
By D D

Published on Apr 20, 2023


The usual T & C's apply, if you are offended by stories involving same sex relationships then stop reading and come back once you have got a life.

Here it is. The eighth instalment of pizza. Sorry it took so long guys but I hope you enjoy all the same. Read on loyal reader! ____________________________________________________________________________

Pizza 8 - The Unchild

The Horse & Cart Inn was a small traditional style pub with sports on the TV in one corner and a pool table in the other. It was close to the nightclubs and so was a good place for groups to meet up before going out. The walls were covered with flowery wallpaper and the ceiling was yellow from decades of cigarette smoke. It certainly was not the most attractive place to have a drink but the landlords mentality was that it did not need redecorating until people stopped coming in. Darren had been working there since the beginning of December and he enjoyed it more than the café work he used to do.

With Christmas Day being only one week away today, this particular Saturday in the Horse & Cart was busier than usual. He and the two barmaids, Becky and Sammie were rushing around serving the many customers waving notes over the bar. The landlord had given himself the night off leaving Darren in charge.

"Darren, the bitter's gone," called Sammie, indicating the offending pump.

"Right, I'll go down to the cellar and change the barrel," said Darren quickly finishing serving a customer before running for the door that led downstairs. It was someone at the end of the bar that caught Darren's eye and halted him in his tracks. "Jack?" said Darren, suddenly feeling uplifted as he stood still on the spot, which was quite unhelpful as the barmaids continued to dash around him.

"Can we talk?" Jack called over the noise from all the customers.

"Darren! I need that barrel changing, please!" came Sammie's voice from somewhere down the bar.

"Right! Ok, I'm doing it!" Darren called back before turning to Jack. "Will you come down stairs? It's a bit quieter down there."

Jack nodded and followed Darren down.

"I've been thinking about what you said," Jack began as he watched Darren haul a barrel across the floor to where the pump was. "I know you regret what you did and I know you are really sorry."

Darren did not like where this was going. As he fitted the pump to the barrel, he could feel a "but" coming along.

"But," there is was! "Why did you do it Darren?"

"I don't know how it happened," Darren replied as he finally restored the bitter supply. He looked up into Jack's eyes. "I don't remember anything. I've tried and tried and I just cannot remember. I am really sorry, though."

"DAMN IT, DARREN!" Jack's yelled making Darren jump as his voice echoed off the bare brick walls. "I ASKED YOU WHY, NOT HOW!" He slammed his fist down on top of the barrel which must have hurt but, if it did, Jack's did not let it show. "AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?"

"Of course you are," Darren replied. He was not going to shout back. He knew he was in the wrong. "There's nothing I want more than you."


"I don't know why!" Darren answered back in frustration.

Jack sighed and walked to the back of the room. "I hate you so much right now...and I love you."

That last bit made Darren's heart leap. He walked over to Jack and put his hands on his shoulders. "I don't deserve you, you know that?"

Jack looked into Darren's eyes. "And you won't be having me again for a very long time."

Darren went to kiss Jack on the lips but Jack broke free of Darren's hold and ducked out of the way. There was a moment's silence between the two as Jack contemplated what to do next. Eventually, he just though "Fuck it," and went back to kiss Darren on the lips. Darren responded by rubbing his hands underneath Jack's T-shirt on his smooth chest. As the two pressed their crotches together, Jack put his hands down the back of Darren's trousers and squeezed his ass cheeks. Then, Jack moved one of his hands round to Darren's front and wrapped it around his 7 inch meat. With his other hand, he unzipped Darren's trouser and, after yanking Darren's boxers down, let his throbbing cock spring free. Jack gazed into his boyfriend's eyes as he moved his hands up and down gently, listening to Darren's sighs of appreciation. As Jack increased the speed of his movements, Darren began to groan and roll his eyes to the ceiling as the pleasure intensified. Darren's groans grew louder and louder as Jack pumped harder and harder.

"Darren! We need some help up here!" Came Becky's voice from upstairs.

