Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on Mar 14, 2016


Plain Forward Blackmail ch 7.1

Wednesday morning came and Zac entered the school with the full knowledge that within an hour or so he would be standing in front of his class with his pants around his ankles and having his arse whipped by a fellow teacher. Knowing what was going to happen did nothing to calm his nervousness, to the contrary. He was visibly shaking and his mouth was as dry as sticks. Fear was in control now and he would have run away if the overriding thought was that if he did that the "boys" would send the photo of him fucking a minor to the police and he would go to jail. ,The time arrived for the punishment event to commence. Zac, taking every ounce of courage into his hands, dropped his slacks and waited for the inevitable pain with some trepidation. Some ten minutes Zac's arse was well and truly whipped. Dan inspected Zac's posterior and realized that the damage was greater than expected and certainly worse that Tim.s beating was.. He got the first aid kit from it's place on the wall and proceeded to treat Zac's wounds. Blood was gently trickling down his leg so Dan used large pads of cotton wool to cover both arse cheeks after spreading germolene over the entire area.

The anesthetic in the cream quickly brought relief from the pain. Dan made a conscious decision to never use that evil weapon again, but would keep it as an incentive for the "boys" to obey.and he would say nothing to anyone regarding his decision to never use it again. That was going to be his secret although he knew he would have to add a rule to the list stating that only he could authorize it's use.

Both teacher's arses were left alone until they healed through the beating hadn't interfered with their mouths so sucking cock and rimming continued a pace. For well over a week both teachers walked with a strange gait and rarely sat down in class. When asked by fellow teachers if they were ok, Dan had told both of them to say that they were a couple and their nights of love making was wonderful but at times a little uncomfortable. This subterfuge made Zac feel extremely self conscious but he did it because he had to, choice.

When their arseholes were once again servicable, Dan decided that he and his mates were entitled to a bit of fun outdoors. He told Zac that the class would go for nature ramble in the nearby woods and that slut would take his class on the same ramble. Zac was told to go the sluts class and tell slut what was going to happen.

Thirty minutes later a party of 50 students and two teachers could be seen heading for the woods. When they reached the edge of the woods, Dan called out to his teachers " right you two fuckers...get fucking naked now....leave your clothes behind that bush and be fucking quick about it.

less than a minute later, both teachers were stark fucking naked and trying to hide their tackle in cupped hands. They were instantly told to put their hands behind their backs. The group walked down the track with various lads kicking the arses and slapping the cocks of these two unfortunate teachers.

they reached a clearing and Dan told Zac and Tim (cunt and slut) to start making out. This was ok for Tim as he was gay, but for Zac it was an act so aberrant that tears formed in his eyes as the shame and disgust overwhelmed him. They told to give it plenty of tongue. It wasn't long before the order to start sucking cock followed a short while later for slut to fuck the arse off cunt and as soon as he'd filled cunt's hole with his poad then cunt would fuck him in the same way. Tim's cock never went flaccid as this was his thing but Zac had major problems gaining an erection. He was having to wank like fury to get his cock up enough to penetrate Tim's arse, but it quickly lost its stiffness and he would once again start wanking. All this activity had 50 horny teens wanking themselves and screaming obscenities at their victims..Dan realized that they could not be away from school to long and that their fun had to be terminated in the interest of keeping their activities secret, so he told the group his thoughts and everyone headed back down the track.

once the teachers reached their clothes, Dan told them to get dressed but that Tim, just like Zac, was never again to wear underwear.

That same evening Dan texted Tim to strip and to get his fucking arse over to cunt's place pronto.

When Tim arrived dan and ryan were sitting on the couch drinking beer. Zac was on his knees sucking cock, bollock naked of course. Ryan yelled over to Tim " slut get over here now and suck my fucking cock" Tim immediately dropped to his knees in front of Ryan and devoured Ryan's cock. Dan and Ryan settled back to let their fuck toys do their work. For an hour,Zac and Tim had sucked and licked the lads cock,balls and their arserholes. Dan stood up and simply stated to both teachers " right. Cunt ...bring me that plastic bag I came over with. Zac obeyed instantly. Dan took a spray canister out of the bag saying " both of you stand in the middle of the floor with your arms held high" Dan then proceeded to spray a white foam onto the parts of their bodies that had hair, with the exception of their heads. Both men were desperate to ask what was going on but fear had theirs mouths sealed shut. After Dan had creamed all all both bodies, he told them to remain in that stance until told otherwise. Some ten minutes later Dan ordered both of them to go and shower which they did. A short while later, they both emerged from up stairs to Dan's delight.

