Playful Became Serious

By sharper

Published on Jan 6, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.





What Began Playfully Became More Serious_ PART FOUR


Was I his boyfriend already, or was he joking, using the word as an aid to his sexual games? "Yes, boyfriend! Why not? Let's start again where we left off at school. Let's get it right. I want the kind of thing we should have had back then. I think I learned a lot. You have too. We weren't ready then. Too immature. Now we're both ready. We've discovered stuff about ourselves. Now we can discover things about each other. We can do this." He was perfectly serious. I was like, This is getting a bit fast!

I was sitting on the couch. He ruffled my head. Then he squatted down in front of me and held my hands in a friendly grip. He looked at me with kindly eyes, like a doctor or a dentist and said, "Do you want me to hurt you?" I didn't understand the question. "No." I smiled. "Right then, but you've got to do as I say, right? Or else I'll have to hurt you." He laughed. He tightened his hold on my hands in a way which did not make it clear if he was being friendly or holding me in a more dogmatic manner, insistent upon my compliance. "Why do I have to do as you say?" I asked. "Because if you don't, then I'll hurt you." He smiled again, with a kind of warmth and coldness, like the logic it followed was obvious. "I don't believe you'd do that," I joked. "A bit of spanking, but ..." "You don't now. But when I hurt you, you'll believe it alright." He was so funny. "When?" I queried. I almost laughed. I didn't want to spoil his role by not taking it seriously. But I couldn't take it seriously either. "If. It is your choice. You are in control here. You can choose whether to obey. You can choose to be naughty and be punished. Or do as I tell you, exactly as I tell you, and be good - which is its own reward!" He was so funny, but I wasnt sure. "Hey man I,"