"I'm coming! Oh God, I'm coming!" Darren screamed as he shot hot cum onto the stone wall.

Once everything came back into focus, Darren looked down into his boyfriends eyes. "That was great," he said, smiling.

"Go on, Mr. Important. Get back to work. You can do me later," Jack replied, smiling back.

Darren gave his boyfriend a kiss before zipping his trousers back up and returning back to his job. As Darren disappeared, the smile on Jack's face faded. Could he really forgive Darren for what he had done? Was he sure, that Darren was truly sorry and would never do it again? Would trying-to-make-this-work really work? With the thoughts swimming in Jack's head, he wiped the cum off of his hand on a dusty beer towel and went back upstairs.


An hour later, Jack was sat at home watching TV, or rather, looking at the fit members of the studio audience on the game show programme. As he sat there, staring, with the TV remote in his mouth, it took a while for him to realise that his mum was trying to pass him a cup of tea. She was stood with the tea in one hand and her other hand behind her back, looking like a butler. He looked at it and smiled.

"Thanks, but I could do with a beer with the day I've had," he said.

"I thought so," she said as she removed her other hand from behind her back to reveal that she was carrying a bottle of beer.

Jack chuckled a little before taking the bottle. "How did you know?" he asked mockingly.

"Mum's know everything," she replied, hoping that Jack would catch onto what she was trying to say but he had already returned to cruising the studio audience.

His mum was going to try again when there was a knock at the door. She left the room to answer it and, a few seconds later, returned with Mel and Carrie.

"Right, you." Came Mel's loud voice. "Get upstairs. Make yourself look gorgeous because we are all off out."

"But it's only seven o'clock," replied Jack, laughing.

"So? What kind of gay stays in on a Saturday night? Come on, hurry up." Mel said nudging him on his shoulder.

Jack felt ice rush through his body as he looked up at his mum, who was staring back.

"Oh, shit, sorry," Mel said. "I thought you said you had come out to your parents last week."

"I hadn't quite got around to it," Jack replied through a dry mouth.

"So you are gay?" she asked, staring at him.


"I mean, I've kind of known for a while but, I must admit, it was still a shock when you said it. Well...when Mel said it," said Jack's mum when they had gone upstairs to talk. They were sat on his mum's bed. "But, I'll just have to get used to it."

"So you don't mind?" Jack asked, hopefully.

"Of course, I don't mind. You're my son and I'm proud that you're brave enough to live the way you want and not a lie. I would have hated for you to get into a marriage and have kids, all the while knowing you were lying to yourself."

Jack smiled at his mum. He could not believe how well his mother was taking this. It was such a weight off his mind.

"Anyway, it would be a little hypocritical of me to say that I don't agree with sucking cock."

Jack looked at his mum for a moment before they both burst out laughing. "Mum, that's disgusting," he said laughing, after he realised what she was implying.

"Hey. I know how rude you gay people can be," his mum replied, laughing. "I bet you could gross me out easily."

"Maybe," said Jack, still laughing.

"I wonder if I'll like it up the arse," his mum said in a pretend thinking tone, still laughing.

"Oh, mum. Stop. That is something I don't want to imagine," Jack wiped the tears from his eyes, he was laughing so hard.

Once they had calmed down, there was a quiet moment as they just stared at each other. "Don't get angry with me," his mum said, "I have to ask you this: Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, mum. I am."

"That's good enough for me," she replied as she stood up from the bed. She headed for the door but turned just before it. "Do you know? I've been thinking about getting this place redecorated. Will you help me? With a bit of gay input, I could have this place looking fabulous."

Jack chuckled. "Sure mum. Does dad know about me?"

"He has an idea but I'll talk to him," his mum replied before leaving Jack alone with his thoughts.


"I'm really sorry, Jack." Mel apologised yet again as they left Jack's house 45 minutes later for a night out.

"It's ok, Mel, really. Don't worry yourself about it. I should have done this a long time ago."

"How do you feel?" asked Carrie.

