Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Mar 1, 2009


Piracy on the High Seas, Part 4, by justjames17.

I awoke in the early hours of the morning and struggled out of the bunk, a shiver ran through my naked body as my feet hit the cool deck, my morning woody wagging in front of me as I stretched. I padded up to the deck looked around to see if anyone was about then took a whiz over the side into the harbour sighing with relief as my bursting bladder emptied. A few gulls circled about the tall light towers eating moths and insects attracted by the bright lights, other than that everything was quiet.

I breathed in the fresh salt air and rubbed my hands over my trim body enjoying the sensations and thinking of Jubal doing the same to me yesterday, I was going to miss that sexy bloke, he was amazingly exciting and his body melded with mine incredibly well. I loved his carefree attitude and fun outlook on life and sex, I was really downcast that I couldn't take him with me to share my bed and adventures but my resolve stood firm I must do it alone or not at all.

I went below and began to cook a hearty breakfast, using fresh eggs and bacon I'd purchased and stocked the small refrigerator in preparation for my departure. The smell of the frying bacon got me salivating and my tummy did flip flops of hunger, I slid the food onto the plate and dropped two slices of bread into the pan to fry them in the juices. Oh I know it wasn't healthy but crikey, I'm young and fit and will soon work off the calories by handling Sea Hound once I'm at sea again. The food was like manna from heaven as I wolfed it down followed by a hot steaming mug of Nerada tea, I washed the plate and mug stacking them away in the cupboard then tidied up the cabin in preparation for departure.

I went on deck and cranked up the little diesel engine waiting for it to settle down and idle smoothly before I cast off the mooring lines and shoving the Sea Hound off the piles, I engaged the drive shaft and heard the propeller thrash the water before gradually pushing the sloop through the calm water. I heard a shout and looked back to see Jubal running down the wharf, I stopped the engine and waited for him to draw level and he jumped off the wharf splashing down in a fountain of spray. I was stunned he swam like an otter to the side and I reached down helping him over the side, he grabbed me in his slim arms and pressed his wet body against mine as we kissed passionately.

Jubal slid a hand down to my arse groping my buttocks through my speedos, I groaned and felt my cock stiffen against his in his wet cut offs. I mumbled, "Jubal what are you doing you know I can't take you with me?"

He replied, "I know that boss but I want to say goodbye and have sex one more time before you leave me forever."

I groaned, "Aaargh Jubal you are crazy but I love you for being that way, hang on I'll return to the wharf and tie up then you can have your way with me."

I motored back and we tied up then raced below, Jubal had my shorts and speedos off in a flash and I was on my back legs spread wide as he pressed his ebony body against my pale white crotch. Jubal's wide lips were pressed to mine as we snogged like crazy, at the same time his incredibly hard boner was rubbing on mine as if he was trying to start a fire. I chewed on his tongue then said, "Cripes Jubal will you get that weapon sheathed in my hot scabbard and root me stupid?"

Jubal grinned triumphantly and pushed against my resisting sphincter, I gurgled and pushed out, his knob breeched me instantly and surged up my clacker in one long stroke. I groaned with lust and pleasure feeling him possess me, his beautiful long prong slicing up my rippling rectum like a hot knife through butter filling me as his wiry tight pubes tickled my sensitive flesh. Jubal kissed me and we sucked tongues as he stirred the pot sliding back and forth and swiveling those bony sharp hips giving me all the pleasure he could. His excitement brought him to a blinding climax and I felt his cum gushing out in huge sticky gouts coating my colon with his wrigglers, I cried out, "Oh yeah breed me babes, fill my arse with your molten hot seed."

Jubal jerked and stiffened every wiry muscle tensed under that tight black skin turning me on as I watched him climax so incredibly, damn it was torture knowing I had to leave this wild African Adonis behind but I had to be strong or give up my record attempt I'd dreamed of most of my life. Jubal collapsed heaving on top of me and I felt his hot sweaty body pressed against mine, I kissed his hair and whispered, "Thanks Jubal I'm really going to miss you mate, but I must leave."

When I finished Jubal realized it was the end of our relationship he suddenly began shaking and a huge sob broke from his lips, salty tears dripped on my face as I hugged him tight, his dick exited from my slippery ring I groaned and kissed him then licked his wet cheeks tasting his tears. Jubal rolled off and lay beside me covering his face with his arm I looked at his incredibly tight fit body and realized I'd probably never find another boy like him. I couldn't keep my hands off that taut muscled torso and my fingers ran like spiders over his shiny smooth flesh caressing each muscle relishing the firmness. I kissed his nipples then slid my exploring tongue down between those hard pectorals onto his breastbone before tracing his ribs to his pit where I tasted his sweaty hairs. I kept moving slowly and seductively down onto that ridged belly licking each individual muscle before settling on his tasty navel.

