Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Apr 7, 2009


This tale contains sex between males, if this isn't to your liking or you are underage or it is illegal where you reside then you should leave now.

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Piracy on the High Seas, Part 8, by justjames17.

A jealous seaman, who regards Aashish as his lover, has injured Jessie, during the scrum to get food he kicked Jessie in the groin and danced on his prone body as the men squabbled and fought. Jessie was rendered unconscious and after the crowd cleared Aashish found him lying bloodied and out to it on the dirt. He dropped the food he'd succeeded in grabbing and knelt beside the unconscious white lad, lifting Jessie up onto his lap where he cradled and whispered to him.

Jessie slowly returned to consciousness his eyelids fluttered before they opened, his blue eyes squinted in pain from the bruises and his aching gonads. Aashish happy that he was showing signs of life kissed his forehead and said, "Oh Jessie thank goodness you are ok, I was so worried about you."

Jessie groaned and placed a hand on his groin cupping his throbbing balls trying to ease the pain, Aashish saw his move and asked, "Your nuts are sore Jessie? I hope they haven't been damaged."

Jessie grimaced trying to smile and replied, "I think they are alright some bastard booted me down there and I dropped like a stunned possum."

Aashish peeled one of the almost black overripe bananas and began feeding it to his friend, Jessie swallowed the soft mushy flesh and thanked him, "Thanks mate the fruit might be nearly rotten but it goes down ok."

Aashish peeled the second and offered it to Jessie who shook his head saying, "No that one is yours, you haven't had anything have you?"

Aashish shook his head, "I thought you need it more than I do Jessie."

Jessie grasped his swarthy friend's wrist gently pushing the fruit to Aashish's mouth, "Its yours my friend eat it, you need to keep your strength up."

He lay back resting on Aashish's lap with his head on the lad's flat hard muscled belly, he could hear his friend's tummy rumbling and he smiled wincing as his cut lip hurt. In the background the man who thought that Aashish was his glowered as he watched the young lads, he was interrupted by one of the officers passing him an issue of water in a half coconut shell. He swallowed the water and handed back the shell, the officer moved on and the man's attention returned to the two lads the scowl is swarthy face. He watched his boy cuddling the usurper after feeding him, his ire boiled inside his lean muscular hirsute body causing him to flex his wiry muscles as he clenched his fists.

Aashish and Jessie were unaware of the storm brewing a few meters away and they continued their caring caresses, Jessie looking up into Aashish's fine boned features as he looked longingly into those dark warm pools that were his friend's eyes. He raised a hand and gently felt and caressed Aashish's jaw feeling the hard bone under the soft smooth flesh as he smiled, "Oh Aashish, you are so beautiful, thanks for being my friend."

Aashish's face darkened as he blushed, "Jessie it is I who am thankful to have found you here in this God forsaken place, I know we will be separated soon but let us make the most of the time we have together."

The two lads faces closed the space between them as Aashish bent down and Jessie craned his head up till their soft warm lips met in a tender kiss, their kiss turned hotter as their tongues met and danced together. The man saw the two teens kissing and he ground his teeth together as his eyes burned with fury, he struggled to contain himself and vowed he would seek revenge after dark. The evening sky turned purple, pink and orange as the hot sun kissed the treetops, the birds set up their cacophony of chirps, whistles and squawks as they settled down to roost for the night. The prisoners began to take up their sleeping spots on the sandy ground, Jessie and Aashish under their shelter away from the others.

A pair of blood shot eyes watched every move they made as the man chewed on his bottom lip, his balled fists rested on his lap as he scowled at the two teens lying together nearby. The rest of the crew ignored the youths deciding to mind their own business but casting sometimes envious glances at the two supple nearly naked young bodies. No a few of their thoughts roamed into that secret territory as they admired their smooth lean bodies, noticeable genital bulges and full rounded arses.

Baldev, the man consumed by his jealousy of Jessie, fumed and burnt with fury to destroy the young Australian or in the least to maim him so Aashish would return to his arms as he sat glowering across in the fading light. Darkness rushed in on the compound, as it does in these tropical climes where there is little twilight, Baldev stirred where he sat but knew he must wait to act or be stopped by the rest of his companions. The men settled down talking desultorily in the darkness, Jessie and Aashish began kissing and rubbing against each other, Jessie's bruises still hurt somewhat but not enough to overcome his passion.