"I feel a bit strange but also relieved. You know, I've been keeping this a secret from my family for so long. I feel better now they know, though."

"Of course you do," said Mel, patting Jack on his back before leaving the garden.

"It's also a little funny that I've come out to my parents on the same day that my boyfriend cheats on me," said Jack before he, too, left the garden.

"Darren cheated on you?" asked Carrie as she followed him out.


"Jumpin's" was a nightclub located near the centre of the city. The nightclubs around here were all situated in a large square with a small park in the middle. Jumpin's was where all the college and university students went so, while it was not strictly a gay bar, it was gay enough with all the university students, much to Jack delight.

"He does not deserve you!" Mel shouted over the loud music as all three of them danced on the dance floor. "If he does not realise how lucky he is that he's got you then fuck him! You can find someone else easily with your looks!"

"I'm just going to the toilet!" Carrie shouted before heading towards the ladies.

"Why has she become so quiet all of a sudden?" Jack shouted.

"She's been like that ever since she and Darren split up! You'd think that she would be over it after 6 months but she's just getting worse! I think she still loves him!" Mel yelled back.

It was while he was following Carrie to the toilet with his eyes that he spotted him. A 20 year old man with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes was looking at him across the dance floor. Jack could not help but smile as the blonde haired man grinned at him. Little did he know that this brief encounter would change everything...

"Go and talk to him!" Mel shouted over the music. Jack jumped. For a second, he had forgotten that she was there.

"I've got a boyfriend, remember!"

"Forget about that slime ball! His gorgeous over there! If he was straight I'd be jumping on him before he had chance to run away!" Mel gave Jack a gentle push in the blonde guy's direction.

Jack decided to give in and he walked over to him.

"Hi!" shouted the blonde guy over the music. "I'm Gaz! I've seen you before. You were with that guy in the clothes shop! Are you and he going out?"

"No!" Jack replied. "We split up after he cheated on me!"

"Oh, man! I'm sorry!" said Gaz. "Listen! Do you want to go outside for a bit so we can talk to each other without having to shout?"

"Yeah, ok!" Jack agreed and followed Gaz to the door. On his way out he looked over to Mel who gave him a thumbs-up before turning her attention to a cute boy who was dancing next to her.


"He just came out and told me today," said Jack as he and Gaz stood in an alleyway around the back of the nightclub. "I was so hurt when he said it."

"That's awful. I'm really sorry to hear it," replied Gaz.

He wondered if he dared chance a kiss and how Gaz would react if he did. He did not have to wonder for long, however, as Gaz seemed to be thinking the same thing and kissed Jack firmly on the lips. They began to rub their crotches together and could feel their cocks getting hard.

"Stop, sorry," said Gaz, much to Jack's disappointment. "I can't do this."

"Why not?" asked Jack. He looked hurt as he gazed into Gaz's blue eyes.

"You've just split up with your boyfriend. I don't want you to just go with me because you want someone. I'd rather you did it because you liked me. Look, have this," Gaz put his hand into his jeans pocket and pulled out a pen and a used bus ticket. He wrote his phone number on it before passing it to Jack and kissing him again. "Call me tomorrow but only if you want to," Gaz said. He gave Jack another kiss and then walked off down the road leaving Jack standing with his head swimming with new happy thoughts. He looked at the bus ticket before joining Mel and Carrie back in the nightclub.


After showering the next morning, Jack sat on his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist. He hesitated for a moment before dialling the number that Gaz had given him on his cell phone. He waited nervously as the phone rang. After what seemed like an age, someone answered.

"Hello?" the voice said.

"Hi, Gaz. It's Jack from the other night."

"Oh hi Jack!" the voice replied cheerfully.

The cheery tone of Gaz's voice help Jack to relax. "Hi," Jack screwed his face up. What a dick he, Jack had just been! He had just said hello twice! Jack quickly stopped insulting himself and got back to the conversation. "You said to give you a call in the morning if I was still interested." Jack hoped that would be enough for Gaz to continue the conversation because he had no idea what else to say.

