Pirates, Slaves and Other Captives

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Oct 26, 2003



Not encountering him anywhere, and having final instruc- tions to convey to his foreman before leaving for Atlanta, Simon Querelle nudged his steed and headed straight for the slave quarters.

"Damn that man and his incessant balls!" He had a pretty good notion where the sweaty bruiser would be.

Leaping from his mount he stomped the few feet then burst into the shack. Sure enough, Carter Swanson was embroiled in some lewdness with the blackies. He was bare from the shirt- tails down, his furry thighs and legs planted well apart, bent in a slight crouch. In his massive palms he gingerly held a black head from which he urged more rapid movement. Impatient, he grasped tightly with his hands and worked it more rapidly along the large, thick member he had plugged into the gagging mouth.

"Come on, suck that cock you big-lipped bitch!" he growled at the nude woman kneeling before him. "Get ready for a power- ful load of that white jizz you love so much. Gonna scald yur innards, gal, whiles I shit a juicy turd inta yore man's mouth!"

He laughed wickedly, grinding his ass back. That's when Simon noticed the naked buck in a low squat back there--his head trapped against the wall so his face pressed tightly into Carter's husky rearend. Carter gave his employer a sideways glance, but made no effort to forestal his activities.

"Keep yore ol' niggerlips open and tongue-a-flappin' there, Roscoe," he ordered over his shoulder. "I want to shoot off in your cunt's mouth whiles we get a gander o' you all throat- logged with one of my steaming jumbo turds o' hot shit!"

Sighing with disgust, Simon approached the trio.

"Why is it you have to be so confounded ornery gettin' your nuts off, Swanson?" He stared down, front and back, trying to fight off the inevitable rush of blood gorging his genitals from the sight. "I suppose you're subjecting these niggers to your filthy perversions against their desires, as usual?"

"Naw," he laughed evilly, "they love it. They's fuckin' niggers, ain't they? Second best to gospel singing, all niggers like lickin' a nekked white man all over."

Taking a good look at the handsome buck slurping noisily over his foreman's hairy anus, Simon asked, "You favor that, Roscoe?"

Forcing his mouth to the side, Roscoe gasped and chose his words carefully so as not to anger the whip-yielding brute. It was one thing having the man shit 'tween his lips, and another having blood pouring down his back and still gettin' shit in! "Cain't say especially, Mistuh Querelle, but I reckons we has to." He gave Simon a pleading glance, hoping the man would countermand the rogue's obscene intentions.

Simon wavered, and Carter noticed it. Giving his employer a crooked grin, he reached over and opened the man's trousers. Simon gasped breathlessly as the rough hands worked his cock into a throbbing erection. The younger man's eyes bored lustily into his...the hands brazenly fondling his privates, taking every liberty he wished with total disregard for propriety or permission. One hand stroked his stiffness expertly while the other fondled his balls and even dug back to stroke along his crack and over his sweating anus. Carter looked down at the hard penis he was masturbating, then gave the older man a knowing smile.

"Hell, you likes muh dirty ways too much ta put up a fuss," Carter stated pointedly, with irritating assurance. He roughly yanked the man's trousers down, then bent over and engulfed the rigid prick clear to Simon's pulsing balls!

Simon let out a squeal and gave himself over to the fellow's expert sucking. No one--that is, no woman--he'd ever fornicated with, including his wife, had ever sucked his prick with such abandoned, all-encompassing expertise! As crude and indecently lascivious the cruel bastard was, being prick-sucked like this had always deterred any thoughts he had of dismissing him. And those thoughts came fairly often as he witnessed his treatment of the slaves and the debauched manner he displayed toward everyone he came in contact with.

