Play Ball

By Talin C

Published on Oct 18, 2005


First off I want to thank everyone who emailed me cause I got swamped with great emails. I am glad you guys enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you will enjoy the chapter as much as the first one.

Disclaimer: I forgot to put this on the last one but this is a story about consenting people of legal age and you know if you should be reading this or not.

As we walked out the door Denis was ahead of me and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I mean considering I just had an earth shattering orgasm to thoughts of him and this is the first time I've ever thought about guys like this. As we went down the hall I stayed half a step behind Denis just because I was afraid he might have sensed something. Finally we got to the other guys' room and Denis knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and two guys stepped out.

"Connor this is Mike and Eric. Mike is a center fielder and Eric is a third basemen." Denis introduced them. We exchanged hellos as we decided to go down and get on to th field which was about a ten minute walk. Mike was a little shorter than me and he had black hair that he had spiked up. Eric has an interesting character as he had extremely blonde hair and he had that mushroom/shaggy dog hair cut that every kid get in like 4th grade and grows out of it. He constantly had to move the hair out of his eyes and I wondered how the hell he played baseball like that. As we walked we discussed a bunch of stuff. It turned out that Eric and Mike have known each other sense they were little kids, they both grew up in Cincinnati. They had been CoMVPs for their high school team the year they won the state title. You could tell they had a strong friendship. They both seemed like stand up guys and I could tell I would have some guys to be friends with on the team if the rest of them turned out to be assholes.

"This walk is such a fucking pain we should steal a golf cart or something," Eric complained as we were only really another minute from the baseball field. You could see the stadium lights were turned on. I thought it was kind of weird to have a dinner at the field, but maybe we were just meeting up there. But when we came to the field there was a table set in the middle of the outfield and all the freshman were standing around the field just talking and hanging out. We met up with some people that Eric and Mike knew. After a few minutes coach Townsend and the rest of the assistant coaches called everyone to the table and we all took a seat. I sat next to Denis sense I really still wasn't comfortable around anyone, I was less uncomfortable around him. Each of the assistant coaches introduced themselves and explained what they expect on and off the field with us. Once everyone had spoken coach Townsend introduced our head coach: Coach Strozier. We all stood out of respect as Coach Strozier approached us. Everyone was in awe of being so close to a living legend and even I who had a personal visit from Coach Strozier was in awe because we were in his place now, the place where he made so much history.

"OK guys, take a seat." Coach spoke with a tone that was quite but more authoritative than any coach I had ever worked with. "The reason that we are having dinner here is because this is your new home, this field. Everything in your life should now revolve around this field. During classes you are doing your work so that you can keep your grades up to play here. When you are eating you are watching what you are eating to stay in shape so you can play on this field. For the next four to five years you will eat, sleep, breath, and live University of Texas baseball. This is your new family and family is the most important thing in the world. You watch each others backs and whatever happens in family stays in family. If you have a problem you come to the coaches and we will handle it, but first try to resolve it like men because that's what you all are now. With that said I hope you all enjoy dinner and I will see you in mini camps in a few months. Until then I expect you to work out on your own and together."

After Coach Strozier finished his speech he tipped his hat to us and left the field. We began to chatter as a short time passed some guys came with plates and served us. One thing I will say about Texas is I have heard about the steaks here and I was deffinately not disappointed. Not only were they huge but they were so tender they could've fallen off the bone! During the dinner we all talked trying to get to know each other, but something felt weird. I couldn't tell if I was paranoid or what but any time my eyes came in contact with Denis' it seemed like our stare lingered a little bit. And every once in a while I thought I would catch him staring at me, but I thought maybe I was just losing my mind. After a while we were all done eating and we were just chatting. The coaches said it was getting late so we should all go back to the dorm and crash (yeah right it was around eleven and its all of our first nights in town we aren't going to sleep). So we all left the field, Eric, Mike, Denis, and I heard about a club not to far from where we were and we figured we were dressed for it.

"You guys got fake IDs?" Mike asked as we were walking to the club.

"I never needed one in Kentucky no one cared," I was a little puzzled

"Nope," Denis seemed a little bummed.

"Don't worry about it. It's an 18 and up club but it just means you guys have to give us the money and we'll get the drinks," Eric chimmed in.

"Sounds like a plan," my spirits were a lot higher now cause now I knew I could drink.

