Platinum the Lesbian Band

By pensuwana lacrox

Published on Aug 10, 2008


As soon as I walk close to them, Connie yells at me, "Where in the mother fuck have you been."

"I was taken to Nero's office, where she told me, we've got the job, 200 a set each, 5 sets a night, we'll start after tonight at 9...till 5, or later if you cause your sets to last too long." Fran all but shouts, "What the fuck did you have to give her for that, did you fuck her."

"Not yet...later..."

Connie looks at me like I'm out of my mind as she asks, "Are you going to fuck your way to the top, you little slut."

"No, I'm going to fuck our way to the top...I'm the only one of us she wants, and after tonight, I'm the only one she'll deal with, so nice to me, I'll be nice to Nero, she'll be nice to us all, and girls, we're on our way."

Big mouth Herrington says, "Connie the laughs on you, you told us you had a virgin in this little slut."

Connie explodes as she says to them, "For christ's sake, I help raise Katie, she's never been close to any one before me...are you doing this to hurt me because I hurt you by ...well you know."

"No Connie, but you've talked of nothing other than having this group since you were 8 years old, now you've got it, and this will give us the chance to see how great Platinum is, or is not. And it is my ass, I should be able to give it to whom ever I please, and ladies I will not be giving it away, but selling it for a grand a night for each of us." As we walk out Nero is on the stage saying, "Any asshole could tell you enjoyed these girls, now, any more of what I witnessed and they're out, and you will not have a group to dance to, I will not stand for my customers trying to fuck my music groups, as soon as they walk off the stage. Out side this building it's none of my they come now, let's give them a good welcome."

As we walk to the stage the crowd goes wild, and I say to the girls, Nero gave me these if we need them."

"I show them to the girls and Fran says, "Oh, that dear woman, look girls, speed, let's all take one and really rock this joint."

Bringing the house down during it, after each of us sets with a different table of people, men, women, mixed, and as much as the girls say they don't enjoy it, get rubbed, touched, and kissed...but I'm eating it up. Then between the next to the last set Nero has his bouncers bring me to her. Once there, she hands me 4 joints asking do you know what these are, doll."


"Then if you and the rest of you have to use them...slow the tempo let the crowd ease into knowing the night is just about over, give them love songs, torch numbers, for soon they'll be fucking."

"Nero how long will you keep me this morning."

"Not long sweetheart, for what I want from you cannot be hurried."

"Will you take me home after, for I don't drive yet."

"You are as young as you look aren't you, but even at 16 you can drive."

"I'm 16 and soon my dad will get me a car." "

"Go finish your set, I'll be here after, Rocco will bring you to me."

"Yes, Nero."

After and when I'm setting beside her, she hands me a lit cigarette, of some kind, as she says, "Take a few drags, they'll relax you."

As I'm smoking it, she kisses my lips, a long passionate kiss, that mixed with the pot causes me to melt, between her, whatever I'm smoking, and my own lustfulness, I still hadn't realized I was so ready to be fucked before this. Then Rocco holds me as Nero injects my upper thigh, telling me, "This H will guarantee me what I want from you." As quicker than I would have imagined I become totally agreeable.

Then she runs her hands around my body until she's fingering my pussy, quickly giving me an orgasm. As I jump, and sigh she says, "Here honey, put your lips on my cunt and do me, while I continue with you." Smiling sensuously, I attack her cunt like it's the last one on earth, a long continuous orgasm from me and my mouth full of her cum, that tasted so rich, creamy, and almost sweet, so I held it in my mouth before I swallowed it, later, she gives me a drink of booze and kisses me, long, open lips, tongue filled, wet, and delightfully pleasing, then asks, "What do you think about your first real sexual experience." Caught in Delirium and euphoria I weakly reply, "More...much more...I need so much long must I wait."

"Till your night sweet loving baby doll, then Nero will fulfill your desires. Now honey before your folks send some one out looking for you."

"Damn it just isn't fair...but you're right."

After she drops me off, my folks not yet up for the day, I fall on my bed asleep, dreaming of Nero's rather very large body covering mine. How can a young innocent little girl like me develop such an insatiable lust for being fucked so quickly, beats the shit out of me, but I have got it. Dad is off to work before I get up, mom is getting ready for her work too, so as I stagger into the kitchen, she asks, "Well tell me, what's it like to work for a living."

"Mom If this is work, I pray I never have to play any much fun I can't believe it."

"I'm so happy for you, you worked hard at you music, so now finally you'll get to use it, and soon hopefully the pay will be worth the efforts you have put into learning it. Can you tell me what they pay you, for a night of playing and singing?"

"Nero the manager tells me until we become known and have crowds breaking the doors down to hear us he'll only give us 200 a set for 5 sets a night." Mom coughs on her coffee, then finally getting it down says, "Did I hear you made a $1000 last night."

"Plus tips, I think I know how Bon Jovi felt after his first gig."