Simon opened his glassy eyes and twisted his head to the side. He looked at the miserable black face all smeared with greasy assjuice from lapping Carter's unwashed, if ever- washed!, stinking asscrack. But he felt no sympathy now. In fact, he was experiencing once again that inescapable, but uncomfortable rush of excitement he got coming in contact with the brute's body odors. Especially disturbing was his unsettling reaction each time he caught one of the strong whiffs coming from the man's dirty asshole! It was horribly disgusting to Simon, yet always caused an uncontrollable jerk to his penis...a throbbing sensation that would otherwise be more than welcome, but he feared was flagrantly obvious to Carter when it happened. If so, the man never let on. But then, Simon's admonishments over his lewdness and awful hygiene were totally ignored. Was it simply Carter's vulgar disregard for others, or did he purposely use it to entice the older man? But then, why? Certainly there was no reciprocation on Simon's part. Never had been. Nor was it ever suggested. Ever since Carter Swanson's initial gamble over Simon's possible reaction to having another man touch him in a lecherous fashion, making obscene suggestions to boot, there's been no question that in their couplings, Carter would be the one doing the servicing. And with a lusty enthusiasm that greatly bolstered Simon's ego and brought forth, somewhat, the underlying carnal wantoness hitherto dormant these many years.

Roscoe could see enough to make out what was transpiring. He could plainly see the look of ecstasy in his master's face and knew his cause was hopeless. Simon eventually saw his dejected expression and commented on it.

"Your forlorn demeanor is irritating me," Simon snapped at him. "He's right. You're just niggers. You should be grateful for being allowed such intimate contact with my foreman. Suck his asshole!!" Simon's cock twitched in Carter's mouth. He would soon be at the brink, and it all became desperately erotic to him. "He allows you to smell and suck his fresh turd, but I think you should honor him further, Roscoe. You should lick and suck it, as he requests, while he spurts balljuice down Rosaline's throat. Then I think it appropriate you and your woman devour it, together, before us!"

Carter smacked off Simon's prick and straightened up. "Well, aren't we bursting with wild obscenities today! Such a vulgar proposal coming from your proper lips fires my cock! I shall have TWO spends, in fact, and neither in this dark bitch's mouth. I feel an urge to FUCK! So, I shall fuck her cunt. I shall fuck her asshole. I shall fuck his asshole! And should I spend during this triple plugging, I shall simply stuff my prod in the buttlicking nigger's mouth and have him suck the slimy thing to full-bloatedness and ravage those black holes again!"

"Yes!" Simon cried in unabashed eagerness. "I also shall endeavor as many orgasms as I can conjure. Two dozen, the way my cock feels right now!" Simon shamelessly felt of himself.

Carter smiled and nodded. Reaching below Simon's balls he slid a finger the full length of his employer's moist butt- crack. Then in a lewdness surpassing any Simon had seen Carter perform thus far, he vulgarly put the tip to his nose and smelled it with several long, deep inhalations that betrayed his obvious delight over the sordid pungency. Simon gaped in awe, then barely kept his prick from exploding when the leering fellow stuck it into his mouth and shamelessly suckered the soiled digit greedily before Simon's astonished eyes!

"Sir, you were born to debauchery," Carter chuckled. "I guarantee you'll find fulfillment in debasing yourself and debasing others...should you ever decide to twist off some of your own nature and chew it." Simon gulped nervously. "Think you ready for more adventuresome frolics than standing with your trousers down? I would enjoy your hard prick shoved up my ass while I fuck their black, steaming holes. Ah, and we shall do it over the face of the one not being pricked so they can tongue your cock as you pump me, lick each fresh coating of rectal juice you drag out, and all around my assring for the smelly goop that collects!"

"Oh, I...I don't know..." Simon gasped, intrigued.

"After shitting, and having my turd gobbled up, you'll be slamming your prick into the brown mash I shall save. Thus, they'll be licking a truly filthy shaft, and my own from their undoubtedly grungy rectums will afford us more pleasure watching them suck the shit from our cocks! Hmmm?"

In reply, Simon pressed against his foreman's nakedness and ducked his head to mere inches from Roscoe's face. "SUCK IT!" he hissed, grasping the man's naked bottom and prying his cheeks apart to give Rosco more access. "EAT THAT HOLE OUT, NIGGER! DRILL YOUR TONGUE IN THERE AND CLEAN OUT HIS HAIRY SHITHOLE! SCOOP OUT ALL THE OLD SHIT, AND LICK IT FROM HIS STINKING ASSHOLE, THEN YOU'LL GET A NICE JUICY FRESH ONE TO EAT!"

