
By D D

Published on Jul 22, 2007


Welcome to the second instalment of "Pizza". All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

Quick note about Version II:

Since beginning writing this story, I have learned many new techniques and writing skills. I have decided to go over all the five parts and incorporate this new knowledge into the story.

I have replaced wording that sounds unprofessional with more appropriate language and corrected some spelling and grammar mistakes.


The biggest change is during the steamy session between Jack and Darren in the cinema. Previously, the story stated that when Jack first released Darren's cock, the cock slapped against Darren's chest. "Chest" has been changed to "Stomach" as his cock would have to be almost 2 feet long for that to happen!


THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE TO THE OVERALL PLOT. ________________________________________________________________________________

Pizza 2 -- The Date.

Darren had been on many dates before this one. His first was three years ago and he was really nervous, saying silly things and dropping things on the floor, including the girl. Over the years he had grown accustom to dates and so he no longer felt nervous. He did now, however. This was not the kind of date he was used to as he was, in fact, going on a date with a boy called Jack.

As he sat on a table-for-two in the Italian pizza restaurant, waiting, he thought about how this "date" had happened. He had upset a girl he worked with and so now he was making it up to her by going on a date with her gay friend who she had been trying to find a boyfriend for ages. Why this girl was so keen on finding her friend a date was a mystery that Darren intended to solve. While Darren was putting on his "dating suit" earlier that night, which consisted of a pale blue shirt and navy blue tie with a black coat and black trousers, he had decided that he would treat this exactly the same as if he was going on a date with a girl. After all, he had told Mel (the girl he worked with) that she should make sure that Jack knew nothing would come of this date and that it should be out of town where no one knew him. That way, he could have more fun...

Darren was brought out of his trance by the presence of one of the waiters.

"I'm ever so sorry to disturb you, Sir" he began, "but there appears to be a young gentleman saying that he is with you this evening."

"That's right" confirmed Darren. He was unable to see where Jack was for the simple problem that he was yet to see him for the first time and so had no idea what Jack looked like.

"Really, Sir?" the waiter seemed somewhat surprised. "Would Sir prefer a larger table? I'm afraid we were under the impression that you were on a date tonight."

Darren could not believe he was hearing this. He felt rage burn up inside him. What business of the waiter's was it if two boys were sitting at a table-for-two? If it was not for the fact that he wanted this to be an enjoyable evening, Darren would have made sure that his fist collided with the waiter's nose. So, keeping calm and taking a deep breath, he replied "A table-for-two will do perfectly, thank you."

Looking puzzled, the waiter turned around and walked away giving Darren the perfect opportunity to glare at him.

A few seconds later, a tall, slim boy (Darren guessed around 6ft) with short black hair (that had been spiked up with hair gel) and deep brown eyes was stood near the table. Darren just stared at Jacks' eyes, deep in thought.

"What is it?" Jack asked looking confused.

Darren was brought out of his trance. "Er...nothing" he stood up and shook Jack's hand. "You must be Jack. I'm Darren."

"Nice to meet you, Darren." replied Jack as Darren sat down and began to read the menu. It was a few moments before Darren realised that Jack had not sat down yet. He was stood next to his chair with a grin on his face.

"What is it?" asked Darren. Now it was his turn to look confused.

"I assume you are going to treat our "date" like the dates you are used to going on with your lady friends and so if you would not mind I would like to be seated" said Jack, his grin growing bigger with every word.

"Yes, Sir." Darren playfully saluted Jack before getting up, moving to the back of Jack's chair, pulling it out and saying in a playful posh voice. "Your chair, Sir."

"Thank you" replied Jack in his best posh accent before taking his seat and having the chair pushed under by Darren.

"I took the liberty of ordering us some drinks" said Darren, now back to his ordinary accent and back in his own seat. "Now I know we are not yet allowed to have a bottle of wine so I decided to order this, instead." Darren clicked his fingers calling the waiter over to him. It was the same one from earlier. "Perhaps you can redeem yourself by going and getting the bottle I ordered earlier. Put it in an ice bucket as well." The waiter left to carry out Darren's order.

