PJ and Justin

By Ryan White

Published on Feb 22, 2023




It's your boy Ryan with another story for ya!

Since I have written anything on here, I had contracted COVID...I know... #sadface

I finally feel like MYSELF again and this afternoon I tackled my laptop to see if anything would happen...

...and THIS you see here, is what I came up with.

I had this idea for a story for a while so I'm really happy I could finally put words on paper.

As always, if yall wanna get in touch with me, my email is liciousryan@gmail.om

P.S. the character of PJ is FICTIONAL. He's not a real celebrity LOL.

Love always, Ryan



"Kiss me, Birthday Boy!"

Justin hastily looked around at all the kids that were attending his sixteenth birthday bash on their homestead farm in the heart of the devilishly warm surroundings of the Karoo, at literally anyone...anyone out there who could give him a valid excuse to get the hell out of here...

...anything would do...how he wished that someone would just randomly fall and break a leg so that he would be forced to leave Kara right here where they now were and speed off to help them...

But as we all know, life seldom was fair, and very rarely, Justin felt, towards him in particular. Upsetting Kara was the last thing he wanted to do but MY GOD, why couldn't she have been a boy??

The newly turned sixteen-year-old teenager, lanky, tall, black hair all over the place, his hands sweaty as hell, his beautiful caramel-coloured eyes in all sorts of confusion, staring at what could only be described as sheer horror, at his supposed girlfriend standing right here before him, more than clearly wanting something from Justin, which he knew he didn't wanna give.

Not to her, or to any other girl out there.

Kara leaned forward and gripped Justin's limp teenage dick inside the palm of her hands, the handsome teenager hissing as he felt another hand besides his very own curl around his virgin organ for the very first time, and against his will, and to his supreme shock and shudder, he felt himself immediately starting to harden the fuck up.

Kara would obviously be feeling it too, even in her drunken, dishevelled state, after downing so many tequila shots, it would seem that the world was ending during the party...but she surely wasn't that far gone that she couldn't feel what she fucking desired the most in this whole world...

Justin Potgieter was the son of the very well-known and very well loved, and respected Potgieter family dynasty that had been living in this part of South Africa for what had to be literal decades...each member of the family tree came, saw and conquered with their own history and heritage, to finally get Justin where he was at this point and time.

His father always...always said...the Potgieter family might be poor, but they had the respect of anyone and everyone in the county. And as long as you had THAT intact, then the world would always smile at you, no matter WHAT the circumstances might be.

Justin closed his eyes as he saw Kara's lips...gleaming with whatever lip-gloss she might have smeared on before the party, coming ever closer...ever closer towards his own. His heart was heavy, he felt like his dick was betraying him, because he knew that THIS wasn't what he really wanted...

...at the same time, he instinctively felt that all his friends, or nearly all of their attention were now sorely focussed on the two of them, as he and Kara's absence from his own birthday party was now well and truly felt. Whistles and cheers as far as the Karoo were beautiful, could be heard in the far-off distance, as his friends and peers were clearly egging him on to actually kiss the beautiful, popular girl that he was "privileged" enough to call his own.

As Kara's lips touched his and viciously at that, Justin routinely closed his eyes, as he felt her soft lips flickering and searching for more, and with nearly everyone watching the two of them, hardly anyone dancing, eating, drinking of swimming any more, he knew that he couldn't let this opportunity pass to make him seem...just a little more normal.

God knows how this conservative and VERY constitutional county would feel and react, if they ever knew the God's honest truth.

His heart was breaking at every second he spent making out with his girlfriend, as the cheers from far off could now well and truly be heard, as the two young supposed lovers was giving the crowd exactly what they wanted.

Kara, in all fairness, was way too drunk to even notice that Justin's dick hadn't stayed hard for very long, the kiss between the two dragging out more than what Justin would have liked. Once Kara finally broke things off, she leaned forward, and as slutty as she possibly could, pressed and dawned her equally sixteen-year-old equipment directly onto his powerful, and ripped boy chest.

"Just wait until they are all gone...I'm gonna give you the ride of your fucking life..." she whispered in Justin's ear, before making him shudder, by fully taking his earlobe inside her mouth, gripping it tightly with her teeth, before she finally let him go, smiling wickedly, as she winked at him, before turning around to so obviously get herself another drink.

His father had been saving for months to that the Potgieter family could afford to celebrate his son's huge ass milestone, and it was clear that there was more than enough alcohol to satisfy all the thirsty teenagers at the party.

This was a country where it was legal to drink at age sixteen...enough said.

Justin closed his eyes and sighed, and before he could stop himself, he wiped his mouth in total and utter disgust.

Quickly, nervously, he looked around at his peers to see if anyone had seen what he had just done, but majority was now once more either in the pool, or on the dance floor shaking their hearts out at the typical Afrikaans Boeremusiek (folk music) that had been blasting out of those huge ass speakers his father had hired, since long before the party began.

His eyes involuntarily fell onto Pieter de Bruyn...one of the most popular boys in their grade, and once more...without wanting or actually having the need to...Justin blushed, as he allowed his sights to dwell on the boy's perfect as hell, sixteen-year-old body.

