Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on Mar 9, 2016


l Plain Forward Blackmail ch6.1

That dreaded day had arrived for Tim. Would these disgusting little bastards really force a teacher into sexual slavery. The answer was simply. YES.!. They already had Zac doing their bidding and now they had him. As Tim was forcing breakfast down in spite of that irritating knot in his stomach , he got a text. AS SOON AS YOU GET TO SCHOOL AND YOUR CLASS IS READY TO START, GET THE NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS OF ALL OF THEM..BRING THE LIST TO ME. GET YOUR COCK AND BALLS OUT OF YOUR PANTS AND LET THEM HANG OUT....WALK STRAIGHT INTO THE CLASS.......GIVE ME THE LIST,..THEN WANK YOURSELF OFF TILL YOU SPREAD SPUNK ON THE FLOOR AND.WITHOUT BEING TOLD,YOU GET ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES AND LICK IT ALL UP. YOU WILL STAND......COCK STILL SHOWING .....UNTIL I DISMISS YOU..WHEN I DO YOU WILL ANSWER ..SLUT THANKS YOU...YOU WILL THEN LEAVE ...COCK STILL OUT. YOU MAY PUT YOUR COCK AWAY AFTER YOU CLOSE THE DOOR

Tim read the message again, disbelieving he'd read it right first time around, but to his absolute despair and the knot in his stomach getting tighter he realized he had read it right. His nightmare during school hours was about to begin and he had no clue when it would end.

As instructed. Tim took the morning register then proceeded to compile the list as ordered. A few of the lads in his class asked why he wanted their phone numbers, so he made some sort of excuse about emergency eventualities. and as soon as he had the list. he left his class with an assignment and headed for Zac's classroom.not forgetting to exposing his genitals. play with...I got video of the bastard fucking a 14 year old in the future you can use him as He got to the class, and taking a long breath, walked straight into classroom. Tim was greeted with various comments, the most complimentary one being " by that's a pretty decent sized cock"

Dan stood up and addressed his mates " well lads... we have another cocksucking little slut for you to abuse at will. For this morning ..he has just brought a list of names/phones numbers of his class and I am going to sit and text one of them to tell him of our good luck that it is also their good luck now...right the way lads...he's now called slut...right slut continue" Tim said nothing as the embarrassment he was experiencing was overpowering. He started to pull his cock in rhythmic time and gradually got faster until he was pumping it like a steam engine. He shot a load of spunk across the classroom floor accompanied by howls and chants from everyone in the class. He then dropped to his knees and started to lick the gooey mess off the floor to everyone's astonishment, and with Dan pointing out small blobs he'd missed he lapped everything in sight up.. When he'd finished and the floor was spunk free. He got up and waiting to be dismissed. Dan eventually told him to fuck off which he was pleased to do and conforming with his orders said "slut thanks you" Every second he was forced to stand and wait to be dismissed felt like a lifetime. Having been utterly humiliated and discredited in front of a whole class of horny teens, prior to leaving the classroom Tim forgot his cock was still swinging free. He rushed down the corridor and entered his classroom where a class full of teens stared at their teacher flashing his dick. In the meantime Dan was texting one of the numbers supplied by Tim. As Dan had been in Tim's class for two days a week, he'd gotten to know some of the lads. HI JUSTIN...JUST HAD MR OLDERSHAW (NOW BEEN RENAMED SLUT) IN OUR CLASS WANKING AND LICKING HIS CUM OFF THE FLOOR.AND I'VE TOLD HIM TO WAIT ONE HOUR AND DO THE SAME THING IN YOUR CLASS AND HE WILL TELL YOU ALL HIS NEW NAME AS SOON AS HE COMES INTO THE CLASSROOM. TELL YOUR MATES WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AND IF YOU WANT YOU CAN JOIN RYAN AND ME FOR LUNCH IN THE CAFETERIA AND I'LL FILL YOU IN. Justin texted Dan THE FUCKER'S JUST WALKED INTO THE CLASSROOM WITH HIS FUCKING COCK OUT.. . The rest of the class were puzzled as to why their teacher was exposing his private parts in the classroom but were totally gob smacked when Tim stood before them and announced at from now on his should be addressed as Slut. Justin was quick to inform Tim that his cock was hanging out and Tim hurriedly trying to put cock back to where it should normally reside but was stopped by Justin saying " no looks better out..leave it...or will I tell Dan he needs to come down here...