""Redeem" himself?" whispered Jack leaning in close to Darren.

"It's a long and really boring story." Darren decided not to tell Jack about the waiter. This was Darren's one and only time that he would be able to go on a date with another boy and he was not going to let anything spoil it.

The waiter emerged from the kitchen pushing a trolley with an ice bucket on it. The contents of the bucket made Jack and Darren chuckle for inside, instead of the usual wine or champagne, was a large bottle of cola.

The waiter removed the bottle from the bucket and, with a look of embarrassment on his face, (probably not help by the fact that many of the other customers were now looking this way and giggling to themselves) he said, "Would Sirs care for a drink?"

"I would love a drink, thank you." replied Darren mockingly. "Jack would you like a drink?"

Jack could not reply because he was too busy laughing so he just nodded his head.


The main course went by similar to any date with Darren and Jack offering each other slices of pizza. Every now and then, Darren would click his fingers and demanded, to the pleasure of the other customers and the humiliation of the waiter, that their ice in the bucket be replaced.

Once the food had been cleared away, Darren decided that it was time for a bit of truth from both of them. He had tried to make sure that Jack had had a great time before now so that this part did not seem quite as bad.

Darren finished laughing at one of Jack's jokes before taking a gulp of cola and placing the glass back down. "I think it may be time for a little honesty from both of us."

"How do you mean?" asked Jack.

"I ask you a question and then you answer it truthfully. Then, you can ask me anything and I'll answer it likewise."

Jack seemed reluctant but agreed anyway.

"Ok. Question 1." Darren paused while he thought of the best way to ask this. "How long have you known that you were gay?"

"Oh...let me see," said Jack counting the years in his head. "Probably about four or five years. I remember this one time..." He paused again, "you probably don't want to hear that, do you?"

"No, please continue," replied Darren pouring the two of them some more cola. "I want to hear all about my date."

Jack smiled before continuing, "Well...I used to have this friend (Harry was his name) and we used certain things when we slept over at each others houses" he whispered to make sure no other customers could hear.

"Oh yeah?" Darren whispered, grinning. "What things?"

"All sorts really. I remember we used to play this kind of game where one of us would pretend to sleep while the other had free roam of the sleepers' body."

"Oh yeah, that sounds hot!" cut in Darren.

"Yeah it was. We did this for quite a while in the secrecy of our bedrooms, day, about 12-13 months ago, we decided that, to spice things up a bit - we would have sex in different surroundings. The only other place we could think of was the school toilets."

Darren chuckled at how daring this all sounded.

"Obviously, the quietest time to do this was during lessons, so we each decided on a time that we would get out of them." Jack continued. "I never asked how he managed to do it but as for me, luckily, I was in a science lesson doing an experiment with lots of dangerous chemicals that I could pretend had gotten into my eyes. So, when I thought no one was looking, I put some water from the taps in my eyes to make them red and complained that I had gotten some chemical in there. Of course, it was only after that I realise that the stuff we were using was practically harmless and should not have caused as much pain as I made out.

"Anyway, when I got downstairs to the toilets, Harry was already there. I was that excited about what we were going to do, that just seeing him standing there made my dick slowly harden. I was already dying to touch his perfect body. He was about the same height as me and had abs and a six pack to die for! He was one of those guys that are lucky enough to stay tanned ages after a vacation and so his skin just glowed whenever he started to sweat."

"That sounds nice." Darren was smiling as he pictured the perfect sight.

"I remember him pointing at the bulge in my school pants and saying playfully, "How dare you start before me. Get in that cubical." I obeyed him. I went in and before I could turn around to face him, Harry had already joined me in the cubical, locked the door and pulled down my school pants. Then, he pressed his 7½ inch cock up against my ass feeling my crack through my boxers -- rubbing his cock up and down."

Darren shifted himself in his seat to accommodate for the now fully hard 6½ inch man meat in his trousers.