And not for the first time, that was...not by a fucking long shot. Justin smiled slightly as he turned away just a tad, hidden in the shadows of the horse's stables that they owned, as he watched Pieter from what he reckoned was a safe enough distance.

Jesus Christ.

The boy's lust for life, the incredible force of nature that he was...captain of the school's rugby team, he also played cricket and hockey, and he was also vice-captain of the swimming team for that matter. The boy was an all-out South African male teenager in every shape and form, and years of working on his own dad's farm had shaped his hard sixteen-year-old body in ways that most adult men would be jealous of. Justin felt his dick harden yet again.

Only this time, it was different.

Only this time, it wasn't determined by just, merely a hand touching his young genitals. Even a fucking dog would get hard should such an opportunity rise.

No...this time, there was a certain warmth that was spreading through his youthful body...a yearning, a lust...a need to actually BE with Pieter in every sense of the word...

...to touch that beautiful teenage frame...to caress and to worship those teenage muscles in the way that they actually deserved...Justin licked his lips and swallowed slowly...very slowly.

The way Pieter's chest would heave at the slightest dance move he managed to have thrusted out...shirtless...just a beautiful young male in his own might and right. Of course...with that being the case, he always had a ton of girls around him, and tonight, even with-it being Justin's birthday party, that was no different.

His looks alone made people wanna be around him...the girls loved him and the boys in school all respected him, and actually, if they would actually ever admit it, would wanna BE him if only they could. They wanted what he had...what he could GET, if he really wanted to, and probably often did.

Justin willed his hard as a rock, dick to go down...he knew he couldn't stay away for too long before his friends and family out there would actually start to ask questions.

He could always say that he was checking on the horses as an excuse...and his eyes immediately fell onto his own, that his father had given him when Justin had turned twelve. A beautiful Arabian thoroughbred, complete with a majestic white mane like golden corn...

Justin's kiddie heart loved the little foal the very moment that he had set eyes on her, and in honour of the Klein Karoo where he had lived his whole life, he called her Sunset.

Together they have had a lot of adventures, and it was actually on top of her, that he had learned to ride a horse in the first place. He wouldn't give her up for all the money in the world...but sadly, it seemed that THAT was where things were now going for their family.

The pandemic had destroyed their income over the years so badly that they were barely making ends meet. He knew that his father was worried each and every day over where there would finally be any sort of outcome...he had already sold three of their horses...otherwise they wouldn't have survived and on top of it all...

...unfortunately, he also knew that Kara's father and family were one of the richest farmers in this area.

There had always been a sort of...expectancy that Justin would one day ask Kara to be his girlfriend and of course, eventually to become his wife, because as his father reckoned...that would make them family and that would give the Potgieter family a fighting chance, if their son ended up marrying the daughter of a wealthy ass farming family in their own totality.

Justin lovingly casted his eyes over Sunset, before he finally walked back outside, satisfied that she was well taken care of for the night.

His eyes fell on Pieter as he walked over to where the rest of the party was at, the one teenager more drunk than the other, if his eyes wasn't deceiving him. One of his friends threw over a bottle of Castle Lager beer towards him, which he easily caught, before he quickly unscrewed the top and downed nearly half of the bottle in the process.

God knows, he needed it. Badly.

His heart pounded incessantly inside his own powerful, strong teenage chest, as he dared look over at where Pieter was once more, gyrating his hips on the rhythm of the music as one song was played after the other, shirtless, his abs on fire and ripped, his strong arms cradling one girl in his arms after the other as they did one "sokkie" (traditional Afrikaans dancing) number after the other.

Justin bit his lip.

Damn you, Pieter de Bruyn.

He'd give anything...ANYTHING...for Pieter...

...or just any boy...any boy...to look at him as lovingly as Pieter was at those three or four girls surrounding him.



"Suck me...oh fuck yeah dude...oh Jesus, you're so good at this..."

PJ sunk in his stomach as he felt the boy's lips encircle his teenage dick like it had so many times before, as his eyes rolled back in their sockets at the feeling of his young genitals being so desperately slobbered over. He sighed with complete content as he hissed quietly, with the boy underneath him doing his level best to give him the best sort of blowjob that he knew PJ so fully deserved.

"You've been practising, haven't you..." PJ whispered as he reached down and ran his fingers through the boy's thick black hair, as he wanted to give...I don't know...some sort of reward or a thank you for a job fucking well done.

The boy released the rock hard, angry-red sixteen-year-old phallus with a POP inside of his thirsty mouth, before he smiled energetically up at PJ.

"I used some carrots..." he admitted, with a more than wry smile, before he dipped his face down once more and took PJ's cockhead into his mouth, all the while jacking the remainder of the young cock off as best as he possibly could.

For a while, things were silent inside of PJ's moderately sized trailer, with only the sounds and the wheezing of his throat as the sexual pleasures seemed to completely ENGULF his body and soul, ripping through the compartment. PJ sat up straight, he took his wet leaking cock into his own hands, completely ignoring the sad look on the latter boy's face as he stood up, his powerful, toned physique absolutely dwarfing that of his cocksucker.