Baldev could faintly see them by the light of the brilliant stars above; he listened hard and could hear their moist kisses and the faint sound of the bodies rubbing together. This enraged him even more to watch his lover's infidelity; he wanted it to be his body enjoying Aashish's not this interloping white boy. He held himself in check waiting impatiently to make his move, he needed Aashish to be asleep so he could drag the white boy away, gag him to stop him alerting the others and then deal with him.

The man bided his time silently and pictured what he would do to the young interloper; his love-crazed mind conjured up unspeakable acts of retribution that he might do to Jessie. A couple of hours dragged past as Baldev sat tensed and fuming in the dark, finally he got to his feet creeping across the short distance to where the lads' shelter stood. He stood there looking down at the two sleeping bodies, trying to work out how to separate their entwined limbs without waking them. He squatted down on his haunches and reached out a hand that trembled with his pent up anger, he gently grasped Aashish's right wrist and lifted his limp arm up and rested it on the lad's chest before taking hold of Jessie's right arm pulling it away from Aashish and resting it on Jessie's side. He slipped Jessie's leg from between Aashish's legs and rolled Jessie slowly onto his back freeing him from his lover.

Back in Australia, Jessie's parents, Brian and Judith were frantically trying to raise the necessary funds to send to the pirates who had captured their one and only son, they had also contacted the government seeking some assistance to rescue Jessie from his captivity. Their local member had arranged for them to have a meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, they had to fly up to Canberra to put their case to him in person. The press had heard of Jessie's plight and were stirring up a storm, the newspapers were clamouring for interviews and the talk back radio station had interviewed both his parents on air which caused their switchboard to run hot with calls from irate citizens demanding to know what the government was going to do about the situation. Many people rang through and offered to put money in to an appeal if Jessie's family needed it to pay his ransom.

The worried couple boarded a flight to travel to Canberra for their interview with the Minister, they arrived in Canberra and were met by a Commonwealth Government driver who whisked them through the gathered reporters with the aid of the Federal Police and out into the white government car which carried them off to the new Parliament House for the meeting. They were escorted to an office where the interview was to be held, the Minister was still in the House answering the Opposition's questions about Jessie's case. The Minister was cursing Jessie under his breath for causing this hubbub and wished the whole problem would just fade into oblivion but knew it wasn't going to happen.

He finally was allowed to finish and leave the House heading to see Jessie's parents in private, he walked into his office and greeted the worried parents shaking their hands and putting on his most concerned expression as he welcomed them to Canberra. They all sat down and the Minister pressed a button summoning one of his secretaries who he despatched to bring a tray of refreshments after asking if his visitors preferred tea or coffee. They then began to discuss Jessie's plight and what could be done to obtain his release, the Minister was unable to guarantee military action as it was far away from any Australian forces but he went on to inform them that many countries were starting to formulate plans to combat this growing menace of piracy in various areas around the world.

He went on to relate that Australia, Indonesia and Singapore were holding meetings to stop the piracy in the waters to our North where Asian thugs were preying on yachts and ships. Jessie's father, Brian nodded then said, "That is very interesting Minister but that won't help our son over off the coast of Africa will it?"

The Minister's face reddened as he closed his mouth, he thought for a minute then spoke, "No it wont help Jessie but European navies are being alerted and are moving to deal with that area and also in the Gulf of Aden where there is another problem area."

Brian looked at the pompous politician and spoke quietly, "Minister, can you tell us when this naval intervention might be expected to happen?"

The Minister grunted softly, "Uumph! That I can't tell you sir; it will occur in the near future, these things take time to be planned as you must realise. There are many countries involved both European and African as the foreign warships will be acting within territorial waters."

Brian sighed, "Ooooh! I understand all this Minister but what can be done to rescue our Jessie?"

The Minister composed himself and poker faced replied, "Sadly nothing at the moment sir, we cannot send a warship across there to free your son it is too far away and without the agreement of the Cameroonian Government we can do nothing. We have called on them to act and put an end to the piracy in their waters but they say they are powerless to stop it."

