Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on May 8, 2016


Plain Forward Blackmail ch9

Just as Dan had informed his mates that morning, at 2pm, he headed for the woods via the main trail. Small groups of teenagers, all wearing expectant grins on their faces, followed him in the same direction. The two teachers also headed in the same direction with Dan and Ryan leading the way. After several minutes of walking, Dan turned off the main trail and down an overgrown path and after several more minutes brought them all to a grassy clearing. " right guys...this is the place" He looked at Zac and Tim and pointed to the centre of what had become an instant circle of teens.

" right my little fuck toys...get fucking naked" exclaimed Dan "and start can fight any way you want but no weapons of any sort...start fighting !!!!!!. As soon as they were both stripped,they started to throw punches and kicks at their opponent . This fight is exactly what Tim wanted. This was his chance to exact revenge on the guy that had betrayed him and landed him in his present position, {Being blackmailed by his students in the most malevolent way possible.] He was going to teach this treacherous bastard a lesson he would never forget. Unfortunately for Tim, he hadn't counted for Zac's natural need to defend himself from harm and as a result, the fight took on a viciousness that was clearly being fed by hatred and a built in need towards self preservation. There audience was egging them on with calls and jeers. This dual onslaught continued for 5 or more minutes with blows raining down on both men, until Dan stepped forward and stopped it. Both men were showing signs of significant injury though it was clear that there was no broken bones or any injury that might be deemed life threatening but as far as Dan was concerned, enough was enough. Ryan produced a first aid kit and a couple of the lads started to clean Zac and Tim up. Fortunately as first thought, there were no broken bones or any injuries that needed expert medical attention. When both men were patched up, Dan ordered them to fuck each other till they filled the others arse with a load of spunk. He threw a coin in the air and said to Tim "!" " Heads" called Tim. The coin landed and showed Heads up. " right will fuck the arse off Cunt. and there's no need to be gentle. He in turn will fuck the arse off you" Within seconds. Tim had bent Zac over and was pounding his hole at the speed of light [ or so it seemed ] which was clearly extremely uncomfortable for Zac. Dan had declared that the result of the fight was a draw so neither of the fuck toys would be punished, but that decision didn't mean the group couldn't have a bit of fun. When both teachers had deposited their loads inside each other Dan announced that it was now a free for all in the blow job,fuck them or rim job departments and when everyone had had their fill, it would be time for everyone to go home and that Cunt's place would be the venue for a party that night for the guys and their friends; either boy or girl were welcome. The whole afternoon event was a great success and it was agreed that further fights would take place as and when Dan and Ryan decided.

That evening, about an hour before the party was due to start, Dan gave both fuck toys some viagra. They were told to be naked and to serve drinks and food to those present and if any requests of any nature were made, then they should and would oblige.

The party hour arrived and the two fuck toys took turns in answering the door. Thanks to the "medication" they both had rigid pricks and Dan had ordered them to take more viagra when or if they felt the effects wearing off. They were told that if their cocks failed to remain stiff, they would be flogged in the presence of everyone at the party. The beer and spirits were flowing fast and free with the inevitable result of teenagers getting drunk. One guy told Tim to fuck his intoxicated girlfriend there and then, but first he had to lay her on the back of the settee and lick her pussy out. Being a gay man, this deed did not appeal to Tim but orders were orders so he he did what he was told. The girlfriend was well under the influence of alcohol and had dropped her knickers some time ago and throwing them into the assembled company. As Tim proceeded to lick her fuck hole the crowd started to removed the rest of her clothes with no resistance from her. Tim continued to lick as he had no option but to obey, He was told to get his tongue inside and tongue fuck her till her juices started to flow. All the while he was perpetrating this sex act on this naked girl, his feelings of self disgust swept over him. Had it been a guy he would not have had a problem and would most certainly have enjoyed it. It didn't take long for this girl's cunt to start dripping with fanny juice. It was then that Tim was instructed to slid his cock up into that very wet pussy and fuck this young girl until he'd planted his load in her. As his cock started to penetrate her pussy, her boyfriend whispered in Tim's ear " she's only 14 and a virgin you little fucking perv.. Now fuck her!!!" Tim was sent into a state of quiet panic as he proceeded to fuck this girl as per instruction knowing it was wrong but afraid to refuse an order. His thoughts cursed the little bastard who had ordered him to commit this crime, because a crime it was and he was committing this crime even though it was an order from one of his tormentors. He also cursed the people who had created Viagra because without this substance in his body, he simply could not have gained an erection so making penetrating sex impossible. He continued fucking this girl for what seemed like hours. He had to start imagining that he was screwing an adonis type 18 year old guy to be able to cum, but his gay fantasy did the job and he pumped rope after rope of spunk into this child's cunt. He was then told to stop and withdraw his cock. The girl was helped up and in a very unsteady fashion.stood in the middle of the floor,completely naked while the guys watched Tim's load slowly run down her leg. After a few moments, she was given her dress back and some of the other girls helped her get dressed. Tim was informed that a video had been shot of his fuck session with a 14 year old virgin and what happened to that recording was to be discussed in class on Monday morning. Tim was told to start work early and have video player and a large screen tv set up so the the class could watch the video before discussing what was to happen to this very explosive tape. Tim knew only to well that if that tape fell into the wrong hands, his life would be over. It was already extremely difficult having to obey a classroom full of sex crazed delinquents. God...he'd been forced to fuck a 14 year old girl after having licked her cunt out. If the police got that recording, his feet wouldn't touch the ground till he was firmly banged up in prison with pedo stamped on his brow, [metaphorically speaking]