His torso glimmering with sweat, the droplets slowly and steadily rolling down his six pack abs, PJ grunted as his young balls finally gave in, and he threw his head backwards as his orgasm seemed to BLAST through him. Copious amounts of potent, virile, white teenage baby batter streamed onto the face of the boy that has been satisfying him for quite some time now, the whole half of his features that was facing PJ, now literally covered in the latter's sperms.

The boy sighed and reached upwards to wipe off as much of the tasty droplets and smidges of cum that he could possibly muster, before energetically licking his fingers as much as he can, savouring the taste and the flavour of PJ's sperm, as he still couldn't quite believe his luck...

...he had literally done now...numerous times, what several teenage girls only WISHED they could ever achieve...seeing PJ Cruz naked...sucking the sexy teenage film star's cock...and swallowing his cum.

PJ fell forward onto his bed, before he turned around, his dick still in a state of hardness, quickly going soft, before he groaned as loud as the day was long, with the boy having grabbed what was left of his erection and proceeded to suck the remainder of the watery goodness out of the still leaking cockhead.

He thought he was going to literally pass out as the boy's tongue dug deep into his flaring piss slit for some more gooey boy batter.

Satisfied that there was no longer even a single drop of PJ's sperm left, the boy smacked his lips and stood up, his own boyish erection in full view for PJ to see, but he knew that he shouldn't even bother to ask if the film star would return the favour for him.

By now, he knew what the answer would be.

PJ Cruz was a receiver...certainly not a giver, when it came to these sorts of things at least, that he made clear to the boy at the very start of all of this.

PJ smiled, before he leaned his sexy ass upper body upwards, and reached for his wallet, before he did some digging and presented the boy with about sixty dollars in cold hard, American cash.

The boy took it with a faint heart, because he would rather have not if he had a choice...ever since the first time that PJ had paid him for actually doing this, he felt like such a fucking SLUT, it was actually laughable.

Still, he told him himself...he had to be honoured that out of all the drama students working on this film, that PJ Cruz had chosen HIM to sexually satisfy him. That was about all that kept him going...and allowed his own good conscious to actually accept payment for whatever this actually was.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tall, angry looking woman approaching the trailer with a speed that was out of this world for a woman her age...

"Dude, your mother is coming! What the fuck? You said she was out all afternoon, fucking hell!" he shrieked softly as he saw the total and utter panic inside PJ's eyes as well, before the latter jumped up and got dressed faster than he had ever did in his entire fucking life.

His shirt ended up fitting totally the wrong way around on his body, but PJ didn't even notice, as he reached down towards the floor and literally tossed the boy's clothes towards him as well, urging him silently to get the fuck dressed.

"PJ? Patrick, are you in here? Open up, I need to go over your schedule with you!"

Oh...did I mention...that PJ's mother was also his agent?

Satisfied that the boy was dressed...more or less, PJ took a deep breath before he rushed forward and unlocked the door of his trailer, before giving his mother, what he really hoped, was a warm enough smile.

"Mother...just WHAT are you doing here...right now...?" he asked, the fake smile plastered all over his handsome features, as he only hoped to God that his mother couldn't smell or notice what was now so god damn glaringly obvious...

...the very distinct metallic smell of boy sex...sweat and spent cum was all over the place, Jesus Christ, come to think of it, it was near damn impossible to actually miss it...

Victoria O'Donnell pursed her lips all the while looking her son/money maker, before she finally noticed the other presence in the room.

The boy...who had been given her son several moments that he could never forget in this entire life for months on end now, was in a state of shock to say the least...

...this was THE Victoria O'Donnell...one of the most feared and well-respected casting agents in ALL of Hollywood.

If himself, like so many of his fellow drama students out there wanted to actually MAKE it in this industry, they knew SHE was the one person with the MOST connections who could actually make it happen.

However...the look on her face told the boy that he had more chances in getting impregnated by PJ Cruz himself, than getting on Victoria O'Donnell's books with his acting portfolio.

Victoria's nose wiggled as her eyes seemed to flutter all the way from the boy's to that of her son's...who was still smiling his ass off in this total and utter failed attempt to hide what was actually going on.

"Really, Patrick? Really? You're bedding the fucking help now?" she hissed towards PJ, the latter teenager knowing that there was only one instance where his mother ever...EVER called him by his real name, and that was when she was more than horribly pissed off.

The boy hovered between mother and son for just a tad, before he got the fuck out of there, and ran away from the trailer as fast as he could.

Victoria turned towards his son, a filthy, disgusting smear across her face to boot, before she shook her head and swung her handbag over her shoulder.

"Remind me to fucking fire that excuse for an intern."

"Mom, God, no! Geez, why do you always have to be such a b..."

Victoria managed to silence him with one sheer look of her blazing green eyes, much like her own son's but completely and utterly without the warmth that PJ had possessed inside his own.

"I dare you. I actually dare you to finish that sentence..." she finally spoke, softly and slowly, whispering more like, until a fluttering of goosebumps had spread across both of poor PJ's arms...

...the faint hairs on his skin standing upright as if they had been actually frozen and mauled to death.