Justin announced to his classmates that he had received a text from Dan and would have a full and detailed explanation of what exactly was going on after lunch but it appears they had a sex slave to play with and after he had spoken to Dan during lunch he would get the full story and relay it to everyone concerned, but in the meantime their teacher was now to be referred to as slut and was for all intensive purposes their play thing. Tim's class descended into what could only be described as classroom anarchy to such an extent that some lads were actually slapping Tim's cock with their hands or rulers and ramming pencils or indeed anything else they could find up his arsehole. One lad who absolutely detested the teacher, spit in his face and when Tim did not react, the same lad dragged him to his knees and forced a very large cock into his mouth and proceeded to fuck Tim's face. Justin was getting concerned at the noise and text Dan to tell him what was happening. Dan told Zac to take him[Dan} to slut's class pronto. Zac, realizing that something was wrong by the level of anxiety being demonstrated by Dan and rushed to Tim's classroom with Dan in tow. As they entered the classroom they were confronted with a scene which portrayed the rape of a teacher. He had been stripped of every vestige of clothing ,had one lads cock firmly wedged down his throat and another lads cock firmly planted up his arse and was being pounded by both lads without mercy. Dan shouted for everyone to settle down and return to their seats as he had important information to tell them. The two lads pounding Tims orifices continued their action while Dan spoke " Guys... you are going to ruin everything doing this.....yes fucking use the bastards but keep the noise down ...don't do anything that will jeopardise what we have... make the fuckers suck you off...fuck them as many times as you like ..humiliate the cunts....but be aware of the dangers of being caught...and guys lets get him get fucking dressed now. At lunch time the gang assembled in the cafeteria to discussion their next humiliating event for one or even both of their slaves. Dan informed Justin that he intended to use the cat on both of their "boys". Tuesday morning, he was going to have a vote on who got their arses welted first and that on Wednesday morning the other one would suffer the same pain and indignity as the first one did. It was decided that because the lads in slut's class would want to be present when he got strapped that cunt would go to slut's classroom and Justin would be in charge. the victims were not to be informed as Dan wanted to surprize them. Either slut would administer the punishment on cunt or vice versa. In the meantime Justin should take charge of slut and keep the noise level down in the classroom.

The group decided that a set of rules were needed to preserve the secrecy of what they had. The rules were short and simple:-

1 Neither of the teachers could stripped if there was a high risk of being caught

2 they must not be fucked in any way that would cause prolonged or permanent injury.

3 only those who know now shall be allowed to use the slaves, but if anyone wanted to share their knowledge with friends they had to get permission from Dan Ryan or Justin. first

Dan told Justin to organize a vote in his class the following morning to see who would get their arse strapped first and he {Dan} would do it in his class and text the result and for Justin to text the result to him

Tuesday morning and both teachers were expecting to be sucking quite a few cocks and possibly getting fucked in the stock room but there was little if anything they could do if they wanted to stay out of prison. As both teachers took the respective registers they both noticed extra activity among their students. Sheets of paper going to and fro and low level chatter. Neither dared ask what was going on so ignored it. Dan stood up and told Zac to shut up as he had an announcement to make.

"Right lads...the result of the vote we have just had has been added to slut's class and the result is as follows...slut to be whipped 35...cunt to be whipped 15.....So I will go with cunt to sluts classroom and while cunt is laying it on Sluts arsehole I will be videoing it....Let's go cunt and bring the cat". When they arrived at Tim's classroom and walked in, Tim looked very surprised. Dan spoke before either teacher had a chance to say anything.." right lads the results are that slut gets it this morning;;; right slut...out here..drop your fucking pants and bent over touching your toes" realizing immediately that a whipping was coming, Tim started to shake involentry, anticipating the pain he felt when his abusers had a practise run. Zac took his position and waited to be told when to start. "right cunt start now and lay 5 of the best on thick" Zac brought the strap down hard on Tim;s arse and repeated it, stroke after stroke. At 5 Dan inspected a very sore looking arsehole. The tongs had done their evil worse and blood was seeping from the lash marks. Dan pulled a bottle from his pocket along with a piece of cotton wool and proceeded to dab the contents of the bottle on to the injured area of Tim's arse. From the sounds coming from Tim it was clearly causing some pain. Dan finished and spoke to Tim " ok slut...I've treated your arse with iodine to stop any infection...just a bit of luck that it stings like fucking hell...what is happening to you is a result of you interfering with my fucking understand you fucking disgusting little slut" " Dan turned to Zac and with an evil grin said" your getting yours tomorrow morning"..............

Next: Chapter 7

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