Pirates of the Caribbean

By Sean DaDude

Published on Aug 16, 2003


Pirates of the Caribbean and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Walt Disney Pictures.

The tavern was noisy, and full of drunken patrons; the smell of smoke and alcohol filled the air. Will Turner sat with his mug of ale, scanning the different people. He noted the whores, both girls and boys, working around the room, trying to get men to give them business, then he noticed a young boy on the lap of a man over in the far corner of the tavern. After his would-be customer whispered words into his ear, he leaned back, and Will saw the customer was Jack Sparrow. Jack was supposed to be lining up a crew, helping Will on his quest to find his childhood friend, Elizabeth, not looking for a cabin boy.

Will watched and saw a thin smile curl on the pirate's lips. The boy looked over. He whispered something in Jack's ear, but he just kept staring at Will, who shifted in his seat, and looked away, feeling the heat of his body rise as those eyes fixated on him, making him feel like he was the only one in the room.

"Will!" He heard Jack yell above the crowd. Will looked over, seeing the pirate wave him over, Will hesitated for a moment, but then got up. He could see the smile on Jack's lips, and knew he was up to something. Jack whispered something to the boy who slid off his lap, making room for Will to sit beside him.

"Hello, Jack." Will sat beside the boy. "Who's your friend?"

"Someone who'd like to be YOUR friend," and a pair of arms wrapped around Will's neck as the boy purred into his ear.

"I see," Will said, more than a bit embarrassed. "What did you want Jack?"

"To make introductions," and his dark eyes lit up. "What's a voyage without a cabin boy? My bonny lad here has consented to join us."

"You sure, boy?" asked Will.

"The name's Kyle, and I'm sure, as long as YOU'RE sailing with us." A pair of arms wrapped around Will's neck and he felt a tongue flick around his ear.

Will felt something stir inside him, something he hadn't felt in many years. He knew cabin boys were just ship whores for the captain, first mate, and favored members of the crew. The boy looked to be 13. Will had been a cabin boy himself at 13, that was 8 years ago. At the time, there wasn't much other work for an orphan boy, but he had liked it. Sure it meant sucking cock and getting fucked, but for Will it had also meant getting sucked and getting his prostate massaged, and he'd had some of his best orgasms that year. But he'd been the sole survivor when pirates had attacked and sunk his ship, and that had ended his cabin boy career. It was Elizabeth that had rescued him. She had been sailing out of Port Royale, with his father, the governor of the island, when she'd seen Will on a piece of wreckage. Elizabeth's father had apprenticed Will to a blacksmith, and the young man had become quite a craftsman at making swords, but in his heart, he was a sailor. Will convinced himself that was all he was feeling -- the desire to get back to the sea -- but Jack and the boy noticed the bulge in his trousers when he stood up and announced that if Jack wouldn't look for a crew, he would.

Back on Captain Jack Sparrow's ship, the salty air of the sea blew across the deck while Will Turner leaned against the railing, looking far off into the horizon. He was NOT gay, he told himself. Why the whole reason of the voyage was because of his desire to save Elizabeth from the pirates that had kidnapped his. Surely that meant he loved his. And if he loved his, he loved women. He imagined how it would be when he rescued his -- she'd be so grateful that she'd forget about Commodore What's-His-Name, and Will could have his way with his, fucking like there was no tomorrow. Will felt tightness in the front of his trousers and realized he'd sprung an erection thinking about fucking. "No wonder ships have cabin boys," he thought. "A man needs some kind of loving. It could be a long, lonely voyage otherwise."

Will's thoughts were interrupted by Kyle's voice.

"Something the matter, Will?" Kyle asked softly.

"Just thinking," said Will. He turned back to watch a few dolphins off in the distance, playing in the blue sea.

"Would you like to talk?" Kyle came up to the rail and leaned over it in such a way as to show off his ass. Will felt a lump in his throat as he imagined the things that he could do to that young man right there. Silence. The boy decided to press on. "Thinking about what?"

"I don't want to talk about it," said Will, almost sharply, his hands digging into the railing. Kyle saw the sweat trickle down the back of his neck.

"Will, confide in me," Kyle said.

"Just- just... Something I dare not think of. Someone I dare not dream of." Will wanted to be anywhere but with this tempting boy. Will didn't want to look at the boy, so he looked high up and saw the look out atop of the mast.

"I am your friend now, am I not?" Kyle continued. "You've been thinking? What of?"

"Oh." Will swallowed and choked out the words. "I've been thinking about when I was a cabin boy."

"You?" The boy looked interested, but to Will's surprise he didn't seem the least bit shocked. "You were a cabin boy?"

"Yes," said Will.

"And?" Kyle got up and moved closer to the young man, obviously in turmoil about love - or lust.

"I've not had these kind of feelings, or rather desires, for years."

"I see." Kyle replied. "What type of desires?"

"Sexual desires. Emotional too," Will answered, looking down to meet Kyle's eyes. "About you."

"Mmm, well that's what I'm here for!" Kyle slowly ran his hand down to his crotch.

"Kyle, shouldn't we go somewhere more private?" Will's eyes moved up and down the boy, who was running a hand over his swelling crotch. "And ruin the fun, Will?" Kyle grinned. They caressed, they kissed, Will greedily tasted the boy's lips, running a hand across the boy's chest and pinching his nipples.

Will shut his eyes, shutting out the world around him. He didn't care who saw, who stared. All he cared about was the boy's lips on his own.

Will ended the kiss and looked at the boy. Kyle's eyes were full of the most intense lust that he had ever seen. "My place, lad," Will said.

In Will's cabin, Will undid the laces on the boy's pants, and reached in and pulled out his hard cock. The boy moaned briefly as Will took his cock in his mouth, tonguing, licking, sucking. Kyle shut his eyes, as the wave of pleasure hit him. Feeling Kyle's bucking intensify, Will did his best to take more of him into his mouth.

Kyle was beside himself, feeling the heat and moisture engulf him; crying out several times as he felt the familiar shockwaves of pleasure wash over him. Will took him deeper, and he cried out louder, not caring if anyone could hear him; his hands tangled in the man's hair, driving his cock in harder.

Kyle felt the heart-stopping pleasure as he climaxed in Will's mouth. Breathing hard, he felt the room spin, and then focused on the man beside him, who stared at him so lustfully that he thought he could cum again.

Will kissed his lips and smiled. "Enjoy that, love?"

"Very much," Kyle murmured, "But you and I aren't finished. Looks like YOU need taking care of." Smiling he looked to Will, and then unbuckled his belt and trousers. The boy greedily straddled Will and began to slowly ride him.

Will was breathing heavily as Kyle threw back his head and rode harder. Will was beside himself, feeling the heat and moisture engulf him; crying out several times as he felt the shockwaves of pleasure wash over him. The boy took him deeper, and he cried out louder, not caring if anyone could hear him; his hands tangled in the boy's hair, driving in harder, and letting the boy climax as well.

Kyle slid close to Will. "You liked that a lot, I could tell."

Will agreed. "I'm going back up." Will smiled and got up, leaving Kyle to follow if he wanted. Walking out of the cabin, Will noticed Jack. Will knew who Kyle's next lover would be.

Next: Chapter 2

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