"Sorry, Mother...I guess...I just..."

"Oh, I know what you were after, and what you probably got, you don't need to give me the fucking sordid details, my boy...thank you very much. Next time, just come and tell me you need...relief? I am your agent after all and I can arrange a suitable boy for you, no problem. One of my personal choices, one who won't run to the tabloids afterwards. You're a teenager...it's normal to get cravings, I would guess, but Patrick, for God's sake...not the help!"

PJ shook his head and sat gingerly down on his bed, his scripts for the final scenes of the movie that he was busy shooting still untouched on the side table, complete with penned highlights at where his lines was that he still needed to learn and to memorise.

Victoria rolled her eyes as she saw what he was looking at.

"Have you even started with those?" she demanded, running her skinny fingers and manicured nails through her hairdo in total disgust.

PJ could only shake his head...it really didn't help to lie to his mom. Not at fucking all.

Victoria cleared her throat, before she slowly...very slowly sat down on one of the couches inside the trailer, before immediately switching to business mode, and taking out numerous papers from her handbag.

"Okay...moving on, now let's talk shop. I managed to get you an audition for the new Matt Damon movie that is going to be shot all the way in sunny South Africa. I'm not quite sure of where the location is going to be, but Matt's agent did say that it is going to be somewhere on a remote estate. The story is going to be about a boy who is homosexual, and who eventually comes out to his parents, only to commit suicide as his entire family rejects him. So, I want you to prepare these...

PJ literally didn't hear anything that his mother was saying apart from the words "homosexual" and "suicide" to be honest, that alone was enough to make the boy jump up, his t-shirt still the wrong way around on his tight torso, his entire forehead now drowsed in teenage sweat particles, such was the shock and the realisation of what Victoria was saying...

"No...not a chance. Fuck that shit, I ain't doing that! Not now, not ever!" he gasped, his eyes wide and bulged, his frame completely against anything that he was now forced to hear.

Victoria calmly looked up at her son, and she took off her shades, quickly and savagely replacing them with her reading glasses, before folding her hands together...once again...calmness personified.

"You can and you will."

PJ shook his head, defying his mother was the one thing he had never done, but this...playing a gay teenager committing suicide...Jesus! There was no way...that was hitting way too close to home! And his mother KNEW it! How could she ever FORGET?

"Mom...Mom, don't...I mean...doesn't any of this...even remotely tell you that this is a wrong and horrible idea? Seriously? There's nothing at all?"

Victoria pursed her lips, and finally...finally...there was a remote...silent...gentle nudge at the corners of her eyes...in which PJ actually thought that he had actually seen even a SHRED of decency or even sorrow inside of them...

...and I swear to God, the moment passed before you could even say "cold-hearted bitch".

"Honey...I realise that this might be a little...well, daunting for you..."

PJ threw his hands up dramatically in the air and made his way to the entrance of his trailer as fast as he could...

"You're so not listening! How am I supposed to put my fucking heart and soul into a character who does...who does THAT, when I came SO close to actually doing it myself! Mom! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Victoria stood up...all signs of normality...whatever that had may be...all signs of motherly concern, if ever there had been any to begin with, was now totally wiped from her strict and imposing features...

...back was the shrewd business woman who had so many people sit on the edge of their seats the moment that she walked into any casting inside this great metropolis of California.

"Now you listen to me...this film is going to be made and you ARE going to be starring in it..."



"Jesus, Mom! Is money and fame that important to you? Have you ever thought of how I would feel in all of this?"

"Patrick, calm down, I said..."

PJ was by now anything but calm...the last thing he wanted to have a reminder of, was when he took all those pills and sliced his wrists on that horrible afternoon when he felt that nothing and no one could help him any more...what his mother...

...no...what VICTORIA was now doing was borderline cruel!

"MOM, listen to me, I ain't doing it!"


Victoria's sharp, calculated voice sliced through the small trailer, with PJ immediately sitting down on his bed, and angrily hitting the mattress with his fist.

Victoria stood over him and looked her son dead in the eye.

"I am your mother, and I am your agent. And I say, you go to that audition and you act your fucking heart out and you GET this part! You know what will happen if I release you from my books, don't you? Don't force my hand, Patrick...you won't win."

PJ gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes.

She was right.

Of course, she was fucking right.

Half of Hollywood would give their last piece of spleen to be represented by Victoria O'Donnell because of who she is what she was capable to do for her clients in the acting industry. Man...this blows...this was so unbelievably unfair, it actually stank!

He picked up the script of the Matt Damon film that Victoria had allowed to fall out of her hands at the beginning of her tirade, before he flickered his eyes across some of the words.

"Mom, you do realise this film is a gay movie? I just really wanted to make sure? You are ordering me...demanding actually, that I go audition for...a gay movie? You, of all people?"

Once again, Victoria was unmoved and unbothered. She simply blinked her eyes in what she would call, a response.

"So?" she finally replied.

PJ wry fully smiled...before he finally stood up to his full teenage length to actually face his mother. Eyeball, to eyeball.

He smirked.