"Then he reached around to my front and quickly moved his hands inside my boxers and took my throbbing 6½ inch cut cock in his hands -- slowly rubbing up and down. I was groaning because it felt so good. I was rubbing my ass cheeks up and down his cock longing for it to penetrate me but for now he continued rubbing faster and faster - trying to get my dick as hard as it would go. Then he quickly pulled my boxers down, finally letting me free, before starting to unbutton my school shirt. The shirt was now open, hanging loose from my shoulders.

""Sit down" he whispered in my ear. I obeyed him again, eager to see what would happen next."

"What did happen next?" Darren asked. He realised that he was now leaning that far over the table that he was in danger of knocking over the drinks. But he did not care. This was so hot!

"Well, like I said, I sat down so my hard-on was facing him. He almost threw himself on the floor as he quickly knelt down and took me in his mouth. He felt so warm and good as he tasted me -- licking every drop of my pre-cum. He moved his lips up and down faster and faster -- all the while licking my cock head. I had to clutch either side of the toilet because the pleasure was so much - it was the only thing I could do to stop myself screaming.

""Harry...I'm so close!" I remember screaming a little loudly as I could feel the pressure build up in my balls. He pulled my cock out of his mouth letting it slap against my stomach, wetting it slightly with my own pre-cum, and stood up in front of me so that his crotch was in my face. I remember unzipping him as fast as I could -- I wanted to taste him so badly! I pulled his pants down as quickly as I could and just stared for a moment at the perfect sight. There pointing at me was Harry beautiful man meat! Like I said before, 7½ inches long, cut, and real fat. He must have been really excited because he was dribbling pre-cum everywhere. I took him in my mouth as quickly as I could - tasting the salty goodness of his pre-cum. Oh he tasted so good! I started slowly and then got faster and faster as I found a rhythm that worked. His breaths were getting shorter and louder. Every now and then, he would close his eyes and let out a little moan. I wanted him so have as much pleasure as I could give him so, while I had hold of his cock with my right hand, I let my left hand wander over his ass cheeks -- buns of steel I liked to call them! So round and soft they were -- you could have probably gone to sleep on them! I began to slowly massage one of his cheeks before making my way towards his hole. I gently ran my finger around his ring causing him to howl with the pleasure. I think by now he had given up on being quiet. Then, I slowly pushed my finger up inside his hungry hole and began moving it in and out getting faster and faster.

"Jack...I'm so close!" he screamed. I remember thinking that I was not going to stop -- I wanted to taste him and suck him dry -- so I carried on. As he got closer he started to thrust his pelvis back and forth, groaning really loudly because he was unable to escape the pleasure being given to him from both ends.

"Jack...I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." those were his last words before his cock exploded in my mouth firing red hot streams of cum to the back of my throat. One, two, three powerful jets. There was that much cum that I was having trouble swallowing it all and so some was leaking out of my mouth and dripping down onto my chest. With every power squirt his ass would tighten around my finger, his body would convulse gripping the back of my head tight and thrusting his cock as far in my mouth as it would go. Four, five, six smaller squirts followed and tasted just as good as the first three.

"Oh...fuck...that was good" he panted as he withdrew from my mouth. I slowly pulled my finger back out of his hole making him groan again. "Right," he said smiling at me, still panting. "It's your turn, now."

"With that he made me lean back a little. This was the first time that I realised that my cock had been leaking. There were streaks of pre-cum dribbling down my shaft and gathering in my pubic hairs. Since there was no need to make my dick wet now, Harry positioned his self directly above it and spread his "buns of steel" apart before lowering down. Oh it felt great to be inside him! I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and threw his and mine on the floor. By now, I just did not care if someone walked in.

"He raised himself all the way up until my cock was almost out of his hole before lowering himself back down again. He had his eyes closed and groaned every time his ass moved. Oh he looked so cute with his face shining gold in the light thanks to his sweat on his tanned skin! He began to move up and down faster and faster. My cock was so lubricated up with pre-cum that it made a slight squelching sound every time it went back in him. My breathing became heavy as he started to bounce on me. He was determined to make me shoot. He leaned forward and we wrapped our arms around each other, so my smooth chest was rubbing against his athletic one. I started screaming with pleasure.

