Platinum the Lesbian Band

By pensuwana lacrox

Published on Aug 7, 2008


Our name, is Harrison, I'm Kathryn Annette, or Katie, or Kate , mom is Louise, and daddy is Henry. Connie our next door neighbor and I started playing together when I was very young, and grew to be very close friends, so one night on a week end sleep over at her house, because my folks were out of town and her mom was too, Connie asks, "Kate why don't you ever wear make up, for you have such a sweet face, and gorgeous hair, won't your mom let you."

"I could if I wanted to, she has asked me why I don't, but why should I, who's going to notice little me."

"Your height is causing you to become embarrassed of yourself, and honey, old Connie is going to fix that...there is nothing any more fun then playing with make up and hair, especially when the hair is as lovely as soft and wavy, long and blond, now come into my dressing room and you'll FIND OUT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT." She didn't let me see anything she did to me until it was done, then Connie says, "Take a look...who do you see."

"Oh...oh...oh my gosh...I'm gorgeous...Connie what did you do put a spell on my face, is this really me."

"Sure is honey, so now to complete the picture."

Digging in her closet she comes up with some old cloths of hers when she was my sizes, a padded bra, spandex body suite that caused me to have real cleavage, an even littler waist and the my hips were nice and round, thigh hi nylons and 4 inch heels, she cut the front of my hair, causing me to have bangs down to my eye brows, then of all things Connie lights a cigarette, smiles at me asking, "Have you ever smoked, here baby try it, but don't inhale, just suck some smoke in to your mouth and very slowly let it out...pucker your lips a little, now try it again...that's a girl, god baby you look sweet enough to eat."

So Connie dresses nice to and we get some of her mom's booze, and set there trying to act like adults. Then she teaches me how to inhale...damn that was hard, as I coughed a lot, but with the booze, and me inhaling that cigarette smoke soon I was silly, and maybe a little dizzy, so Connie asks, "Say you sweet little doll, want to dance."

"I love to dance Connie, let's."

Out in the kitchen, on the tile floor Connie leading, holding me so tight I could feel her breasts against mine, and as she pushes her pelvic area tight against mine, and moves it, everything hit me at once, so as she kisses me, I swoon, sigh, and melt in her arms, without even realizing it we're soon in her bedroom, setting on the bed necking up a storm, soon her hand guides mine under her dress, by her panties, and in to her vagina, as she pushes my middle fingers deep in it, she says, "Just move your fingers in and out of it you adorable darling little doll."

Again before I see, we're laying down, with me fingering her, as she fingers me...necking up a tornado, until suddenly I become so excited I can't lay still and start humping my ass, begging for more my one arms tightly around her neck, as my ass moves faster and faster until I scream and collapse. Laying there almost unable to move, Connie moves my fingers in her until she reacts the same way, yelling and screaming nasty things to the air around us, then falling next to me, but only for a second when she again is hugging and kissing me, fingering my pussy, and me fingering hers, until we're calmed, then Connie says, "It's late baby, let's get undressed and get in bed."

Soon enough we're naked body to naked body, kissing one another's breasts, sucking on nipples, more pussy fingering,, then she reveres us saying, "Follow my lead, just do as I do."

It took me a long time to find what she had found instantly and was driving me insane, then both of us wildly insane, as our tongue fucking as Connie calls it kept us high and will, again until after so many of those exciting build ups ands powerful explosive climaxes to them, I really collapsed of exhaustion. Connie apparently having more years of masturbating then I, wasn't quite so shot in the ass, and asks me, "You really enjoyed me didn't you."

Still breathing heavily, I just shake my head in agreement, so Connie asks, "Did you enjoy it enough that you'll be my steady girl, and let me fuck you."

Finally mustering up enough strength to talk, even, I ask, "I've masturbated before, but never felt like this, what happened to me."

"You poor kid, you'd never had an orgasm before, that's what it's called, an emotional build up and then, BANG, the release, a climax, or orgasm. Did it eel nice enough to have me cause more of them, because you did the same thing to me, and I want more." "Is it alright that we do this."

"Sweetie, how many times have you disobeyed your folks for no good reason, here haven't you got a very good reason, but yes, they'd not be happy if they knew what we were doing. Well darling what do you say."

"Gee Connie I've never been any ones darling before, do you really think of me that way." "if you please and satisfy me you'll always be my lovely darling."

"Then will you kiss me more, cause I'll be your girl...especially if you make me feel like I just did every time we make love."

"No darling we're not making love we're making sex, or I like to call it, fucking." "How'd you learn all this. We've lived next door most of my life, I've never seen you go out with any boys."

"You never will, I don't like boys, just girls, little girls, like you. You're so sweet, and soft, cuddly and you pleasure me so much."