Carter chuckled at the man's sudden salaciousness. He rotated his bottom suggestively in the older man's firm grip. "Tell 'im how it's gonna be, boss! Gonna make 'em slave shitsuckers!"

"That's right," Simon snarled at Roscoe, loud enough for Rosalie's benefit. "Best do a real good job, too. Cause if you don't, you two are gonna be suckin' turds every day til you learn how to take it with gratitude. Yes, give us a good show...two hungry turd-eating niggers...and maybe you won't have to do it again. Just one damned good dirty show."

Simon pulled the greasy valley from Roscoe's mouth and stretched his middle finger out to run it around Carter's nasty, engorged asshole. It twitched, sending tingles of unholy sensations down his own spine.

He let out a deep groan when the foreman's hand meanwhile went between his splayed buttocks--an insistant finger circling his itchy asshole, making it pulse and flutter. It snapped shut, fiercely defensive, when Carter attempted to penetrate it. But more teasing--along with being more prepared for the violation--and the older man's anus flowered open allowing the finger to easily slide full-length up his rectum. Groaning, he backed onto it.

"Oh, my god!" Simon gasped when Carter began to probe around in a wide circle, surveying Simon's virgin rectal walls. (Though he'd done a similar thing to himself on occasion--when he was young and discovering those initial delights of self abuse.) "What are you doing?"

"Heh, heh!" Carter replied, snidely. "Searching your shithole for turds...just in case these niggers are still hungry after eatin' my shit!"

"OH! S-stop it. I don't have any...and doin' that, you- you're gonna make me lose a load!"

"Aw, okay." Carter reluctantly eased his finger from his employer's anus and looked it over. "Mmmm, smells good!" he announced loudly, teasing the man. "Too bad. Bet they'd love a turd all covered with this hot slime!" Simon had straightened up in time to catch Carter popping the oily digit into his mouth and cleaning it off.

"Ugh! You are so disgustingly filthy!" Simon blurted accusingly. Carter just winked and suckered the finger even more salaciously.

"Mmm. Yep." He turned around and presented his bottom to Rosalie. "Suck my hole, bitch. Gonna give Roscoe a little break cause I'm ready to take a big shit and I want his lips rested up." He reached back and pulled the girl's face into his crease. "Come on, you cunt, you know how. Bet you eat that nigger's shithole all the time, doncha? Just like you crave sucking his big cock, hunh? Like you crave sucking ANY big cock. Yes indeed, that's why we train you slaves to cocksuck soon as your little mouths can wrap over a fat knob. Say, where's that little picaninny of yours? He's gettin' to suck me off near as good as you, 'cept he still gags on muh huge loads." He guffawed.

Simon gasped. He'd no idea Swanson also used the children for his lusts. Tomorrow he'd be outraged. At the moment he found himself wishing the youngster was with them. It would be exciting watching the brute force him to perform disgusting acts.

Besides being crude and vulgar, Carter Swanson had a way of prodding others into debasing themselves even without a threat of violence. Simon knew that firsthand from the time he walked in and found the smelly bastard slamming his huge cock in and out of Magda's cunt! Though sexual relations between them had diminished to near nothing over the years, he felt abused and cuckolded finding them fucking, totally naked, on THEIR bed! To compound his humiliation, Magda was screaming in throes of carnal bliss--urging him to 'shove that big prick up me, you stinking nigger-fucker! SCREW MY SMELLY CUNT OFF!' To which he replied, with a violent lunge up her squishy twat, 'You got that right, bitch. Of all the nigger cunts I've eaten out, not one of 'em smelled as bad as your reeking fuckhole!' When she drew up to scrape her nails down the lout's sweaty back, she saw Simon in the doorway and choked.

"OH MY GOD...SIMON!" She tried to twist out of his clutch, but Carter held her firm. He turned his head, watching Simon approach, but displayed no sense of alarm. In fact, he didn't miss one squishy stroke up his wife's squirming cunt.

"Well, looks like the boss caught us fucking our brains out. Now there'll be hell to pay!"