"Fuck guy! what the fuck was that?" He had swung his arm, almost a fist, which struck my face like a bat! He immediately stood up, rubbing his hand. His face had suddenly gone cold and empty. My eyes smarted with tears. I was so surprised and shocked that I shook, like I had been in a cold shower, and almost I couldn't speak. "I. I. Never. Signed up for-What the fuck was that?!" I put my hand on my cheek where he had slapped me. It was red hot. I started to cry, almost, I was that surprised and it hurt that much I could feel it in my whole body like an aftershock! Immediately he was sorry. He was so sorry. "Gee man I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did that I," he said, bending down. He made to put his arms round me. I pulled back, still sitting, seriously afraid. "Get away from me man. You're fucking dangerous." He grinned momentarily. "No I'm not, really. Look I'm not. I'm sorry ok man? Look, I'm sorry ok I really am. I'm sorry. I thought you'd be into it. Look, let me look. Let me see. Are you alright?" "Who'd be into it?" He stared at my cheek with concern and worry, like a doctor would. "Christ I really hurt you." The excitement in his eyes. He suppressed another smile. "I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to do that. I." He touched my cheek. I pulled away. "sOk, it's ok, let me look. I'm sorry. Are you ... alright?" My cheek was throbbing. "No I am not fucking alright." He edged closer to me again, squatting down to face me and trying to comfort me. "I won't hurt you. I just need to take a look. I hurt you. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry." "Why'd you do it?" "I don't know. I was angry. I didn't mean it." "Angry cos I wouldn't say you could punish me? For what?" "I'll never ever do that again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry ok man? Let me take a look. Look I've said I'm sorry, ok? Let me take a look." I wasn't stopping him. He edged closer and touched my face. I let him. He stroked my cheek where it was red. "Fuck I REALLY hurt you." He seemed mesmerised and pleased. "I know," I said, nearly crying. "I fucking know that you cunt!" I was still frightened he would do it again. "There there. I'm sorry. I won't ever do that again," as though reading my mind. He put his arm round my shoulder and squeezed me and hugged me, then he kissed my cheek where he had struck it. He held my face, one hand on each cheek: one hand on the hot side; one on the cooler side. He looked at me, spreading his knees for balance. He was excited. I found myself staring at his erection - it was so massive, brick red and super-huge. It actually looked bigger than it had before. Sticky clear precum leaking out of it ran down, glossing the shaft, and his balls hung down, big and hairy. "Wow," he said, ignoring the direction of my stare. "Look at that. I really hurt you." He continued to stroke me. "I really did. Wow. I really did. Yeah. That's incredible." His cool assessment was almost scientific, comparing first one side then the other with fascination. "I really did, didn't I?" "Yes," I said. "You did." I was still tearful and angry. He put one hand on my shoulder and the other he placed on my leg, then slid it up to touch my junk. I was hard as well. He kissed my cheek and my lips. "There there baby don't cry. I said I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I want to take care of you. I don't want to lose you. I want I keep you safe ..." His fingers tickled my junk, wanking me and playing with my balls until his finger tips were stroking me between my legs. "You'd better not," I countered, letting the pleasure of his touch reassure me. "You like that?" His fingers stroked me gently where I am most sensitive. Less scared, I said, "Don't hit me like that ever again." "I won't," he said. "I promise I won't." He leaned towards me, licked my mouth and my moustache and then pushed his tongue between my lips, still playing with the place between my legs. "You like that?" - I felt my erection harden - "Oh yeah. Oh you do like that don't you?" he smiled, pressing his lips onto mine. The soreness on my face was fading rapidly now. I nodded and curved my palm round his neck, just to feel its strength. "I'm sorry," he said. I wanted him to hold me tight. I wanted to feel him hold me. I put my other arm around his neck and sucked his tongue, but he stopped kissing and looked at me with a frown, forcing me to drop my arms. 'What now?' I thought. "Hey don't look so worried. I'm not going to ... do anything. Stand up." I did so. Our penises bobbed and touched. "I never never want to hurt you ok? Never ever, ok? I want to protect you and be kind to you and love you. Will you let me?" He reached out and cupped my chin in his hand so that his thumb played with my mouth. His thumb separated my lips and rubbed my front teeth so that I opened my jaw and let his thumb slip into my mouth. I felt his nail with my tongue and let him explore my teeth. He stared at me like he was thinking something else. I closed my lips on his thumb and sucked whilst he pushed it in and removed it, moved it about between my jaws and just, like, enjoyed the feel of my mouth. "That's it, that's it. That's it. I like that. See. I like it. See. I like it." The hot sting on my cheek had nearly gone. All I could feel was his warmth and the things he was doing with my mouth. With his other hand now he was stroking my balls and playing with my cock and touching me between my legs, his fingertips nearly touching my anus. "You like that? Oh yeah. Just relax. Ok. Relax. Let's just enjoy being close like this. Let me ... play. For a bit." He looked at me and I met his stare, though I felt as though I was meeting the eyes of an invading army. "You don't need to worry," he said, "I promise." He closed his lips and breathed through his nose. I felt calm now, sucking his thumb and letting him let me do it. I felt really strange as his reassuring voice kind of flowed into my head. "You're safe. Feel that?" I could feel his rock-hard erection sliding against my leg, wetting me with its juices. He moved it against me, up and down. "You can touch it if you want." I did. "That's how much I want you. That's why I'm going to protect you and look after you." Like he was a different person. "I shouldn't have hit you. I was over-excited." He tried a shy smile. He took his hand from my mouth letting a silvery line sink and break between us and touched the wetness to my nipple, stoking and flicking it, circling the many frozen bumps and hairs, feeling it's protrusion out of my pec, then gripped it, not painfully, but held it and tugged it just so gently that I knew he was pulling it but wasn't hurting. "I was over excited," he added, as though admitting to a crime without admitting that it was a crime at all.

He brushed my hands away, forcing me to let go of his erection and stopping me from stroking his balls. His hands were seemingly everywhere. He walked around me, touching me sensitively. He had a way of making me aware of the contours of my own skin. His hands swept down the arc of my back and onto my buttocks, short hairs catching in the ridges of his fingerprints. His hand cupped my arsecheek. His lips brushing mine made me feel the line separating our faces was on fire. I have to admit: I was ready to be fucked again.

I really was. 'Please fuck me,' I kept thinking while he was fondling me like this, 'Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me please fuckmepleasefuckmeplsfkmeplsfkmeplsfkmplsfkplsfkplsplsplsplsplspls ...'

He knelt between my legs and looked at me. "You like being on your back or do you prefer it on top or doggy or what?" "I like to ring the changes ..." I murmured, like I cared how he did it! I was confused. Was this multiple-choice time? He smiled. "I can see that. But some bottoms like to lead and control what a man does to them. You're not like that." "I would ... want to be satisfied, I guess ..." I said, trying to have a rational conversation at a time like this, "... but apart from that ..." "You're typically passive." "Yes I am, I guess I am. Isn't that ok?" I said, panting and desperate. I wanted to say, 'Just put it in!' "I thought so. I can deal with that," he smiled, lifted my ankle and kissed it. "But you seem to want somebody to take charge." "I want my top to know what he wants and what he's doing," I repeated as though retrieving a long lost memory. "And I reckon if he's in charge and gets what he needs then I'll be ok ..."

