Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on Mar 30, 2016


Plain Forward Blackmail ch 8.1

Three hours later, and Tim was quietly crying, not just because of the physical pain but also from the fact that he had be forced to submit to a 16 year old boy's demands to have his arsehole violated with a permanent reminder of his abject servitude. The lads had sat and watched Grant create a masterpiece on Tim's arsehole, but from a distance, but were now allowed to actually stand over the spread eagled body of one of their fuck toys. They stood in silence and in awe as they gazed on what can only be described as a masterpiece in inks. Grant had used different colored inks and various techniques to try to make the image more 3D effect and he had been mostly successful. For the next 10 minutes Grant tried to explain the importance of keeping the tat clean, but Dan and co couldn't take they eyes off Tim's arsehole. It had been totally transformed from an everyday arsehole to something that was both beautiful and amusing. Grant had to move the guys so he could place antiseptic covered wads of cotton wool over the entire area and held in place by copious amounts of surgical sticky tape, with a final warning to keep it clean. He gave them a leaflet explaining things they needed to know and in return Dan told slut to hand Grant his credit card. Grant gave Tim a bag containing all the cotton wadding and antibiotic cream needed to preserve the tatoo and then conclude the business. They all headed for the burger bar. Barry was waiting for their return, but was disappointed when Dan informed him that the dressings had to remain in place for a while. But as soon as he was able to, he would march slut down to the burger bar to give him [Barry] a private viewing or perhaps a public viewing might be more amusing. . Tim's mind nearly exploded at the possibility that he would be ordered to bare his arsehole in public but he could do nothing to prevent it other that pray like he'd never prayed before.

Tim was told to stay at Zac's place for a few days as it would be easier for all concerned to be able to keep his tat clean. Zac [cunt] was told to check Sluts arse before bed and first thing every morning. Any problems and Dan had to be informed pronto.

The days went by as usual and apart from sucking a few cocks, Tim [slut] had been able to relax a little. Zac had been well used as he was the only fuck in town, so to speak. The time came when Tim's arse was no longer hurting him. Dan tested it out at school one morning. He texted Tim [slut] to come to Zac's [cunt] classroom. As soon as he arrived. He [Dan] told the class about slut getting a tattoo. He told slut to face the class and drop his pants. Tim complied without hesitation. He then told him to turn 180 degrees and bend forward. The "face" stared at the class and for a moment every single one of them was mesmerized. This silence was followed by a little chatter at first then some giggling, followed by raucous laughter. Dan turned slut sides to the audience and promptly proceeded to whip his already hard cock out of his pants and sink it into slut's arsehole in one fell thrust that brought tears to slut's eyes. He fucked the teacher with callous disregard until he filled the orifice with a copious amount of spooge. After slapping slut's arse once with his hand, he told slut to fuck off back to his class and his class would be shown the masterpiece that very afternoon.

That afternoon just happened to be Tuesday, the day that Dan was in Tim's class. Dan wasted no time informing the class that slut had a new tat and this was that very tat. He told Tim to drop the pants and exhibit his newly acquired adornment to his class, Again just like Zac's class, this class was astounded by the brilliance of workmanship and the comical image of a cock-eyed face peering at an open mouth (arsehole). When the cheering and jeering had subsided, Dan grabbed slut by the ear and dragged him out into the corridor, pants still around his ankles. " right're going to get my mate Ryan into your class on a Tuesday and Thursday ..the same as me...and the reason you're going to do that is because we both want those days off..and of course you will mark us present .when you do the you understand slut" declared a very smug Dan. " yes of course...if that's what you want" replied Tim. " "that's what I fucking want so get it done...and I mean fucking now. slut......I want to be able to tell my mate at lunch time that he's got Tuesday and Thursday off!!!" bellowed Dan. To make the point that he could do anything he wanted, he took his cock out and pissed on Slut's pants still around his ankles making it look like he had pissed himself. A little piss had gone on the floor so Dan told slut to lick it all up. Tim got on to his hands and knees and proceeded to lick the floor. He slurped at the bitter liquid endeavoring to fulfill his task,but with out warning Dan stood on the back of his neck pushing his face into the floor and gushed spunk onto the top of his head. Unknown to Tim while he was licking up the residue of piss, Dan had been wanking himself. It even amazed Dan just how quickly a mid teen boy can produce a load of spunk. He then grabbed Tim's ear and dragged him back to his feet and into the classroom where he threw him onto the floor. "leave my spunk on your hair all day you understand" " yes Daniel" replied Tim with pure unadulterated fear imprinted on every square inch of his face. He lay cowering on the floor until Dan told him to pull his piss soaked pants up and fuck off.. It was clear to everyone that Dan was in a very aggressive mood and intended to humiliate Slut as much as possible. No one endeavoured to intervene with Dan's actions either because of fear he generated or they simply didn't care what happened to their teacher their fuck toy.

