Pizza Man or Under the Sheets

By Nick

Published on Jun 20, 2000



This story is true only the names were changed and some details altered to protect the people involved. It involves Teen -- Teen male sex so if you are under 18 PLEASE DO NOT continue.

It further chronicles my adventures as a teen.

See also My Cousin's Husband and I (also on Nifty -- Gay -- Incest)

As well as Sarge, Butch his Dad and I (also on Nifty -- Gay -- Incest, Bestiality & Military)

Car Wash Man (also on Nifty)

Size Doesn't Matter! and Dad's Buddy Rene , On the Eve of His Wedding, PART 1 (all on Nifty)

The summer of my 18th year held so many sexual surprises for me, Rick, Rocco, Carl, Butch & Neil to name a few I wondered when the next one would turn up!

My answer was just a doorbell away!

Guilo was one of those Italian 20 year olds that made everyone just drool over. He was 6'1" tall, broad shoulders, well defined torso that had a v shape, skinny waist and abs of steel! He had great developed arms from lifting sacks of flour and dough trays, and legs that were solid as a rock! He had one earing on his left ear and wore a gold 14k cross that was off set by a patch of chest hair that crossed form nipple to nipple. He had hair that some call a treasure trail that started just under his chest and ended -- oh you know where! His ass was so tight and firm and so rounded! He had longish chestnut brown hair that he sometimes wore in a ponytail! His eyes were a clear cold ice blue!

Gulio never received his confirmation when he was in Italy and that bothered him so he had a great deal of respect not only for our family but my dad as well. When my father became his sponsor (Godfather) that made him my God-Brother as is the custom in some Italian-American families. Since I was an only child I loved it! I had adored Gulio ever since I was 15 and he was 17 when my dad confirmed him!

We had gone to the beach, Atlantic City, upstate and all over with GeGe, as we called him and it was just like having an older brother.

We met him when his dad took part ownership in a bakery we also had a share in. My mom worked there so when he turned 18 and his father moved back to Italy -- his father felt besides living with his older married brother he left him in good hands with us!

I want to have him in my hands! Mouth! Name it!

I went with GeGe on all the bread routes and to pick up the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, mozzarella, and cans of tomatoes and flour in the market whenever school was out since the market opened early in the morning. I loved to stare at his crouch then since he always had an early morning piss-hard on! I just knew it was big!

With the doorbell I see how big it was if I was patient.

It was just 9:30 in the morning my dad was on a weeklong trip as a driver and my mom was in the bakery since 7:00 a.m. and wouldn't return home till 6:00 P.M. so the house was mine. My mom just called to tell me Gulio had a hard night and morning baking some special orders and felt he could drive back to his brothers in the Island and would be taking a nap in their bed so he could have the air conditioning on him.

I didn't mind!

This was my "Summer of Sex" so get ready GeGe it's your turn!

I answered the doorbell and sure enough it was GeGe, he was sweating and the droplets of sweat caressed his brow. He held his white shirt over his naked torso and I could see his sweat outline all the parts that are important on his body. He kicked off his shoes and went into the shower -- "Hey, Tommy make me a cup of expresso when I come out!"

I went busily about making the expresso.

"Man that smells good, Tommy"

The shower was still running, I wanted to bring it to him in the bathroom but he had the door locked!


He stepped out took the coffee said thanks and gave me a smile and went back in the bathroom!

When he next came out he was wearing a pair of white loose boxer shorts, nothing else!

He tussled my hair and went into my folk's bedroom!

After an hour he was well off into NEVER NEVER LAND!

And I was off for an adventure!

I quietly entered my parent's room, making sure the louvered door between rooms made no noise. I tiptoed over to the chair next to the bed and just watched him sleep! Since he only used a top sheet to cover him I could see the outline of his body real well! It looked like the sheet made a body cast of him. All his curves from his neck to his feet were displayed for me. Each turn, turned me on more and more! Strange we spent so many nights in the same bed but this was the first time I ever wanted him!

Now I wanted him more!

I got up the courage to finally make my move!

When he finally turned and laid on his back, I patiently waited to see if he'd turn again.

His breathing was shallow and I could see the rem from his closed eyes so I knew he was soundly asleep. I remembered when we were in Atlantic City not even lightning woke him up!

