clear fluid. Sure enough a huge drop of precum came into view in that slit. When I turned loose of his cock it just stood there and pulsed. It was obvious he was really hot and enjoying it too. I smeared his liquid all over the big head of his cock paying special attention to getting a lot of it just under the head on his frenulum. His cock bobbed with excitement and pleasure. He moaned in a deep groan. I milked his cock some more, stuck my tongue into the next batch of precum and slowly - ever so slowly took my tongue away from his cock. Looking at the string of his juice and then at him and back and forth until I was maybe 8" from his cock head. He really seemed to appreciate looking at me enjoying his cock fluid. Then I placed my lips around just the head. I felt my lips slide over the ridge of his head and onto the shaft. Then I backed off so I just had the head in my mouth. I licked, and sucked all that gooey stuff off his dick sticking my tongue into his piss slit. He groaned again. He backed away kicking his sweats off, walked just through the doorway, grabbed the door jam and leaned way back so he could get a straight shot into my eyes as I began slowing going inch by inch down his shaft. I rubbed my tongue firmly on the under side of his meat, would go down an inch and then slowly back off holding his shaft firmly between my lips and rubbing the under side of his cock with my tongue pushed hard against his hard, hard flesh. The next time I would go down a bit farther and then back off. Each time he would try to push the whole shaft deep in my mouth but I wouldn't let him. He soon got the idea of what I was doing and let me have it MY way. I was simply showing him, as we looked into each other's eyes, that I was worshiping his big, black cock.

I heard footsteps, looked toward the noise, and saw the Latino guy walking down the hall toward us. He stopped several feet away and just looked at the goings-on, rubbing his cock through his jeans. I continued worshiping and slowly sucking my guy's cock. There was no other noise in the bookstore except the sounds of multiple videos playing in the other booths. I finally went all the way down to the guy's balls, held his cock deep in my throat and used my tongue and throat muscles to message his man meat - all the while looking at his facial expression. He was in ecstasy, but no more than I. I then began sucking his big cock in and outÉ all the way up and down the shaft, as he began pumping it in and out of my throat in unison with my head bobbing. My concentration was on feeling that hard yet silky tub of meat pass through my lips, over my tongue and just into my throat. The Latino had his cock out now and was jacking hard. Finally, my black dude stepped forward even more, took his hands from the door facing, placed them at the back of my head and pulled my head fully onto his dick and just held me there for the longest time. I had to force him to let my head go, so I could pull off for some airÉ then looked up at him greedily with my mouth just on his dick head. He grabbed the back of my head again, fucked my throat several times and occasionally just held his cock still, deep in my throat. We did his for a minute or so and he finally pushed me away and gave me that look of "I am close. Wait a sec." He grabbed my head again stepped further into me, so that I had to arch my back away from him. This soon made my back very tired, so I shuffled my knees and feet back until my back was against the wall of the hall across from his door. Then it really turned hot.

While standing in the hall, the Latino was beating his cock with fervor. The black dude approached me, placed his feet wide apart, bent his knees and placed his cock head into my mouth. He began slowly fucking my mouth each time going deeper and deeper forcing my head against the wall. Well, the Latino and I were beatin' and beatin' our meat and black dude was fuckin' and fuckin' my face.

That big black cock was so hard, smooth, and slick with spit. I knew he was really enjoying this. The Latino guy moved to within a foot of me and was trying very hard to watch that cock pump my face but the black dude almost had his chest against the wall and was therefore blocking much of the view. Latino dude would bend down and look under the black guys abdomen, as he pushed his cock in deep É then would stand up as the black guy pulled out giving a better view. God, I was in ecstasy. Hell, we all were. I had to stop the black guy several times to swallow, gasp for air and of course get a hit of poppers. Sometimes the black guy would get a bit fast and too rough. I would place my hands on his tight thighs, push and squeeze his leg to let him know to go slower and be more gentle. I really cannot take really rough stuff. Besides the faster and rougher it is the less I can get my own pleasure (this pleasure is a two way street you know - he hehe) from sucking and worshiping a cock. He obviously understood my squeezes and slowed and pumped more gently but still sped up again when he was feeling really goooooood again.

I felt something hitting the side of my face but quickly realized it was cum from the Latino. The black guy stepped back, the Latino stepped forward, I turned my face toward the shooting cock and it continued to shoot about five jets of cum onto my face and open mouth. I had cum running down my cheek, forehead, some in my eye, dripping off my chin and of course a bit on my tongue. We all looked at each other, all smiled, I used my finger to collect cum from my face and then sucked my finger. I then heard the door buzz. We all knew that someone had entered the booth area. The Latino quickly left and the black guy looks down at me and resumes his fucking of my face.