"I'm gonna shoot!" I remember screaming, but he would not stop. He carried on bouncing on me and I could feel the pressure in my balls build. "Harry...Harry" was all my mouth could say as my balls tightened and shoot stream after stream of hot cum inside him, lining his insides. We both screamed together as I shot and he felt every squirt. Every time I shot my body would convulse and my grip on Harry would tighten.

"When I eventually stopped shooting, we just sat there -- my cock still inside him going soft. We just carried on hugging and rested our heads on each others shoulder. I could hear him panting in my ear."

"Oh that was hot!" whispered Darren.

"But that was not all" Jack continued.

Darren eyes widen with the thoughts of what could happen next. "Really, what happened next?"

"Well, about a year later, I was sat in a pizza restaurant with another boy who listened to what I and Harry had done and, at the end; I noticed that he had an erection."

Darren smiled when he realised that Jack was talking about him. "That could have something to do with the fact that your knee is currently rubbing the inside of my leg very close to it."

"What leg?" Jack replied playfully, grinning.

"Anyway, that's not all that is down there. I'm sorry but you will have to excuse me while I clean up." With that, Darren rose from the table and entered the men's toilets.

He went inside one of the cubicles, locked the door and pulled down his trousers. Then, he pulled his boxers strap away from his stomach to look at the mess, and what a mess! There was cum everywhere! He had not ejaculated, he had just leaked continuously throughout Jack's story and now he had to clean up after it. The fact that his dick was throbbing and acing to be wanked did not help either as he wiped cum of it with some toilet paper. He even considered masturbating right there in the cubicle but thought better of it. It would be unkind to his "date" if he was in the toilets for ages because he was masturbating. So, he just cleaned himself up -- all the while deep in thought. What was happening to him? He had been on many dates but this was not just a date, it was something else. It was different and not just because he was on a date with a boy. Darren was actually enjoying himself because he was relaxed. He did not feel he had to perform all the time as he did when he was on dates with girls. Jack was giving as good as he got and that pleased Darren greatly. Surely he could not be enjoying himself more on this date that on any other. No, of course not, it was just because it was his first date of this kind.

With that decision, and because he was now clean, he decided to rejoined his "date".

"So," began Darren sitting back down. "Did you actually get away with that?"

Jack took a sip of cola before speaking. "No. The caretaker heard us outside and told the headmaster who suspended us for two weeks."

Darren chuckled.

"That was also the time when everyone found out about me and Harry being gay. You know how gossip spreads around schools. Everyone probably knew within a day."

"So, did you and Harry ever do anything else like that?" Darren asked.

"No...about a month after that he..." Jack trailed off. "Anyway," he said. "I thought you were asking me a question and then I asked one back. You must have asked at least one hundred already."

"Alright," Darren decided not to press Jack on the matter of Harry if he did not want to talk about it. "Ask me anything."

"Why did you agree to this?"

Darren took a sip of cola before continuing. "The truthful answer is; I really do not know. Maybe I agreed to this because it was something different; something a bit daring, perhaps. Also, because Mel seemed to insist that I go on this with you. How did you two get to know each other?"

"What time does this movie start?" Jack asked quickly.

"In about 45 minuets." Once again, Darren decided not to push Jack on this topic as he seemed uncomfortable discussing it.

"We had better go and get tickets otherwise they will all be sold out." With that Jack rose from the table and headed for the exit.

Darren quickly threw enough money down on the table to pay for the bill and ran out after him.

Outside, Darren found Jack on the edge of the sidewalk watching the cars go by. Darren went up and stood behind him.

"I'm really sorry." Darren said, "I didn't realise it was such a sensitive subject. I really am sorry"

"Me and Mel like to keep what happened to us a secret," said Jack still staring at the traffic. "That still does not justify why I walked out on you and I'm sorry."

Darren raised his hand to put on Jack's shoulder to comfort him and then lowered it as Darren thought of what the passers by would think. Then, he thought that a guy comforting another guy in that way was not unusual and so put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry about."

