Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Feb 14, 2009


Piracy on the High Seas, Pt 2 by justjames17.

The sudden jarring nocturnal impact stopped the Sea Hound in its stride causing me to be thrown to the deck; I regained my feet and hurried up on deck greeted by the pitch-black night. The sky was totally covered by cloud so thick no glimmer of the full moon was visible, I pulled out the spot light and plugged it into the socket beside the instrument panel clicking on the switch sending a 200,000 cp beam slicing through the blackness. The light glaringly illuminated the heaving dark waters causing a multitude of reflections as it moved across the crazy choppy and confused sea. The sloop had shaken itself and gradually began to pick up speed once again, suddenly in the circle of light a giant dark behemoth rose from the depths like a Polaris submarine, a huge plume of spray vented into the night sky as the whale exhaled. The Sea Hound had collided with a huge hump back whale, the impact had caused us to lose all speed and I hoped no damage had been caused to either the yacht or the whale.

I stayed on deck all night as I was so energised by the sight and close contact with the huge whale there was no way I could doze off, the collision hadn't damaged the hull's integrity as no increase in water in the bilges was evident. The morning found me bleary eyed and needing sleep, the weather was on the turn fitful winds swinging from NNE to NNW, our speed had dropped off and the seas were more confused and sloppy. I tossed up whether I should reduce sail before staggering below to eat and sleep, caution won out and I shortened sail and reset the self steering gear to take into account the wind change.

Below deck I eat a fast breakfast, some cereal and a small tin of fruit I drank water then cleaned my teeth to get rid of the bottom of the birdcage taste from being awake all night. I then rolled onto the bunk and almost instantly fell into a dreamless sleep, I was awoken a few hours later by the bows slamming into a heavy sea. Sea Hound was making hard work of the conditions so I had to wearily climb on deck and check things out, the sky was grey and threatening, heavy bellied clouds looked ready to unload and the wind had increased to 20 knots. I had to disengage the self-steering and take over the job tacking back and forth to gain any forward distance with the wind blowing across the starboard bow.

The temperature dropped and the spray began to fly across the canted deck, I struggled into my wet weather gear, the feel of the cold clammy clothing on my nearly naked body sent shivers down my spine. As I moved the friction of the stiffer pants rubbed on my flaccid lycra covered dick and in no time I was as stiff as a steel spike, I was so horny even though I was tired, I guess its just one of the joys of being a testosterone filled teen. I just had to take care of the incredibly stiff boner, I flopped on the cushions and tugged down the rubbery waterproof pants baring my speedos, I stared at my erection grinning then slipped my fingers gently down its throbbing hardness. Shivers of pure pleasure surged through me as I felt myself up, beads of juice oozed through the straining material as I became more and more excited.

Damn it felt awesome and I loved how my cock felt, so hard and hot, the pulses jerking through that engorged muscle send shivers through me as I licked my lips lasciviously. I moaned to the evil sky above, my howl made a duet with the rising wind blowing through the rigging, I yanked down my togs freeing my nuts and dick to the cool air. My hand wrapped around my aching shaft and began to stroke up and down as I squirmed tensing and relaxing my abs and arse to increase the pleasure. Pre cum flowed and slicked my sensitive cock head as my foreskin flew up and down, my head tossed side to side as I moaned deliriously. My balls pulled tight nuzzling my cock in readiness to firing off, I wanked faster tightening my grip dragging myself to a cataclysmic ejaculation.

My brain turned to mush, my lean body bucked and arched, my mouth gaped drooling then WHAM! BAM! cum sprayed and spurted some reaching a height where the wind caught it whisking it away while the majority spattered on my yellow slicker like spray flung up by the gyrating bows. The slimy remnants drooled down my pulsating prick to coat my hand and fingers with pearly pud juice. I gasped and panted my chest heaving, gradually calming, I raised my hand to my mouth and licked the sweet sperm hungrily relishing the taste, if I couldn't eat another bloke's cum mine would have to do.

Suddenly I was dragged back to reality by the heavens opening and a deluge of cold rain bucketed down flattening the churning seas and turning the dark sombre surface white, I quickly tucked my tool away and pulled up my pants then wiped the rain from my eyes. Visibility dropped to nil as the rain flooded the area, I felt as though I was under a cold shower as I pulled the hood of my jacket up over my head, cold water trickled from my saturated hair down inside my orange slicker. Flashes of lightning lit the gloom and I was worried it would strike Sea Hound's tall mast, the thought hardly originated when the thought became reality.

There was a blinding light and crackling sound as a bolt hit the mast followed instantaneously by a huge crack of thunder that deafened me, I was blinded with ringing ears as the sloop shuddered, rocking and rolling from the blast. My vision slowly cleared and I looked up the mast but was unable to see any visible damage and breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't till later I found out both the radios were burnt out. We sailed on slowly through the deluge and after an hour the rain eased off to a light drizzle then ceased altogether, the wind picked up and the sloop began to forge ahead once more.