At lunch time Dan was able to tell Ryan the good news and how he'd done it. Dan's attitude was one of arrogance and malevolence self belief and he pondered on various means on how to humiliate his fuck toys even more. He really could do whatever he wanted and that's exactly what he was going to do. Fucking and sucking was all very well but Dan wanted laughs, he wanted to cause them pain, he wanted to humiliate and hurt these two fucking teachers in every way possible. He wanted to show them and every fucker else just who was in charge. They say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and no truer words were ever spoken. The situation between him [Dan ] and his mates and the these two teachers started off as a blackmail to force a grown man to suck and be fucked by 16 year old boys but had now be transformed into Dan's personal objective of exhibiting his superiority over, not one, but two teachers. Only a few days before the six weeks summer holidays and Dan had plans for the two fuck toys. They were informed that they would be spending their six weeks amusing 50 horny teens. They [the fuck toys] would arrange parties and excursions to the woods and beach. They [the fuck toys] would always end up being naked and totally subservient to any teenager...regardless. The rule was simple...if you are told to do it!. They were given an example ...if a 14 year old, any 14 year old, tells you to strip naked in the strip naked in the mall...or go to jail as a pedo. Dan..was living life in the dangerous lane. If the authorities got wind of what was going on, it would be Dan and co going to jail for blackmail, sexual assault and rape. Ryan could see the whole situation blowing up in their faces and resolved to bring his best mate into line. Someone had to point the dangers out to Dan, because Dan was on a path to self destruction and didn't realize it. Ryan waited until he had Dan on his own and proceeded to tell Dan the stark truth, whether he liked it or not. Only a best mate could talk to Dan like this and Ryan was determined to alter his destructive course and avoid trouble and save his best mate from whatever evil fate awaited him.. " hey bud...we've been best mates for...well...forever.. So what I have to say is to protect you" uttered Ryan

" protect me.... I don't fucking need protecting for fuck sake" roared a very angry, arrogant Dan. Ryan continued in his pursuit to make his mate return to a reality that had escaped him. " you do need protecting... you need to be protected from your fucking're losing the fucking plot pal. You going to allow any teenage to tell cunt and slut to do something that will get them arrested and God knows where that will go if either of them decides to tell the police the true story....Come on know I'm fucking stay in control..not any young need to do this..and now" Dan went very quiet and was clearly in deep thought Ryan knew that Dan would at least think about what he'd said. After several minutes of serious thought, Dan walked up to his mate ..saying.."you are of course fucking right as usual...I was drowning in the power and couldn't see the pitfalls..what was I thinking really are my best mate...Thanks!!" Exclaimed Dan.

Dan got on to phone and sent a group text to members of both classes, stating that all orders and instructions were off and a meeting of all lads would be held at cunt's house 11am Saturday morning. Zac and Tim were informed to ignore any order given to them unless it was from Ryan or himself. There was absolute relief on the faces of the two teachers as they both had visions of having to strip naked in public at the whim of some puny little kid. They both realized that Dan had escaped his brief psychotic episode, and even if he continued with his plans, they were at least his plans and not a 14 year old teenager who had no idea of the damage he could do.

Saturday morning came and most of the group had assembled at Zac's house. Zac and Tim were naked and either serving coffee or coke or sucking dick to a couple of dozen teens. Dan started " Hey guys..thanks for coming...I have to tell you that the incident at school the other day was unacceptable and I apology to you all for making you feel uncomfortable. Ryan put me right and this is why we are all here today....We all need to think of the consequences if we make the fuck toys do stuff that will get them arrested. .if we are sensible we can keep this going for God knows how long....we could pass it on to others when we leave school..the options are wide and varied....but only if we keep everything under our hats." A discussion ensued culminating in a unanimous decision that Dan should be in charge and any ideas had to be put to him first for approval. The two teachers were at least relieved that they weren't going to be subjected to an order from a 14 year old teen that didn't know or care if anything they ordered was dangerous or just plain stupid.

Before the meeting concluded, Dan told the gang that he was going into the woods with the fuck toys that afternoon and watch them fight each other. It was to be a no holds barred event and the loser would get punished for losing..............

Next: Chapter 9

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