Jack looked at Darren's hand on his shoulder then at his face and smiled. "Thanks" he said.

"Come on. Let's go get a seat in the cinema."


The cinema they went to was a giant multiplex. How many screens it actually had Darren and Jack did not know but there was nearly always something to watch. Darren loved going to the cinema as he very rarely got to go. Most of the time, he only ever saw movies on video or DVD. Jack's story was the same.

They chose a movie that had been out for ages and was probably the reason why they were the only two in screen 16 sat watching it. They sat at the back. At first, Jack and Darren thought that this was kind of cool as they had all the seating to themselves and did not have to worry about other people whispering and spoiling the film, but as it became apparent that this film was abysmal, the novelty of the situation began to wear off.

"This has got to be one of the worst films I have ever seen." said Darren, staring at the screen with his mouth open.

"It's crap." said Jack simply and they both laughed. "He's hot though." Jack pointed at a guy walking on a beach wearing nothing but shorts. He was tanned, with blonde hair and must have worked out with a body like that.

Darren did not reply to Jack's comment. He was straight after all and did not look at other men like that. Although Jack made him feel a! He was defiantly straight. When Darren looked from the cinema screen to Jack, he got a little bit of a surprise.

Jack had unbuttoned his shirt, unzipped his pants and was masturbating!

"You're completely mad," said Darren slightly in awe of Jack bravery. "What happens if someone walks in?"

"There are two reasons why I don't care. One is that the row of seats in front of us is covering my lower region and the other is the film itself. Do you really think that someone is going to come running in here in a blind panic because they have missed the beginning of this piece of crap?"

Darren smiled in agreement and left Jack to wank while he carried on watching the film. Even now and then, Darren would glance at his cock which shined from the light of the cinema screen and then, when Darren realised that he was staring, he would quickly look up again.

"I'm near," Jack moaned as his breathing grew heavier and heavier. Darren sat thinking about what Jack had said. The chances of anyone coming in here were quite low. He decided that he would have a bit of fun with Jack.

"Can I...finish you off?" Darren asked sheepishly.

Jack stopped wanking and looked at him. "Are you sure?"

Darren just nodded.

Jack smiled broadly. "Ok" he said. He let go of his cock which made a slapping sound against his smooth stomach.

Darren slowly moved his hand across to where the cock lay and slowly picked it up. When he did this, a stream of pre-cum was stuck to the cock and Jack's stomach. Darren grasped the cock ready to start pumping. This was the first time he had ever done this. The cock felt warm in his hand. The shaft was smooth and hard but the cock head was soft. He would even go as far as saying that it felt good to have Jack's cock in his hands. That was a "gay thing" though and as he was complete straight he could not possibly think like that. Jack sighed with pleasure and to encourage Darren to go on. Jack decided to help Darren out a bit (who seemed to have stopped), so he grabbed the wrist of the hand around his cock and slowly moved it up and down so the hand would follow suit. Jack started to make the hand move faster and then let go so that Darren was doing this on his own. Jack was happy that Darren did not stop.

"Do you like that?" Darren asked. He was not asking in a playful tone but rather an inquisitive on.

"Yeah, that is good. Wank me harder, go on." Jack replied.

Darren obeyed and began to speed up. As he did, Jack breathing grew faster and heavier with even a little bit of groaning every now and then.

"If you don't want cum all over your hand then you had better stop." Jack panted after a while.

Darren stopped. "Why? Don't you want to cum?" he asked in the same inquisitive tone.

"I'd love to cum," replied Jack, smiling.

Darren smiled back and started moving his hand up and down Jack smooth shaft.

"Faster...faster," Jack moaned, so Darren obeyed speeding up.

Pre-cum started to dribble out of Jack's slit making Darren's hand slip all the way up and all the way back down Jack's cock much quicker.

"Oh, Darren! I'm gonna cum!" Jack moaned again starting to squirm in his seat. "Faster...faster!" he ordered as he felt cum build up in his balls.

Jack let out a scream as cum erupted from the end of his cock spraying his smooth chest with hot sticky cum. Darren carried on pumping until Jack cock was dry. There was a little bit of cum on Darren's thumb which Jack playfully licked off.