Jubal moaned and squirmed on the bunk his prick now jerked erect prodding my cheek and oozing on my flesh, he was rampant once more and I could smell the erotic odour of his cum and my arse that coated that lithe stiff muscle. I had to do it, I opened my mouth and took him inside sucking and licking his sweet schlong relishing the taste as I sucked him clean and relished his sweet oozing pre cum. Jubal clutched my hair in his fingers pulling me down onto his smooth slender dick, I swallowed him deep in my throat and began bobbing up and down. Jubal moaned and groaned humping my lips and again his climax raced through his body, I was delighted to feel him swelling and pulsing then a sweet delivery spurted into my hungry mouth and I ate his sperm with relish.

My own dick was throbbing and my balls were aching for release, after draining Jubal I moved up between those long legs and pressed my cock into the cleft between his firm buttocks. Jubal said, "Yes boss stick it up me and fill me for the last time."

This is exactly what I did, I banged his beautiful bum spearing as deep as I could up his hot silky innards, his muscles welcomed and massaged me as I lunged and withdrew, again and again I rooted him our bodies slamming together with noisy slapping sounds, our duet of moans and grunts filled the cabin until I bellowed and blew. My semen surged and gushed out into the dark humid caressing chute until drained and satiated I folded down clinging to his hot body. Once I'd regained my composure I pulled out and flopped beside Jubal, we lay side by side staring at the overhead until I said, "Well my sweet spunk it really is time I set sail I must get on my way. It is only torture to lie here together so please Jubal let's get dressed and you must leave, but if you would let me I'd like to take some pictures to remember you by would that be ok?"

Jubal agreed and began posing and flexing his glorious body while I snapped away ensuring I got him from all angles and making sure I captured his sexy dick. Jubal reveled in the posing and his beaming smiles showed his enjoyment. I finished with a few of us together using the timer, Jubal wanted some for himself so I pulled out my lap top and plugged in the camera downloading the pictures then transferring copies onto a memory stick so he could take them with him. Jubal was happy to have them but still upset I was leaving him, I gave him my email address so he could contact me via satellite on my journey. We kissed again hugging tight then parted as I gently pushed him away with tears in my eyes.

Jubal pulled on his tattered cut offs and singlet and I tugged on my speedos we kissed goodbye again amidst tears and then sniffling I led him up on deck, he climbed the ladder up to the wharf and I slapped his tight arse as I said, "I'll miss this gorgeous piece of your sexy anatomy."

He stood crying as I cast off and started the engine, we waved goodbye until I turned around the wharf and I lost sight of his forlorn figure, I wiped tears from my eyes and concentrated on steering Sea Hound out of the harbour and into the Atlantic Ocean. The swells of the open sea greeted us and I stopped the engine to set sail, the gentle breeze filled them and the sloop surged on, her bow wave creaming about her as she curtsied across the swells. I settled in the cockpit bringing her on course heading between the distant Robben Island and the mainland where I could see the town of Bloubergstrand.

Sea Hound sailed on North west up the coast over sparkling blue seas every now and then a pod of dolphins would suddenly appear cavorting about her bows, their sleek bodies leaping from the water as they played together. I reset the self steering gear and relaxed watching the cetaceans at their games. The voyage was so peaceful after the stormy Southern Ocean, the Atlantic was at its best, light winds and gentle seas as we sailed up the coast past Namibia and Angola. Dawn was just breaking one morning, by my GPS we were off Luanda, the capital of Angola, when I was awoken by the shrill sound of a siren. I sat bolt upright on my bunk and peered out the port hole to see a gray warship close by, I tugged on my shorts and headed up on deck as the searchlight flashed on lighting Sea Hound in the semi darkness dazzling my sleepy eyes. I was ordered to drop my sails and heave to which I did and a rubber ducky was launched from the boat and quickly motored alongside carrying five armed sailors and an officer. They were all black men and looked very official in their smart khaki uniforms and badges, they quickly boarded Sea Hound and while two guarded me in the cockpit the rest began searching the sloop.

My requests for explanations were treated to a stony silence as they opened every cupboard and hatch, my hidden reserve of money was found and pocketed by the officer and they then left the cabin with gear and stores strewn all over the deck and bunk. They reboarded their dingy and cast off leaving me shaking with fear and anger, I looked below at the terrible mess they'd left and went down to begin cleaning up and restowing everything. I couldn't believe what had happened, who were these uniformed thugs? Were they truly a naval crew or just thieves and pirates? The vessel flew no flag so I didn't know what nation it belonged to I just had to write off my money and sail on till I could dock and withdraw more money.

Cursing my bad luck I set sail again and set a course to take me into Luanda I then changed my mind thinking the political situation there was dicey to say the least so I altered course sailing on to the NNW to try for Gabon as the Congo also was unstable and too dangerous. The climate was becoming more and more tropical the further up the coast I sailed and it became very hot and humid. I saw the offshore oilrigs and natural gas platforms from which Gabon earned huge funds making the small country one of the wealthiest in Africa and created a stable government. I arrived in the bustling port at Libreville and was greeted by a customs launch that led me into the docks and pointed out where I was to moor. The harbour master was waiting on the dock and greeted me in French, I dredged up my school boy French and answered him, he began explaining the charges to moor in the port and I had to interrupt him to explain I needed to visit an American Express office first as I'd been robbed on the way up the coast.

