
By Kevin

Published on Sep 11, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

Hello! I want to thank everyone for their E-mail! I got quite alot considering. It's Chapter 2 already, I hope everyone enjoys it. Oh yeah, feel free to E-mail me with your comments, whether good or bad, I really like E-mail, it lets me know how people feel about my story. The address is PLEASE REMEMBER: its themissingpeice NOT themissingpiece, its misspelled. SO please be careful when typing that. Thanks!


Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 2:

A few hours had passed when the four of us decided we were tired of the mall. We walked back towards the car in much the same fashion that we walked inside the mall. JC and I in the back, Jordan and Justin walking in front. As usual, Justin had his arm draped over his prey, while the predator, unaware of Justin's stalking behavior, was now beginning to succumb to Justin's charms. Not unlike Justin, Jordan also showed his affection by draping his arm around Justin's shoulder.

"Hey Jordan, do you think Lance can drive your car? That way we can have the back seat to ourselves," Justin said suggestively, while gripping Jordan's shoulder.

Jordan was definitely aware of Justin's infatuation with him. If the constant hinting wasn't enough, I even saw Justin grab Jordan's butt in a secluded isle while we were still in the mall. Jordan didn't even seem to mind, in fact he laughed and grabbed Justin's in return. I couldn't believe it. Maybe Justin was right, maybe he could get anyone he wanted. That would have never worked for me.

"Well?" Justin asked impatiently, bringing me back to reality. I noticed everyone was starring at me.

"Huh? What did you say?" I asked, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Jordan asked you if you would mind driving?" Justin said, repeating himself. That confirmed it, Justin was getting the hook up.

"Sure, I'll drive. You will have to show me where I'm going though," I said to Jordan and he said he would.

Not long into the drive, I glanced in the rearview mirror to see Jordan and Justin lying down on the back seat, heavily making out. By the look of things, they were about to be going a little further than that. I got JC's attention and he was more than happy to embarrass them. "Ugh, what are you guys doing?" JC said with the most disgusted face he could muster up.

Both snapped their heads up, but only Jordan looked embarrassed, Justin just looked pissed. "What does it look like?" Justin said sarcastically while trying to catch his breath.

"We are driving through a middle of a city, and your making out, with a guy no less. That's really responsible Justin. The whole city knows we are here," I yelled at them. I guess I was the father of the group. Not a nick name I treasured, but someone had to do it, besides, I was more mature than all of them.

"Then go on a back road!" Justin yelled back. The both of them were sitting up by now and were straightening out their clothes.

"I don't know where I'm going, so stop getting smart with me. I've been lost for the last 20 minutes, and the only person who knows the way around is too busy trying to get some ass," I said harshly. I was pissed. Why did Justin always get everyone. Maybe I wasn't willing to just sleep with anyone, but still. Once in a while would be nice.

Jordan sheepishly looked at the floor of the car. It was obvious that he was hurt and I instantly regretted my outburst. "I'm sorry Jordan, it's been a long day," I said sympathetically, honestly feeling bad for my actions.

Jordan said he accepted my apology. That really didn't surprise me, after all, I was sincere. What did surprise me was when Jordan actually gave me the directions to a back road. He was more worried about getting it on with Justin than the other two people in the car who might not feel like being there for it. But despite my anger and shock, I decided to go to where they wanted anyway. Before long we were on a dusty back road. It was hard to believe that within 5 minutes from a big city there are dirt roads. It wasn't more than 10 seconds after we hit that road that I saw the two heads in the back seat disappear from the rearview mirror.

"OK, here is good." Justin said, panting.

I glanced a confused look towards Justin and noticed that both Jordan and Justin where shirtless already at this point. "Right here?" I asked

"Fuckin' pull over!" Justin said demandingly. I glanced back again, only this time Jordan gave me a look, begging me to pull over.

"Fine." I gave in. I pulled the car to the side of the road and shut off the engine.

"Can you guys get out for a little while?" Jordan asked in-between necking with Justin. JC looked at me and rolled his eyes. We were both thinking the same thing when we stepped out of the car.

JC and I began walking towards the heavily treed area. "I told you he would get him." JC said continently again.