"You remember the song and dance you made when I came out three years ago, right? You told me to hide so deep away in the closet, that no one would be able to find me! That it would totally ruin any career I could have as an actor! And now...you wanna be pro LGBTQI all of a sudden?"

Victoria frowned and shook her head, all the while keeping a close eye on her mobile phone that she always had lodged inside her right hand. Satisfied that there weren't any immediate messages, she returned her attention to her son.

"Patrick...I get what you're saying and I...have TRIED to understand...God knows how any boy could ever have romantic feelings for another boy, but that said...regardless how I feel about homo's like you..."


"...but we're talking Matt Damon here. Have you been sleeping underneath a rock all these years? His movies always earn top dollar! People go to the cinema and watch everything he is ever in, because of WHO he is! Name ONE film he has been in which had been a flop! And that means...exposure for you! To make it as a serious actor in this industry! My god, Patrick, think of the doors this role could open for you! What part of all of this don't you fucking understand?"

PJ swallowed and his head sunk to his upper chest.

Everything...everything she was saying was and sounded so...so right.

But Jesus Christ...portraying a character...a young boy whose family rejects him because he is gay...said character committing suicide when he himself had done it two years before...because he thought his life wasn't worth living a fucking lie?

If his mother hadn't found him on the floor, barely breathing that afternoon, when she did...

He sighed once more.

Then again, he knew from the start that he was fighting a losing battle.

There was just no way she was gonna take no for an answer.

He might have just as well been arguing with a brick wall for over thirty minutes.

"When is the fucking audition?" he whispered softly, still not deeming it worthy to actually look at Victoria.

"Tomorrow afternoon at the Canterbury. Make sure you're there, I can't hold your hand every god damn time..." Victoria said, before she pulled out her sunglasses and put it on, opening the trailer door, with immediate sunlight flooding the place like a hot, foamy, steamy bath in winter.

"And Patrick..."

PJ looked up, but he didn't reply.

Turns out he didn't need to.

"Do me a favour and clean the fuck up in here. It smells like a fucking brothel," was his mother's final words before she slammed the door behind her.


"Hey Justin, hoe lyk dinge hier?" (how goes)

Justin looked up and wiped the sweat from his face as he saw Pieter, alongside his latest girlfriend Vanessa, drive up to their farm house and park his beautiful spanking new BMW right in front of the stables, before he got out and jogged around the car to the passenger door, before opening the door for her.

Justin rolled his eyes as he saw what she was wearing. These city girls always think that going to a farm or when they are in the Karoo to wear as little as fucking possible. It wasn't hard to see what made her Pieter's flavour of the month, that was for fucking sure.

"Hey Pieter...hey Vanessa. Sorry guys, I can't really chat right now...my dad wants all of this hay buried deep inside there by the time that he gets home, you know how he is..." Justin replied as he continued what he was doing.

The sun was out and the felt like the Bosveld was on fucking fire...it had to be nearly forty-two degrees outside and even hotter inside of the house with them not having the use of an air con, but he knew that his father relied on him. Now, more than ever.

Justin's eyes bulged unexpectantly and he quickly looked away as he realised that somewhere Pieter had taken his shirt off, and had reached behind him to grab another shovel...was he actually going to help him?

"Dude, you really don't have to..."

But Pieter was clearly on a mission to impress the fuck out of Vanessa because he didn't even so much as listen to Justin, he just got on with the work. Together in total silence the two boys made quick work of the job that had to be done, before Pieter wiped his own forehead and made a beeline for the plaasdam (farmers dam) a couple of meters or so away.

He quickly jumped into the cool, cold water, before running his fingers through his hair a couple of times, and finally getting out after a few minutes, the droplets of the water cascading down his beautiful, muscled sixteen-year-old torso.

Against his better judgement, Justin ended up mentally cursing Vanessa at legally being able to stare at this fucking God of a boy as much as she wanted to...probably wouldn't be long before she actually got to see and taste and FEEL his dick deep inside of her either. Such was life.

Such was his.

Justin tried not to pay attention as Pieter gave him a friendly, bro-pat on the shoulder as he finally reached himself and Vanessa once more, the latter boy stretching himself out fully on the grass, laying on his stomach, with his head resting on his arms, as he clearly wanted to the sun to dry his shorts while he did so.


Both Justin and Pieter looked up from where Vanessa was staring at her phone as if she was hypnotised...which to be fair, wouldn't take much of an effort...her eyes as wide and big as both boys had ever seen her.

"Wat is fout, babe?" ("What's wrong, babe) Pieter asked, all the while not making any sort of movement to actually get out of the sun and go over to his girlfriend.

Vanessa gave another little shriek before she suddenly dashed over towards the two boys, with Justin now also curious as hell...something clearly was going on...maybe Ed Sheeran was coming to town or even worse...perhaps Justin fucking Bieber himself was coming to the Karoo next weekend.

Haha, what were the chances?

Vanessa gave her phone to Pieter, whilst she turned to face Justin.

"You guys won't believe what's trending on Twitter!"

"So tell us..." Pieter murmured dreamily where he laid, Vanessa's phone in his hand, but the sun blocking out nearly everything that was written on the phone's screen.

