Play Rehearsal

By John Mack

Published on Jul 6, 2004



Play Rehearsal Fiction: mm, Written by John Mack e-mail: Gay, College

I was not looking forward to going off to college. First, as an only child I had my own room all my life and now I was going to have to share. Second, I was use to putting things were I wanted them and did not have to worry about whether some one was going to move it or did not want it there. I am not a slob, but I like things arranged by availability not necessarily by what looks good or neat. One example is at home I have a small refrigerator as a nightstand because I like a cold glass of milk before bed and drinks while working on my homework. My whole life was going to have to change.

When I got to college and to my assigned room I was surprised to find my roommate already moved in and had arranged the room the way he wanted it. He was very generous in the fact that he gave me the area near the window and the area was a little larger. Not that the shoebox room had very much to begin with. The really only good point was that we were in a two man room compared to most rooms were three and four man rooms. We were on one end of the hall and the restroom and showers on the other, the break area in the middle and the T.V. room in between both of them. So for privacy and quietness the room was ideal.

My roommate (a junior) was an Alabama farm boy with the all-American male looks with broad shoulders, blondish-brown hair, hazel eyes, square jaw, 6'2", and 200 lbs 100% pure beef. Naturally, he is on the football team and to my surprise in drama. At 22 years of age he looked like he could model for any swim suit magazine and I sure would want to see him in an underwear issue, maybe a tight pair of light blue G-strings or a beige pair to match his skin tone. I on the other hand am not quit as good looking, at 19 I still get a pimple now and then, weighing in at an astonishing 127 lbs of bones for my over tall frame of 5'7". I have brown hair, green eyes, less than a swimmer's build; with a ten-pound weight I would have ten-pound worth of muscles.

I could already tell my freshman year would soon be one that I would look forward to forgetting.

Actually everything went great. My roommate was funny, down to earth and easy to talk to. No one picked on me like in high school; even the jocks that came to our room were cool with me. In high school being on the swim team made me a jock in some people's view, but in others I was a wimp. Here everyone treated you like you are a person whether you played a sport or not.

After the Christmas break, things changed a little. I was having more swim team practices and Mark (my roommate) was spending more time in the room. One evening after I got back from practice Mark was laying on his bunk and it looked as though he had been crying. Now I am not the smartest man in the world, but I do know that you never accuse a man of crying. I started some small talk to see if I could figure out what was wrong. He had been working on his role for a play that was to open in a couple of weeks. He was having trouble memorizing his lines, but his major problem was that he was to romantically kiss his wife to be in the play. It took some time to get that out of him, but it seems that this great looking guy has never kissed a girl passionately. The fact that he was going to have to kiss her on stage in front of a bunch of people made it worse. He had asked her to practice the lines and to rehearse the kiss but she refused stating that the only reason he was in drama was to kiss the girls. That he was nothing but a dumb jock.

Then the shocker came. He asked me if I could help.

The first thing that went through my mind was that this jock wanted me to teach him how to kiss passionately. Then I realized he must have been asking if I knew anyone who could teach him. I told him that I did not know any girls that could teach him how to kiss, however being a great looking guy he should not have any trouble finding a hundred girls who would teach him how to kiss.

He said, "If I could get a hundred girls then I would know how to kiss by now."

Until that second I had never though about it, being a roommate for over 5 months and not one date and not one conversation about girls. I know why I don't talk about them, but him? I mean as ugly as I am no one would want me, but him on the other hand; he was like every girl's dream of a perfect guy with a great personality to go with the looks. I know I sure wanted him.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"You haven't figured it out by now? The same reason you don't!"

"I find that hard to believe, your great looks, fantastic personality, witty humor, and award winning smile compare to a lanky, short, ugly peon."

"You're not ugly, lanky or a peon, short I'll give you if you want to be compared to a giant"

"So why don't you have girlfriend?"

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Because no one would have me."


"Who? Why am I a liar? If you were a girl would you want me?"

"I am not a girl but I would take you in a heart beat. You are a great guy, a little short, but a great guy."

There is a very long pause. My mind is racing through a thousand possibilities. What is he saying? I think he is saying that he is gay but that would not correspond with my luck. I know that I am gay but he would not know that. I have done a great job of covering up my sexual preference just to keep from getting my ass kicked. I even leave straight porn magazines on my nightstand like I had jacked off to them earlier. I hang around a couple of girls who like me. (Not that any of them would date me.) My luck would be that he is homophobic and wants to find out if I am gay to kick my ass or kill me.