While Tim had been suffering his own indignity, a group of lads had taken Zac outside in the back garden. There, he had been spit roasted half a dozen times. His arse was stinging and his mouth was numb, but his duties had to continue. The beer was running dry so Dan and Ryan told Zac to get the car out of the garage and then to put some shorts and a top on. They was going to make a beer run to the 24/7 supermarket. It took only the matter of minutes for the car to arrive at the supermarket car park. Zac was sent in after being told what to buy and it wasn't long before he emerged with a loaded trolley. He unloaded his purchases into the rear of the car and returned the trolley to the trolley park. As he was getting in the car, Dan stopped him saying " hey don't need clothes now...get the fuckers off. Zac looked at Dan with a disbelieving glance and quickly scanned the immediate area to ascertain if there was anyone about. He knew he would have to obey so he shed the few garments he was wearing and moved to get in the car. Again he was stopped but this time by Ryan. " wank till you shoot your load on your car then you can get in " exclaimed Ryan. Not wanting to by naked in public for any longer than necessary, he started stroking his rigid cock (the viagra was still in charge) each stroke getting faster that the previous one. In record time Zac sent rope after rope of spunk flying through the air and onto the car's bonnet. He stood looking at the guys in the car till Dan screamed out as loud as possible " well you like showing your naked fucking body off or are you going to get in". In a flash, Zac was in the driver's seat and reversing out of his space. When they arrived back at Zac's place, the pair went inside after telling Zac to put beer in the fridge. Because of his nakedness he moved as quickly as he could, hoping that none of his neighbours were witnessing his nakedness.

As the night wore on, small groups of teens could be seen leaving Zac's place. Some of the guys and their girlfriends stayed at Zacs because of their inebriated state or simply to take advantage of the opportunity to spent the night with their girlfriend/boyfriend.

Dan headed home as sober as he came. He stayed sober to make sure their was no trouble at the party. He took his position as leader of the group very seriously and knew he had a responsibility as leader. Once home, he stripped to his boxers and climbed into bed. There he lay thinking about the events of the day...the fight..the party and then drifted to thoughts that puzzled him.

With regards to the fuck toys, why were perfectly straight guys fucking the arse off 2 grown men, and making these men suck their cocks or lick their arses.? He understood why the few gay lads in the group enjoyed such activities, but straight guys doing it seemed odd that he was doing it and had been for some time. That night at the party he'd seen the straight guys shagging their girlfriends like the world was about to end, and that looked and felt perfectly normal. It's what guys and gals do...It's what he does when he gets the chance.. Gay lads getting a blow job off Zac or Tim, or fucking them seemed normal because he knew these guys were gay and that's what they did. Time passed by and Dan's thoughts kept coming to an almighty stop every time he thought he'd solved his mystery. Then, like a light bulb going on..." that's got to be why....they like the power they can to order teachers to do anything they can think of and their orders have to be obeyed .It's the fucking POWER!!!!!

Monday morning duly arrived and Tim had come to school early to set up the video player and large screen tv as ordered. At the prescribed time the students ..aka ..Tim's Masters strolled into class. Tim was ordered to start the video and whilst it was playing to attend to any requests for blow jobs. The class lights went out and the video that could send Tim to prison for a very long time started to roll. There before everyone's eyes was a grown man fucking a 14 year old virgin girl with all the vigor of a demented pervert Tim was kept busy sucking cock after cock till the video came to the end. The lights were turned on again and Dan started the proceedings. " right we are going to have to decide what happens to this tape" he paused for a moment and then continued " not just this tape ...but all of the photographic evidence we have. I think we need to consider releasing our fuck toys when we all leave school in 2 months time... the alternatives are that we continue with them in out of school hours or pass what we have to the next group of kids who will be coming into the fuck toys classes.....right what do you all think". For the next half hour various suggestions and ideas were floated around but in the end a decision had been made. Dan rose from his seat " Well guys... it seems that we have all had enough of these two fuckers... and the photos are to be destroyed except for the video we have just all think we need a little insurance in case anything untoward should happen" Dan turned to Tim and said " will you tell Zac your good news.. And Tim ..don't be to hard on him .he really had no option but to spy on you... well go and tell him the good news" Tim left the classroom and returned a short while later saying " we... that's Zac and myself are so utterly grateful for releasing us from our servitude...thank you all so much" At that moment he broke down into floods of tears, so much so that Dan guided him into the stockroom to spare him the humiliation of his class witnessing their teacher crying.

Two months passed away rather quickly and on the last day the classes of Zac and Tim both merged into one classroom to bid farewell to their ex fuck toys aka their teachers. Just before they left, and to everyone's surprize, Tim spoke " If any of you lads get a bit...well horny, call round at my place...I like sucking cocks" HIgh fives all round and the group dispersed.


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