
By D D

Published on Feb 14, 2008


The following is a work of fiction based in a teenage gay world. Anyone offended by this should not read on. (Although, how the hell did you manage to get this far without realising where you were!)

Here it is. The seventh instalment of Pizza! For those of you that cannot be bothered to read the first six parts I'm going to be kind and give up a quick recap. Although what I'm going to say next may sound stupidly obvious, there will be some people that will complain to me if I don't say it so here goes...

The following is a brief summary of the pizza story so far and so contains SPOILER INFORMATION.

Jack is gay. Darren was not. Jack went out with someone called Harry. Harry left. Darren fell for Jack even though he had a girlfriend called Carrie. Harry came back, tried to kill Jack but failed and committed suicide. Darren got together with Jack and dumped Carrie.

Wow, four months of blood, sweat and tears summed up in a few lines! Oh well, that's why I called this story pizza. Just like a pizza, it takes ages to make and it's very easy to sum up in a few sentences. With that being the last of the secrets from the original story, it's time to make some more! Read on loyal reader... ________________________________________________________________________________

Pizza 7 -- The Morning after the Night Before.

A pair of magpies flew through the beauty of Sheer Woods, swerving around the green trees as the sun shone brightly. Both enjoying each other's company as they soared high above the Sheer Drop and over two people sitting on a ledge about half way up and dangling their legs over the edge.

"I never thought I would meet anyone after Harry," said Jack, swinging his legs and looking at the green hill on the other side of the valley. "I thought I would just turn into a lonely old man who would never love again." He turned to face Darren and looked him on the eyes. "Then you came along. You made me feel...happy again."

Darren smiled and took hold of Jack's hand. "Hey you saved me too. You made me realise I was living a lie. I remember when I first saw you; I thought that you were so good looking, far too good looking for me. I thought that there was no way someone like you would be interested in me. I thought you would prefer someone who was beautiful."

Jack leaned over and kissed Darren on the lips. "You are beautiful."

Darren grinned. "I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that. You're going to have to do it again."

Only to happy to oblige, Jack leaned over again and this time, just to make sure Darren got the message, he pushed Darren back onto the grass before kissing him again. He rubbed his crotch against his boyfriends and he could feel the both of them starting to get hard.

"Hey," said Darren. "If we're going to fuck, we should at least get away from the edge, unless you want to take another tumble."

Jack looked into Darren's eyes and grinned. If it had been anyone else who had reminded Jack of that day, he would have probably fallen out with them but he knew Darren by now and knew that he was only joking. "Oh, you are going to get such a pounding for reminding me of that," Jack said, playfully. "Your ass is going to be so sore when I've finished fucking you."

"I hope that's a promise," Darren leapt to his feet and, taking hold of Jack's hand, led him to the back of the ledge where the cliff face continuing towering over them. A few boulders were arranged in a 90 degree curve and, with the huge face on one side and the line of boulders on the other side, it all formed a perfect seclusion zone where Jack and Darren could "be alone".

As soon as they got there, Jack pushed Darren against the cliff face and began kissing him, once again, rubbing their crotches together and, once again, both getting hard. With one hand cruising through his boyfriend's hair, Jack lowered his other hand and quickly unzipped Darren's jeans and pulled them down. Stopping only for a moment to admire the bulge in Darren's boxers, Jack quickly put his hand inside and took hold of Darren's 7 inch throbbing meat. Jack began to pump his hand up and down. Pre-cum leaked out of Darren's slit wetting both Jack's hand and the front of his boxers. Jack pulled Darren's boxers down, exposing his cock and firm butt cheeks before kneeling down and admiring the sight. Jack had seen his boyfriend's cock loads of time but every time he saw it again, he just wanted to taste it so, this time that was exactly what he did. Gripping Darren's butt cheeks, he wrapped his lips around the throbbing meant. Darren let out sighs of appreciation. Jack started slow -- moving his lips all the way down before moving all the way back up and tasting the pre-cum but Darren's hands on the back of his head forced him to go faster and faster. The pressure in Jack's jeans had got too much, so he quickly let down his jeans and boxers allowing his cock to spring free and leak pre-cum onto the woodland floor.

