Platinum the Lesbian Band

By pensuwana lacrox

Published on Aug 11, 2008


We'd gotten there, so once in her penthouse Nero asks, "Would you care for a drink." "Only from you...please...Nero..."

"You poor baby, you're dying of anticipation. So let's satisfy that."

Naked, lying on the bed with Nero covering my body with her tongue, she says, "Excite me...make me desire you even you make me cum."

After we drive one another crazy, she lays me on my back and slowly lowers herself on my body, tenderly driving the dildo deep in my cunt. Letting out a screaming cry, "YES...oh...oh...mother fucker does that hurt...more...darling fuck me more.." Between the pain, the newness of something being driven in and out of my pussy like this, my excitement, longing desire for Nero to fuck me, now experiencing what my life will be like after this, I was taken to paradise and propelled by a steady stream of jarring orgasms that continued, and who knows how much later, Nero moans and has one of those impossible to imagine orgasms, while I am still on this sexual high, but as she slows, and falls on me kissing my lips I too calm. As we lie there having a smoke, not a word about how I enjoyed, it, that was obvious, only words of sweetness and of how much pleasure I give her. Soon she's ready again for me, and we start softly making sex between us, as I lay on my belly, with Nero fucking my pussy, she suddenly pulls out and faster than I could imagine plunges it deep in my ass. A million sensations hit my body and mind at once, pain beyond any, the excitement of her fucking my ass, the filthy, perversion of what I'm becoming, and the list does on, as Nero fucks my ass franticly not letting up no matter what I may say between screaming for more...harder...make me cry...ooooohhhhh...Nero...Nero..."

Fingering my pussy with one hand, she offers me her thumb to suck on, as I become a raging masochistic nympho, who screams in pain, pleading for her to stop, as I beg for more...for her to never stop.

Then as quickly as she started, she had another explosive orgasm, falling on me, exhausted, rolling off, kissing my lips franticly. As we slowly recover, Nero lights us cigarettes, and after a few drags, a stiff drink, I ask, "Will it always be so intensely magical, so wildly savage...shit Nero, darling, I haven't the words to describe it." Almost too weak to reply Nero hesitantly says, "For you, oh yaa. A 100 to one, you're ready for more...aren't you."

"Only if I thrill, and please you enough that you do also."

"Put your lips in my cunt, give me some of your imaginative sensual day dreams."

I tongue fuck her asshole, alternating, with my finger in her ass, then when she cums, it's a full blown explosion, as she's holding my head, grinding her cunt in my face and lips ruthlessly. Later after she dildo fucks my pussy once more we fall asleep, me dreaming of numbers of others desiring my hot cunt."

That week at the Pit, Nero realizes we're packing them in so fast and full he has to move us. Also 4 days after that night I begin feeling strange and ask Nero, "Honey, I feel shaky and weak, that injection you gave me was it Heroin."

"Yes, baby, and you need another, so come in my office."

"I loved the way it made me feel but isn't it bad to be on it, for bad things happen to people on Heroin don't they."

"Only if no one is taking care of them baby, and you're far too valuable to me to let anything happen to you."

So over that week we're moved to a different club, in a better area, up town where the wealthier come, and the first night we perform there, and crowd is unbelievably huge, and all of us see the openness of drugs among the jet setters.

After we were done and the girls realized I was free as it seemed, Fran told me, "Hey whore, since Nero is not here to fuck you tonight, you'll let us."

Before I can reply, Herrington speaks up, "Yah fuck cunt you're supposed to be servicing us."

Feeling trapped...I reply, "Can you be nice to me, like Nero is."

So Connie then says, "Well...well...missy prissy is going to allow the workers to fuck her, damn can I stand it."

Getting mad over this nonsense I fire back, "Look all of you, you know why I'm doing what I am, it is for us all, not that I'm not loving the fuck out of it all but fuck girls, you want a piece of me, lets get it on then, but none of us needs this bullshit your coming out with now."

It is then Connie realizes something, comes near me, looks close, jumps back and damn near yells, "Holy fuck your on H aren't dumb ass slut, that shit will kill you." "No," I tell them, "Nero knows I'm too valuable alive to let me die from an over dose, I'll be fine and it keeps me mellow too, so are the three of you going to finally triple team me like you've wanted."

After we get to Connie's and we're stripped they begin on me, and holy mother fuck what I've been missing. It was actually an orgy with us all fucking us all, but I swallowed so much pussy juice I damn near was sick from it all.

The following week end I again wait for whoever, I don't know, as mom and dad asks, "Please be truthful,'re having sex with these people aren't you."