The minister treated the couple to afternoon tea while still trying to convince them all that could be done was being done, he also mentioned that this pirate group had also captured a huge fully laden super tanker and its crew and were holding it while demanding millions of American dollars in ransom. He went on that Jessie was a small egg in the basket in comparison. Brian's face flushed with anger while Judith burst into tears, "You may consider our son a small egg Minister but he is our whole world and his plight on top of his dream of circumnavigating the world is being seized on by the press both here and overseas."

The Minister looked disconcerted cleared his throat, "Harrumph! I didn't mean to appear to denigrate Jessie's plight sir but please be reasonable, in the whole scheme of things the plight of one lad is hardly earth shattering is it?"

With that Jessie's parents stood up Brian glaring down at the stuffed shirt of a politician while Judith sobbed quietly, they turned and stalked towards the door. The Minister sat there stunned at the way they had reacted couldn't they realise the world was a huge place with billions of inhabitants and of such a scale that one teenager's plight was but a speck in world affairs. The man was to learn within hours that that speck was growing to massive proportions in Australia. Brian and Judith left the grandeur of Parliament House and were driven back to the airport to return to Melbourne.

They entered the terminal building to be mobbed by cameras and reporters all clamouring to learn the result of their Ministerial meeting, Brian still seething with anger let fly, "We were treated with virtual contempt, he ended up telling us the Government couldn't do anything other than protest, he informed us our Jessie was but a speck in world affairs. Jessie is our wonderful extremely brave son who was attempting something not done by any teenager before, as you all know he is attempting to circumnavigate the world alone."

The press sensing blood clamoured for more as bright camera lights and flashes lit the area, the press were excited and knew they were on a winner wanted to make the most of this event, it would both sell papers and boost TV audiences. The weekend news programs, like 60 Minutes, begged for interviews, the storm was building and Lord help the Foreign Affairs Minister when the tsunami of public opinion crashed down on his head.

Back in the compound Baldev had gently separated the sleeping teens and controlled himself to gently scoop the sleeping Jessie up in his arms, his corded muscles tensed under the inert weight of the young lad. He carried Jessie across the compound to the furthest corner where he gently placed him on the ground and began pulling off the sleeping lad's speedos. Jessie stirred in his sleep and Baldev froze holding onto the partly removed flimsy togs. After a few minutes Jessie's slow breathing showed he was again deeply asleep and off came his swim trunks sliding softly down his smooth thighs and lightly haired shins. Baldev sniffed at the lycra inhaling the scent of the teen before removing the white cord and balling them up to use as a gag as he perved on the naked lad's pale sweet body.

He bent down close to Jessie's face and using his fingers gently pried his jaw open, he stared in at the pink tongue and white teeth reflecting the bright stars above, Baldev made his move and stuffed the sweat fragrant speedos into the unsuspecting lad's mouth. Jessie awoke sleep drugged and wondering what was going on as Baldev quickly tied the drawstring of Jessie's togs around his lifted head and tightly across his mouth to hold the gag in place. Jessie bucked and struggled but Baldev was heavier and stronger as he threw his body on top of the struggling youth. Jessie's cries of fright muffled by the material in his mouth that absorbed his saliva making his mouth as dry as desert sand.

Jessie squirmed and struggled under the oppressive weight of the man holding him down, he felt the hot breath huffing and puffing on his face as the man kept him pinned down. He could see the whites of his attacker's eyes as he glared down at him and the heat of the man's aroused genitals pressed against his own. The feel of his smooth firm body even though he hated this lad sexually aroused Baldev as Jessie continued to struggle frantically. Jessie's grunts and cries incensed Baldev as it made him feel more powerful and totally in control of this young interloper, he began to grind his shorts covered erection against the lad's bare cock and balls. He bent his face down and bit Jessie's throat then sucked hard on the soft flesh to raise a huge hickey on the soft golden tanned skin. Jessie bucked beneath him frantically trying to dislodge the crazed man, Baldev held Jessie's arms above his head with one hand locked about his wrists as the naked lad squirmed and twisted underneath him, the struggle arousing him more and more.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 9

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