I knelt by the side of the bed. I gently got my hand under the sheet and then tented it so my head could fit and then slowly I got my head under the sheet! Since the sheet was white and sunlight was still in the room even with the blinds closed I didn't need to get my flashlight. (I learned how to use it to examine my dad's cock and all my uncles who sometimes slept with me when I was growing up!)

I was just inches from his boxer shorts and then I saw they had buttons not snaps! They were from Italy and now proved more of a challenge for me! I very carefully unbuttoned the top of three buttons, GeGe moved to stretch, I Quickly got out from under the covers! When I once again felt comfortable I ducked under the sheet once more. This time I managed to get the remaining buttons undone! Just as was finally going to get my reward he turned over, I just about managed to get my hand out before he slept on it!

I once more got out and sat in the chair -- my cock was throbbing and by now AI removed my pants and shirt and just sat there in my jockeys with a raging hard on!

He seemed to be on his back for 20 minutes this time longer then before. I found myself timing his moves. I let him twist and turn once more and then I pounced!

My reward was being able to move his boxers a bit down and being able to get his cock out from under his shorts. This was no easy task I thought I was a fireman undoing a fire hose -- his cock flaccid was so long! And it was UNCUT! I noticed he had what I thought was a butterfly tattoo on his crouch area just above his pubic hairline. I looked closer and it wasn't a butterfly it was a hard dick that had wings and instead of antennae it had shots of cum flying out of the dicks hole!

"Wild!" I thought to myself!

This time as he turned I choreographed my movements with his and ever so slowly I pulled his boxer shorts off!

I now had him naked!

I was so proud of myself!

"What next, what do I do now?" I thought.

I began to play with his foreskin it was so loose and slid up over his corona and glans and covered his entire head and had some left over. I then slid it back down so it wrapped itself over his shaft! After a few time I got rewarded with some glistening pre-cum! I carefully used my finger to scoop it up and I put it to my now willing and opened mouth and I licked it off my finger. I did this a few times and the more I did the more pre-cum came out! I was in sugary sweet pre-cum heaven! It was just pouring out it seemed without stop!

His cock was beginning to respond to my gentle touch. It was now going slowly from flaccid to semi-hard and was beginning to stand at attention. I was scared so I once again removed my head and hands from under the covers!

I sat here for a few minutes and he still was asleep and he was still very hard! His cock made such a large tent out of the blankets! I wanted to see how big it really was so I took out a tape measure from my mom's sewing basket and decided I should once more venture under the sheet!

I took hold of his cock and the tape measure I heated up the metal end with my breath and put it at the base of his now super erect cock and lay out the measure to the tip of his head 12-1/2"

"Shit he's big!" I almost lost it!

"Hey what can he do smack me around! It'll be worth it, just to have that cock in my mouth!" with that I threw the tape measure to the floor and got into position and slowly got his cock in my mouth!

I was now over him the sheets flung back, I straddled him as my head went down for the kill!

I opened my mouth and took a very deep breath and ever so slowly I had his whole cock in my mouth! Yes all 12-1/2"!

Then I felt a hand on my head GeGe woke up!

"Go ahead Tommy enjoy it, I was wondering when you get to this!"

I looked up and saw a very big smile on his face it made me melt, it made me happy!

I continued to enjoy his throbbing hot rod, pulsing and jerking in my moist hot mouth!

I began to pace my thrusts slow at first then building up the speed and then back to slow!

With each upward bob I took I forced the foreskin to once again cover his cocks head!

With each downward trust I took my tongue and used it to pull the foreskin back and uncover his cock's head. I used my tongue to part his piss hole opened then I went down once more. I kept up a stead pace and kept up an even rhythm! He smiled the whole time.

Now I was on my knees with him at the edge of the bed.

He grabbed my face with his two hands and began to caress it, then he pulled me up to his lips that were not wet with the moister from his licking his lips as I sucked his monster cock! He placed his wet lips on mine and then gently got his tongue to part my lips and then he entered my mouth and used his tongue to explore my hot cavernous mouth. My tongue met his and before long we were both side by side on the bed still kissing -- never unlocking our embrace!