"Yes, daddy...and I enjoy it so much."

Mom asks, "Tell us where you went that night with Miss Cameretti, if you will, in detail."

Oh it comes the shit is about to hit the fan, and splatter all over me, so I tell them the whole story, mom starts to cry, as daddy says, "Let me understand this, Connie and you were having an affair, Nero having never fucked you, auctioned you off for one night only to 5 different people, and for how much."

"The total is $2,750,000...all safely locked in a deposit box in his bank."

Mom finally gaining her composure lights a cigarette, inhales deeply, as she exhales, asks, "Then you are becoming a common prostitute...what about your music, the rest of your life...Henry, we must stop her from doing this terrible thing." "Louise...$750,000 for one night of hardly common...and $2,750,000 for 5 nights is $550,000 a night...people who can do that have to be in only one type of business. The repercussions would be too horror able to imagine...Kathryn...darling do you honestly want to do this instead of music or anything else."

" the group continues, as you know we've moved to the Troc, where our pay has doubled, and Nero is going to bring a Video crew in to tape us and make a music video...the best thing is for you to come to the Troc and talk to Nero and she will satisfy your concerns, and I'd like you to hear us, we're really very good, and remember Nero didn't force me to do this, I wanted to."

They were not happy but agreed to come to the club and talk to Nero. The newness and huge crowds at the Troc, caused us to play even better and longer, although we weren't told the nights the video company was there, Nero told me they taped us for 5 straight nights. Then came my 2nd date, as this gorgeously handsome man comes to the door, and asks, "Is Miss Kathryn Harrison here please, tell her Mr. Gutio requests her presence."

Daddy asks, "Won't you please come in Mr. Gutio."

"I'm sorry sir you misunderstood, I am not Mr. Gutio, but his driver here to take Miss Harrison to him."

What followed are things out of story books, where the dashing prince carries the princess away to his castle, because we drove to an air field where we took a copter to a real castle, and after a dinner fit for the queen of England, John, tells me, "I'm very proud of my home so let me show you why."

As we walked through it, I wondered how many staff members it must take to keep it clean and neat looking, we of course ended in his bedroom suite, where after a few snorts of coke, and as he smoked a joint, he says, "You are so clean, innocent, and new to the sexual needs and wants of men, this night my little dove, I shall finally fulfill all the perverted thoughts I've had for years, strip for me dancing as you do, entice my senses."

A little later as I'm sucking his cock, as I smoke and billowing smoke out around it as I cover it with my lips, I feel a small sprit of liquid in my mouth, from his cock, and for the next hour, as he holds off coming that long, these sprits come more and more, until he says, "Tighten your lips baby, comes..."

Ejaculating a gusher between my lips, he forces me to keep it in my mouth as he pisses down my throat, all of which creates the strongest climax I'd ever had, as soon as we're back on earth, he says, "Drink it, and after you are ready, take your make up off so I can see the little girl I won at the auction , not that you are not gorgeous as you are, but I paid for a young girl."

"Alright John, I will be right back."

As soon as I drank it, I had to vomit, by then most of my make up was shot any way so off it came, what followed was a night of terribly painful fucking and glorious satisfaction, with my floor rattling climaxes coming so close they were one long and exhausting one, that left me so deep in Delirium and euphoria, I soon passed out. Waking me up by blowing smoke in my face as he dildo fucked my pussy, then fucks my ass, he says, "I'm not close to being done with you, now get a hold of your emotions and stay with me." Another blow job, pussy fucking over an hour of him hammering my body as he brutally fucks my ass also, and instantly pushes it between my lips telling me, "Wash my shit covered prick with your lips and tongue."

Well it wasn't covered with my shit, I made sure of that, but then as he moved and says, "Tongue fuck my asshole baby doll."

Then farted in my mouth, I knew I had a sadist here, but what was even worse, I also see I love this kind on emotional abusive degrading too for with each one I had a whopper of an orgasm, or 3, and 6, until I was orgasmed out. Then with blowing more smoke in my face, he wakes me to start over.

After I'm home mom asks me, "There isn't any way these men can harm you is there." "No mom, it's like renting a house, any damage to the property and the one doing it has a fine to pay, because no one will honor their debt if the property is damaged." "You speak of yourself as some ones property do you honestly feel that way, that you are owned by Nero."

"Possibly not owned as in I am his slave, but at the same time we'll all owe him our way of life."

"Why is he doing this for you."