Vanessa rolled her eyes, but quickly changed to her friendly persona.

"It's all over Twitter, like I fucking said! Guess what? PJ Cruz is actually coming to do a movie here! Right here, in the Karoo!"

"Who?" both Pieter and Justin asked Vanessa at the exact same time, the two boys giggling with laughter at the sound of their voices combining, which earned another roll of her eyes from Vanessa.

"Wait...no wait! Don't tell me babe...he's a pop star? No...a mega rich billionaire dude from South America! No...maybe he's one of the Jokers brothers..."

Vanessa walked over towards Pieter and she literally proceeded to SIT on him.

Justin had to stifle a giggle as Pieter's ripped torso flexed with the effort of her weight on top of his stomach, as she allowed her ass to actually give him a couple of bounces, totally knocking the air out of the poor teenager.

"Just listen, okay? And it's the fucking JONAS brothers! Anyway...PJ Cruz is this...wow...he's fucking hot as hell...he's a super handsome movie star but he's like totally our age and everything! Every girl under this planet knows who PJ Cruz is and you don't? Seriously?"

"I really don't watch a lot of TV, I dunno about Pieter," Justin said, washing his hands over the garden tap that was situated near the house, before re-joining the beforementioned Pieter and Vanessa.

"Okay, that does it," Vanessa said, throwing up her hands in the air, much too much for the dramatics, and finally got up from her boyfriend's body, the latter giving a right big old "oomf" as her pressure was finally released from his lungs.

"We are going to see the current movie he has out like tonight, and that's that! Justin, invite Kara along as well, she should like the movie too, I mean...she IS a teenage girl, right?"

Justin smiled, but inside he was shaking.

How can Pieter date...this...this...URGH he couldn't even say it.

Vanessa was blond. She wasn't the brightest peanut in the packet.

Hashtag...easy way to get to fuck her.

And Pieter knew that.

"Here, he is! Look! There he is!"

Vanessa near damn pushed the phone into his face, before Justin giggled against his will, and took it from her. Pieter was one of his best friends...he really didn't wanna fuck up their friendship by being hostile to the guy's girlfriend...he's just gonna have to grin and bear it.

He turned the phone around, pulling a sarcastic face and proceeded to finally look at...


Wow...oh wow.

"And who...who is this now?" he asked, his voice just going over a tad of a tremor, before he managed to clear it.

"That...is the guy you two don't even know who he is! That's PJ Cruz! What I've been saying, he's delicious! And oh my god...you guys...he's actually coming HERE! To the Karoo! Maybe we'll actually be able to MEET HIM! SHUT UP!"

Justin watched as Vanessa excitedly snatched her phone out of his hands, and pranced off to where Pieter was still hoping to dry his wet shorts in the blazing South African Karoo sun.

He swallowed. And shook his head.


PJ...whatever his last name was.

Holy mother duck.

Justin swore underneath his breath.

That dude might just be the most beautiful human being he has ever seen.



"Will you just...for GOD's sake...stop fidgeting? People are staring!"

PJ proceeded to give Victoria the mother of all death stares, before he finally got into a position that he felt comfortable with, before he tiredly closed his eyes. he fucking hated sleeping on a plane. Even more on one that was going to be in the air for another twelve fucking hours.

Heading off to a country that he had only ever HEARD of to shoot this God-awful movie that was dreading so much. He actually tried, hoped against hope, that he would have fucked up his audition so much, so that it would make it impossible in order to cast him, but he totally underestimated his mother's role in the acting industry.

She made him look and sound like the perfect candidate for the part, which in truth he was. Matt Damon himself had said so, and he even got some encouragement from Scarlett Johanssen, who was playing the role of his mother.

He had to admit...the storyline was intriguing. He would be playing the part of Ryan, the teenager who was living on a remote home farm estate that had been owned by his family for decades...so there was already the expectation that his character would end up being married and producing a bunch of kids to keep the family DNA going good and proper.

But then again "Ryan" was gay and so that was never going to happen, and of course this being set in the apartheid history of South Africa, and all the issues and feelings that went together with that, homosexuality just wasn't a part of those people's lives in the 80's, which was the time period that the movie takes place in.

He dreaded learning the traditional South African English accent...he watched a couple of videos on YouTube yesterday and was well and truly horrified.

He had to admit, when he saw and realised that his co-star in the film...the dude that he would actually get to kiss and make out with was none other than Why Don't We lead singer Daniel Seavey...holy fucking shit! That dude was ripped as!

He was so fucking hot, it should be illegal!

PJ smiled.

Who knows?

Maybe this was going to be fun after all.

He snickered as he thought of himself and Daniel Seavey actually getting it on for real...fat chance, the dude had a girlfriend for starters.

But that wasn't to say that there wasn't a hot...sexy...tasty South African guy waiting for him over there...

...I mean...

...a guy can dream, can't he?


"So, het jy darem die fliek geniet nou die aand?" (So, did you enjoy the movie the other night) Pieter asked as the final bell rang for the school day, on a blazingly hot Monday afternoon.

People who lived in the South African Karoo Highveld was more than used to this insane heat by now, but they always laughingly spared a thought for all the tourists and outsiders who thought they were more than a match for it. Boy oh boy.