"Where is this place again and it's name."

"The Pit, in the village section of the city."

"Honey...that's a dive...and they pay that much to each of you, $4000 for one night's playing...shit your father and I should have taken music in college. My sweet love, how wonderfully proud I am of you."

"Have you been there, mom."

"Oh night your father and I left a place after having too much to drink and ended up there until after sure is a lively place, with enough huge bouncers they could take on the LA Rams, well sweetie kiss me, I've got to run."

After spending time in the whirlpool, then steam room I get ready for tonight, then I hear the door ball, wrapping a towel around me, as I open, there's Harrington and Fran who says, as Fran closes the door behind her and pulling the towel off me. "This is the way I want you baby, let's fuck."

Grabbing me and holding me tight as she kisses my lips, fingers my pussy, as Fran diddles my asshole and gets me really hot, as she breaks the kiss, I ask, "Come in back and get in the whirlpool with me, where we can make out and finger fuck one another."

"nope, we want those lips of yours around our hairy cunts."

She wasn't kidding either, for shortly that's where I was between her legs, with her pressing my face against her bushy cunt and moaning something terrible, then she climaxes filling my mouth with her vaginal discharge, then Herrington does the same to me. The heroin, my degenerated moral state, and my need for sex, stimulating me on, until they are satisfied, and just leave after that, no how nice it felt or anything.

That night, which is even wilder than last night, for every one who was here then came back and brought a few others with them. Spacing our sets we play and socialize with the customers from 9 PM to 5 AM, after we're done, Nero sends Rocco to get me, while the other girls all laugh and call me a whore, to which I counter with, "At least I'm a well paid whore, Rocco, let's get away from these jealous girls."

As we walk I ask, "Rocco, you sure are a large man, how large are I mean ...oh fuck it's too late now."

Laughing he replies, "6-7, 360 lbs, black belt in 3 different systems, plus a marksman with pistol, rifle, bow, ninja stars and javelin as are all of us Kate, so honey never fear, no one will ever harm you."

I must have distracted Rocco because as we get to Nero's office door he just opens it, and we walk in. there in front of me is more $1000 bills than any one has every seen, along with large bags of white powder, as Nero, looks up shocked to shit and says, "Rocco, shut the mother fucking door...Kate stay in here...set over there and keep your fucking mouth's alright Greco, she's my woman, she knows what'll happen to her if she says anything, let's this is done."

After they finish their business and the men leave, Nero walks over to me, leans down and grabs my neck, tightens her hold on it as she says, "I could break your gorgeous little neck with a slight twist of my hand...need I say more."

Relaxing his hold on my neck I reply, "No...Nero...I understand you perfectly."

"What did you see as you came in here."

Thinking real fast, I force a slight smile as I reply, "You...setting at your desk, counting the nights take..." Then smiling brighter, I say, "So you'd know how much to pay the band." Laughing she says, "You're so precious, such a sweet little doll of a child...Rocco, wait for her out side...come close to me sweetheart, who's your mommy, honey."

"You're my sugar mommy...can you give me some sweet, sugary cream tonight..."

It's 6 AM when I fall on my bed asleep and don't wake until 3 that afternoon. Forgetting it's our night off, as I'm racing around to be ready to leave for the club, my cell rings, Nero says, "I'll be by to pick you up at 8 tonight, dress and look as adult as you possibly can, we're going to a party at the Astoria."

Not letting me reply she hangs up...for this I need help so I phone mom, "Mom, the owner of the club has asked me to go to a special party and has requested I look as adult as possible because we're going to the Astoria in main dinning room, will you help me do that."

"Wow, I sure will, get out that evening gown of mine you like so well and see how it fits."

Mom gets home at 5 and we do some magic, as poor dad makes his own dinner, but when I walk out where he is, he just stands there looking closely at me, until he says, "Louise, she's the picture of you when we are so lovely words fail me...your hair, in that up sweep...your face, the face of an angel...and honey where did you ever get that figure."

Mom replies, "A lady never tells her secrets...but Henry isn't she just the most gorgeous young woman you've ever seen...and this figure, damn baby, you're a knock out...oh one thing we for got, my jewels...Platinum and diamonds my darling daughter, the complete set, with the you look like royalty, walk straight, hold your head up, never look at your feet, be soft spoken, sweetly thank any one for their complement, never laugh out loud, smile nicely to those you don't know, and there you may not know any of them, and ab..."

Dad then says, "There's a limo pulling up our driveway."

Surprising the fuck out of me, Nero comes to the door, intro herself, tells my folks how much of a lovely talented daughter they have, then asks if it'll be alright with them if I don't get home until early morning. Neither of them would ever agree to such a thing but with a woman who is obviously as wealthy as Nero, they tell her that will be fine. In the limo, Nero says, "Who did this magic...if I'd seen you else where I'd never known who you are, do you have any idea of how impossibly lovely and gorgeous you are, and for one so very very young. I must know, are you prepared to trust me with your future."

