Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Feb 22, 2009


Piracy on the High Seas, Part 3 by justjames17.

After the customs officer introduced me to his custom of savagely stuffing young sailors and as soon as I was able I set off in search of a purveyor of electronic gear to get my radios and other electronic equipment replaced or repaired. I found a ship's chandler that did such work and arranged for them to carry out the task.

After accomplishing this I went to the main post office to ring my folks back home in Australia to let them know all was well and that I was safe and sound on shore for a few days. After leaving the post office I wandered the streets window shopping and looking at the architecture of the bustling city, my eyes also wandered to ogle any cute youthful black inhabitants on the streets. My initial introduction to black sex had given me a taste for more but not of such gargantuan proportions. I fancied topping a lithe slim black around my own age; there was talent aplenty on the streets most showing their poverty by the worn tatty clothes they wore.

I felt sorry for these youths who at my age seemed to wander aimlessly about the city obviously unemployed and down on their luck, many times our eyes would meet and I would see a flicker of interest before they would slouch away looking defeated. I resolved to smile at the next lad that I saw, weaving through the pedestrians I suddenly walked straight into a lad who stepped out of an alley in front of me. I had no time to dodge him and we collided heavily, I threw my arms out to steady him as he reeled sideways and held him erect my hands feeling his thin arms. He began to apologize but I grinned and said, "No it was my fault, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, are you ok?"

He stood there looking at me the sun glistening on his smooth incredibly dark chocolate coloured skin, he was tall and so very thin in build but handsome with fine features not in the least course. His hair sat close to his scalp in tiny tight curls, his large eyes were doe like with the whites somewhat bloodshot, he smiled exposing a perfect set of white gnashes that any dentist would delight to see. I grinned back still holding his thin upper arms feeling the whipcord like biceps moving under my fingers. He wore a scruffy once white singlet and a faded pair of frayed well-worn cut offs that were obviously a year or two old as they were incredibly tight on his thin body, his long slender legs ended in bare feet were huge, long and slender toes splayed on the warm footpath. This apparition looked as though he needed a lot of feeding up to get him to fill out yet he looked amazingly healthy and fit.

I released those bony arms but he stayed with me his eyes searching my face as I studied his, I asked if he was going anywhere urgent he shook his head, "No boss, Jubal's not busy."

I asked if he'd like to join me in a meal, as I was hungry, he nodded eagerly and began leading me through the crowd and down the street, we reached a small café and he led me inside. It was a poor place but looked clean enough, he sat in a booth and I joined him picking up a hand written menu, thankfully it was in English. I selected a steak sandwich with chips and he ordered the same, as we waited I chatted to him finding out he was a refugee from the Congo and was living in a humpy in the slums on the outskirts of the city. He survived by begging and doing odd menial jobs when he could find them; I suspected he also sold his body on the streets. The meal arrived and I watched him wolf down the food, I ate my sandwich and a few chips then pushed the rest across to him which he ate hungrily.

Plates empty he sat back grinning, "That was good boss, thank you."

I smiled at him and told him he was welcome and I was glad he enjoyed the food, we sat chatting and he found out I was sailing the world alone, he was amazed I would do such a thing and he rolled his eyes and said, "I couldn't go so long by myself I think I'd go mad boss."

I laughed and said, "I know what you mean it is hard being alone 24/7, hand sex gets boring."

He grinned flashing those amazingly white teeth at me and rolled his eyes, I saw his hand go down to his crotch and he groped his bulge suggestively, I pointedly looked at his crotch then grinned at him and gave my own cock a rub. His eyes watched and he grinned broadly, I asked if he'd like to come and see the Sea Hound and he nodded eagerly, we got to our feet and I paid for our meals then left the café heading for the port. As we walked towards the docks Jubal said, "You know boss back when I was young we couldn't be seen like this the police would have arrested us."

I looked at him and then the penny dropped, "You mean back before Nelson Mandela came to power when apartheid was in force here?"

He nodded and spat on the ground, "Yah boss things were so bad back then, we were treated worse than animals, whipped even beaten to death or shot if we gathered to protest, my dad was killed by the police. My ma had to struggle just to keep us alive and she ended up having men use her to earn enough money and when they used her some of them found me to be worth investigating. I learnt to use my body from an early age."

I was horrified to hear this terrible tale; I realized how lucky we were to live in the lucky country, Australia. I put an arm around Jubal's shoulders hugging him to me as were walked, I told him how sad I felt that he'd been treated so badly. Jubal grinned at me and said, "Don't be sad boss it was long ago and I enjoy what I learnt and I hope you will find me good in bed but fun too."

I smiled at his handsome happy face and we hurried on to get back to Sea Hound so I could experience Jubal's expertise. I could see her tall mast as we rounded a corner and I said, "Nearly there Jubal you can see her mast ahead there."

We climbed down from the wharf and I unlocked the cabin hatch sliding it back opening the cabin while behind me Jubal was bouncing on the balls of his large feet eager to get below where we could be together. I looked back at him grinning as I said, "Calm down Jubal or you'll blow your load and waste it, hehehe."