He now began to explore my body, his hands so rough from labor at first began to feel so gentle as he caressed me!

"Tommy in Italy we have people like you and I have already had my cousin Tino when I was 16 before I came to America so you don't have to fear me. I never thought I'd have someone as good a Tino, my relationship with him is the reason my parents ent me here to live with my brother and work in the bakery. You must never tell anyone about us or they'll send me to Cleveland to be with my uncle next!"

"Don't worry GeGe, I'll never give you away -- parole mio!"

He didn't want to talk about Tino that day, but later on I would find out more about him!

We picked up where we left off!

But not before he undid his pony tail and letting his longish chestnut brown hair cascade on my face! It felt so great his hair was so silky and it brushing against my face was so stimulating as well as tingly! He then opened his mouth and took my mouth in while sucking both my lips! Then he used his tongue to twirl around the outline of my lips as he edged his way to my ears. He began slowly to nibble at my earlobes and then he used his hot moist tongue to encircle the inner recesses of my ear!

I was a goner! My ears are my most erotic zone followed by the nape of my neck which GeGe was soon heading for! He lingered there just letting his tongue do it's job! He laughed to see me squirm! He then put the open palm of his hand under my groin and started to play with the area just behind my balls and just in front of my ass hole. My cock stretched out more and the more he played with it -- much as when a man plays with a woman's vagina I thought I would pass out with joy! It was so stimulating and my cock felt like it was growing beyond my normal 9" boner! He let his lips finaly glide down to my nipples and began to suck them using his tongue as I never thought a tongue could be used for! He then turned around and grabbed hold of his massive man-meat and began to make it outline my lips and said "Now open wide" and he stuck it in. I turned him on his back!

We were now in a 69 position and I was on top so I had control. I then noticed his cock had such muscular veins on it that bulged out so I traced each with my tongue. It was then I discovered his erogenous zone -- his veins and then one more became apparent his huge ball sack which was the same size as mine. I went for them and he purred and kept saying "Io te voglio, Tomaso!", "Io te voglio molte!", :O fratello mio succame!"

Which means I love you! I love you a lot! O brother mine suck me!

He just stood there and then we stopped for a minute I lay in his open arms and he turned to me "You mean all the times we went away we could have been doing this? Why didn't you ever make your move?"

"I was afraid" was all I could answer.

"Don't be afraid anymore, anyone ever hurts you you just let me know it will be the last time they ever try shit with you. Now once we swallow each other we will have part of us inside of one another -- we really will be brothers!"

I loved hearing this -- it turned me on more I turned and gave him a gentle kiss.

"Stand up I want to enjoy this wonderful teen body of yours!'

He began to check me out!

"Tight wavy hair -- good"

"Light brow hair and eyes -- good!"

"Strong shoulders -- good!"

`Abs -- need to be worked on!"

"Waist -- excellent, no flab, no fat!"

"Ass round and firm a bit bigger then mine -- good!"

"9 inches or thereabouts -- perfect -- not a monster like mine right, Tommy?"

I shook my head yes!

"Big balled -- good -- you must shoot big loads! -- Great!"

"Your legs are a strong and as hard as mine -- even better!"

"We are a good match!"

"Let's get back to love!"

"Wait I have to ask you about your tattoo. Where did you get it and who came up with that idea? It's wild, man groovy!"

"A gay friend of mine in Italy did it, I got it when my cousin Tino and I celebrated one year of being more then just 1st cousins -- being lovers! The wings are my nick-name GeGe and the A from Antonino, my cousin! Tino designed it."

"So are we talking or getting back to it?"

Talking about Tino almost put a damper in it, so back to "work" I went.

This time I gave GeGe a body wash with my tongue as I gently ran my hot moist tongue over his body. I once again got to witness his monster cock grow to its enormous proportions! I remembered that if I traced the lines of his veins he'd go into over drive! So I was relentless! I kept it up and then went into his groin area and separated his legs. I now has his ass in full view it was so clean and not a bit hairy at all it was so easy to find his ass hole and even easier to direct my tongue into it!