He laughed while Simon's wife continued her futile efforts to disloge him...all the while disclaiming any culpability at what he witnessed, and insisting the 'vile scoundrel' had forced his intentions despite every effort to fight him off.

"I see," Simon said calmly, nodding, "I've come upon a vicious rape in progress, then, I presume?" His tone was now heavy with unmistakable sarcasm, causing Magda to slump back and groan in defeat. Carter laughed, plugging away, and looked again to his employer.

"Nice gash, but the bitch can't suck cock worth a shit! She any better with you?" Simon shook his head sadly. "Didn't think so. Well, fuck it. You know where to go to get your joint serviced properly, don't you? And I see you've got it nice and stiff, and all ready."

Stunned, Magda glanced over and stared at the big erection snaking down Simon's leg. That was certainly not the reaction she'd expected from him! Nor was what followed.

"Hey, I can do two things at once. Whip it out and stick it in my mouth. I can suck and fuck. In fact, my previous position I've barely mentioned? On my knees, fucking HER from behind then scooting over and fucking HIM up the asshole, going back and forth all afternoon. She'd suck my prick while he licked my ass, then they'd trade places. I'd suck her cunt out then suck his prick off. Nice job, hunh? Unfortunately, they were a couple of real greedy ones. Things got nasty when they both complained I wasn't screwing them enough! I got fed up with it, and decided to move on. But first I tied them up together--face to cunt & mouth over prick--then I pissed on 'em and left 'em that way for the servants to find! Not that it mattered much. I was screwing the servant girls, the parlor boy, and letting the houseman suck me off now and then!"

"Did you have such abominable bathing habits there, also?" Simon asked, the pouring sweat making Carter's usual stench permeate the whole room.

"Hell yes. They both loved it. The servants just put up with it, but they couldn't wait to mash their faces into my balls and between my cheeks. He, particularly, had no mis- givings about telling me there was no need for me to wipe my asshole after shitting...he'd be more than happy to lick and suck it each time. And if he wasn't around, it wouldn't be the first time his wife licked off a shitty asshole! She offered no denials or confirmations, and he felt no compunction betraying every obscene lewdness he or she ever performed! Now why doncha climb up here and stick that big cock in my mouth while I give this hussy the screwing you can't? Say, does she lick assholes? You could sit on her face an' fuck my face at the same time."

Needless to say, Magda was adamant in rejecting that suggestion. But once she saw Simon above her, naked, relishing the younger man's unashamed cocksucking, she began to hump her bottom once again and enjoy the huge prick skewering her like none before.

Later, sucking Carter's flacid, but still engorged penis for a hopeful second round, Magda tried in vain to coax Simon into sucking the man's meat. She said the sight of two men was surprisingly more erotic than repulsive, and watching her husband sucking another man's prick would be enchanting. Just this one time? She'd never suggest it again. "Sourpuss! He gulped down that bitter cock scum of yours." But it was to no avail. Nor was any entreaty to repeat the triple assignation. Carter was free to fuck his wife silly, and any personal attention was always appreciated. But Magda's wantonness sadly illuminated his own failures, and he fostered no desire to reciprocate by sucking Carter's prick. A snickering reminder from Carter that he'd kept silent during her attempts at persuasion, and it was settled.

"Hey, fine with me," Carter shrugged. "I can get it anywhere. You whip it out and I'll be glad to drain the thing for you...any time, Mr. Querelle, sir, bossman. Got lots of big nigger dicks in back, and lotsa thick black lips that wrap over my joint just fine. I like tasting a stiff, pretty one like yours, though. Pink and hard, and goes right down my throat with ease. I do enjoy sucking a man down to his balls."

Like his first one...special...Mr. Perkins.

Now, Simon was fondling the man's bottom and playing with his asshole. Soon he'd have his prick buried in there. He was eager to experience that, yet anxious about any further he might go now that he'd broken his own barrier. Well, he'd worry about that later. His eyes kept darting from Rosalie's ass- sucking to where Carter's mouth had Roscoe's massive cock hard despite the buck's unwilling participation. He simply couldn't resist seeing the white man's wild tongue lapping up and down his black meat with plainly evident enthusiasm.