When we got to the club it turned out that they had dollar shots so we decided to have a shot contest. Eric picked the poison and he picked Jim Beam. I knew immediately this guys were dead cause I take Jim Beam like candy. By around the 5th shot Eric bowed out because he felt dizzy. Shortly after around shot number seven Mike took a spill and decided to call it quits. But Denis was determined as we got up to 10 shots I could tell he was feeling it and I was a little buzzed. It seemed with every shot when we would talk to me his mouth would get closer and closer to my ear and I could start to feel the hot breath on my ear as he talked. For some reason this gave me a hard on, even in my buzzed state. I quickly turned to the table to take shot number 15 with Denis. As he grabbed for the shot his hand brushed my hard cock and I jumped a little bit. I looked at him and he had a smirk on his face, but I couldn't tell if it was from doing that or he was just so drunk that he was smiling. After he took the shot he fell flat onto the ground. Eric, Mike, and I all agreed he had enough. I picked him up and put his arm around my shoulder for support and we decided to walk (stumble) back to the dorm. As we were getting back to the dorm both Eric and Mike were sobering up sense they hadn't had alcohol sense the begging of our little contest that lasted a few hours. I was quite buzzed but not bad and Denis was pretty gone as I was supporting most of his weight and every once in a while Eric would grab the other arm and help me support Denis. When we finally got to the dorm we all decided for Denis' sake to take the elevator. As we got off the elevator I said good bye to Eric and Mike who went to their end of the hall and I, with Denis still hanging on, went back to our room. As I opened the door and walked in Denis was able to stand on his own.

"Are you ok bro? Do you need to puke?" I didn't want Denis to puke in his bed his first night.

"I'm...I'm...I'm...fine just a lil bit sweepy" I tried not to laugh as I listened to Denis' drunkenies speak.

"Ok man than how about you hop into bed and sleep it off." With that, much to my surprise, Denis started striping off all of his clothes until he was standing in front of me completely naked as the first time I saw him. He fell onto his bed and barely had enough energy to cover himself with the comforter before he fell asleep. I laughed a little as I knew this would probably be a regular occurance, but I didn't mind because he seemed like a calm drunk, I hate obnoxious drunks and usually end up knocking them out. I striped down to my boxers, drank two glasses of water (my secret to no hang overs), I set my alarm to wake me up at 7 am so maybe I could get a run in before this place turned into the fucking Sahara again, and then crashed onto my bed almost falling asleep as I hit the mattress.

A hour or two later I heard what sounded like someone rustling around the room and I figured it was Denis still in mid recovery. I heard the noise settle down and then I noticed I had a raging hard on. I was still a little buzzed so I figured what's the harm in jerking off, he's too drunk to notice or remember if he woke up. So I undid the front button on my boxers and let the monster loose. I start just slowly stroking it feeling the pleasure rush over my entire body with each slow stroke. I increased my pace a little bit and shut my eyes to let my mind run wild, but for some reason the only thing I could think of was Denis standing drunk and naked in front of me. I started jerking at a higher pace when all of a sudden I felt another hand grip my shaft with a very strong grip. I let go and laid back as the hand started to slowly jerk me firmly and then I felt another hand start to play with my plays and it drove me wild, but I let the hands do what they were going to. After a few minutes of heaven I felt the most amazing thing when I felt a tongue lick the top of my mushroom. This sent me over the edge as my hips started bucking and I felt my nuts empty with the hardest spurts I've ever shot. Before I could open my eyes I heard the scream of my alarm and all of a sudden I came to and it was morning and my sheets were soaked with cum. I quickly turned off my alarm and looked over Denis was still out cold. And all I could think was "What the fuck? Was I dreaming? What the hell happened?" I quickly changed into a clean pair of boxers making sure Denis didn't wake up and see me changing. He turned his body a little bit and the comforter went up and I could see his bare back and his ass. "Man that's a nice ass. WHAT THE FUCK?????? WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?!?!" I quickly grabbed a pair of soccer shorts, an under shirt, and threw on my running shoes. I got out of the room as fast as possible and went to run to clear my head. I was right it was a lot nicer to run, but I wasn't focusing on my running I was trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in my mind. I didn't know what the hell was going on. Finally after about an hour and a half I went back to the dorm. As I walked in Denis must've just woken up as I walked in and he was in mid stretch and full erect. I would have to say it was not much smaller than mine probably 8 maybe 8.5.

"What's up boyo?" I asked trying to act like I was comfortable with this and trying to keep myself from getting hard.

"I guess little Denis is. I need to piss like a race horse." And with that he walked into the bathroom and you could tell he was still feeling last night. As I heard him pissing I noticed that my sheets still had a huge stain on them. I adjust my now hardening cock and covered up the huge stain with my comforter as Denis walked out from the bathroom. I started to take my clothes our of my bag and hang them up in the closet as Denis slipped on a pair of shorts (no boxers) and put on a wife beater undershirt.

"So you sleep well?" He asked and I must've turned read real quick because he followed it up with "I heard the bed moving a lot last night it sounded like a good dream." I slowly turned and we locked eyes. He just gave me a little wink. "I'm gonna go grab breakfast from the cafeteria down stairs. I'll be back later. C ya." He said as he opened the door and started walking out.

"C ya later." He left and I almost passed out onto the bed. All I could think of was "What the fuck is going on and what does he know?"

Guess I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying the series. I love the feedback is made me want to write the next chapter as fast as possible and now that my schedule has leveled out a little bit more I will be able to write more if I get good feedback. If you have suggestions, or comments, or you don't like the story for some reason let me know I'm open to everyone's opinion.

Next: Chapter 3

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