He smiled at me and was agreeable to my heading into the town to organize funds with my Master Card; I walked out from the docks and saw the old colonial French architecture evident in the old dock area with the modern tall office blocks in the background. I wandered the busy streets admiring the beautiful residents as they went about their business, their demeanor was in general happy and I exchanged many smiling greetings as I walked. I discovered the American Express office after getting directions and used my card to withdraw US$1000 to cover any expenses until I reached England and then headed back to Sea Hound.

I found the harbour Master in his office and paid the fees then I headed off again to restock my fresh food before sailing out once again. Food was plentiful and cheap there were lots of fresh fruits, mangos and other tropical wonders. After restocking I bad farewell to Libreville and set sail for the island of Sao Tome to the West. After passing this island we sailed on towards Liberia, a tropical storm was brewing on the horizon and the weather looked as though it was deteriorating rapidly after so long with fair winds and calm seas.

The horizon seemed to boil as huge thunderheads rose up into the blue sky the clouds billowing and swelling as they built to the heavens, the wind died away and the sea took on an oily appearance, the sloop rolled on the swells halyards tap tapping metallically against the mast. Huge flashes of light lit up the heavy ominous clouds and I could hear the distant rumbling of thunder, in the distance I could see the water darkening as cats paws raced across the bosom of the deep, the wind began to pick up blowing into the storm and I reduced sail in readiness.

Suddenly a squall roared up from astern laying sea hound over as it battered us blowing the tops of the seas and turning the dark water white, then raced on leaving us in a turmoil of confused choppy seas, the lightning grew until the cloud seemed to be a continuous flickering and flashing and thunder growled constantly. It reminded me of storms I'd seen up in the tropical North of Queensland; there they deluged water and dumped inches of rain over the countryside. I dug out the wet weather gear and a safety harness just in case the storm knocked sea hound on her beam ends, I didn't want to be washed overboard and find my sloop sailing away into the distance while I floundered around until I drowned.

The wind picked up still blowing into the storm, white caps speeding across the no longer blue dark water, Sea Hound smashed her bows into these seas as we ran towards the storm. The sky overhead darkened as the cloud grew the glare of lightning blinded me as it crackled and zapped across the sky, Sea Hound heeled over water creaming along the gunnels as we careered along before the gale. Huge raindrops began to fall from the bilious looking cloud and suddenly the sea turned white as the deluge crashed down from above, the rain battered the seas down and I was drenched even wearing the slicker, the rain actually stung as it pelted against me. I couldn't see more than 20 meters through the torrential downpour and Sea Hound reeled on her keel under the conflicting washing machine like sea.

The storm continued unabated for some hours before it finally headed towards the continent astern of us, the wind turned about and we once again picked up speed sliding through the messy choppy seas. I reset the self- steering and turned in tired out after the battering of the storm, I stripped and toweled off before opening a can of baked beans in ham sauce scoffing the food hungrily then I flopped on the bunk and soon was in the land of nod. The next few days passed smoothly under hot tropical sun and balmy breezes I was able to sun bake in the nude and tan my pale white arse little by little ensuring I didn't get too burnt. My tan lines gradually disappeared and I was now bronzed all over.

The weather continued to be kind after the storm and on some days we were totally becalmed under the burning tropical sun, the seas glassy calm reflecting the blue sky and the odd puffy white cloud that drifted across above. I was overjoyed to see a school of flying fish leap from the water to glide many meters through the air before splashing down again, obviously a predator had chased them. The fish were not cooperating and the lazy weather seemed to affect their hunger, my lures trailed uselessly through the water behind Sea Hound, this meant eating the freeze-dried and canned foods. My hand was my best friend and I wanked many times a day looking at Jubal's pictures on my lap top, luckily the piratical thieves had overlooked the lap top where it was stashed in a compartment hidden under the navigation table, I didn't realize till the storm hit that my camera was missing so was unable to photograph it, I'd have to purchase a new camera so I could continue documenting my voyage for the book I was going to write on my return home, all the previous photos were safely filed in folders on the hard drive of my little lap top so the loss of the camera was inconvenient but not drastic.

I planned to call in at either Casablanca or Gibraltar so I'd pick up a new camera in one of these ports and I just prayed that there wasn't anything dramatic that happened before then. The GPS put us off Banjul, Gambia when I first saw a vessel on the horizon, it approached rapidly and through the binoculars I made out that it was a large fast motor launch and as it neared my position I could see it contained a crew of heavily armed men. I turned Sea Hound away and leapt below to the radio to put out a mayday call, before I could switch on the radio bullets began splintering the cabin, they were firing on me with automatic weapons. I fell to the floor as bullets peppered the Sea Hound, curling into a ball under the chart table, splinters spraying my almost naked body as I prayed to the Lord above.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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