
By Kevin

Published on Dec 14, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

OOOK, sorry this look a long time, but if u read my accouncement, my laptop has to be sent back so i finally got it back. I decided that i will always post my stories on my webpage 2 days before i post it on here (that way people vist my site) haha thats at so check it out if u want. Feel free to email me if you want. OR I got two emails now! :) OK so i will really try not to go as long again. Im sorry for the wait again, thanks for being patient. :)


Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 7

I'm not quite sure how long I slept, but I awoke to someone's pounding on my door. It was still daylight out, so I wasn't quite sure what time it actually was. I yawned and stood up from the uncomfortable sofa. The walk to the door was an unsteady one, being still drowsy from sleeping. I opened the door to Justin waiting for me.

"We got to get to the venue," Justin said nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened.

"Fine," I said beginning to shut my door.

"Lance don't be like that," Justin said, putting his foot in the path of the door.

"Don't be like what? Angry? Because you made a complete fool out of me? Move your foot Justin," I said, feeling the anger rise up inside of me once again.

"I'm sorry, that was ignorant of me. I admit. I'm sorry," Justin said, still standing in the path of my door.

"Yes Justin, your ignorant. But I'm talking stupid. You honestly think I would just up and forgive you like that? You always were a little slow Justin, just like everyone used tease you about. I argued that it was just a phase, but I was wrong. You always have, and always will be stupid. Now get out of my doorway before I move you out of it," I said, trying to not let my anger show too much, but failing miserably.

I knew what I said had hurt Justin, but I loved it. It felt so good to hurt him after what he did to me. The anger and hurt was clear in his eyes. "I might be the stupid one in the group, but you're the weak ass one. Not only physically, but emotionally too. You whine and cry over everything. It's too bad you couldn't be more of a man," Justin recoiled. It was obvious that this was about to get ugly.

Maybe it was just because I was so confused. Maybe it was the harshness in the words he had said. Or maybe because he was right. Either way, his words hit me hard. I shoved Justin with all the force I had in me, sending him onto the hallway floor. "I guess I'm not so weak after all," I said, "Fuck you Justin."

I slammed the door. I was crumbling, there was no doubt. My depression level went from moderate to overflowing. I needed someone. Anyone. I looked around, but all I saw was an empty room. Of course. 'How could I do that,' I questioned myself. I had feelings for Justin, I honestly did. But I lost my cool, and that scared me. How could I hurt someone that I cared for? I needed a way out. I needed to talk with Justin. I needed to talk to anyone. But more then anything, I needed a drink.

I quickly walked over to the minibar, thankful that management had the bar stalked full of various alcohol. Vodka. That's all I really needed. I quickly located a shot glass and began drinking my problems away. Several shots later, I was well on my way to alcoholism. I decided that was enough for now. Actually, it was the knocking on the door that made that decision for me. I placed the bottle back inside the bar and staggered towards the door. I could see JC through the peep hole. I sighed and opened the door.

"Hello JC," I greeted him, trying to act as sober as possible, but the alcohol was hitting my system hard, and confusion was setting in.

"Lance! Why is Justin bleeding?" JC demanded, pushing past me into the room.

"I don't know?" I replied. I didn't. I only pushed him. I closed the door and tried my best to walk as normal as possible to the couch that he was now pacing in front of.

"What's happening to you? You used to be so responsible, now I'm forced with being the responsible one." JC asked, continuing his pacing while I continued my acting debut. I was convinced I deserved an Oscar.

"Umm, Justin deserved it JC," I slurred. Shit, I slurred. There went my Oscar.

"Lance! Have you been drinking?" JC shouted.

"Ummm, no?" I said, questioning whether he would believe me or not. JC had seen me drunk before, I knew he could tell, he always could.

"Lance, we have to be on stage in a few hours, and we need to be leaving for the venue, now! But because you punched Justin, you kind of messed that up," JC shouted at me.

"Punched Justin? Is that what he said? I just pushed him. God JC, are you on 24 hour bitch mode? Shut the fuck up once and a while and just enjoy life, your too uptight," I said, partly meaning it, partly knowing that it would piss off JC.

"Whatever Lance, your drunk. And you had better be sober before the show starts. I'm not dealing with your drunk ass," JC said while walking back towards the door.

"JC, wait! I'm sorry," I said feeling bad for what I said.

"Sorry isn't going to help anything right now, is it?" JC questioned, turning around to face me.

"Maybe our friendship." I said, hopeful that he would understand. JC sighed. It was obvious that he was disappointed in me.

"You need to apologize to Justin. I'll tell him to come in here. I know your drunk, so don't try to act like your not. You need to act sensible when he comes in, he is upset," JC informed me before walking out the door, not allowing me to add anything else to the conversation.

As if I didn't feel bad enough, now I had to apologize to Justin for something he deserved. I knew I had to swallow my pride and apologize. We had a concert to do and if we were fighting it would affect our performance. That couldn't happen, it was our last concert. For the third time in the last hour, I heard a knocking on the door. I took a deep breath and went to the door. Of course, it was Justin. I opened the door to Justin's bloodshot eyes. It was obvious that he had been crying. All anger and stubbornness disappeared from my system. I realized I was staring too intensely, and I quickly glanced away from Justin's watery eyes.

"Justin." I said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I really am." I glanced up from the floor to Justin's eyes. I hoped the response would be good. Justin pulled me into a hug and I held Justin, feeling his body shake as he sobbed on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry Justin, I can't believe I did that," I said while rubbing his back. There was no doubt about it, this was killing my buzz.

"I'm sorry too Lance. I was out of line in that bathroom. The truth was, I didn't just want to prove I could have you. That isn't why I told you to stop. I felt bad about making you do that, knowing that you didn't want to." Justin said, while continuing to cling to me.

"What are you saying Justin?" I asked.

"Its just, your so innocent. I couldn't do that to you. If you wanted to, that would be something totally different, but you were only doing it because of some stupid bet," Justin said, his sobbing now quieting down. He pulled away from me and we sat down on the bed beside each other.

"I wanted to." I mumbled once we were seated.

"What?" Justin asked.

"I wanted to Justin, just not like that, not in some bathroom," I replied, gazing deeply into his eyes.

"Why? Why with me?" Justin questioned.

"I don't know, I guess I was horny," I joked. Justin laughed.

"You don't have to be so blunt. You could have said it was because of my stunningly good looks," Justin smiled, and I knew he was returning to his old self.

To be continued...

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