Soon, more footsteps and I look around as best I could. Shit, I couldn't move my head much. There was his other black dude [#2] walking toward us. He was 20'ish, slender, wearing jeans and a hoody. He stood several feet from us and the mouth fucking continued. He pulled out his cock and began beating the monkey - a very nice 8"er. The two of them began a low talk. I could not clearly make out their conversation. Maybe they knew each other - maybe not, who cared. Number 2 tried to move into the action but the first left him no room. Number 2 began to moan and I supposed was ready to cum when #1 pulled out of my mouth and #2 was offered my mouth by his now partner #1. #2 stepped in front of me. #1 grabbed #2's cock and began jacking it toward my face. They went into a deep kiss. I leaned forward, placed my lips around its piss slit, reached into the slip with the tip of my tongue and felt the jacking motion of #1's hand. Man I really wanted my tongue to feel the cum squirt but #1 stopped jacking it, then pulled #2 away from my mouth. They stood facing each other jacking their respective cocks.

There I was kneeling, still with my back against the wall watching two very hot dudes standing in the middle of the hallway isle beating their beautiful cocks. #2 dropped to his knees, grabbed the cock that was inches from his face and began stroking it. He stuck his big tongue out and licked up the piss repeatedly. #1 looked at me, placed his hands on his hips, arched his beautifully defined torso so that his cock was totally exposed for the taking. #2 began a slow decent onto the shaft. As the mouth approached the base of the cock, #1 placed his hands on each side of #2's head and held the cock still, deep in that mouth. Both of them held that position motionless, #1 moaned, tilted his head and looked toward the ceiling. He then looked down at his cock imbedded into that mouth, looked at me and then back at his cock. His legs were shaking. He removed his hands and #2 began a slurping blowjob Ð up and down. We all watched as that cock disappeared and reappeared from the mouth. All the while, #2's hands were running all over #1's smooth, tight abs and well-defined chest.

#2 stopped sucking, turned #1 around, placed his hand on #1's back - pushing to indicate that he wanted #1 to bend over. Spreading his feet wide apart, #1 bent over grabbing his legs near his ankles. This exposed a gorgeous, smooth bubble butt. #2 spread those cheeks with his hands and dove into that ass with his hot tongue. He rimmed and rimmed that hole. #1 grabbed his ass cheeks, pulled them apart, #2 sat back and he and I just looked at the hole and each other. As my face neared the hole, #2 dove into the hole and with both of them moaning, began a serious eating of that ass hole.

#2 then stood, rubbed his cock head against the hole and slowly penetrated all the way to the pubes. He slowly began a great fuck of that ass. He stopped, pulled out, unbuttoned his jeans all the way and pushed them to his ankles. Reentering that hole, he grabbed the pelvis and began an awesome fuck of that ass. It was just awesome watching that beautiful black cock go in and out of that butt hole. I reached over and felt that cock as it moved in and out of that ass. I wanted desperately to get my tongue in there but obviously there was no room to do so, so I was somewhat content to just watch.

After a few minutes, #1 stood and pulled himself off that cock. He turned to #2 and told him to shoot his load all over his cock. As #2 was ready to nut, I held #1's cock at the base, pulled it down and #2 stepped up and began nutting all over that cock and into the pubes. Cum shot all over #1's shaft and was dripping off it. I held my other had under to catch the drippings - wouldn't you know.

After finishing, #2 stepped back but continued to slowly jack his cock. #1 then turned and stood in front of my face - stood back just so #2 could get a better look at #1's cock and my face. #2 reached over, rubbed some of the cum that was still on my face from the Latin dude, smiled and continued to play with his cock.

#1 spread his feet, bent his legs and slowly entered my mouth feeding me #2's cum off his dick. It tasted soooo good and made my lips all gooey. #1 again began his slow, deliberate pumps into my throat and soon just held his cock deep - no movement. I felt his big cock pulse and pulse again. I pushed his thighs away and then felt his cock head on my tongue and he continued to shoot his fucking load all in my mouth. He was moaning and his whole body was shaking. Finally, he pulled his fucker out of my mouth, used his hand to milk a big dripping glob of cum to his piss slit and rub it onto my out stretched tongue. I kissed his cock slit, washed his big load all around my mouth. It was thick, so I even chewed on it and finally swallowed as I shot my load all over the hall floor.

Needless to say, I was spent. My legs and toes were numb from no circulation but I was as happy as any cum lover would be.

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