Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Jun 30, 2009


Piracy on the High Seas, Part 11 by justjames17

The pirates are fighting it out with another marauding pack of their kind allowing the captives to escape, Jessie & Aashish have rescued the young pirate who they found wounded and brought him back to the compound. The captives then set off to the opposite end of the island discovering a disused fort on the coast almost hidden by the overgrowing jungle. Inside they found arms and supplies left behind by the British after WW11 ended.

The tanker captain, an ex naval officer, began organizing his crew into a fighting force, the night drawing close he posted sentries on the fort's battlements so the rest of the men could rest. Jessie and Aashish rummaged about searching for medical supplies and finally discovered some in a storeroom. Jessie said, "Ah now we can clean and dress the boy's wound."

They hurried to where the lad lay and began bathing his wound washing the dried blood away then they bathed it with seawater and bound the wound to keep it clean. The old medications in the storeroom were well past their use by dates having been lying there for nearly 60years. Both lads enjoyed helping the young black but also loved the feel of his slim warm muscular ebony body as they tended to his injury. The lad too seemed to enjoy the two lads bathing him and manipulating his body, he showed his pleasure by cracking a bar even though he was in some pain from their attentions.

Jessie grinned at Aashish and said, "I loved it when he stuffed that up my bum, he was so gentle compared to the animals that rooted me before him."

Aashish grinned at Jessie and grasped the lad's erection gently stroking him, sliding his soft foreskin back and forth exposing his cherry red knob that looked even redder against the jet black outer flesh of his long slender dick. Aashish couldn't resist bending down to kiss the young pirate's dong, Jessie watching his friend press his lips to the crimson knob grinned and adjusted his own stiffening cock. The pirate gasped as he watched the lad suck his excited cock head into his mouth, he started to hump up but the pain of his wound made him wince and gasp as he collapsed back to the bunk he was laid out on. Aashish continued sucking on the sweet meat while gently pressing down on the pirate's hard pubic mound, the lad's wiry tight curled pubes squashed under his palm.

The lad's climax raged through him, his abs tensed straining up mounding under his shiny black skin, Jessie bent over their captive, his boner rubbing on the lad's face as he began tonguing and licking those sexy taut muscles. The pirate opened his mouth and took Jessie's balls in his mouth sucking and licking them frantically muffling his frantic moans of pleasure as his own nuts tightened then erupted sending sweet sperm gushing up and out his swollen flexing tool into Aashish's welcoming throat. Aashish gulped and gurgled as the thick wads filled his gullet, sliding down into his belly. The lad's warm mouth, lips and franticly dancing tongue were causing Jessie to moan, his rigid rod throbbing and jerking against his belly drooling juice onto the lad's throat and collar bones as he jerked about.

Aashish could hear his friend's moans and muttered words, "Ooooh yeah! Suck my goolies. Make me cum you hot bastard you."

The youth gurgled on Jessie's fuzzy nut sack his tongue going crazy as he suckled on those sensitive cum filled orbs, Jessie arched his back drawing his nuts up against those tight stretched pouting lips causing mild pain. The sexy aching triggered his climax and his dick throbbed a few times before finally letting loose his creamy emission spattering over Aashish's hair and face, the pale pearly sperm streaking in glistening ropes across his mate's black shiny hair and mahogany flesh like tinsel on a Christmas tree. Aashish's closed eyes protected his orbs as a rope spurted across his long lashed eyelids and onto his right ear, the next gush hit his full sensuous lips then the force decreased and the next few dappled his chest and oozed down dripping onto the panting prisoner's heaving belly.

Aashish giggled at the feel of Jessie's hot juice spurting onto his face, his pink tongue crept out swiping across his lips tasting the tangy tostle spunk, he sighed his pleasure as he licked off as much as he could. Jessie gently lay on their prisoner's tall slim body as the lad let Jessie's empty balls slip from his mouth. The three lads were feeling languidly happy as they lolled together, sweaty cum spattered bodies now lying together in a tangle of limbs. Jessie kissed the lad's limp log while Aashish lay beside the young pirate and kissed him on his full purple lips.

Back on the beach at the opposite end of the island the sounds of battle died away as the fighting ceased, the invaders beat a battered bloody retreat back to their launch and hastily motored out to sea. The victorious pirates ran to the shore whooping and firing into the air shouting derisively at their retreating foes. Their victory left them pumped up and horny so they decided to head back to the compound for some sexual fun with their young prisoners, they made their way inland helping their wounded comrades. At the stockade they saw the open gates and their mood changed in the blink of an eye, where were their captives? Had they escaped or been captured by another marauding group of their countrymen while they had been repelling the attack?

A search about the area soon found the tracks of the escapees heading into the jungle, the chief pirate looked at his men and told the wounded to rest while the rest took off after the missing prisoners. They entered the thick jungle and made their way along the overgrown track their guns cocked at the ready in case of a surprise attack, the men moved quietly on their way.

At the fort the captain and his crewmen had prepared well for the possible arrival of the pirates, the lookouts were all armed with rifles and were alert to their task. The first pirate scout crept out of the jungle and peered about him, the movement was spotted and the sentry sent a pebble down an metal air vent where it rattled and clattered down inside the conduit alerting those below. The captain raced up onto the upper roof area where he crouched behind the parapet watching the area where the pirate force would arrive. The scout having seen the overgrown old fort headed back into the thick jungle to alert his companions, he warned his boss who ordered his men to be careful and not rush out into the open beach until they knew what they were facing.