Justin looked at Pieter...and how the dude manages to look like he had literally stepped out of a fucking fitness magazine even at this time of day, he would never know. He smiled towards his buddy, before grabbing his backpack and swinging it around his shoulder.

"Yeah, I did...I mean...it was a chick flick after all, and not a lot of action so...but yeah, the girls wanted to see it, because of that Cruz dude, so what could I do?"

Pieter nodded and signalled silently towards Justin towards his BMW, before Justin could ever say anything, he eventually nodded, grateful to accept a lift from Pieter to go home.

It was so blasted hot...man...there was an old saying around these parts...in the Karoo, the dog would be chasing the cat and BOTH would be fucking walking.

Go figure.

Inside of the expensive BMW, Pieter quickly switched on the air con, which felt like literal manna from Heaven after this long ass day. Mentally, it was a brain fuck of note, because Justin knew the closest that he could ever get in actually owning a car like this, was to fucking steal it.

On the way home, the boys talked about the weekend's rugby result between the Stormers and the Sharks, Manchester United trashing Leicester City to go third on the log, and how they wanted to try and get treat their girlfriends this coming weekend, when a whole commotion greeted them, just before Pieter could turn into the drive heading towards Justin's home farm.

"Wat de fok gaan hier aan? (What the fuck is going on here) Pieter murmured before he stopped the car and got out...

...before immediately getting back in.

"Jesus man, it's a fucking stampede out there...can you see anything your side? All I see is dust and sand!" he said, a massive frown appearing in front of his face as he did so.

"Weird..." Justin replied, also confused as hell, before he got out of the car, and immediately he heard several yells and screams in the far distance.

As the dust seemed to settle on the ground path, it would appear that there were people running...


...more like launching themselves forward as if the devil himself was after them.

And it all happened to be coming right towards themselves.

One by one, people that neither Justin, nor Pieter had ever seen before ran past them, looking scared as shit. Some had what looked like camera equipment still stashed in their hands, and some others had several items of clothing and some even had food.

Turning back towards where they all had come from...

...he turned ice cold.

As Justin realised just what those people had been so afraid of.

"Pieter, come and help me, it's Sunset! She's on the run!"


Before Justin had even completely finished his sentence, Pieter was already out of the car and together in unison, both boys ran over to where the female Arabian Thoroughbred was busy creating havoc just along the area where you turn into the Potgieter farm home.

You could totally understand why those poor people was scared...because something or someone...had obviously scared the shit out of Sunset herself, which meant that she was NOT the calm persona that she always was. She was wild and crazy, he eyes flickering all over the place, her hoarse, whiny screeches blasting over the quiet area.

Carefully, trained as they both were in emergences like this, both Justin and Pieter managed to corner Sunset, in an area where she would HAVE to get past both of them in order to make her getaway. Once the dust had settled and both boys were able to see more clearly, and Sunset had somewhat calmed down, they finally saw...

...just what was scaring the poor animal so much.

There was a boy...a teenage boy...hanging and clinging onto Sunset's neck, hanging on for what seemed like dear life...and he still had both of his arms held tightly around her neck!

"Kyk daar! Op haar rug! Die donner gaan haar verwurg!" (Look up there! On her back! The fucker is going to choke her) Justin yelled at the top of his voice, but he knew that for the boy to get his grip to lessen, he'd have to calm Sunset down first.

With easy steps, he dodged another high horsepower lift from the female horse that he loved so much, to finally get in chose, to her chest and neck area. At once, like he had always done ever since she was a gentle baby foal herself...

...he gently placed the palm of his hand on her upper chest, as well as leaned his head onto her person, so that it made skin on skin contact with the scared horse.

"Ssssh....dis okay...dis okay...jy's veilig... (it's okay, you're safe) he whispered to Sunset, over and over, and over...no matter how hard she tried to pounce and get going...he refused to let go of her. He refused to let her be scared for even one more second.

Listen to the sound of my voice...he silently pleaded whilst he kept talking...kept talking...

He felt Pieter's solid hand on his shoulder without even realising it.

"You did it, buddy, you totally did it...just look at her..." he softly said, patting Justin on the back, before he stood aside.

Justin opened his eyes, and smelled the clean, white mane fur of Sunset one more time, before he looked up into his horse's eyes. He was still hugging her, holding her close to himself, his voice would have resonated deep within her animal being and soul...

...and it fucking worked.

You would NEVER have said this particular horse had been going mad cow just a few short moments before.

Reluctantly, Justin finally stood away from Sunset, and reached up and gently caressed her nose, to which she gave what he could only hope was a friendly snort. She was calm now...which meant she had to have recognised him.

She had literally known him...trusted and loved him since her birth...and this was a sign that a horse was at ease. Letting its guard down was NOT something a stressed animal would ever do.

"Lief vir jou, Ounooi" (Love you, Old girl) he told her in his native Afrikaans, before he finally took hold of his leach, and gently pulling her towards him...if he got on her back, they would be riding home within mere minutes.


He had totally forgot.