"Jack, I'm going to cum!"

Jack took Darren's cock out of his mouth and quickly stood back up. "Cum on my cock," he said pumping his hand up and down Darren's shaft. "Come on Darren, cum for me. Lube me up!"

"Oh Jack, oh Jack!" Cum erupted from Darren's cock. Jack felt the warmth of the cum as it landed and covered his cock. With every shot, Darren's body convulsed. Finally, Darren stopped firing and Jack could hear him breathing deep as he rested his head on Jack's shoulder.

"Turn around," Jack whispered in Darren's ear.

"Mmmm, are you gonna give me that hard fuck you promised me earlier?"

"Hell, yeah."

Obeying, Darren turned around to show off his arse. Pleasure surged through the both of them as Jack penetrated Darren. With Darren's cum acting as lubricant, Jack's cock easily went inside Darren. Starting slow, Jack began to thrust his cock in and out of Darren's arse. Jack quickly picked up the pace and began to pound his boyfriend. Darren let out screams of pleasure with every thrust. Jack was thrusting so hard that Darren's vision was blurring but he did not care -- this felt great! Harder and harder he pounded as he felt his orgasm nearing.

"I'm gonna cum."

"In me! Dump it in me please!"

Jack and Darren let out screams together as Jack fired seven hot streams of cum into Darren's hole. After a while, they both came back from cloud nine as Jack leaned against Darren who was leaning against the cliff face.

"We are going to be together forever aren't we?" Darren panted.

"Not after what you have just done," replied Jack.

Darren was not sure if Jack was joking or if he actually meant that. "What do you mean?" he asked with a faint smile.

"Wake up...and look what you have done."


The noise of birds tweeting gently made Darren's hearing more alert as he began to stir. Blurry images slowly became more visible as Darren sat up in bed in his bedroom. The noises of ticking from the wall clock reached his ears and Darren turned to find that it was 8:30am. Darren felt dazed as he tried to remember the night before. He remember going into the CQC with Jack but everything after that was pretty much a blur.

"Oh Jack, that was a rough night last night wasn't it?" Darren slurred to the mound of duvet next to him. "Jack?" Darren pulled his arm out from under the duvet and shook the body next to him. It began to stir and, from under the duvet, out popped a head. Darren went cold with fear because it was not Jack but the guy from the CQC club that had been staring at Darren.


Across town, Jack was awake and sat at his breakfast table in deep thought as his parents bustled about the kitchen getting ready for their Saturday at work.

"Are you alright, Jack?" said his dad sitting down at the table with a plate of toast. "You've not touched your cornflakes for ages."

"Wha...oh yeah...I'm fine dad...thanks." Jack ate a spoonful of cornflakes before returning to his day-dreaming. Where did Darren disappear to last night? He was sure that he was stood right next to him in the CQC and then the next minute, he was gone.

Jack's dad and his mum exchanged worried glances as his mum sat down with her bowl of cereal. "What you need is a girlfriend," said his mum as she stirred her cereal for no apparent reason. "I'm surprised you haven't the girls tripping over themselves to get at you with your looks." There was a silent moment as his mum continued to stir. "Unless...of and Darren just have not met the right girls yet." His mum chanced a glance at Jack who was still staring into space. Maybe Darren had just had enough and went home...but why would he do that without telling Jack?

He decided that he would go round to Darren's house for some answers. "I've got to go." Jack got up and walked out of the kitchen.

"Jack!" his dad called after him but Jack was too deep in thought to respond. His dad looked back at Jack's mum who let out a sigh and finally took her first spoonful of cereal. "Hey, it's ok." Jack's dad got up and walked around the table to put an arm around his wife. "He'll tell us when he is ready. I've got to go to work. I'll see you later." He pecked his wife on the check before leaving.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Darren asked anxiously as he quickly put his jeans on.

"You invited me back, remember," the guy replied, looking hurt as he too got dressed.

"I don't even know your name. Nothing happened though, did it?" Darren stopped getting dressed for a moment as he waited for the answer which he hoped was "no".

The guy, too, stopped getting dressed leaving his slim body exposed for all to see. He walked up to Darren. "If you call cumming four times while screaming my name nothing, which, by the way is Stuart," he said, grinning, as he went to stroke Darren face. Disgusted with himself, Darren pulled away.