"OK, do you have to say that every 10 minutes?" I yelled towards JC.

"Woah, don't raise your voice to me! You had your chance and you blew it." JC said as we stopped walking and sat on a fallen tree, waiting for Justin and his fling to finish.

"I can't believe Jordan gave into him. God, what does everyone see in Justin?" I asked JC.

"Lets see, he's cute, hell he's beautiful, he's charming, he has a great body--" JC actually started listing his qualities before I interrupted him.

"OK! I get it. He's a God, and I'm shit," I sighed. I was depressed.

"Oh Lance, you know your better than Justin. That was Justin's good qualities. But his bad qualities out number the good ones. With you, you are like perfect. You never do anything wrong, and if you do, you keep it quiet." JC said. He looked over and we made eye contact for a brief moment, but it seemed like eternity.

"JC, that's quite possibly the nicest thing you ever said to me," I said, knowing that I was blushing.

"Aww, how cute, Lance is blushing!" JC teased pinching my cheek. Of course he knew that would only make me blush more.

"Justin is so low though. He doesn't care that is friend's are uncomfortable, he just wants some ass. He needs to grow up." I said, venting out some of my anger to JC. JC nodded his head in agreement.

It wasn't more than five minutes after we got out of the car until Justin came crashing through the woods towards us. "You guys ready?" Justin asked while approaching us.

"No Justin, we found something to do in the middle of nowhere," JC commented sarcastically as we stood up and brushed our backsides free of the pieces of bark left.

"Oh my god Lance, you aren't missing anything. He is terrible at sex. He came in like 2 minutes! I had to finish myself off." Justin said laughing.

I laughed nervously while trying to hide my disgust as we began walking towards the car. "Where are we going now?" I asked as they followed me towards the car.

"Lets go back to Hershey Park, I'm done here." Justin said cockily. Just by looking at Justin, you could see the pride of his victory in his eyes.

Upon arrival to the car, I could see that Jordan was still in the back seat. "Hey Jordan, you have to drive now, I did my charity for today." I said sternly.

"What's your problem?" Jordan said in a smart tone.

"I wonder." I said sarcastically while crawling into the back seat. By the time I was seated I noticed Justin was also sitting in the back. 'How rude,' I thought to myself, 'He doesn't even have the decency to sit up front with him after they've slept together.'

"Hey baby, aren't you going to sit up front with me?" Jordan asked Justin in his sweetest voice.

"No, I'm aight back here. Let JC sit up there." Justin said. As soon as Jordan turned away he looked towards me and rolled his eyes. "Can you believe he's obsessed with me now?" Justin whispered before laughing.

As we set out towards Hershey, Justin turned to me and continued his whispering session. "Hey, one down, one to go." Justin whispered and smiled.

I faked a smile, not really knowing what to say. What could I say? "Why don't we make this interesting?" Justin asked placing his hand on my thigh. I quickly shook it off only to have it replaced, this time rubbing the inside of my upper thigh.

"Stop It!" I yelled, drawing the attention of the two passengers in the front. Justin jerked his hand back in embarrassment.

"Ok, damn!" Justin yelled back with a annoyed look on his face.

After a few minutes, Justin leaned over to commence conversation again. "Like I was saying, how about we make this bet a little more interesting." Justin said in his suggestive tone again.

"How?" I whispered, but I still had a hint of attitude in my voice.

"If I don't sleep with the person you pick out for me, then you can have whatever you want from me." Justin paused and I nodded that I agreed so far, "But if I do sleep with him or her, then I get you." Justin said slyly with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Wha, uhh, what do you mean," I stuttered nervously.

"If you win, whatever you want is yours. If I win, your body is mine. I get to do to you whatever I want, and you have to let me." Justin said with a sexy glint in his eye.

Instantly a shiver went up my spine. Justin was hot, and yes, I wanted him, but he had one of the worst personalities I ever saw. I wanted his body, but I didn't want the whole package that came with it. Could I live with myself if I slept with him? It would be almost like stooping to his level. I just didn't know. "I don't know Justin, that's risky. I think you already showed me that you can get most anyone you wanted." I said, unsure of myself. Deep down, I knew he wouldn't let this go easily.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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