Finally, as if my mind just stopped working and the only smart thing I could do was to ask a stupid question, "Are you telling me that you are gay?"


"And you think I am gay?"


Now I have to play it off just incase this is a trail to see if I will admit to being gay so that he can tell his buddies and they can take turns kicking my butt. I have worked very hard over the last few years to ensure that no one knows that I am gay and I have no intentions of ruining that now. "What makes you think that I am gay?"

He gives me one of those; `You know you are so just admit it' looks. "Are you saying your not?"

Another long pause.

He gets up and moves over to me. He stands a bout a foot in front of me looking down into my eyes. He only has on a pair of gym shorts. His body is so hot. I am memorized that he is standing so close to me with his chest right above eye level I look up to stare at his perfect nickel size nipples with just a touch of hair around them. He reaches down grabbing at my pants to pull me up; he places a hand on each hip and pulls me toward him. "So are you going to teach me how to kiss or am I going to have to make a fool of myself on stage?"

My heart has melted and my mind has stopped working altogether. I lean my head back and close my eyes. It happened way to slow in my mind, like we were watching TV in very slow motion. When in reality it only took less than a second for him to lean in to kiss me, just barely touching my lips at first and then slowly opening his mouth to inspire me to return his kiss. I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to enter. Our tongues wrestle; soon my arms were around him pulling him closer to me as if that were possible. This was the first male-to-male kiss for both of us and my first passionate kiss ever. It seemed like forever before we broke the kiss.

It takes me a couple of seconds to catch my thoughts and realize that a dream that I have had for a very long time is coming true. The kiss was so romantic and perfect that I can't believe that he has never kissed. "Well if you kiss her like that you won't need any more rehearsal."

"I don't want to kiss her like that, but I would like to rehearse some more."

Part II

Mark and I continue to kiss. I am still in my warm-up suit from swimming practice and I am thinking that in order for me to get naked all I have to do is pull on the front of my pants and the Velcro sides will give and then remove my Speedo and jacket. And to get Mark nude just remove his shorts and probably a pair of briefs or jock strap. My mind is just rambling away at all of the possibilities of how to have an evening of sex, something I have never experienced but was willing to try. I know that it would never work out with Mark and me because of height and weight differences. But it sure is fun to think about. My cock is so hard it is beginning to hurt trying to get bigger and get some relief. My hands are all over Mark feeling every part of his back from his neck to his tight buns. I am lost in moment of passion desiring for Mark to make the first move to remove either my clothing or his so we will both be naked in a heartbeat.

Just as we are really getting into kissing each other there is a knock on the door. My first thought is "my gosh" we could have been caught because no one ever knocks, they just walk in and the door was not locked so there was nothing to prevent them from doing so. We break the kiss in a hurry and try to compose ourselves. Now I am glad that I am wearing my warm-up suit because it is hiding my hard-on. I can't help but look at Mark's crotch as we break apart and see that he has a boner also. His cock looks impressive through the thin material of his shorts. Mark walks over to open the door. I wonder what will be said when they see his shorts tented in the front but it is to late for me to stop him as he opens the door. Kevin, a tight end, comes in the room. He acts as if he did not notice Mark's tent. They start some small talk and all I can think of is hurry up and leave.

They spend about thirty minutes talking about sports and this weekend's agenda. Finally Kevin says something that catches my ear. "Did you ask yet?"


"Have you found out yet?"


"Well, yes or no? Details man, details."

"You do know he is right over there don't you?"

Kevin looks at me like he had not seen me before and sort of smiles. After a short pause he says he is sorry.

"Kevin if I knew what the hell you two were talking about it would be one thing but I have no idea what you two are discussing."

Kevin looks back at Mark and I guess after communicating with their eyes, Kevin then turns and asks me if I would like to join him, Mark and Todd, another football player, this weekend at a near by lake.

My first thought is why? It is the dead of winter and every one will be in the mountains. Then I think if I turn it down maybe Mark will come up with an excuse why he can't go and we will be able to enjoy each other this weekend. Then I remember that I have a meet this weekend. I could not go even if I wanted to. So I tell them so. Mark looks at me with very disappointed eyes.

There is a really long silence Kevin and Mark seem to be communicating with their eyes again. Finally Kevin asks, "What do you think of Mark?" I am not sure what he is asking but play it off as wanting to know if he is a cool roommate.