"Look at this," he said, playfully, "I am so stiff! ... You like me to take charge then?" "Well sorta, I guess so. Yes. I do. Yes." "Definitely?" "Yes. Definitely." He smiled, stroking his meat as though arming it for some dreadul act of violence and looking at me as though either I was in for a treat, or about to be his victim. "It's huge," I said, somehow unable to restrain myself form commenting, as though he needed to know how much I needed it. He put my ankle on his shoulder and touched my arse. "You're hot," he smiled, as though taking my temperature was telling him how receptive I was. I felt him stimulate me with gentle strokes of my soft skin. "Yes I am." "You like me to take charge." "Yes I do," I said. "Definitely." He patted my thigh. "Let's do this then," he said with conviction. He let go of my leg and stood up. His penis was sticking out but he didn't let me touch him. "Get up then. Stand. Let's look at you." I grinned - I thought, he must fuck me soon - and clambered off the bed. Joseph pushed my arms up. "Stand straight. Hands on your head," he smiled. I grinned. "Yes sir," I said doing as he asked, thinking, 'yeah, let's do this!' He started to feel my body, examining every part, squeezing the flesh and stroking it. Saying things like, that's rights or that's good or that's ok. He had me bend over and looked between my legs at my hole and behind my ball sack. "Haha your hole is drooling," he said. He gripped my hardening junk forcing my erection and my full balls into a fist which hurt and strained me. "Hey!!" I said. "Yeah. You like that." I did. "Yeah ... I really need you to fuck me," I said almost clawing at him to get it in me. My pussy was gagging!

He faced me, grabbing his cock in his fist, rubbed it a few times and then pushed it down between my legs. "I need access," he murmured. "Are you going to give me access?" I nodded. I widened my stance a little and raised myself on my toes so that my crotch was just high enough for him to bend the unyielding pole into the gap beneath my balls and slide it home, like I was holding all of him there, so that he was rubbing it against my perineum, trapping my balls and up-curved cock between our two bellies. He groaned, "Aww fu-uck ..." Then laughed. "I've got to be careful, I don't cum, before I've, properly, bred your, hot asscunt." "You've already bred it twice!" "Yeah. I know. But not properly." He stroked my head and hugged me, our chests breathing against each other. He was barely moving his fat erection between my legs but pushing it relentlessly further up until it was just nudging my anus. "I don't want to hurt you when I fuck you," he said with a smile, "but I do really want to hurt you. Are you ok?" "Yes," I said. "Don't worry." "You sure?" "Yes," I said. "What about you?" "What?" "Are you ok?" He laughed. "Man I'm more than ok. Man, I'm just so grateful for you being this, hot bitch, letting me, do this ... thing to you , I just hope," he stopped. "What?" I said. "I just hope ... I don't want you to bleed." "You what?" I said half-way between not knowing what he meant and not caring. "I don't want to be too rough." "I'm not a flower." "Oh! What an invitation!" I wasn't sure what that meant. "I don't mean ..." He laughed. "I know. You're alright. You're alright." He jabbed it hard between my thighs. "You're alright. You're alright." He pushed it harder. Blowing on my face, eyes shut. My hands were around his neck. "Put your hands on your head, soldier," he said.

"I own this," he said half jokingly, squeezing me harder. "I own this, soldier," he said seriously. "Are you a soldier? Soldier! What do you say?" "You own this," I said cooperatively. He looked at my chest, my smooth hard pecs. "This is good." He squeezed my junk again but when he let go it was like another stimulation and my dick shot up, tapping his. He smiled. "Ooh like that do we soldier?" "Yes Sir yes," I said smiling. "What about this?" "You own it Sir," I said cooperatively. He laughed then stepped back. "You ok," he said. "You like this?" "Yeah," I said. "Keep going." So he did. "Most soldiers perform services for their sergeant. You willing to do that soldier?" "Yes Sir yes," I said, still with my hands on my head. My dick was getting very hard. "Most soldiers follow orders. You willing to do that soldier?" "Yes Sir yes," I said. Super excited. "Kneel down." I knelt. "Ok soldier you better start. Alright. On your knees. Make it wet. But I don't want to cumminyourmouth. Oh man. Oh man. Use your hands. Easy ..." I worshiped his manhood with all my facecunt skills, letting him edge until he was moaning and withdrew to relax. He stared down at me, rubbing himself and breathing hard. "Ok sweetie, on your back, open your legs, wide for me, that's right, fuck man, fuck that's hot, fuck that's hot." He looked at my cunt. "Fuck that's hot."


END OF What Began Playfully Became More Serious - PART FOUR

Next: Chapter 5

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