Once I found the radios were out of action I resolved to put into Cape Town for repairs and to stock up with fresh food, the relief of seeing the Cape of Good Hope appear on the horizon was a relief and after battling through the monstrous seas that built at the confluence of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans where the cold current of the Atlantic battled for supremacy with the warmer Indian Ocean current. We rounded the Cape and steered and headed up towards Table Mountain and Cape Town, I ran up the Australian flag and sailed on. A large rust streaked fishing vessel altered course and passed close by and the skipper waved cheerfully to my sea weary sloop, the stink of its diesel fumes assailed my nostrils, after so long at sea with only the smell of the sea the stench was incredible.

He called out, "Where from matey?"

I called back my homeport and he grinned and shouted, "You that lad trying to sail around the world huh? Hope you make it boy, good luck."

With this cheerful greeting he turned away and steamed out heading for the deep Atlantic, I continued up the coast passing Scarborough, Kommetjie, Hout Bay then past the flat topped Table Mountain the buildings of Cape Town nestling at its base. The harbour appeared and I dropped the sails and started the little diesel engine put putting along the breakwater before turning to starboard towards the Victoria and Albert Waterfront. I pulled into a pier where a uniformed customs officer greeted me; I looked up to see an extremely handsome black bloke in his uniform as he spoke to me in his own lingo. I shrugged indicating I didn't understand and said, "Sorry mate I only speak English."

He grinned at me showing a mouthful of incredibly white teeth and he asked if I had anything to declare, I smiled up at him and told him no not really I've put in for radio repairs and food. He relaxed and asked the same question the fishing boat skipper had, was I the young bloke sailing the world alone. I nodded and he asked if he could come on board I grinned up at him noticing the big bulge in his uniform pants and said of course you are welcome, my cock rose to the occasion seeing his endowment. His ebony face positively glistened in the sunlight as if he was oiled and he showed great agility as he grasped a stay sliding down till his huge shiny black shoes touched the deck. I put out a hand to steady him grasping his forearm and felt the corded muscles move as he turned towards me, I invited him to the cabin and he followed me down the steps his dark eyes taking in everything as he entered.

We sat down on my bunk, the only place available as the table was folded down and the seat behind was covered in clothes and boxes, he asked me about my trip so far, as we chatted his thigh moved close to mine until I felt his warmth and the firmness of his powerful leg. I began to get even more excited and his dark brown eyes looked deep into my blue grey orbs, his hand slid onto my thigh, I was still wearing my wet weather gear, he slowly began making circles with his fingers and I felt tingling racing through my leg to my crotch. He moved closer and pressed me back onto the bunk, I didn't resist and next thing was his large purplish lips were pressed to mine and his large moist tongue swabbed my lips seeking entry. I opened to his advances and sucked on his tongue as we snogged with abandon, his heavy muscular body possessed my slim taut teen aged torso while his huge manhood ground into my own slender wand through our clothing. His hands moved to my jacket tugging it up as he sat back breaking our passionate kiss, I sat up allowing him to pull it off me, tossing it aside he pulled down the elastic braces and grasped the waistband of my orange trousers which he removed without effort leaving me in just my flimsy speedos. His eyes drank in my body as he licked his thick lips, "Boy you are very slim aren't you? I want to have sex with you do you think you can take my big black cock?"

I looked up at him as his hands roamed my taut torso feeling my ribs and musculature before tweaking both my nipples getting them aroused and making me gasp at which he belly laughed twisting them again even harder. He stood up towering above me as he began stripping off his uniform shirt; I watched my eyes riveted on him watching as his smooth shiny ebony flesh was revealed. I could smell his musky scent as he pulled off the shirt, damn he was built like a wrestler, huge bulging muscles rippled under that incredible black skin, I longed to lick him and taste his body and sweat. I was so horny after my lonely celibate time on the ocean; I was longing to feel another male and sick of wanking to my fantasies. Here in front of me was a living fantasy, an incredibly handsome black man who was exhibiting his desire for my skinny teen body.

I'd never had sex with a black man before, never had an opportunity to climb into bed and enjoy sex with one; the rumours I'd heard about size certainly seemed true in this instance by the bulge being exhibited. I wanted sex but was also scared of the pain that I might experience; I guess he would be gentle if I ask him. He was down to a bright multi coloured pair boxers that were tented way out as if he hid a rifle in them, I was amazed at his length and gingerly I reached out a trembling hand touching his silk clad cock. I now realised I was taking on something way beyond my experiences, it wasn't only extra long it was thick, way thick, almost as thick as my skinny wrist.