Roscoe had sucked the brutal foreman's cock many times. He no longer found it as offensive as those first times. Massive welts soon had him swallowing his pride, however, and swallowing the abundant cum that squirted from the throbbing knob he'd sucked without further struggle. Even that smelly anus was slightly more tolerable. But this newest outrage of Swanson's was unimaginable...and now he had Mr. Querelle's approval--dashing their final chance for a reprieve.

Suddenly Rosalie pulled her face away and groaned in disgust. "Aiiee!" She made to spit but thought better of it. "It...it's...!"

Carter straightened up and gave Simon a knowing sneer. "Heh. Bitch licked muh turd!" He moved into position swiftly, backing Roscoe's head against the wall once more, then bending over. "It's a comin'! I'M GONNA SHIT!" Roscoe's eyes shot open like beacons! Simon hurried to grab hold of Carter's butt again.

"SHIT IN THE NIGGER'S MOUTH!" he cried, devoid of any feeling for him.

"Gettin' a front row view, hunh?" Carter chuckled.

"Oh!" Simon gasped, stepping back in panic. He suddenly realized his foreman was actually about to defecate and how unbearable the stench would be. He gulped, hearing Carter's distainful laughter as if he knew precisely what was going through the man's head. Incomprehensibly, that made Simon feel cowardly instead of rightfully indignant with repulsion. "Aw, so what?" he muttered, again filling his hands with the man's buttocks, guardedly prying them open.

He froze, staring at the dark obscenity protruding from the hole. Round and slick, it gave off that unmistakable odor immediately. Roscoe noticed it tenfold...his mouth open, his eyes so frightful a tiny pang of sympathy shot through Simon before being overtaken by lust. He pressed the bottom at him... lining the hole up to his mouth.


Barely obedient, Roscoe slowly inched forward until his nose rubbed against the greasy thing.


The obsessed man was close enough now to lick it himself. The pungent aroma was overpowering, but the large black lips coming in contact with the man's shit overshadowed any repulsion.

"Ah, yes. He's licking it...licking your filthy shit... lapping his tongue all over that vile horror coming from your big, putrid shithole. We can plainly see it smearing your enlarged ring and filling the wrinkles with foul muck! And after he just finished sucking the old shit from them!"

When Carter slid about 3 more inches from his hole, and it went directly between Roscoe's lips, Simon felt dizzy.


Carter was busy kissing Rosalie--constantly whispering obscenities to her.

"I'm shittin' in your man's mouth, bitch. Big ripe turd comin' outta my smelly asshole right into his mouth. He's a suckin' away on it, honey. Lickin' the slime off and suckin' the shitjuice out of my filthy turd! And he's gonna EAT it! He's gonna chew it and swallow it...and shit it from his dirty ass when he's done with it. Yes. I'll bet he gets down and eats it again...way he's moving his lips on it. Hell, probably keep shittin' and eatin' it over and over!"

"N-no! No!" Rosalie muttered in anguish.

"No? Don't think he's having fun? Well, then you won't be so hesitant to help him out. Get back there and share the goods, right? Good girl. Course you might hafta suck it out of his mouth to get some. That mouth on my hole's liable to gobble it up in a flash. Put shit to a nigger's lips and it won't last long. Now git. Go put your face right down here and lick it coming out of my ass. That'll make you want to eat it...just so you can get back to sucking out my dirty asshole!"

Simon heard the last remark and grabbed the girl by the hair--forcing her mouth to where the final inches of Carter's turd was visible between the hole and the stuffed mouth.

"Yeah. He's suckin' it, you're licking it, and I'm smelling it! We're ALL depraved!"

"Comin' out!" Carter signaled completion.

"Alright, catch the end in your fingers and stuff it in your mouth, woman," Simon directed her with a no-nonsense inflection as the turd narrowed slightly and popped from the sticky hole.

Carter swung around and got down with his face near the brown object linking the two black mouths. "Aww, that's a beauty, ain't it?" Roscoe had earlier relaxed his tense facial muscles, but Rosalie still appeared to be suffering the agonies of three hells. "Now lemme see you suck on it real slow...like you wuz suckin' the hot juice out. Course, I guess you really are, hunh?" he chuckled with amusement.