I started by just licking and moistening the area then slowly I concentrated on just the hole. I curled my tongue and slowly I entered it pumping my tongue in and out as if it were a small prick or wet finger. He exclaimed "" Bedu mama! Io voglio! Sigue, O Tomaso e bene, molto bene! O Gesu mio!" Which is the Sicilian dialect for: Holy mother! I love it! Continue! Oh Tommy it's good so good! O my God (Gesu means Jesus but is translated as God)! He held the back of my head as his ass muscles relaxed and I could see his hole opening more and more. He was so clean that I could get my whole tongue in! As I was enjoying his hole he was stroking his cock and at one point I started to do mine!

"Fuck me Tommy, Fuck me good!"

With that he gave my cock some lubrication by rubbing his pre-cum all over my cock and then he held his cheeks open for my 9'er to enter in!

I entered him so slowly and I must have been half way in when his body did the rest of the work sucking my cock deeper into his ass! We were on the bed and doing it "doggie style"! I wanted him to face me but his hole was a bit above most men's so fucking him as we faced each other was out of the question, but who cared?

I got into an even pace, as I trust my cock and slowly slid out. His sweat's odor was intoxicating and sent me into the Twilight Zone! It began to roll down his back and helped to moisten my cock even more! I had a feeling his now very loose hole if it were possible could handle two more cocks my size! He was so loose and then as I re-entered him his sphincter muscles would tighten and grab hold of my now very hot pulsing cock and drag me deeper and deeper. As I pulled out I could feel him once again loosing up.

While I was pumping the hell out of him he was ever so slowly jerking off!

My cock could feel the movements from deep inside him. Every now and then I would hit his prostrate gland and that would get moans and once in a while his arm would grab me and keep me in that spot!

My trusts became move violent!

My sliding out became more gentle!

The contrast of the rhythm of violence and gentleness became not only erotic for GeGe but me as well! I've never fucked anybody this way!

I gently put my hand under his belly and asked him to lie down! He did while I was deep inside of him and now I could use my hips to gyrate as I pumped my cock in and out. My gyrations also moved his cheeks and helped him to get more out of it!

Before long I came inside of him!

I wanted to pull out!

"No, Tommy stay let me enjoy each drop of your huge load!"

I must have shot a cup load it seemed it wouldn't stop! His ass muscles seamed to milk my cock dry. When we both felt the end of my hot jizz end we just stood there!

My cock slid out and to my surprise it almost dry it was as if GeGe's ass was like a sponge sucking up every last drop!

"O.K. Tommy now let this Pizza Man shove his sausage down your throat!"

He turned me over and straddled me with his legs, I opened my mouth and he feed me his `sausage'! He was so good at it he entered me slowly at first and as he entered he pulled back his foreskin exposing the head, corona and glans of his cock. As he got in he let it go I could feel it slide back almost immediately! I used my tongue to find my way through the folds of his foreskin opening it and once again exposing his cock head. I've never been face fucked this way. He slid out, grabbed his hot throbbing shaft and re-entered. With each re-entry he got more of his cock in! He was getting my mouth ready for it all. He was more then confident if I could get 12" of his 12-1/2" monster cock in my mouth when he was on his back he could do the same this way, he just needed to ease my mouth into it. If I gagged or showed pain he stopped! Before long I was taking more and more of it.

Sometimes between all the in and out he's just leave it in my mouth whatever distance it went to help me get used to it.

"No, don't suck it just let it stay there for as long as it's comfortable. You're doing so good, Tommy!" he said.

Between his gentleness and words of encouragement I had the 12" back in my mouth again.

Sometimes he'd face fuck me while all in my mouth and as he did he massaged my facial cheeks and then held the back of neck when he felt I was getting uncomfortable.

His movements were becoming more deliberate and well timmed!

I felt like I never felt before!

I trusted him and he knew it. My cock was getting hard again with all of this!

He turned and we were once again in the 69 position and after a few sucks of my cock GeGe rewarded me with a load that far exceeded mine!

I swallowed each drop.

I enjoyed it when he squirmed, as I wouldn't let him out of my mouth!

We rested a bit more then we jerked each other off, came once more and then took a shower together!

"Now since you're happy let me get back to sleep!"

I kissed him and pulled the sheets over him and closed the louver door and inwardly shouted out -- YES!!!!!!

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