Mark had been quite this whole time letting Kevin do all of the talking. Mark walks over to me and stands in front of me again like he did before. I felt a little uncomfortable and start to move away. It is one thing to be alone and hold each other but I was not ready to go public with my sexuality especially in front of members of the football team. I could not believe that Mark was. He then tells me it is ok. Todd and Kevin are both gay. They are a couple. "Haven't you ever wondered why they are always over here together? They know that I like you and they wanted to have a weekend together so that some how they could work it out for us to be together."

If it were not for the kiss earlier I would be thinking this was a set up for them to kick my ass. And maybe it still is, after all Kevin did not see him kiss me. It is difficult for me to decide what to do because I know a lot of stories of guys being beat up or even killed for being gay and even though no one really knew for sure that I was gay I have been teased and threatened several times myself. What do I do?

Kevin is really polite at this moment something that he normally is not. He says he will leave us two lovebirds alone. As he leaves Mark locks the door. I am scared shitless. I have no idea what to do. I mean I want this so bad, yet my mind keeps telling me no.

Mark stares at me for a little while like he can read my mind. He then grabs his waistband and slowly removes his short while watching my expressions the whole time. My heart is fluttering so hard that I think it is going to pop any second now.

I watch as his massive cock becomes visible. His cock is about 7 to 8 inches long and very thick. His nut sack is hanging down about 3 to 4 inches with nuts the size of large walnuts. He has an amble supply of dark hair above his cock but it looks as though he shaves his balls. His nicely tanned body is complimented by the lack of large amounts of body hair. His man hood is sticking straight up and slightly turned to the left. He stands up with his arms to his side as if to show me his body waiting for my approval.

I study his gorgeous body, hardly any hair, tight muscles and a nice cock. I look into his eyes as I do so he walks over to me and ask if I am ok with this. I tell him I have never been with any one and am not sure what to do. He puts his arms around me and leans in so that his head goes next to mine. He whispers in my ear. "It will be alright, I will take it real slow and anything you don't feel comfortable doing don't do. I want to please you." He then begins kissing my neck, nibbling on my ear and telling me that he has wanted this for over three months, just to feel my body and hold me tightly.

I allow him to feel my entire body as his hands roam over my body. As a jester that I am beginning to feel comfortable with his body next to mind I turn my head to kiss him. We embrace in a very passionate and long kiss. Our tongues tangle in romantic desire to please each other. As we kiss I move back a little to grab my pants and remove them. Mark breaks the kiss and with out a word he reaches for my waistband and yanks them forward so that the Velcro releases and my sweats come off. He then reaches for my jacket and pulls it off. I am in nothing but my Speedo now. Mark then begins to kiss my neck, working his way down my chest stopping at each nipple. He licks, sucks and nibbles on them. It was such a turn on to feel him lightly biting on them. I put my hands on his head pulling him closer wanting so bad for the moment never to stop. He began rubbing my cock through the tight material. He then worked his way down my chest to my pleasure trail (although I don't have much of one.) When he gets to the top on my Speedos he licks my cock through the material. Again lightly biting my cock head while fondling my balls with one hand and messaging my butt with the other. I am not sure I can last very long like this. That funny feeling you get just before you cum is emerging in my growing. Mark then reaches in my waistband and pulls my Speedos out over my cock and down. He is so gentle. I even have trouble getting them off when I got a hard on but Mark handled it like a pro. As he was lowering my short, he engulfs my cock head in his mouth. I step out of the shorts as he continues to suck on my cock. He places his hands on my ass and pulls me toward him as he deep throats my entire cock into him. He does this about three times and that is all it takes for me to shoot my load. I tell him I am cumming and he just pulls me closer if that were possible. I don't know how many times I shot, but it was the best orgasm of my life and I must have pumped out twice as much cum as I normally do.

Mark savors every drop and licks me clean. He then picks me up as he stands up and carries me over to the bed. He gently places me on my back in the center of the bed. He then crawls in next to me and holds me tight. We kiss sharing the residue of my cum in his mouth. I am still extremely turned on and my cock although very sensitive is still very hard.

I begin to work my way down his chest as he had done to me earlier. He moves his hands under my arms and tells me that I don't have to if I don't want to. I tell him I have wanted to for as long as he has and it would be very difficult for him to stop me.

I nibble on his nickel size brownish-red nipples. I pinch the left one as I bite on the right one. He is moaning and I take it that I am pleasing him. I can feel his massive cock against my abs and it is leaking pre-cum like a faucet. I am extremely excited and desire for this moment to last forever.