Shortly after we fell asleep, Connie is a large girl, not fat, great body, and tall, slender, but Connie has large tits and ass, with a sweet little waist between them. Long straight black hair, dark eyes, and full lips, the kind that looks like she could swallow my face as she nears me with her lips parted, for a kiss. The next morning after we have breakfast, Connie ask me, "Why don't we get dressed real nice and take mom's car, go down town and watch all those filthy minded men go nuts over us, but remember darling when a man is sweet to you, the only thing he's thinking is how fast he can fuck you, they're rough, nasty, dirty, mean, demanding and after they throw you away and look for another foolish little girl to fuck. Remember that, the only place we can find sweetness is between us, love is for suckers, it makes you crazy, but sweet, lustful pleasing sex and fucking is the only thing that causes life time relationship to last...that's what we'll have."

As we showered, dressed, did our make up primped and pumped our selves up for this I wonder why Connie, being so young herself is so dead set against men. Later as we walk around a mall, hearing the whistles and cat calls, she tells me about her filthy father. How for years she lived in fear knowing too many nights a week he'd be in her room fucking her brutally, as she begged for him to stop, then when she started to enjoy it, he ditched her for another young girl down the block from where they lived, who told her folks, and he went to prison. Is still there, but her mom divorced him, and has a restraining order against him. Any way all that day, Connie kept feeding me cigarettes, telling me women of the world, smoke and do it sensuous so learn, because it's up to those of us who know better to make them look foolish. The following Mon in school, with me dressed sexy, Connie would not just walk next to me, we had to hold hands, her arm around my waist, anything tell every one we are a couple, and sure as shit we were told to come to the principals office, where she, Miss Applegate says to us, "Listen girls, I have nothing against two girls being lovers, but you're going to have to be less obvious about it, I have to call your folks, and see if they know this."

Once more Connie does it right, by saying, "Miss Applegate, Katie and I live next door and have for years, we're very close friends, not lovers. Please do phone our folks they'll tell you. All we've done is hold hands, does that mean we're lovers, besides I like Katie, but I sure don't love her...not that way."

"And you Katie how do you feel toward Connie." "Connie has been my babysitter since I was very would be kind of hard for me not to like her very much...but am I in love with Connie...can two young girls fall in love with one another."

Well we beat that rap, no call to our folks and no trouble, but Connie did change her way of showing our affair. As the guys would come around me and ask me out, as if I could, if she's near, she'd walk over to us and say, "Save your sweet talking lies for one who is dumb enough to believe them, and stay away from my bitch, Kate is my girl, find your own."

Grab my arm and say loud enough for them to hear, "I've ordered you a 100 times, stay away from those filthy minded you want another beating."

We laughed our asses of later where we could, and no one could hear us. And day after day it was like that until every boy in school knew to not fuck with me. Although none of them really knew if Connie is that tough, but she sounded so much like a dyke, they didn't want to find out. Then one evening when again I was sleeping over at Connie's, I found her black belt certificate in Aikido, wow, I was in the same system, but only a 3rd brown. So later I ask, "Gee Connie, I saw your belt, and it makes me feel so much more safe...Connie why can't I love you."

"Please don't do it, love hurts, if one person loves another, something always happens and some one gets hurt, Besides kid, you're too mother fucking young to know what love is...I'm not even sure I know, but tongue fucking...that I know, and at the rate you're learning soon so will you. Now here darling I got us a treat for tonight, a real honest to god Marijuana joint, but you've got to be careful because you've never smoked these before. I'll light it and after I take a hit you try it, inhale the smoke, hold it in your lungs until you feel you're going to burst, then exhale, but just a light drag or I'll be carrying you home tomorrow morning."

"What does it do."

"You'll try it."

I took a drag, held it, slowly let the smoke drift from my lips, and got so passionate, loving and all warm inside, and asks, "Ooohhhh...Connie...all I can think of is Fucking...can we really fuck now...I want you to fuck me so hard I scream for more." Once in the old 69 position we did drive one another insane with our tongues, tiring ourselves completely and falling asleep. The next morning at breakfast Connie asks, "So my darling what would you wish to do today."

"Get dressed as seductively as we can ,and fondle one another until we seduce ourselves, and tongue fuck like rabbits, or is there something more important we have to do."