I swallowed hard and looked up at the towering figure, he was looking down at my his huge white teeth gleaming in his dark face, obviously he was delighted with what he was doing and I was getting more and more jittery thinking about what might happen. His silken boxers were tugged down to the deck and there waving about in front of my face was a monster, it looked like a 12-inch cannon as it drooled shiny bubbles from its twitchy muzzle. He grasped the monster clenching his big hand around the base of that thick ebony vein bulging shaft, it seemed to grow stiffer and the shiny dark purplish skin gleamed and glistened as it stretched.

I watched in trepidation as pre cum oozed freely from the big slip in that plum like knob, I was so intrigued by the sight that his next move stunned me; his club like cock whacked me across the mouth. Again and again he slapped my face leaving snail trails of shiny slime on my skin, I flinched and tried to pull away but he grabbed my long salt stiff hair pulling me back so he could continue the assault. He growled deep in that huge chest, "Don't pull back boy I'm not finished with you yet."

That big baton battered me again and again until he tired of the game and pushed it into my bruised lips, I moaned and struggled in his grip but was powerless to stop him, his big bone filled my mouth and I tasted his free flowing juice, it was awesome. I bobbed on that hot hard monster licking the soft slimy knob as he grunted his approval gradually inching more and more into my stretched mouth. I was gurgling and gagging on his dark salami but he just growled, "Watch those teeth boy."

His fat knob finally entered my throat filling it as I chocked on it, I was struggling to breath and he told me to breath through my nose, he had to repeat it several times before my hysterical brain absorbed what he said. I breathed in and felt air fill my starving lungs, I could breath at least I wasn't going to choke to death. After banging my face for a short time he groaned and slid that monstrous drool coated salami from my palpitating throat, he pushed me down on the bunk on my back before slamming a long thick finger up my shocked back passage. His invading digit wiggled and waggled rubbing and poking around my aroused button, I was gasping at the sudden pain but also the exhilarating zaps of pleasure his finger was causing.

My tight sphincter gradually relaxed and he insinuated a second long fat finger up my chute twisting and prodding them in and out rolling my ring back and forth increasing my sensory overload. I was moaning and grinding my bum on his hand urging those intrusive digits into my eager entrance, he laughed uproariously his huge body jiggling with mirth as I squirmed on his intrusive fingers. He pulled his fingers out sucking them noisily and proceeded to push his pointing digits of each hand into my flexing moist ring, once inserted he began pulling my abused muscle open stretching it painfully as he spat great globs of saliva into my gaping hole.

After a few minutes he ceased the game and grasped his big black truncheon of a penis holding it as he moved closer to my pale buttocks and saliva-slicked slit. He nudged my entrance as he growled; "Pull those pretty white bum cheeks open so I can fill that fine teen bottom."

I reached back grasping my soft firm buttocks pulling them open giving him easy access; he lunged forward savagely ramming that huge blunt knob into my anus. I cried out in pain but that only made him more savage as he grasped me by the shoulders, squeezing my flesh hard as he plunged his fat prong right up my clacker. I was shaking with pain and shock as he opened and stuffed me full with that huge ebony erection, his huge powerful body pressed against mine as he ground his hips stirring that pole about in my innards. The pain took time to ease but eventually it did and I began to enjoy the incredible full feeling as his cock caressed and pressed against my prostate, I moaned and arched my bum up as I pushed back against his hard belly. He laughed at my reaction grabbing me by the hair stretching my head back as he looked triumphantly into my eyes, "You like my big man cock in your skinny little white boy's body?"

I moaned and squirmed on his impaling pole caressing it with my rectal muscles. He shivered with delight before he slowly pulled back and I tightened on his retreating rod. He sighed and paused flexing that fat log in my ring before pushing back into me as I relaxed my body to accommodate him. After a few minutes he began to root me harder and picked up speed until we were grunting like pigs, his huge body tensed and I felt him lunge deeper as he ground against my bruised and battered bum, his monster swelled and pulsated before he bellowed his delight and spurted his sperm filling me to the brim and even more as the goo dribbled from my aching anus.

The man slumped on me crushing me to the bunk his body sweating and heaving as he gasped for breath his dick still throbbed and jerked up my aching back passage. Finally his cock shrank and slid wetly from my gaping hole as he rolled off collapsing on the bunk his massive hand still clutching my throat. I felt wetness under my stomach and realised that in the onslaught I'd ejaculated spontaneously onto the bunk without even realising I'd cum. The man stopped panting and he squeezed my neck hard before dragging me on top of him and pressing those thick purple lips to mine as his he tongue forced its way into my mouth. We slobbered together then he tossed me aside and sat up, "Its time I went back to my tasks boy, I enjoyed your sweet little body and I hope your voyage is a success."

With that he stood and did up his uniform then turned grinning at me with those big white teeth and climbed up onto the deck out of my sight, I heard his heavy footsteps cross the deck then nothing more. I slowly got to my feet. My tender flooded arse leaking goo as I stumbled to the head to empty out his juice. I cleaned up and then climbed up onto the wharf and went looking for someone to replace my electronics.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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