He smirked at me, "I'll be right boss don't you worry about that, Jubal has big full balls just waiting for you."

We slipped below and I closed the hatch locking it in position so nobody could intrude on us, I turned around and was seized in a grip of iron as Jubal pressed his lips to mine sending his long tongue on an invasive trek into my surprised mouth. I sucked on his long saliva coated member slurping loudly, which seemed to excite Jubal immensely; his feverish hands began tugging at my clothing frantically. We broke the kiss to rip off each other's clothes until we were naked together his long black slender dong fencing with my smaller pale pink prick. Between his slightly bandy thin legs swung his family jewels, two sweet eggs full of sperm just waiting to burst forth and seed my body either orally or after insertion up my still bruised and tender quoit.

We fell onto the bunk and Jubal took me swiftly, pushing between my thighs and opening me to his attack, as we continued noshing he began sliding that long slender prong up inside my body, I nearly bit his tongue as he breeched my still aching anus. Thank Poseidon he wasn't thick, it hurt as he pierced my muscle but once I was breeched he just seemed to flow up my chute, the feeling of his stiff member filling my rectum sent tremors of passionate delight surging through my body. I kissed him fervently my hands clutching his tight bony arse pulling his taut body to mine and driving his stiff spike as deep as it would go. Jubal moaned and ground his prominent hip bones into my spongy arse cheeks, his incredibly fit body quivering with passion stirring me to my core.

He lifted his head breaking the pash and looked down at my red flushed face, "Oh boss you are one hot guy, your arse just eats my cock like it was starving and my penis was a feast."

Jubal slowly and sensuously began rooting me, sliding slowly back and forth long dicking my bum, I squirmed against him my fingers stroking his smooth sweat glistening chest, pinching his aroused nubs; each pinch made him groan and flex his whole gorgeous body while his cock jerked inside my clenching anal canal. We enjoyed each other until with a bellow like a buffalo Jubal exploded sending gushes up my innards, he arched back wedging himself deeper while I watched and fingered his rippling muscles. The silky hot torso turned me on incredibly and I wanted to do Jubal once he'd recovered.

We lay sweating on the bunk until our bodies cooled and our panting eased, I caressed his tight hair and whispered in his ear, "Jubal I want to do you too mate, I hope you are versatile in bed?"

Jubal cuddled closer and sighed, "Yes boss I love taking as well as giving, it makes things much more enjoyable."

We snuggled on the bunk I could feel his cock slowly shrinking even though I kept squeezing it in my rectum, using my anal muscles to caress his superb schlong but it slurped out wetly and some of his sperm followed. I sighed at the feeling of loss and Jubal kissed me sweetly, he snuggled against me whispering, "Your turn now boss."

I murmured, "Give it time Jubal, I'm enjoying just being with you and cuddling your so sexy body."

He giggled and snogged me sticking that fat pink tongue into my mouth and I greedily sucked on it caressing it with my own, my stiff fully loaded weapon was crushed between our bodies and I reveled in the feeling of his warm smooth hard belly pressing upon it. Jubal tasted so sweet it was as if he'd been eating candy as we kissed and slobbered together, my cock was demanding attention by dribbling juice between our heaving bellies. I pulled off his tongue and said, "Roll over Jubal its my turn now."

Jubal laughed uproariously as he rolled off me onto his back, I looked across admiring his superbly cut body, his slim toned musculature and fine boned body glistened seductively as his flaccid dick lay on his upper thigh its one eye winking a tear. I licked my lips and whispered hoarsely, "Oh Jubal you are so beautiful, I wish I could stay here or take you with me around the world."

He looked deep into my eyes before replying, "Boss it would be great but I know neither is possible; you must do what you commenced and sail the wide oceans alone."

I nodded swallowing the huge lump that seemed to have formed in my throat, "I know Jubal and I wish it wasn't so but I've dreamed of doing this since I was a little tacker and setting a record."

We kissed as if the world was about to end then I slid between those long slender legs prodding Jubal's ebony ring with my pink knob, he opened to my advance and took me inside easily as his experienced arse caressed my aching tool. The feel of his inner furnace surrounding my throbbing dick nearly brought me undone I had to bite my lip to take my mind off the explosive sensations. Once the initial rush had subsided I kissed Jubal and began swiveling my hips stirring his hot silky sheath with my rigid rod, Jubal moaned and began tweaking his nipples his big pink tongue swabbing about his thickish dark purple lips. I was moaning and sighing in pure pleasure as his innards encompassed my erection as I began moving back and forth, I knew I couldn't last long his body was incredibly arousing and his arse experienced or not was as tight as could be.

I pummeled his pussy gradually building in speed until I was hammering his hole frantically, Jubal was moaning and clenching his incredible arse on my invader dragging me huffing and puffing to a creamy conclusion. My aching balls screaming for release tightened and squirmed in my scrotal sack until they exploded driving sperm in huge gouts out of my hot tight body. Jubal felt me let go and he howled like a where wolf as his dick shot a second load like a fountain drenching us both in sperm. We clung together shaking like Sea Hound in a storm as our climaxes peaked then slowly subsided, our cocks drooled their last vestiges of spunk while our lungs grabbed air in huge gulps.