He sent three men ahead to scout the building while the rest watched from the cover of the tree line, the scouts crept along the tree line dodging in and out between the shrubs and tree trunks as they crept slowly towards the old fort. Their cautious movements monitored the whole way until they reached the base of the old building. They signaled to the main group and the rest of their comrades appeared shuffling through the soft sand as they headed towards the building.

Unbeknown their progress was watched over the sights of a number of weapons, as the group approached 100 meters from the wall a fusillade of shots rang out and several pirates crumpled to the sand blood spurting and staining the pristine white sand. The rest dived back into cover while the three scouts were trapped as they pressed themselves against the stained weather worn concrete wall shaking in fear and unable to make a run for safety. The captain congratulated his men and they reloaded their weapons as a man appeared from below carrying a Bren gun, the skipper told him to take position and watch the jungle where the bulk of the pirates were hiding and to make sure the gun was on automatic not single shot.

He called down to the three men cringing against the wall below to throw their weapons out on the sand and to make their way arms raised to the entrance doors. Two AK47s and a shot gun landed in a spray of sand as the men tossed away their guns and moved around the corner of the wall towards the steel entrance doors. The doors opened and the men entered to be surrounded by some of the crew and forced to their knees while their hands were tied behind their backs, the three men were cuffed about their heads and pummeled by the angry men who had suffered under the pirates while imprisoned.

The first mate appeared and ordered the rough housing to stop then the prisoners were led away to be confined in an empty store room, a couple of men were detailed as guards and the rest of the crew headed back up to the top of the fort to defend against any attack by the rest of the pirates. In the jungle the pirates were seething at what had happened and their leader could see their ill-gotten gains vanishing if the prisoners weren't recaptured. He was worried how they could take over the old fortress as they had no way to carry out a sneak attack unless it was after dark.

He sat there looking at his men who were sitting closely around him in the jungle looking despondent, they weren't used to thie prisoners getting the upper hand as they had always done what they wished to their helpless captives. Most of the men were young and had got used to being top dogs, they didn't like not having sex slaves at their beck and call. He knew he'd lost the three scouts he'd heard them ordered to throw away their guns and had watched from the trees as the men did as told then were taken inside the damn fort. The pirates were now outnumbered and possibly out gunned by the prisoners and he wondered if it might be wise to beat a retreat then leave the island and get away.

He thought long and hard before coming to the decision to leave the island but he made up his mind to wreak havoc when they did put out to sea, he ordered his men to make their way back to the compound after dark but until then to fire random shots at the defenders in the fort. The men nodded and took up positions at the jungle's edge hiding behing tree trunks and shrubbery before aiming their weapons at the battlements above. A man's head was visible as he peered out towards the jungle and a pirate lined him up in his sights before squeezing the trigger, the AK47 bucked as he fired and the bullet hit the man a glancing blow as it whistled past, the man was knocked to the cement roof out of sight his bullet creased head bleeding profusely as he lay unconscious.

He was dragged away and taken below for treatment as his comrades peppered the jungle with bullets, nobody was hit by the fusillade but it made the pirates keep their heads down as the rounds zinged over their positions. The firing drew to a halt and silence blanketed the area except for the gently creaming waved caressing the shore, the pirates continued on and off firing a few rounds and keeping the defenders on their toes as they returned fire. The sun descended and the pirates began creeping back through the jungle to the track and heading back across the island to their encampment where their boats were anchored. The men slowly arrived and they relaxed knowing they were safe, they entered their huts and began enjoying liquor which soon had them turning to one another as the tenseness diminished and their sexual urges began to manifest once more. No prisoners to abuse so they looked to one another for solace and sex.

The night filled with the sounds of sex, grunts groans, moans and whimpers could be heard along with the slapping of flesh o9n flesh as the hot slim bodies slammed together, long dicks sliding in and out of tight orifices or hot moist mouths. The orgy went on for hours as the men worked off their frustrations from the sudden bad turn of events, the huts filled with the sounds of sex as bodies meshed and melded, pounded and pressed together in that eternal lust of sexual gratification. Tight orifices stretched and strained as hot hard male meat forced entry inside their mates' straining bodies, moans of pain and pleasure resounded through the encampment as men enjoyed their lust. As the night drew on the sounds faded away and snores filled the air as the exhausted satiated men fell into deep slumber dawn began to light the area and a few groans of anguish greeted the new day as the men suffering from the excesses of the night awoke to the rising sun.

A few naked bodies appeared semi hard cocks in hand as they emptied their straining bladders, hot piss spattering on the sand at their feet, others appeared and some squinting in the light groaned as they joined in the toileting. Their leader appeared with two of the youngest lads whod been used by him through the night, both lads walked gingerly as their battered buns leaked cum down their long slim gangly thighs. The men having drained their bladders shuffled around their leader looking for directions for their day, he looked about at them his red blood shot eyes a sight to see as he growled throatily, "Today we take revenge before we leave this place so gather up all your gear and make your way to the boats. We will make our way out to the tanker and there I will tell you what we'll do."

The men gathered their weapons and supplies carting the gear down to their craft and loaded it all aboard before climbing in and pushing the boats out from the shore, the engines coughed into life in a plume of dark exhaust fumes and the two craft motored out towards where the tanker and Sea Hound were riding at anchor.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 12

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