I slowly work my way down his body, enjoying every inch of his solid rock hard body. For me this is a dream come true, something that only happens in fairy tells. Never does the ugly weakling ever get the gorgeous hunk, even in the Beauty and the Beast the prince turns into a handsome young man. I want to savor every second incase Mark wakes up his senses and realizes that there are much more attractive men out there that would love to be in the place that I am right now. I can't help but study every contour of his great body. Licking every valley and kissing every ripple peak, desiring to consume his entire body with my tongue. I finally reach the tip of his cock. I am not sure I can excite him the way he excited me. Nor do I think I can get his enormous cock down my throat the way he did. Mark was defiantly experienced and handled my cock like a pro. His wonderful blow job lacked nothing. And yet how will I ever compare to such a great experience. Failure on my part could very well seal my fate to a life of "want-to-be-dreams" and one hand nightly shows.

I lick the tip of his glistening cock head, savoring the pre-cum that has covered the head of his cock. It is smooth and surprisingly very good tasting. I swirl my tongue around the slit and try and stick my tongue in to the small hole. Mark has his eyes closed and is moaning and slowly moving his hips as I attempt to excite him as he has done to me. I try to engulf more of his cock in to my mouth. I am surprised that I can get about half of his member into my mouth without any real trouble. The next problem is to figure out how to deep throat him and still breathe. I move down on his cock farther, I think I am going to gag but am able to get even more into my mouth. I have to move back up to breathe but go back down as soon as I have a new load of fresh oxygen in my lungs. I realize that I went farther down on his cock this time and go back up for more air. I repeat this exercise several times as I get use to the enormous size of his cock in my mouth. Although I never fully get the entire cock into my mouth, Mark begins to moan more and breathe more rapid. I feel his nut sack pull up close to his cock and I know it is only seconds away from me tasting my first load of man juices. Mark tries to push me away as he tells me he is fixing to cum. With my arms wrapped under him I pull him as close as I can and suck in as much of his cock as I can. I can feel the very ends of his pubic hair touch my nose and realize that I have almost his entire manhood in my mouth. He jerks upward causing my gag reflex to react and I pull off a little, but am rewarded with a large dose of cum on my tongue. I am not one who keeps count of how many times one squirts their juices, but I did not think Mark was going to stop. He produced so much cum that my mouth was overflowing with his love juice even after swallowing as much as I could. His cock pulsed even larger with each squirt of cum and was so hard that I had to rise up to keep from scrapping my teeth across it. He had placed his hands on the back of my head and was now guiding my head up and down his stiff cock.

After he finally calmed down from his orgasm, his cock was still very hard and his breathing was not quite normal yet but he had the biggest smile on his face revealing those perfect white teeth and award winning grin. He is truly a dream come true.

Part III

Mark had just had a great orgasm which left him drained of energy. He had the biggest grin on his face like he had died and gone to heaven.

We were lying side by side for a while with me just staring at his perfect smile, gorgeous body and the movement of his chest with each breath. Actually I was on my side and he was on his back with my arm was across his stomach and I had place one leg on top of his as I moved in as close as I could next to his beauty. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slowly returning to normal as I absorbed the reality of the moment that my long time dream of being with a man had come true. I was certainly hoping this would not be the last time that we would repeat this wonderful event.

Mark opened his eyes with still the greatest smile upon his face. As he stared into my eyes I could see the love that Mark was experiencing at that moment. He moved his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me in for a fantastic kiss. I was enjoying every second of this wonderful event.

As he broke the kiss he told me that he wanted to show me something that would excite me beyond my wildest dreams. He told me to roll over on my stomach with my legs spread out to the sides. I figured he was going to fuck me but I wanted him to know that I was still a virgin. I had dreamed of being fucked and have stuck my fingers and other small object in my asshole and have enjoyed it but nothing as big as his cock.

He informed me that it was ok, he was not planning on hurting me and that he was going to start off with something entirely different. He told me to relax and enjoy the feel and not think about anything else.

He got behind me and massaged my thighs and then my ass cheeks. He was spreading them apart especially around my hole. It felt great. He then began licking my ass. This was new to me. It was very erotic and exciting to feel his tongue brush across my hole. As I relaxed more and more with the wonderful feeling, he began to move his tongue into my hole. I could feel it as it opened up my entry way and penetrated my ass. This had to be one of the greatest feelings I had ever experienced in my short lived life. He continued to massage my ass as he continuously moved his tongue in and out of my hole. I was on cloud nine.