"And are you?"

"Yeah, defiantly."

"Great! Do you want to come around to mine then so we know...get to know each other better? I live at 32 Clifton Road."

Jack smiled broadly, "Yeah, ok. I'll be around in about half an hour."

"See you later." With that, Gaz hung up leaving Jack smiling, still with the cell phone to his ear.

After getting dressed, he ran downstairs to find his dad sat at the kitchen table eating some breakfast. It was then that, for the first time, Jack remembered about his mum finding out about his sexuality. He had no idea if his mum had got around to telling his dad yet and so was unsure of what he should say. All he could think to say was: "Where's mum?"

"She's just gone to the shop," his dad replied not looking at his son but, instead, reading a newspaper.

"Oh," was all that Jack could reply. He walked over to the toaster and put some bread in it. The silence in the room felt deep and heavy and was first broken by his dad.

"Auntie Anne is coming over this afternoon and she going to bring Chloe with her."

"Oh...that's nice,"

"You're not to tell Chloe about you and what you get up to,"

Jack froze. Did his dad know? "Tell her what?" he asked, not daring to turn around.

There was a slight pause, as Jack's dad turned a page of the newspaper. "That you are a queer."

Jack's heart sank. He knew that some people would have a problem with his sexuality but surely not his own dad. "But...why?" he asked, this time daring to turn around. He was ready to defend himself.

Jack's dad leapt from the table and came face to face with him. "Because, she is your twelve year old cousin and I don't want you corrupting her fragile little mind with your filth."

"I am not filth!" Jack retaliated.

"Yes you are. I can just imagine Chloe coming up to me now and asking "Uncle Paul, why is Jack kissing that boy?" Then I would have to answer, "Well Chloe. Jack wants that boy to fuck him up the arse!"

"GET FUCKED!" Jack yelled back.

"No, Jack. I'll leave that to you," his dad growled.

Jack was not exactly sure what happened next. In a fit of anger, Jack punched his dad in the face which sent him flying backwards and over the table, knocking various objects to the floor. It was then that Jack's mum walked back into the house.

"What the hell is going on?" she shrieked when she saw his dad lying in the mess.

"Ask him!" shouted Jack "He's got all the fucking answers!" With that, Jack stormed from the house and slammed the front door behind him.

It was as he, Jack, charged down the garden path that he saw someone he really did not want to see right now -- Darren getting out of his car.

"Hi, Jack! You didn't come and meet me after my shift last night so I just wanted to make sure that we are ok," he called. Darren looked concerned, however, when he saw the hurt look on Jack's face. "Are you ok?"

"Why should there be anything wrong with me? Why do you always have to know everything and why do you think you know me so well?" Jack shouted.

Every question stabbed at Darren's heart. "Ok, ok. You don't have to tell me," replied Darren trying his best not to look hurt too. "But if someone has upset you just remember what you said to me ages ago: "The only people that are different these days are the ones who have a problem with homosexuality.""

"Just leave me alone," Jack stormed off away from Darren but he could not deny that, after just speaking with him for 10 seconds, he felt so much better. Darren had a special way of making Jack feel safe and happy -- but he did cheat on him...

Darren watched Jack walk all the way down the street and turn the corner.

"Boyfriend trouble?" a voice came from the door of the house next door to Jack's.

Darren turned to find a young lad sat on the doorstep drinking tea. He looked about 14 years old. He had a slim and lanky appearance and had deep brown eyes and short brown hair. "How did you guess?"

The boy pointed to Jack's house next door. "I'm use to the arguing being in my house. It makes a change for it to be next door."

Darren had been so used to hearing arguing from the boys' house that he just assumed that that was where it was coming from but now that he thought about it, he realised that it was, in fact, coming from Jack's house.

"I'm Alex by the way. You can come and sit down for a bit if you want to." Alex indicated a space next to him on the doorstep. Darren accepted the invitation and walked over to Alex before sitting down next to him. "Here. Have this," Alex handed him the cup of tea. "It will make you feel better,"

Darren thanked Alex before taking a sop. "So...who are you?"

