
By Kevin

Published on Sep 29, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

Ok, wow, sorry it took so long to get this one out, I've been busy, plus I had to send my computer back and get it fixed, and im gonna have to send it back again, but im gonna save the story on disk and upload it to my other computer, if that makes any sense. Anyway, Chapter 5 already! Im happy with the story so far, i hope everyone else is too! Oh and by the way, I would appreciate email, cause that lets me know how I'm doing, plus it just makes me feel good :) PLEASE NOTE, that is missingpeice NOT missingpiece, its misspelled, but we cant all be perfect. haha. So please make sure to send to the right area.

AUTHOR'S WARNING: Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 5:

I awoke a few hours later to a pair of brown eyes. "Time to get up Lance," Joey informed me.

"Where are we?" I asked, stretching the best that I could in such a small area.

"We're at the hotel." Joey informed me before standing up and leaving me awake.

I stood up and noticed that not only was it not dark anymore, it was at least midday. "Hey Scoop." Chris called, walking past me towards the front of the bus.

"Hey," I yelled back, still very much asleep.

"Hurry up, everyone is waiting on you," Chris yelled back.

I walked to the front of the bus where everyone was standing waiting for me to join them so we could go into the hotel. "Bout time!" Justin exclaimed

"Wow, I can't believe I slept so long," I said to no one in general, "what time is it anyway?"

"Its 11 o'clock. We've been on the road for 12 hours." JC said. I noticed that it appeared he didn't sleep well during the long trip.

"Well?! Are we gonna go in or stand here and talk all day?" Chris asked abruptly, interrupting our conversation.

"Yeah, lets go. I need to call management and find out what we are doing today," I replied, trying to get back in the swing of things. It had been far too long since I had caught up on our schedule.

The hotel was, well, a hotel. There really wasn't anything to get excited about once you stay in as many I had. This time we all got separate rooms, unlike usually when JC would bunk with Justin, Joey with Chris, and me by myself. It always seemed to work that way. I never minded being the odd man out. It gave me time to think. I didn't have to worry about keeping my room too neat or too messy. I never had to listen to snoring. It just seemed better that way. On occasion JC or Justin would room with me but I'm pretty sure it was just to keep me from feeling left out.

Today was going to be a long day, I could feel it. After agreeing that we would all meet up for lunch, the five of us went to our respective rooms. I opened my door and set my bags down. No sense unpacking, we wouldn't be staying long. We never did. I decided to call management now and get that over with. I always dreaded calling them, there was always so much scheduled to do. Sometimes I wish we could just go one week without having to do anything. To just relax.

I was right, the call to management was as dreaded as I thought it would be. Just because the tour was ending didn't mean we would have time off. That would have been too easy. I sighed and decided it was time to get ready for the day, so I took my shower and got dressed. I decided on wearing a Abercrombie and Finch t-shirt, a pair of Old Navy khakis and some Sketchers. After all, it's important too look nice wherever you go, you never know who you'll meet. I glanced at the clock noting that it was a little after noon. I figured I had better call everyone so we could head out and grab some lunch.

After a few calls JC was ready, along with Joey and Chris. I told them all to meet in my room and we would leave for the restaurant from there. But Justin was a different story. I dialed Justin's number last, figuring he would need the extra time, as he always took the longest getting ready. "Hello?" I heard his shaky voice on the line answer.

"Justin? You ready to go eat?" I asked, hoping that it was just my imagination.

But it obviously wasn't. As soon as he heard it was me, Justin broke down and began crying openly. "Justin, what's wrong?" I asked, the concern filled my voice.

"Can you come over for a bit?" Justin asked between sobs.

"Sure, I'll be right over." I replied and hung up the phone. Of course I knew what room was his, I always made sure to keep track of where everyone was.

I left my room, making sure to leave the door open a crack so everyone could get in, after all, I did tell them to meet in my room. The short walk down the hallway was a nervous one. I hoped whatever was wrong with Justin wasn't serious. I wasn't the best at comforting people. I always got nervous, knowing that whatever I said could help or hurt. I knocked on Justin's door and held my breath. I was actually shaking. The door opened and Justin stood in front of me, his eyes bloodshot from crying.

"What's wrong Jus?" I asked. But he didn't answer, instead he quickly pulled me into a hug and resumed crying. Not wanting anyone to get suspicious, I moved our hug inside the room and closed the door.