As he continued he started moving a finger across my manhole while still penetrating my ass with his tongue. Then he moved a finger into my hole. I was expecting pain but there was none in fact it felt great. After a few seconds another finger began penetrating my hole. He moved both fingers in and out while still licking my ass and using his tongue to keep me excited. He would lick around his fingers while they moved and he would force his tongue in my hole also.

With two fingers in my hole as far as they would go he moved up so that his head was almost even with mine. I had my head turned and I was flat on the bed so he moved his lips right to my ear. After kissing it a few time and licking the out side rim he then whispered in my ear that he needed to do something that some people would not like but if I would allow him to do it just once I could then decide if I ever wanted to do it again.

Again I thought that he was talking about fucking me. He told me it would be close to fucking me but he was going to show me a different thrill.

I told him I was game.

He slowly removed both fingers from my hole and lined his rigid cock up to my hole. I thought it would have gone soft from his earlier cumming. He slowly pushed forward, penetrating my ass very slowly. There was not any pain, in fact I was totally relaxed and thought it felt as great as him licking my ass. He did not go very far into my ass when it felt like my ass just gave way and his cock easily moved in. He stopped entering me almost immediately. He leaned forward again holding his erection firm into my ass.

He again whispered into my ear. You will enjoy this. Just as the words were spoken my ass began to feel warm. He was pissing in my ass! I could feel the piss as it filled my inter parts. He was correct I was enjoying this new sensation. He just laid there filling my ass as he licked and nibbled on my ear. His warm body pressed tightly against mine so tight that I could feel his heart beat on my back. It was totally exciting to know that he was filling my ass with piss while demonstrating his love for me by lying on top of me holding me tight and caressing my body while gently kissing and licking my body. It is a feeling that I will never forget. He must have had to really pee bad because he filled me like a race horse.

When he finally finished he told me that it would be like an enema and that I would have to shit, but he wanted to stay in me as long as I would allow him to. I told him sure and he pushed his cock a little further into me. I moaned with pleasure as he slowly moved his entire cock into my ass. It took him a while to accomplish this but it was great. He was lying on top of me just holding me while he slowly moved his hips around. He was not really moving in and out but more around in circles.

We stayed like this for a long time with me enjoying the feel of his cock inside me. He asked me if I had to go yet. I told him not really but I would try because I wanted him to fuck me. Sort of teasing he began moving in and out of my ass at a moderate rate of speed and stated jokingly, "Like this?" I really think he thought that I would not be able to handle all the piss inside me while he fucked me but to tell you the truth, when you are as horny as I was doing these things for the very first time you can do a lot of things that normally you would not be able to do. After several seconds of him pumping me and he realized that I was enjoying it he moved up to his knees pulling me with him.

He asked me if I was sure I could handle it. I told him I would as long as I could.

He again began pumping my ass. It is hard to describe the feeling of his cock as it slid in and out of my ass but it was terrific. He started out at a moderate speed and stayed pretty steady for a long time. Soon he was picking up speed and began pounding my ass really hard as he did so the sound of his body slapping hard against mine increased in volume. Between the sound and the force of his cock moving deeper and deeper into me generated a sensation that I had never experienced before. Soon he was rocketing in and out of my ass as his breathing increased and I could feel his cock swelling. He began shooting his cum deep in my ass. After the first couple of jerks he plunged deep in my ass and continued to cum. I could feel his cum as it released into my ass.

When he was done cumming in my ass he moved on top of me again forcing me to lay flat on the bed. He left his still hard cock in my ass and as his breathing slowed down I told him that I have a problem.

"What is the matter let me guess you have to go now?"

"Yes, but that's not the main problem."

"What then?"

"Well, see I am not sure that I can get dressed and make it to the restroom before the juices of my lover start flowing out my ass. You know you have opened me up and my hole is not going to close as you put your cock out. What is going to keep your pee and cum in my ass? And the restroom is down the hall how am I supposed to get there with out shitting all over myself?"

Mark began laughing. I have to admit it is pretty funning thinking about it now but at the time all I could think of is everyone staring at me and making fun of me as I walk down the hall holding my ass while shit, pee and cum are extracting from my ass.

What happened next was even funnier but was a mess. Mark being the strong man that he is picked me up while still attached to my ass. "We can walk down the hall this way if you want?"

I gave him a look that indicated that I was not amused at the thought.