"Not for me, for herself, Nero I've found is the west coast drug distributor or if you didn't get it from her, you haven't got it. She owns 3 clubs, major share holder in 1st national, and has been given permission to have this very small, elite, very highly paid group of Ladies of the night, as he refers to them, these women start at $100,000 a night, so for starters they don't work every night, but possibly only 1-3 nights, entertaining head's of state, ambassadors, sheiks, generally the cream of wealth in the world, but no one has got one like me, an under age girl who knows how to sexually please others yet will have had only 4 men or less after these dates are over. You saw me when I came home this morning John had me remove all my make up, saying he won a young girl, may I see her, then he ravaged my body, such as has never been done before, giving me untold amounts of pleasure and you're looking at the most sexually fulfilled little girl in America and I LOVE IT."

Mom still isn't happy about what her little girl is doing but can't really do anything about it. That night while we playing our hearts out, unknown to me my folks do indeed come to see Nero, in her office my dad asks, "Miss Cameretti it's not that we are not grateful for all you're doing for Kathryn...our concern is that she is happy and safe, because knowing the type of business you are in some times it can become dangerous." "Only for me, and even that isn't totally true, my position is secure. Vito Giovanni is the capa da capa, we have a large and growing number of legit businesses that are making us a recognized part of society , Kathryn will never be doing anything illegal. For in that aspect of her work she'll be in Las Vegas, as soon will be her rock if I may make an example for you, Henry, you work as a graphic designer at Mobile Designs...Louise, you at Princess Academy House of Design, now not that you ever heard this from me, but we own both of those companies, so you see none of you is working in an any worse business than the other...but Louise, I can now see where Kathryn got her beauty. So please if you can stay, for Kate has the broadest repertory of music I've ever witnessed, something for every one, but mostly in the last two sets...oh another thing, Kate's lowest price determines her value per night, therefore how ever long she may want this life, she'll be making at least $350,000 a night, prices such as these seem to weed out any one who hasn't every ones best interest in mind, and as you know rather than throw her to a stranger for her first time I bought her myself. Kate has a special place in my organization, as the one young woman I want for my self. Do not mention that to her, for I want all her desires completed first before it is brought up." They came back out to hear us as happy as a clam, that tricky old Sicilian had pulled it off, as if Nero could ever settle for one woman, my 3rd date a Robert Cormi who, at least for this one I know he is a banker for the mob shows up at the house, just as friendly and nice as can be, sets and talks to my dad about the company he operates and is head designer and openly says, "Hank, you're one hell of a manager, have you ever thought of stepping up. I know you've got a good man you're training to replace you if need be, so once you know, not feel, but know he can do it as well as you have, here's my card, call me, I've got the perfect spot for you...haaaa, isn't Kathryn a vision of loveliness...Hank, Louise. You are to be congratulated for raising such a divinely inspired vision of loveliness as she...Kathryn my sweet love, shall we go."

In the car, with other man driving, us in the back seat, he moves very close, puts his arm around my shoulder, turns my head with his other hand, and kisses me, holding it until I respond, then tightens his grip and presses harder, puts my hand on his bulging cock as he pulls back and asks, "I'll never be able to contain myself setting close to you, please don't cause me to embarrass myself, relieve me, my precious."

"Could any woman refuse such an appealing darling let me take it out."

My first suck is a deep throat, holding it until I have to breath, then fondling his balls I slowly and softly plunge my lips to its hilt, and back up, in and out, only a few times before very controlled he ejaculates a gallon of semen in my mouth, fortunately it didn't gush out quickly as I swallowed it as it came, all of which got me so Orgasmic now it is me who is in trouble of being to horny. Redoing my lipstick, lighting a cigarette, as I ask, "Will that be sufficient until later, my lord." "Haaaa, the simplicity of youth, yes my dear that was very satisfying."

We went to an awards dinner where he seemed to know every one, and they all complemented Robert on his choice of women, some knowing where he got me, but never referring to it, while others just made all over me. Then in the ladies room this bitch says, "Well I wonder where Bob picked up the tramp...Kate is it, are you yet another hot piece of ass for Bobby boy."

Looking at her with disdain I reply, "Sorry, but I picked him up...and honey, he's my fantastic piece of horse cock tonight...if you'd ever had him you'd know better than to talk like that."

And I walked out as she called me a slut, which causes me to want Rocco to teach me just enough to be able to derail cunts like her. Nothing was said about that all night, then as we're being driven to his home he says, "For one so young you have a sharp tongue, thanks for putting Rose Marie down for me, she's a bitch."

Next: Chapter 4

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