
By Kevin

Published on Sep 7, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

Hey everybody! It's been a while since I submitted anything on here, so I thought maybe a new story would be nice! (my old one was kevinsync) I HOPE my writing skills have improved since then. When I re read my old story it had so many flaws, i hope to avoid that in my new one! Hey, I would appreciate email, cause that lets me know how I'm doing, plus it just makes me feel good :) PLEASE NOTE, that is missingpeice NOT missingpiece, its misspelled, but we cant all be perfect. haha. So please make sure to send to the right area.


Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

It was a long ride from New York to central Pennsylvania. What is there to see in PA? Besides trees and the occasional Amish, of course. You see one tree, you've seen them all, right? So I guess that is what lead me to Justin and my current debate. Chris and Joey were still eating in the front of the bus, and JC, well, he was sleeping, of course. What else would he do? Which left me alone with Justin. It's not that Justin and I didn't get along, but, well.I guess we don't really get along. Its just his ego. Its gotten so big lately. It almost consumed the lounge that we were sitting in. So here we sat, watching endless trees cross the windows, trying to allow the trip to go as smoothly as possible.

"No, no way. Justin, a lot of people might think your hot, but there is no one in the world who can just pick someone and have them in the sack," I told Justin.

"You think so, Lance? Any money says I can pick someone off the street and have them in bed," Justin said confidently. Well since he wanted to be cocky, I thought it was time we made a little wager on it.

"You have yourself a bet. I pick the person, and you have to get with them." I was sure there was no way he could master it. I mean, sure, Justin did have a certain appeal to him, but he was only human. No human could pick anyone, and have them.

"Fine, but they can't be ugly." Justin said, acting like his usual stuck up self.

The rest of the trip went mostly without argument. Like I said, its not that we don't get along, we just disagree on a lot of stuff. It wasn't long before the familiar smell of chocolate loomed in the air. Hershey, PA. They actually had a really nice amusement park. We all looked forward to revisiting the park, last year was a lot of fun. It was supposed to be our last stop on the tour. When we stepped out of the bus into the private arena area I immediately set to work on my task of finding a partner for Justin.

My first question was obvious, male or female. Just as I was beginning to examine the possibilities, I felt a swift pain in my back. As the weight consumed me, I felt myself collapsing to the ground, along with whoever was clinging to my sore shoulders.

"What the hell?" I wondered outloud, rolling off the person I was now laying on. Of course it would have to have been Chris. Who else would be hyper off the smell of chocolate? "You know Chris, one of these times your going to catch someone in a bad mood, and your gonna get blasted," I informed him, feeling embarrassed under the guy's laughter.

I obviously made a mistake. "Oh really? Are you threatening me dear Lancen," Chris said in mock innocence.

I'm not intimidated by Chris, rather more afraid. If I didn't answer correctly, Chris would be sure to make today a living hell. "No Chris, I would never do that!" I said in the same mockery of innocence that he did. Maybe it wasn't the best choice, but it was all that came to mind at the time being.

"So, what are we going to do today?" JC asked, his eyes still bloodshot from his recent nap.

"We really don't have anything all day until around 6, so we can explore the city, I guess." I told him, unsure of what there really was to do in Hershey.

"Well, what time does the park open?"

"It opened at 10."

"Why don't we go into the park?" Chris asked, joining the conversation.

"There are going to be a lot of people there, they will probably recognize us," Joey said, being his usual stubborn self.

I was tired, besides the sun was really hot, and we were still standing in the same area we were when Chris attacked me. "I don't really care what we do. Personally, I think I'm going to go see the sites around the city."

"I'm with Lance. Its too hot to go to the park now anyway." Justin said, suprising me.

Chris pouted, "Well, I'm going to the park. Joey, you with me?" He flashed Joey a look I knew he wouldn't be able to refuse.

"Sure, I'll go with you, but if we get attacked, Lance will never let you hear the end of this." Joey was right. I would definitely take that to my advantage.

"JC, what about you," Justin asked with a duplicate smile to Joey's earlier one, "You gonna hang with the cool kids, or with Joey and Chris." He added a disgusted look to accompany his disgusted tone with the two last names.

"Hey! We are just as cool as you guys! Look at Lance, how can you consider him cool," Chris joked, although the jokes were starting to wear thin with my patience.

"Actually guys, I agree with Justin, its too hot to be in the park now. You guys have fun though!" JC said knowing that Justin would be smiling with satisfaction. As Chris and Joey walked away, a dilemma entered my mind.

Here we are, in a odd city, without any means of transportation. I didn't even know if they had taxis here. "Umm, guys, what about a car? We can't walk everywhere! Guess we will just have to go back to the park." I sighed, feeling defeated.