"Well, I'm Alex Lates of 16 Hedge Grove. I live here with my mum and dad who seem to enjoy arguing with each other all of the time. I also live here with two of my three brothers and I go to the high school around the corner. I'm also an Unchild. So what's up with Jack?"

"How do you know his name? And what the hell is an Unchild?" asked Darren in amazement.

"Well, an Unchild is someone who has sex before they are legally old enough. It's just a little word me and some lads invented at school. I know the name of your boyfriend, by the way, because that's who they are arguing over next door. I've also just heard that he came out to his mum last night and his dad's not taking it too well."

"Poor Jack," replied Darren, staring at the grass, deep in thought. "Anyway, I better get going. It was nice to meet you, Alex," he said, handing the cup back.

"It was nice to meet you too," Alex replied, smiling, as Darren walked back to his car.

Once Darren was back in his car, he started to think again. Even just a week ago, Jack would have told him exactly what was wrong with him, but today, he seemed to want to be talking to anyone but Darren. To Darren, this could only mean one thing: he was losing his boyfriend fast and it was all his, Darren's, fault. Darren did not know what to do. He could only think of one person to talk to so he started the car and drove away.


Darren rapped his knuckles on the front door. It was answered by Carrie who merely slammed it shut again.

"No, Carrie, please. I need to talk!" Darren called through the door, tears forming in his eyes. "I've really fucked up. I've fucked everything up and I don't know who else to talk to. I'm losing Jack and it's all my fault." With that, Darren turned to lean his back against the door, slid down it and buried his head in his knees.

After a short while, the door handle moved down as Carrie slowly opened the door. She walked out and sat next to Darren.

"Why did you come round here? I still feel like crap from when you dumped me. Why would I help you?"

"You always knew what to say when things went wrong before," Darren replied looking hopeful at Carrie.

She sighed. "Look, Darren..." but what she was going to say next, Darren never knew because at that moment her cell phone beeped to indicate that she had a text message. She took her phone from her pocket and read the message. "It's from Mel. You need to get down to the train station, quick."

Darren looked confused. "Why?"

"Mel has just had a text off Jack. He says that he is going to the seaside with some guy called Gaz and he's going for good."

Without stopping to think, Darren sprang to his feet and dashed back to his car. He threw the door open and dived inside before slamming the door closed and starting it up. With far more urgency than the car was used to, he floored the peddle causing the car to spring from it resting place and zoom down the street. Hardly slowing down, he rounded the corner causing the tyres to complain loudly. As he approached the first set of traffic lights, they switched from green to amber. Darren speeded up and got passed the lights just after they had turned red meaning that he had to swerve out of the way of cars cutting across him. The next set of lights were already on red so, thinking quickly, he careered across the road and charged down a back ally. He zoomed down the alley, knocking bins and boxes out of the way and scratching the side of the car on the walls at various points. He eventually emerged on the road that led straight to the station. He screeched to a halt outside the station and, without even stopping to lock his car, he sprang out and ran through the station to the platforms.

Once there, he searched through the thick crowd desperately and finally spotted him -- sat on a train that was slowly departing the station.

"Jack!" Darren screamed above the crowd before charging to the front of the crowd knocking people out of the way. He chased the train down the platform as it slowly began to pick up pace. "Jack!" Darren screamed again, hoping that he would be heard. Jack began to lose the race with the train as it got further and further away. Eventually, Darren gave up, let out a scream of desperation and dropped to his knees as his boyfriend was currently speeding away from him -- probably forever. ____________________________________________________________________________

So things are going from bad to worse for poor Darren. Will he ever see Jack again or is this it? Will he try and find him or will he move on? Only time will tell...

As for the next story we get to know Alex and his family a bit more.

If you want to e-mail me with comments or suggestions then feel free, I read them all!

Next: Chapter 9

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