"Real slow?!?" Simon whined. "Jezzus, tell 'em to start eating that shit. I can't hold off much longer, Swanson. I gotta start screwin'!" His throbbing cock was fully engorged and waving around dangerously. He wanted to feel it shooting off in a hole, not on the dirt floor. If Magda had been there he even would have rammed it up her cunt without a thought.

"Well, gosh almighty!" Carter snorted, quickly shifting onto all fours with his rump thrust up and spread widely. "There. Sniff it, lick it, suck it, or just ram your big prick up there! Do whatever you want so I can enjoy this." He moved in and sniffed along his own turd. "Dang, muh shit sure does smell ripe 'n alluring, don't it? Now suck them ends harder-- YIKES!--so's it gets soft and just slides right down your gullets. Make it look good enough I almost wanna try it myself!" He wiggled his bottom. "Whew! Got a man lodged up muh butt who thinks I'm the Whore of Babylon! Good thing you nice folks let me unburden muh load beforehand or you'd be eatin' that sweet turd offa his dirty prick shaft."

Though the experienced man's anus had swung right open for his demanding cock, Simon was overwhelmed by the tightness of a rectum. He hiked up into a lewd crouch and grabbed the man's hips to steady himself. Then he proceeded to drill that orifice in rapid-fire thrusts--watching each penetration and relishing the exquisite euphoria it afforded his entire body. Even the heady stink beginning to rise as his organ got increasingly soiled was a positive inducement. After a while, he maneuvered his body over Swanson's back for the coming eruption. It also brought him closer to the main event taking place over the man's shoulder.


Carter tightened his ass muscles, knowing just how to milk a man's cock with his mancunt. Oh yeah, learned that from Mr. Perkins, too. 12 years old and suckin' his teacher. 12 years old and getting shafted up the butthole by the man's hefty prick. Yep, lotsa neat things got learned that year. Like gettin' his hole sucked out...finally trying it, and ending up first thing and last thing he'd sucker Mr. Perkins' hairy asshole...man teachin' him 'don't mind the stink, love the stink.' He never washed it that year, cause the man didn't want him to. Late to class after recess if Carter went to the outhouse...just couldn't wait to lick it! Burst in on him once and pulled his prick out...pounded it while peeking between Carter's thighs...licking his lips at seeing his boyturd squeezing out, then turning him around for a deep butt-sucking. Stood up and popped that knob in Carter's mouth for a huge flood of buttery balljuice. Patted his head and said he sure wished the boy could spurt. Maybe come around on Saturday and he'd suck his pecker all day long...maybe get it primed early for shootin', but take a load of boypiss if nothing else.

Though agonized and close to retching, the darkies were smart enough to fake some eagerness in their sordid endeavor, in hopes they wouldn't have to repeat the vile act ever again. No one was fooled, but it served the men's purposes. Carter backed up to retain the connection with his exhausted fucker.

"You can leave that prick up muh hole, if you want," he said over his shoulder, "and let it soak up muh assjuice til it gets hard again. I'm gonna fuck me some nigger bum. Roscoe, keep chewing that steaming turd and twist your rump into my lap. I'm gonna pork your black ass so's you and Rosalie both got dirty cocks to lick on. You're doing good. Keep makin' me think you ain't never had a more delicious mouthful than my shit, and you'll never hafta do it again lessen you want to."

Roscoe and Rosalie broke the tube in half. Roscoe backed up to Carter's huge erection, while Rosalie positioned herself to be cunt-licked once her man swallowed the rest of the filth.

"Hold on there," Carter said. "Lemme see you finish it. Put your mouths together and swap shit. Eat it all down. Then do what you figured on...unless... Hey, boss, you wanna suck her juicy niggertwat to fire your pecker up? Bitch has a fine cunt on her, you oughta try it."

Lodged tightly, his cock remained half engorged. "Alright. If she straddles over your back I can lick it awhile. Leastways it oughta drown out all this stink of shit for a spell!"

"Maybe for you," Carter jibed, running a finger up and down Roscoe's musky asscrack and lifting it to his nose. "Sure ain't gonna overpower this nigger's shithole!"