"Lance, you give up way to easily. Its simple really, all we have to do is find someone with a car. Who wouldn't want to be seen with the guys of 'N Sync in their car?" Justin asked smugly.

"Ugh, your ego is nauseating," I informed Justin as we began the long journey to the parking lot. 'JC seems awfully quite today,' I thought. I made a mental note to talk to him later about it.

"There, ask him!" I suggested pointing at a hot blond hailed teenager. He looked to be in his late teens, probably 18, maybe 17 at the youngest, but definitely no older than 20.

"Lance, you just want to get on his dick," Justin snickered before running off towards the guy.

I turned to the overly silent JC to see him grinning, watching Justin run towards the guy. "Can you believe him?" I asked JC.

He turned to me with the same smile on his face, "He was right though, you do want that guy." JC said, now laughing at my embarrassed face.

"No I don't!" I lied, but of course, and JC saw through it. He just gave me his 'don't lie to me look.' "OK, maybe he is cute, but its not like I would just jump on some guy." I said honestly this time.

"Guys! Come on, Jordan said he will show us around!" Justin yelled to us, while throwing his arm around our new friend.

"Fucking flirt," I said under my breath as JC and I turned and walked towards the waiting car.

"I know." JC said, laughing.

"Shot Gun!" JC yelled immediately once we were within earshot of the car.

"Hi, I'm Lance" I said, looking into the strangers bright blue eyes.

"Jordan, nice to meet you" Jordan said, extending his hand. As I climbed through the drivers side into the back seat, I looked up just in time to see Jordan starting at my butt.

"I could have him." Justin whispered to me once I got seated beside him.

"No way. Maybe he likes someone else." I whispered suggestively as Jordan started the car and we began to leave HersheyPark.

"I'll prove it. I'll fuck him AND whoever else you pick out for me," Justin said grinning slyly. I gasped. I didn't know whether it was because he was going to sleep with someone I liked or because I now realized that I did have a crush on him. Either way, I had been lying to myself. I've seen Justin's seduction tactics, I knew if he wanted Jordan, he could have him.

"What wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost," I heard Jordan comment. When I looked up, I saw he was looking at me in the mirror.

"No, he just always looks like that. It's the Albino thing." Justin joked. I noticed a hint of a smile on both JC's and Jordan's face.

"Shut the fuck up Justin, why is everyone so hard on me today," I questioned, well, more like yelled.

"Woah, calm down Lance, I was only kidding!" Justin defended himself.

"Whatever." I said, obviously perturbed.

On way to the mall things were pretty quiet. Justin and JC stared hard out of the windows while Jordan throughout the trip. Justin was beginning to get edgy as we pulled into the mall parking lot. He was always overly excited to be shopping. Jordan pulled smoothly into the parking space and we all began to exit the car.

"Where are we?" JC asked stupidly.

"Where in Harrisburg, at the mall," Jordan informed him while we walked towards the large building.

"What good stores do they have in here?" Justin asked while fidgeting with anticipation.

"I don't know, it's the same as any other mall. They have the same stores as everywhere else." Jordan replied.

We continued through the first part of the mall, JC and Jordan walking in front as Justin and I followed. I looked around, observing our group, Justin checking out the stores, JC checking the people and Jordan, well, Jordan wasn't really doing anything, he was just there. "I could have him," Justin informed me again in a whisper.

"Then get him." I whispered back, not really caring at this point. I knew he was going to get him, so I might as well suppress my feelings for him. It was no use getting upset over.

"I'm 'bout to have him in the back of his tight ass car," Justin whispered before winking at me and grinning maliciously.

"Go ahead." I said laughing, despite his cockiness.

Justin picked up his pace, butting his way in between JC and Jordan. JC slowed his walk to accompany me. "He is going to hook up with him, you know that don't you," JC asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"I know, its his choice. Its not like he isn't with a different person every night," I said with a mix of jealously and disgust.

"OK, but I thought if you told him that you have a crush on Jordan, that he might lay off," JC said with the same concerned look.

"Its just a crush JC, its not like I will be hurt or anything." I said, and I was telling the truth, for the most part. I didn't even know Jordan, and there would be lots of other guys. After all, I'm not ugly or nothing, just a little too shy for my own good sometimes. I could get guys too, I just choose to do the relationship thing. At least I try too.

"Lets go in this store," Justin yelled back, pointing in the general direction of the shoe store, but not before slinging his arm around Jordan. Jordan laughed nervously, but really didn't seem to mind.

"Yup, he is going to get him," JC said shaking his head while we walked into the shoe store. And I knew it too.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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