"You need to leave and you need to leave now. This was not supposed to happen. I don't remember you, I don't remember how we got home and why is there a pineapple in my bed?" said Darren as he put his T-shirt back on covering up his toned body.

"You took it from a cocktail bar. Why do I have to leave?" Stuart asked, looking hurt again.

" are a really nice guy but...I have a boyfriend and if Jack ever found out about this..." Darren went quiet as the reality of how serious this situation was began to sink in. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. "I...I would lose him." Darren quickly jumped back to his feet. "You really have to go now and don't tell anyone about this, please." Darren ran to the window and pulled the curtains back. "Just take your stuff and...oh shit, get down!" Darren dropped to the floor as he spotted Jack advancing up the garden path. Stuart did the same, even though he was not sure why he had to.

The knock at the door was followed by a long silence as Darren looked nervously at Stuart. Another knock could be heard as Jack rapped his knuckles on the window pane of the door.

"Darren? Are you there?" Jack's voice trailed up the stairs presumably through the letterbox. "Darren?"

Two minutes of silence followed as Jack left the door and Darren dared not move. Finally the silence was broken.

"Ok, you're going to have to leave by the back door," said Darren leaping to his feet and, grabbing hold of Stuart's hand, dragged him down the stairs to the back door. It was only then that Stuart realised that something was amiss.

"Where are your parents, Darren?" asked Stuart as he looked around at the lonely kitchen.

"That's none of your business. Now go." Darren opened the door to let Stuart out. As soon as Stuart was out of sight, Darren slammed the door closed and kicked it hard.

"FUCK!" he screamed to the heavens.


Later, Darren stood outside the high street clothes shop, waiting. As he watched the busses pass by, he wondered if Jack would ever forgive him for what he had done. It was 12:30pm and it was about this time that Jack usually had his lunch break and it was now that Darren had chosen as the best time to tell him.

As predicted, Jack walked out of the front doors of the clothes shop in his uniform.

"Jack," Darren called, causing Jack to turn around.

Jack smiled. "Where have you been?"

"Can we go for a drink?" Darren asked after Jack had given him a kiss.


"When you disappeared, I was really worried," Jack said when they were sitting in a café further up the high street. "I tried to find you but I just didn't know where you were. After about half an hour I just came home without you and hoped that you were ok. Where did you go?"

At first, Darren did not answer. He merely stared into his cup of tea trying to build up enough courage. He just had to tell Jack; even if that meant jack would leave him. Darren owed him that much. He finally looked up and took hold of his boyfriend's hand. "You know I love you, don't you?"

Smiling, but looking puzzled, Jack nodded.

"Since we danced together at the Prom six months ago, I've had the happiest time of my life. You're all I want." There was a moment of silence as Darren glanced away to build up some more courage before continuing. "I've done something terrible...I'm so ashamed of myself."

"Hey, listen to me," Jack said stoking Darren's hand. "Whatever it is, I'll stand by you. If you've upset someone...or hurt someone...or even killed someone, I'll stand by you. I love you."

Darren wished Jack had not just said that. Now he felt even worse. How could he have cheated on someone so nice?

"I've slept with someone else," he blurted out quickly so there was no chance of an interruption. "I don't know why I did it. I don't even remember it." Tears started to form in Darren's eyes as he saw the hurt on Jack's face. "I'm really, really sorry."

Jack took a gulp to stop him from crying. "I'm going to have to get back to work. They'll be wondering where I am soon." With that, Jack rose from the table and walked out of the café without even a backward glance at Darren. Darren did not get up to follow him. He just wanted to sink into a deep hole somewhere and never return. _______________________________________________________________________________

That's the seventh instalment done and dusted. Part 8 is half finished and should be posted shortly. What can you expect from part 8? Well we get a quick visit to where Darren works, a look into a secret organisation and we get to talk to an Unchild (no, that's not a typo!).

As for this part, feel free to e-mail me with your thoughts and comments. All e-mails are read and any points made in them are noted. Who knows, you could end up changing a part of Pizza!

My e-mail is

Next: Chapter 8

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