My dick eventually slipped free of that seductively slick sleeve and flopped limply on my drained balls, I rested on top of Jubal my cheek against his until we regained our composure. We separated and lay side-by-side naked and satiated holding hands, Jubal sighed wistfully, " Oh boss, how I wish you were stopping here. We could have so much fun together."

I nodded and turning my face to him I kissed his ear, Jubal shivered from head to toe and gurgled his pleasure when I flicked my tongue tip inside that sensitive orifice. We hugged, kissed and snuggled until we heard a vehicle pull up above on the wharf, I sat up peering up through the port hole to see a van with the name of the ships' chandlery emblazoned on the side. I jumped up and whispered to Jubal, "Quick Jubal get dressed we have a visitor about to come on board."

He leapt up and scrabbled about grabbing his gear pulling on his cut offs and then his singlet, I heard the van's door slam and then footsteps on the concrete roadway. Jubal headed out up to the deck and up onto the wharf as the technician was bent over gathering his equipment inside the van; he gave me a wave, a huge cheeky grin and a wave then mouthed that he'd be back later. The technician turned and saw me on deck and asked if he could come on board, I nodded and he scuttled down the ladder to land with a thud on the deck. I showed him below and hoped the cabin had aired out sufficiently after our wild sex; the technician sat his bag on the seat next to the com center and began testing the electronics.

After a short time he shook his head and said that the gear was dead and he'd have to either remove it all and take it back to be repaired, which could take a week or more if the parts weren't available in Cape Town as the equipment originated in Australia even though it was manufactured in Asia. I couldn't spare the time to wait for repairs so I asked that he replace the gear, the cost was no great burden on my finances and would be covered under the insurance policy that had cost a heap of money because I was only 17 when it was taken out as well as the risk of sailing around the world.

The technician began removing the useless radios and GPS then he returned up to his van to bring the new equipment down and began installing it in the teak console. An hour passed and he had finished installing them, he switched them on and tested they were operating ok, they worked perfectly and he smiled happily as I thanked him and passed him my Master Card to pay for the job. He used a portable terminal he carried in a compartment in his toolbox and I signed the receipt, he gave me a copy and packed up his tools thanked me and left the Sea Hound wishing me Bon Voyage.

I relaxed and stretched out on the bunk reminiscing about Jubal and our incredible sex, I drifted off to sleep as Sea Hound rocked gently on her mooring ropes pressing the large buffers against the rough piles of the wharf. I slept soundly until a voice penetrated my sleep. Jubal was standing next to the bunk gently stroking his fingers up the soft sensitive flesh of my inner thigh as my leg hung off the bunk. I sleepily stretched and said, "High sexy one how long have you been here and what time is it?"

Jubal told me he'd just arrived and that it was 6pm, I asked him if he wanted to accompany me to dinner and he grinned his acceptance, I slid off the bunk and headed for the head and shower as I felt grotty after our earlier sex and needed a shower badly. I used the toilet and then showered while Jubal boiled the billy to make a cup of tea, I exited the head and toweled off assisted by Jubal drying my back that ended up in him rimming my clean ring. I doubled over clutching my knees and pushing my arse into Jubal's exquisite lapping tongue, he pulled my buttocks apart and buried his face in my crack as that tongue pushed inside my spasming sphincter. I groaned and squirmed he licked and moaned until I couldn't stand it any longer I begged him stop and stick his long slender penis up my aroused arse.

Jubal pushed me face down on the bunk and plunged his sleek manhood deep into my molten hot core, I gasped at his entry but soon was grunting my pleasure as he went to it with a vengeance. Jubal was over excited and soon lost it spewing sperm in slimy gouts as he lunged into my body, my cock was throbbing close to release but when Jubal slumped gasping and sweaty on my back my climax ebbed once more leaving a very damp stain where my cock had been leaking. A few minutes passed and Jubal moved off me then helped me role over onto my back, my still stiff spike pointing up my stomach and pulsing to my heartbeat.

Jubal bent down licking my moist red knob, I jerked at the touch of his tongue and moaned loudly as he swallowed me to the pubes. His magic tongue wrapped around my stalk laving my soft knob driving me insane with the need to sperm. In seconds my load was belching forth filling Jubal's mouth as he gulped and gobbled to keep up with the deluge, he drained me dry and sucked hard on my rigid rod vacuuming out the last dribbles before pulling away with a loud popping sound as my knob passed his tight lips. The incredible suction made me yelp as my cock pulled out and slapped wetly on my abdomen and Jubal licked his lips before grinning and telling me how sweet my sperm was.

I dressed and we headed off to McD's for a meal, after eating we talked about my adventures on the trip so far and after a time I said it was time for us to part, as I needed to sleep before pulling out in the morning to continue my voyage. Jubal was crestfallen that I wouldn't let him sleep with me but I told him I'd have trouble sleeping if he were in the bunk with me. We left the restaurant and hugged each other tightly and I left him standing there in the evening twilight.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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