Sunset was calm...but it probably wasn't all due to him reassuring her.

Huh uh.

The idiot who had been so stupid to actually get onto her back and try to ride her, was now firmly seated his ass on the ground, and faintly rubbing his arm for good measure.

He obviously must have fallen off in the battle to get her to relax.

Justin honestly couldn't give a shit.

"Geez, help a guy up here, won't ya?" the idiot dared to even say.

Both Pieter and Justin looked at each other as if they were brainwashed...the fucking AUDACITY of...just WHO was this little fucker?

Probably a fucking tourist as well, because that was a god damn American accent any day of the week!

The boy looked at both Pieter and Justin, before he sighed and got up of his own accord. Justin's eyes widened just a tad...the dude was way taller than he first thought.

He now realised just why Sunset was so scared...the guy was strong, he was muscled...he clearly worked out, he was anything but a pussy. All that sudden weight on her back...any horse would have been frightened beyond belief!

Pieter shook his head and moved a little closer to the boy, the latter moving back just an inch, but it didn't look like he was actually afraid of Pieter either.

"Wie de fok is jy? Waarvandaan kom jy en WAT soek jy by daai perd?" (Who the fuck are you...where did you come from and what did you want with that horse)

The boy's eyes narrowed and he shook his head, complete with his hands mockingly upwards in false surrender.

"Bro's...guys...whatever you call yourselves around here, I'm sorry...I totally don't understand the crap you're talking...I'm just gonna get my sorry ass back to my people...where ever they are...?" he said, looking around the homestead as if he owned the place.

Before both Justin or Pieter could reply remotely, another woman...a beautiful, smart, sophisticated woman to say the least, drove up in another snazzy type of car that Justin had personally never seen before, and he really admired the speed in which she managed to drag that glamorous body of hers out of said vehicle...clearly angry as shit.

But poor Justin and poor Pieter hadn't seen anything yet...


"Mom! Chill the fuck out! I wasn't doing anything!"

"Yeah, you were! You stole my fucking horse!"

Both the boy, and the woman, who was apparently his mom, along with a grinning, smiling Pieter, turned towards Justin, who was looking at both Americans, if you had to go on the accents, in sheer death defiance.

The woman's eyebrows lifted just a tad, before she looked back at her son.

"You did...you did what?" she asked...slowly and calmly...her big breasts betraying the measure of her anger.

The boy shrugged his shoulders and placed both of his hands inside the pockets of his expensive Levi jeans.

"I don't know...I've never seen a horse up close before, and that gate was open, so I just thought..."

"You thought you could fucking steal it, shoot it, take a picture and post it on fucking Facebook like all you god damn tourists do!" Justin screamed at the top of his voice, his face and normally handsome features as angry as Pieter has ever seen it.

"Justin, miskien moet ons huis toe gaan" (Justin, maybe we should go home) Pieter softly said, nervously glancing over towards the boy and the woman...especially the woman herself...before he visibly shuddered and shook his head.

Safe to say that was a scary ass tannie (strange woman)

Justin gritted his teeth and spat out a ball of saliva, landing right in front of the boy, missing his equally expensive NIKE shoes by a mere whisker, before he finally nodded and proceeded to lead Sunset away from the two Americans before him.

After a few steps, he turned around...he wasn't done by a long shot.

"Oh, and you! Boy! Yeah, I'm talking to you!"

The boy rolled his eyes and smirked right back at him for good measure.

Justin was positively fuming at that point and time. TYPICAL! FUCKING AMERCIANS!

"If you ever come close to my horse again, I fucking swear, I'll have your balls for fucking breakfast! You hear me?"

The woman coughed, as if she swallowed water the wrong way down, turning her head towards Justin, and immediately inserting herself between Justin and her son.

"Now you listen to me...do you have ANY idea who my son is? Who I am? I can literally have you locked up right here and now! We have permission to film a motion picture in this area, so I suggest you get used to it! We paid good American Dollars for it! Got it? Good! Come on, PJ, let's get away from this disgusting fucking people..."

"Justin! Let's just go! Leave them alone!" Pieter hissed towards his buddy, just as it seemed that Justin was about to murder both mother and son at the rawness of her words, before the latter took more than one deep breath, before he nodded and caressed Sunset's mane.

Half way back home, still leading his horse all the way with both Pieter having gone back to retrieve his car...

...Justin stopped.

His brain was now working overtime.


That woman...

That American woman...

She called that boy...

She called him PJ.


Why does that name sound so...


Justin looked back, but all that he saw in the distance was Pieter's car that was coming ever closer to them.

That was...

They specifically said they were filming here...


Holy mother duck...

Did his parents know about this?

The earth stood still for him...just for a few seconds.

That...that was PJ Cruz...the Hollywood actor.

He had literally seen him on the big screen on Friday night.


Justin shook his head.

He took the leach of the horse, and kept on walking.

He had to keep walking.

Because he knew if he didn't...

...he'd had to admit that PJ Cruz was a million times hotter than he was on Google.

Or in the cinema.



I'd be thrilled if you guys could send me some feedback, positive or negative, it really doesn't matter. I just wanna know if you enjoyed it xx


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