He then moved us over to the trashcan. With us standing over the trashcan he slowly removed his cock from my ass hole. Lets just say it was not pretty, very messy and not to good smelling either. Mark laughed so hard that I thought he was going to pee again. Between the smell and him laughing it was hard to clean up but we got it cleaned up. We put on robes to go take a shower. There was no one in there and we took showers next to each other. I was getting all lathered up when my curtain opened and there stood Mark fully erect and making his way into my shower. I tried to stop him all be it half heartedly. I was really afraid of getting caught and the rumors that would start. Mark placed a finger over my lips and told me that if I would shut up no one would know that two people were in one shower. I still had a little bit of an erection that was working its way to full length quickly. Mark pulled me close to him and we kissed. I could feel our two cocks pressing against each other, the warmth of our bodies as they slid against our soap skin and his tender lips as he passionately kissed me. It was so erotic and yet so gentle as if he was making love to me as if I were his wife. It took a long time for our kiss to break. It was only by the sounds of others entering the shower area that we came back to reality of where we were.

He grabbed the soap and began soaping up my body again whispering for me to remain quite and they would soon leave. After he lathered up my body I did the same to him paying very close and extra time to his manhood. I could tell that he was close to cumming again. His ball sack had pulled up close to his crouch and he had begun to moan. I told him that we needed to get back to the room to finish our adventure that he had started. He whispered for me to leave the water running and to leave first that he would wait a few seconds and then leave.

I tried to will my erection down before stepping out but had only gotten it about half way. I was not really too concerned about this because lots of guys masturbate in the shower. There was about six guys just standing there joking and carrying on. As I got my towel and started to dry off one of the guys headed for the shower I just came out of. Still talking to the guys he pulled the curtain back a little and reached in with one arm. I think I was on the verge of a heart attack my heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it. I think he was adjusting the temperature. I have no idea what was going through Mark's mind as the guy stepped into the shower. I waited a few seconds in shock and then hurried up to leave. On my way out the tallest guy asked me if I was squeaky clean. I did not know what he was talking about and left with out saying a word but I could hear them laughing as I left.

I made it back to my room to wait for Mark. After a long wait and still no Mark I thought I would head back down to the shower to see if he was ok. After about ten times of going in and out the doorway and looking down the hall I finally decided to go. Just as I stepped out the door there was Mark. We went into the room and my heart was racing. Mark told me to calm down everything was fine. I asked him how he got out without any of them knowing that he was in the shower with the other guy.

"Well when you opened the curtain to leave Drake spotted me as I was trying to hide behind the curtain. He decided to take advantage of the situation. Drake had asked me out a couple of times but he is not really my type. He told me to blow him or he would tell everyone that I was in there with you. I did not see where I had much of a choice so I got on my knees and started sucking away. After he came he peaked out the curtains and told me it was safe to leave so I did."

"Drake is gay? How many gay people are on this campus?"

"Drake clams he is not gay, he just likes to dominate men who are and force them to do things to him. Drake won't do anything he considers gay like kissing; he won't suck you or allow you to fuck him. Drake just wants to get off and does not care how; he can be a real prick at times. He once thought he could force me to let him fuck me after a party but I refused. I caught him and another guy in the restroom later going at it. I felt sorry for the guy because Drake was being hard on him but he seemed to be ok so I left."

I said, "We are going to have to be more careful next time." Which is when Mark laid a big surprise on me, he told me that it would be great to life in a house with Todd and Kevin. We could get a two bedroom house or apartment cheaper than the four of us paying dorm rent if we lived about 6 miles from campus, plus we could car pool to say money there, we could share groceries to save eating out cost all the time, and best of all we could take showers together all the time to save money there. We both broke up laughing.

"You have really thought this through; do you do any school work or just think about me?" Laughing as I said it.

"The last several months, just you, oh and sucking that big cock of yours."

"Now I know you are a liar, my cock is half the size of yours."

"I did not know my cock was sixteen inches long!?"

"Very Funny!" There was a short pause as we laughed at each other. "Say can we do some more rehearing, I sort of like the kissing part?"

Comments welcomed. Other stories include: Bisexual, Authoritarian, "Change of Life", Aug. 2000 Bisexual, Incest, "Twins", Jun 2004 Gay, Incest, "Challenge Pool", Jun 2004 Bisexual, College, "Christmas Party", Jul 2004 Gay, High School, "Neighborhood Friends", Jul 2004

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