" that's fucking better...not a fucking pube in sight. You now need a fucking haircut...something really short" At that Ryan produced a large hair trimmer like the ones used in barber shops. The two lads revelled in shaving "Cunt" and "Slut" to within � an inch of their scalp. Zac's tattoos were looking exceptionally good now that their were no hairs soiling the view. " think slut needs a few tats Ryan...we'll take him to the mall at the weekend...and I suppose we'd better take cunt incase he fucking crys," said Dan with an air of sarcasm.

The mall opened at 10 so Dan and Ryan hurried cunt and slut along. Slut had being told to stay at cunt's place. They'd all slept a little longer than Dan had intended. He wanted to get down to the tattooist as early as possible, because Of what Dan had planned. They finally arrived at the mall and made a rapid bee line for the tattooist's parlor. They entered the establishment to find the tattooist working on a guys butt. " hi guys" said the tattooist " be with you in about 15 minutes...if you want to grab a coffee, I'll save your place..i'll make it an appointment" " yea man ...that sounds good" replied Dan. They headed for the burger bar where Barry worked. Barry saw the lads and went over to them. "Hi need a particular table, with a look that said "suck time guys" " yea that would be great" replied Ryan. Barry took them to a table by the window that overlooked the car park. It was frosted glass on the lower half to allow some privacy but also allowed the light to enhance the bar. " so Dan....your friend still sucking cock" asked Barry " well actually they're both sucking cock...we've added one to our number...let me introduce you to our renamed slaves...cunt and slot" remarked Dan " what's the chance of a blow job...I've got a break due...really enjoyed the last one in the bogs" asked Barry " No probs mate" replied Dan "we intend to have one as well...right here with these two under the table" Zac and Tim looked at one another with unadulterated shock in their faces. " So Barry ...Ryan and me will have a coffee and what even your having...apart from your blow job" Barry hurried away to fill the order, full of anticipation and excitement. By the time he had returned, coffees in hand, cunt and slut were already under the table slurping on to rampant cocks.

The bar was reasonably full but thanks to Barry they had a table that was out of sight in most situations. Barry sat down making small talk but clearly finding the waiting a little frustrating

Dan and Ryan blasted large quantities of spunk down the respected throats Barry anticipated the speed and had his unrestrained cock out and ready to go. Dan instructed the two amigos to share Barry's cock and bring him pleasure. They both started to lick and suck the lads cock and balls and equally spent time eating his arse after first sliding his jeans to his ankles. Barry was experiencing ecstasy and couldn't hide the fact even though there were a few strange glares looking his way.Fortunately anything and everything below table height couldn't be seen, so Tim and Zac continued on their quest to bring pleasure to Barry.

On completion or their task, Dan decided it was time to get to the tattooist's parlor. "He told Barry that dlut was to get a very substantial tatoo and when they wereb

done,he'd fetch slut back to the burger bar to show him and have a coffee or coke at the same time.

As they entered the parlor, they were pleased to note that there was no one in the room. The tattooist introduced himself " right guys...I'm Grant and I pride myself on the work I what can I do for you"

Dan spoke " I want you to create something like this on his {pointing to Tim} arse" Dan produced a drawing of a human backside. It had been a photograph but copied on to A4 paper. superimposed over the image wss a rough drawing of a face. A round the actual arsehole was the mouth of the face. It appeared to be waiting to suck a cock. All of the normal facial features were there. The eyes were on both arse cheeks and the image was one of both eyes looking at the mouth making the image appear cock_eyed. Dan told Grant that the just how he portrayed the face was his choice

" well lads" said Grant"..with something as big as this, there's legal permission to obtain,and unfortunately that permission has to come from the recipient and without any coaching of any kind." "are right" said Dan "could we have a moment with Tim here...perhaps you could put the kettle on and we'll have a pot of tea. Grant nodded his head and disappeared into the back room. "ok slut.whispered Dan..when he comes back, tell him that you want this tattoo and offer to sign a waiver should anything go wrong and don't forget about you and a 14 year old boy" Grant reappeared carrying a tray of teas. Dan looked at Tim urging him to speak by indicating with his head and eyes. " well Grant" said Tim " I really came here today to get this tat so if you need me to sign anything, that wouldn't be a problem. "ok" said Grant " I'll get started but you realize that it is going to take at 2 hours,probably longer and your looking at �400 all in...that includes antiseptic liquid to maintain it until it heals. " yea sure..whatever you say Grant". "right..take your pants of you lads put the closed sign up and lock the door and draw the blind down" At that Grant started, what was going to be a long laborious and painful time for Tim..........

Next: Chapter 8

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