"OK, calm down Jus, it's going to be OK." I said while rubbing his back, but still there was no response, only tears. I was really beginning to get worried. What could have him this upset?

After a few more minutes Justin's crying calmed down and he pulled away from the hug. Avoiding eye contact, Justin sighing one of the most depressed sighs I ever heard and took a seat on the edge of his bed. I took the initiative and sat down beside him. "What's wrong with me," Justin asked, looking up at me from his previous staring contest with the carpet.

"That's what I'm here to find out. What's bothering you? Why are you crying?" I asked, hopeful that Justin wouldn't keep me in suspense much longer.

"I can't believe it. It finally happened," Justin said, beginning to cry again.

"What?!" I practically yelled, getting frustrated that Justin wasn't telling me his problem.

"JC resisted me! How can that be? I thought everyone thought I looked good," Justin said, finally revealing his problem.

"Oh Justin, is that all that's bothering you?" I asked, relieved that his problem was so petty.

"How can you make it sound so insufficient? That has never happened to me before! I used every bit of charm I had, and he just totally blew me off," Justin replied, talking rather flatly.

"Maybe JC is straight," I said, knowing that wasn't true, but maybe he would buy it.

"Oh come on Lance. You know as well as I do JC isn't straight," Justin said seeing right through my plan. And I did know, we both saw many guys in and out of JC's room at nights. I guess I hoped for a second that Justin would forget, but of course he didn't.

"Justin, its not the end of the world," I told him, becoming slightly irritated that he could let something this small get to him. Everyone gets rejected, he just had to get used to it.

"But he just straight up acted like I wasn't flirting with him, and I made it so obvious that I was. JC is always flirting with me, and its not like he knew he was a bet or anything," Justin said, oblivious to the truth.

"Actually." I started, then immediately wished I would have kept my mouth shut.

"Actually what?!" Justin asked, fidgeting on the bed now with anticipation. With some glint of hope that whatever I had to say would make everything better.

"Nothing," I said quickly before standing and practically running towards the door, "The guys are waiting for us in my room," I said when I reached the door.

But I was too slow, Justin grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Please Lance. Please tell me." Justin said looking me directly in my eyes. He looked so sad. It broke my heart to see him like that.

I sighed. "I told JC about the bet before you had a chance to try to seduce him." I told Justin, feeling my body go limp. I knew I was in for it.

"Lance! You broke our bet!" Justin said letting go of my arm.

"I'm sorry." I said. I honestly felt ashamed for making Justin cry. I could almost see the wheels in Justin's head turning.

Justin smiled his devious smile. I knew that smile. I hated that smile. "Actually, that means JC might still find me attractive." Justin informed me. But I knew that wasn't all he had in mind.

"Yup, I guess so. Well, lets go, the guys are probably getting impatient." I said nervously. I had to get out of that room.

"Not so fast Lance. You broke the bet. The agreement was if you won, I would have to do what you wanted. And do you remember what that was?" Justin questioned.

"Yeah, but you never said I couldn't tell anyone about the bet" I said, trying not to let Justin have authority over me.

"Don't play games Lance, you knew you couldn't tell anyone. Now, what was it that you wanted me to do?" Justin questioned. He obviously wasn't going to make this easy.

"I told you that you couldn't have sex for fifteen days," I sighed out, letting Justin win.

"Right. If you won, I couldn't have sex for fifteen days. But if I won, I got to have sex with you. Wild, passionate animal sex." Justin grinned, running his fingertips down my chest.

I gulped. "So?" I asked, my voice clearly shaking.

"Well, you cheated dear Lance. I think we might have to make a compromise," Justin said while allowing his hands to go up my shirt and play with my naked chest.

I was so nervous now. "What's the compromise?" I questioned, my body shaking at his touch.

"As I figure it, I didn't get to sleep with JC, so you won," Justin said while pulling his hands out from under my shirt. I instantly felt all the tension drain from my body.

"BUT," Justin said sharply and paused, allowing me to squirm with anticipation. "Like I said, you cheated. And that just can't be allowed. So fine, I won't have sex for fifteen days." Justin stated.

"What's so bad about that?" I questioned out loud.

"You didn't let me finish, Lance. I won't have sex with anyone for fifteen days.but you." Justin said. There it was, I guess I knew subconsciencely that it was going to come down to this.

"You have to be kidding Justin," I said, half asking, half pleading.

"Not at all really. Well, like you said, we better not keep the guys waiting," Justin said leaving the room and leaving me to myself to think.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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