He groaned in delight watching the two full-lipped slaves swapping his mash back and forth, just long enough, then gulping it down their throats with true eagerness. They both sighed in appreciation that the worst was over.

"Damned marvelous! Couldn't have been more dirty and obscene lessen I'da ate it myself! Sounds like you're slopping that pussy up good back there. Told ya." He ran a hand over the naked slave man's glistening ebony buttocks, and tweaked around his anus again. "Get up and bend that black bottom in muh face. Think I oughta give your cheesy asshole a good lap or two... just so's your hole don't get my prick all smelly." He guffawed, then buried his face between the humidly pungent globes and put his nose and tongue to work simultaneously.

Carter buggered the black stud slow and deep, took a turn eating out Rosalie's cunt, and screwed the girl both in the cunt and the asshole.

"Heh. Roscoe rides this hole, don't he?" Carter accused. The ease with which his big prick wormed into the girl's shithole was a giveaway.

Rosalie cleaned Carter's prick...feeling considerably less repulsion over eating her man's crap. She was cunt-fucked and ass-fucked by the same large organ she was sucking greedily when Simon first entered. She loved pricks and Roscoe held no admonishments toward her for that. A slave hasn't control enough for the luxury of a conscience, an ego, or guilt. Pleasures are so minimal that any are acceptable. Besides, she enjoyed his huge cock more than any others! She also tongued out Simon's asshole. Partly because she enjoyed the act, but mostly because it wasn't in the same soiled condition as the filthy one Roscoe was sucking out, and she wished to convey a symbolic token of solidarity. She well understood men being more vulnerable to humiliation and disgrace, and prided herself for keeping Roscoe's self-esteem intact despite his being subjected to the ultimate disgrace--open-mouthed subjugation so another man can defecate between your lips!

Roscoe cleaned Simon's filthy cock...licking yet more of Carter's shit. Getting his asshole buggered was pleasurable--a position he'd been subjected to so many times by owners and overseers, he'd readily submit without a fuss. Cocksucking, also, was a minor humiliation if any. All slaves sucked their master's prick--men, women, and children alike. It was simply the way. But he detested being forced to eat shit from a cock, or eating shit in any manner. But as debasing as that was, only Rosalie's opinion of him mattered. With her sharing the horrific abuse, they maintained respect and understanding for each other.

Simon fucked his foreman's ass with as much ferocity as the first time. The warm, slick rectum was the most fantastic cavity he'd ever stuck his cock into. Removing it between fucks only to have Roscoe clean it, the re-insertion was a thrill in itself. Less soiled on the final retrieval--though still disgracefully fragrant--Simon decided to leave it in that condition for his trip to Atlanta.

He was shocked at his own crudity. Several times along the way he dismounted, spread apart the front of his trousers, and wallowed in the fermenting odors rising to fill his nostrils. Twice his detour resulted in a furious meat-pounding. The smears on his fingers kept his loins boiling the rest of the time. Arriving in Atlanta, he headed for the first whorehouse to have his prick licked clean. The slut answering his special needs was as vulgar as the service she came to perform. Asking the source of his various stinks, she was overjoyed to find the prick's coating was mostly from a younger man's rectum. She sucked it voraciously, then sucked Simon's anus and probed her tongue within for many minutes. He hiked his legs, giving her better access to his ass. To her unabashed delight, he related his recent experiences while she ate out his shithole.

"For another $10 you can shit on me," she suggested shamelessly. "And," she cooed, "for fifty I'll eat your turd! Hell, for you I'll eat it for twenty. And if you bring that stud along with you next time, I'll eat his for free!"

"Jezzus, you eat shit for money?!" Simon gasped.

"Heh. I used to eat turds for fun. Then I discovered I could get paid for it. Now I'm famous. Only broad in the South who attends private parties to serve as a public men's toilet. Of course, most of those fucking old bastards get off more seeing each other taking a shit than watching me eating it. Half of 'em would probably like to suck a couple holes next to me, but they don't have the gumption."

Simon settled for having his prick sucked off, then headed for his hotel to rest.

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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