"That was great, thank you" said Jack grinning from ear to ear. "Will you let me return the favour?"

Darren was a little unsure but it was the second time that night that Jack had made Darren as hard as a rock and, once again, his dick was crying out to shoot. So Darren nodded.

Jack wiped cum of his chest with the napkins that they had been given with their popcorn and got dressed again before kneeling down in front of Darren. He could see that Darren was nervous so he said, "Why don't you close your eyes. It's always more pleasurable if you don't know what I'm doing." He quickly added, "Don't worry, I'm just gonna use my hands," when he thought Darren was going to disagree.

Darren nodded and closed his eyes which actually helped him to kind of forget where he was.

"Right, first, I'm just going to unbutton your shirt," Jack explained so that Darren knew exactly what was happening and did not freak out. "You don't want to cum on your cloths when your have to go out in public, trust me."

So that's exactly what Jack did. Starting from the top and slowly undoing one button at a time, Jack slowly revealed the perfect picture. The two things Jack loved most; abs and a six pack!

"You kept this hot thing quiet," he said in awe.

"It's not much really" replied Darren, still with his eyes closed. Darren had never really been happy with his body. He had always believed that it was average.

"No, don't knock yourself down. It's so hot!" Jack was now rubbing his hands along all the muscles -- starting at his abs and slowly moving down. Eventually, he reached his pants. "You ready?" Jack asked.

Darren nodded. "Do it," he said.

Jack slowly unzipped Darren's pants and lowered his boxers down below his cock allowing it to spring free and slap Darren on the stomach.

"Now that's hot," said Jack as he rubbed the cock against Darren's stomach. It felt really smooth in Jack's hand! He wrapped his fingers around it and slowly began to pump up and down.

Immediately, Darren began to feel the pleasure rush through him. How could anything like this, which he had believed to be wrong, feel so right? He did not have much time to think about this however as Jack had already begun to speed up and Darren could feel the pressure building. "Jack, it's coming. I'm close!"

Jack began to pump as fast as he could, causing Darren to squirm in his seat. "Jack! I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." He did not have time to finish what he was saying as he had reached his orgasm. He howled with pleasure and rolled from side to side. Never had he had a wank like this! He opened his eyes to see Jack clutching the base of his cock stopping the flow of cum and just when Darren thought he could not cope with anymore pleasure, Jack released his cock. Darren, still howling with pleasure, rolled from side to side spraying cum in every direction; on Darren, on Jack, on the floor and even three rows of seats in front. To Darren, it seemed to take forever for his orgasm to stop (Not that he was complaining. He did not want it to end!). When it did end, all Darren could do was slouch in his chair. He just could not move! He looked down at Jack and noticed that he had a stream of cum running from his left ear to his mouth.

"Fuck! That was hot! You've got cum everywhere, man!" Jack said smiling and looking at all the cum. "I was counting; 7 powerful, 5 squirts. How long have you wanted a wank for?"

Darren could not answer. He was out of breath. Instead, he just pointed to the cum on Jack's face.

Jack scoped the cum into his hand and ate it.

"You taste so good," he said.

All Darren could do was smile.

"Come on," said Jack getting up off his knees. "You had better get cleaned up and dressed. With any luck, the end credits will roll soon and we can go."

"Alright," Jack managed to pant and obeyed.


Once the film had finished, Jack and Darren walked quickly out of the multiplex before anyone noticed the mess they had left behind.


On the train home at dusk, Darren had a lot to think about. He had just had the best date of his life. He had just made another boy cum! He had just cum in front of another boy! Was that all role playing or was it something else?


When they got back to their home town, the sun had completely set leaving behind a clear starry night along with a bright full moon.

Darren began walking Jack home, trying to continue the role-playing as best as he could. Jack could see that Darren was thinking about what had happened and decided that, as they turned onto Jack's street, he would try and reassure him.

"Look, about what happened-" Jack was cut off by Darren.

"-Who are you?" Darren stopped and faced Jack

Jack looked puzzled. "You know who I am. I'm Jack."