"I have already Nero, for the gravity of what I saw puts me completely under your power and will. I know you told me to forget it, but surly with you I can tell you how it left me feeling."


"I know now whatever you tell me I must do with out questioning or complaining." "Such simplicity in youth...Kathryn my precious, you are a valuable commodity for you have sexual talent, but have never had a man's penis within you, which makes you in affect a virgin, a very young, but sexually capable virgin...possibly you should have a small injection...Dano, please if you will."

"May I know what this is."

"Just something to keep you calm, a booster of the same from the other night."

Dano opened my legs and injected my upper thigh, as in seconds I am pleasantly happy and pleased with whatever happens next, even though I have no idea of what it will be, so Nero continues, "We're going to an auction where lovely young ladies much like our self, will be auctioned off to the highest bidder for an evening of dinning, dancing and as a virgin will go for a great amount of money, the first night, the 2nd will be less, 3rd less, etc to 5 times, if there are bidders for you...but you'll see after we get there."

As crazy as it seems I snuggle close, lift my face to her, kissing her cheek, as I ask, "Nero my darling, is this your way of making me into a high end call girl."

"Would you wish for such a life."

"If it's as I've read...what young girl wouldn't."

"Then it shall be as you desire. Be prepared for them to tell everything you've done sexually with any one else...of course in your case there is only myself and one other young girl, but it will be for me to tell them about all of it."

"I'm not ashamed of the little I've done...but this means you will not be my first...doesn't it."

"We'll see my love...we'll see."

After we get there I see none of the other young girls there are even close to me in beauty, glamour or loveliness. As I watch I see the 2nd bid of the night can be only a $100, or $1000 less than the first, then it came my turn, Nero tells the men there, "This truly rare flower of only 16, has felt the fingers of one other girl, three years older than she, and myself, no man has ever actually fucked her, yet, and I speak of this having knowledge of it myself, she is an exultant lover. Therefore I open the bidding at $100,000." They bid back and forth for a short time then a voice in the back says, $750,000, and I was sold to him, whoever he is, next was 650,000, then 550,000, then 450,000, last 350,000, so by the time I had been sold the number of times they allow, I'd brought in $2,750,000, which didn't mean much to me for who's was it, certainly not mine. I didn't meet the men who bought me, but as we walked to the cashier, he ask, "Miss Cameretti your numbers please."

Nero told him a group of 11 numbers and we left. once in the limo I ask, "May I know whose I am for those 5 nights...and why is all that money yours."

"First no, not until whoever comes to get you, then you'll know, 2nd, it's not mine, it's yours, but where can you put close to 3 million without having questions asked, tomorrow we'll get you a safety deposit box at my bank where it'll all be placed, so one night a week, for the next 5 weeks a man will call for you, these are very wealthy respectfully known men so you'll never speak their names again after that one night...what's the matter my sweetheart."

"I'm just an emotional young girl who has been thrilled and excited by you, and wanted you to be the first to fuck me, that is all."

"You'll find each one of these men exciting and very thrilling to be with, just so you know, you just sold for more money then any young girl has by a million. You see darling virgins are a dime a dozen, and to have one is no thrill, for they scream and are in pain and are really a pain in one ass, but they're bid on and sold, but have it all, surly you noticed how alluringly irresistible you were compared to all the rest." The next day after the money was in the box at Nero's bank, the rest of my week was like torture, impatiently waiting for my prince charming to sweep me off my feet to his palace, cause let's face it, any one who can drop a 3 quarters of a million for one night, has got to be very wealthy. Telling my folks only that I'd met these wonderful men at that party, who will come to the door and meet them if need be, but I have 5 dates set up over the next 5 weeks.

The night came and this nice looking young man comes to the door, mom and dad talk to him for a while and we go out to a limo that looks familiar and see it is, as Nero opens the door as he says, "As I said then we'll see, now you see, did you think I'd not buy you for your first night. You're dressed so gorgeously where would you wish to go."

"Somewhere so we can be alone the rest of the night so I can drink in this truly night of nights."

"Good that's what I wanted you to say, so you can drink in my passion over a long period of time."

"But Nero...the money...I can't take it from you."

"You're not, for after these dates are over, you'll make me millions more, just by being yourself and one of my very special group of priceless women of the night...only you will bring in so much more than any I have, because when you go on the market, with only 5 fucks behind you, men will pay 1000s for the right to fuck you. Whatever your dreams of the future have been forget them, for within a year from now, not counting the mountains of cash you'll have from the band, you'll have so many millions more. And my sweet love, so will I. Now enough talk."

there's something intoxicating about the bright red "fuck me" lipstick on a lovely woman that causes me to lose track of whatever I was doing..and pray she noticed me, especially if she's sensuously smoking a cigarette...teehee

Next: Chapter 3

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