"Sounds pretty mother fucking great to me, let's skip the dressing part, and just do it." Besides our week ends, Connie and I were in the marching band and the pep band, also the orchestra, as well as choir and girls glee club, and a few classes, so we see one another all during the school day, so we had lots of time to become even closer, and by the end of that school year Connie had put together a group, Connie lead guitar, a girl from another school, Fran, base Guitar, Herrington from yet another school drums, and me keyboard and lead vocal with the other 3 doing back up vocal. We practiced every week end during school sending out flyers announcing our start, playing rock and roll. Soft rock and Latin, my idea, Connie was 5-7 weighted 135, Fran 5-5 at 125, Herrington 5-7, 125 lbs, me at only 5-1, at 91 lbs with perky little A cup tits and a little ass, and a much smaller waist, while my hair is close to platinum blond, all the others is black, and the great thing is any one of us could be a beauty queen, except me, I'd have to be in the teen contest. Just before school ends we get a call from a gay/lesbian club in the village as it's called, where all the kind of rough people hang out, but fuck it, we have to get a name built up so we go there, the owner, I large dark skinned woman, not black but definitely dark, talking to us says, "This isn't the easiest place to play at, my crowds are rough. I go through musicians faster than crap through a goose, but you're new, an all female band...never had that fucking the customers, understood..."Herrington speaks up, "We're all les, and we keep it among ourselves, the three of us are dykes, Katie is our regular fuck...for as little as she is, she loves to be triple teamed." My mouth dropped open, as I look at Connie, she shakes her head no, as Nero, the owner says, "Let's start with Wed-Sun nights, from 9-4, I want at least 1 hour sets, only a half hour between them...and to start...200 a piece, for the night." Connie asks, "That doesn't sound like much, for we'll be playing most of the night." "Take it or leave it, also remember I said to start...possibly you 4 girls can do what no other male band in here has done, keep them drinking and dancing, and I said no fucking, that didn't mean no flirting, the more interested in you the customer is the longer they'll stay. I've got a team of bouncers who can handle any 6 men a piece, so you won't be in any danger, try to give them some excitement...all of you leave, except this little one, your lead singer, I want to talk music with her."

Setting there as the other three leave, I'm frightened out of my skull until she asks, "I read the write up you sent out, but tell me more about the kinds of music you do." After I do, she's satisfied and I go out to meet the others. Finding them setting at a table, I ask, "Triple team in the fuck did you ever come up with that."

Fran replies, "Easy cunt, we all know Connie regularly fucks you, but can't we have thoughts about fucking you too."

Then Herrington says, "Connie how long are you going to have this little cunt to yourself, when can we fuck her."

Now just a bit upset, I say, "Wait one mother fucking minute here, don't I have a say in who I let fuck me."

Connie then tells them, "Actually Katie and I are cooling, so girls she's yours, Katie, do as I tell you, when one or all of the members of the group want to fuck you, for the sake of the group do it, they won't hurt you, or do anything rough, and who knows the way love to fuck you'll probably enjoy them. Now leave it at that." After Connie drops me off, I phone her at home, and her mom tells me she's out on a date. Well shit, where did this come I so blind I didn't see this coming, well I know the answer to that, yes. I've been so happy in love with Connie, I never saw it coming. Then our opening night, and For the first hour the crowd wasn't interested in us at all, so Connie tells us, damn them girls...swing your asses, Katie give these suckers a show...tease the fuck right out of know how we used to do it up town."

For the next hour, I fucking near hypnotized the crowd with men and women wanting to fuck my sweet ass, getting so bad the bouncers had to stand around the stage to keep them off of it, by the time we finished our first set, we'd played for 2 hours and were pooped, as we walk of stage we're mobbed, and try as we may, even with the bouncers, although all the others made it to a private room, I ended up in Nero's office setting across her desk as she lights a cigar, staring through me...deep into my eyes. A look I recognize, so I ask, "Do we have a job, it seems we pleased your customers."

Still shaking in fear of what almost happened out there. She gets up, walks around the desk, puts her hands on my neck and massages it, as she hands me a lit joint, saying, "Take a hit baby, it'll relax you, you're really tight up here. you hypnotized those people out there with your body committed are you to those 3 dykes, will they beat you if you stray."

Inhaling deeply, and allowing the smoke from the joint slowly drift from my slightly puckered lips I reply, "What Herrington told you was a lie, only Connie has fucked me, and now...she doesn't want me any more."

"When you're done come to see me, when you go back in there tell the group they've got the job, and at 200 a piece, per set, 5 sets at least an hour long, with half hour breaks, you'll be here all night, so you may need some of these too, it's speed...from now on I deal with only you, because you want me to fuck you, don't you my little baby doll." between her hands on my neck, the pill he gave me, the booze, and the weed, too, I not even thinking about it reply, " least I don't think so."

"It's either I fuck you or no job baby, take your pick."

I burst out crying as I say, "We need the job, but no one has ever touched me except Connie, and you frighten me."

"I won't hurt you baby, I'll be as sweet and soft as a feather. Here's a sample." Leaning closer she kisses my lips, a long, sloppy, wet open mouth, tongue filled kiss, that pulverizes my resistance. Then Nero tells me, "My private restroom is right through that door, fix your face and go tell them what I told you."

As I return she takes me to the door as he says, "Leo, Rocco, take her to the others...until later doll." Nero is a lovely, but large dyke, around 6 foot, easily D or E cup tits, fabulous ass, lovely lips, piercing dark eyes, and she has me so orgasmic...or is it the dope.

Next: Chapter 2

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