"No, that's not what I was trying to say. WHO are you?"

"I'm sorry but I don't understand."

"Ok. Let me explain. Yesterday, when Mel asked me if I would do this, she seemed to ask out of desperation as if she was determined to find you that special someone. Then, when I almost turned her down she began to get all emotional." Darren paused for a moment to give Jack a chance to sink everything in. "I'm not an idiot Jack. There's more to you and Mel then she is letting on, isn't there?"

"Well, we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend if that's what you mean for the simple fact that I'm gay," replied Jack.

"Then...what is it?"

"It's nothing."

"Why won't you let me know?"

"Why do you WANT to know?" asked Jack. Tears were forming in his eyes. "What happened has nothing to do with you, Darren, so just drop it!" Jack stormed off down his street.

"Will you stop speaking in riddles please?" Darren followed Jack. "This is all new to me. I'm lost enough here as it is without you holding back on me!"

Jack stopped and turned around to face Darren. "You were not there! You didn't see it! I did! And I wish all the time that I could have been somewhere else that day! Just please drop it." The anger in Jack voice had gone. He was now pleading.

Now Darren felt awful. He had pushed a boy he had had a good time with all night on the verge of braking down in the middle of the street.

"I'm sorry," Darren said. It seemed to Darren that he had spent most of his life speaking without thinking and then having to apologise for it. "I've never had a date like this before. I don't know how this is all supposed to go and I'm just saying the first thing that comes into my head."

Jack dried his eyes on his shirt sleeve before looking up at Darren. "It's understandable. This kind of thing is never easy to deal with. You forgave me earlier tonight so I guess I owe you one. So I'll use the words you said earlier; "You have nothing to be sorry for"."

"Thanks" Darren replied, smiling. They carried on down the road until they reach Jack's house.

"Well, I guess this is it," said Jack as they stood outside his front gate.

"Yeah...thanks. I had a great time" replied Darren.

"Do you want to do this again tomorrow night?" Jack asked hopefully.

"No," Darren sighed. With Jack's look of disappointment, Darren felt he owed him an explanation. "This was supposed to be a one of thing, remember? My one and only chance to go on a date with another boy and your only chance to go on a date with a straight guy, even if I'm not much of one. This was only ever supposed to be a bit of fun, a bit of role playing. After today, I have to go back to my normal life. I've got my eye on a girl. I've only just got on talking terms with her and I don't want to ruin things. I'm sorry. You understand, don't you?"

Jack sighed and nodded in agreement. "I'll never forget you or what we did," he mumbled.

"Please don't. This is already hard enough. I'm going to go now."

Jack moved in for the kiss but Darren pulled away.

"What are you doing?" asked Darren holding Jack at arms length.

"I'm kissing you. I assume we are still role-playing, right? So what about the goodnight kiss?" Jack explained.

Darren did not know what to say. "Please don't..." pleaded Darren, "just don't..." With that, he walk away leaving Jack stood in the street light staring after him.

Darren wanted to kiss him, he really did but what if someone saw? What if he liked it? It would turn his whole world up-side-down. But then, if he did not do it, he would always wonder what it was like...

Jack slowly made his way down his garden path, thinking to himself about the date. He was just about to open his front door when he heard someone call his name behind him. He turned around and there, stood at the garden gate, was Darren.

Darren quickly glanced left and right before running down the garden path and, wrapping his arms around Jack, kissed him passionately on the lips. They both felt energy rush through them. For a few moments, they could forget the world existed because they had each other. To Darren, it felt good, it felt right. As soon as it had started, however, it ended.

Darren looked into Jack's eyes. "Bye," was all that he could think to say before disappearing into the night. Jack stared into space as he thought for a moment about what had just happened before going in. ________________________________________________________________________________

Hope you enjoyed the "date". Thanks for taking the time to read it. Part 3 of 5 is available now for your reading pleasure!

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(Quick shout out to all those who e-mailed me with you thoughts and views of part one. All your comments have been noted so thank you!)

Next: Chapter 3

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