Pips Penis

Published on Apr 12, 2005



Gavin had seen his friends penis since they were little. He should have known that he was destined to do more then look when he grew up because his mother caught him putting it in his mouth when he was only six.

Pip and he were sharing a bathtub and doing what most kids do, explore. He went one step further and sucked on Pips, penis just to see what it was like. Pip giggled and Gavin's mother screamed at him. He heard her laughling later talking to someone on the phone about it.

They moved away then moved back. So he and Pip kind of grew up together. In school gym class, he got to see Pip's penis every day. And he looked. Pip always seemed to take a locker next to him and the two laughed and talked as they stripped naked, showered and dressed again.

"Nice boner dude" Pip said to him one day. Gavin's cock just kept popping up and he didn't know how to control it. Pip blushed embarassed. "Hey man don't worry, mine does tha tall the time."

Gavin hoped it would indeed pop up but it never did.

Graduation came and went. Pip took off for the summer to surf in Hawaii. Gavin worked his summer job and got ready for college.

Pip came to visit him on campus during Thanksgiving since Gavin had decided to stay there to work on his theme papers.

"Can I crash in your dorm room?" Pip said on the phone. Gavin was thrilled. Not only would he not be alone but his life long friend would be there.

Pip arrived with his backpack and moved right in.

"That your roomies bed?" he asked. Gavin nodded "Yea, I guess you can crash there if you want. He wouldn't know the difference, he's a slob"

Pip laughed and threw his backpack on the bed. "Naw just wanted to know where I could put this" he said as he pulled various clothing out.

They spent Thanksgiving evening at a nearby diner, sharing turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and phone calls to each other's parents. After walking around awhile they finally found a pizza parlor that not only was open but would serve them beer without asking for IDs.

They drank and talked about old friends, teachers, Pip's summer surfing and Pip's plans. He had taken the winter off and planned to go to school somewhere in January.

"Why not come here? I can get Martin to move out and you can bunk with me" Gavin said too enthusiastically.

"We'll see" was all Pip answered.

They went back to the dorm room. Gavin wondered if the hardon in his pants which he had ever since Pip showed up was noticable or if it would go down by the time he stripped for bed. But all he could think about was Pip alone with him in the dorm room, naked and that made his boner ever harder.

"Hey remember when we were kids in the bathtub?" Pip suddenly asked. Gavin acted like he didn't remember it.

"Hell, man you and I were playing with each other and you put mine in your mouth until your mother came in" Pip laughed.

"Shit I did that? Sorry man" Gavin said not too convincingly.

"Hell man don't get serious about it, we were kids. Besides a blow job is a blow job" Pip punched Gavin in the shoulder and laughed.

Back in the dorm room they sat on the floor watching the small TV Gavin and Martin had. "So ready for bed?" Pip asked as he stood.

Gavin said "I guess so" he stretched and watched Pip strip out of his tshirt, jeans and shoes. He stood there naked.

"Wow great tan and tan line" Gavin said.

"Yea" Pip turned to show his tan line off "I rarely wore anything over there. I even surfed naked when I could."

Gavin got a good look at Pip's penis again. Then without thinking what he was saying Gavin reacted, "god you still got a great cock".

Pip laughed. "Yea you always liked it" he took it in his fingers and waved it. It was unmistakably getting larger.

"Some girls and guys have enjoyed it this summer. You'd be amazed how many surfers get off on other dudes' cocks" Pip said slapping his hardening penis. "I kind of liked yours too".

Gavin had stripped to his jockey shorts facing away to hide his erection that had tented his shorts.

Gavin got into his bed and noticed that Pip hadn't taken his backpack and clothes off Martin's bed.

Instead he turned off the lights, checked the door and then moved to Gavin's bed.

"Move over dude" he said. Gavin moved not believeing what Pip was doing.

Pip got under the covers and sighed.

"Great" He said "we finally get to sleep together"

Gavin didn't know wha tto say. Did Pip shave his bed rather then use Martins? But before he could figure out what to say or do next Pip spoke.

"It's ok man, we both should relax and have fun" Pip put his hand on Gavin's bare chest and slid down to his crotch "feels like you're ready, but first you need to finish what you started long ago.

Pip put his hand behind Gavin's head and pulled him up and under the blankets.

There loomed Pip's hard penis. Gavin couldnt' see it so much as inhale it's aroma. His fingers trembled a bit as he touched it for the first, well the second time.

"Enjoy yourself man, I know I will" Pip said as he pulled the blankets off and rested his hands on Gavin's bareback.

"You better take those things off so I can enjoy myself later one" Pip said as his fingers snapped Gavin's jockey shorts waisteband.

Gavin struggled but eventualyl got his jockeys off his buttocks and pushed them down his legs.

He sniffed and licked Pip's cock. Gavin heard his friend sigh. He almost expected to hear his mother come in and scream as she did almost 13 or 14 years again.

In his mind, Gavin saw the penis he had seen over the years, as a boy, in gym class daily too. He kissed it, felt it and put his lips around it.

Gavin didn't rush and Pip didn't seem to mind. He licked the ballsac too. He kissed the belly, the thighs and went back to slobering over his friends cock.

"I'll let you know when I'm gonna cum" Pip muttered.

Gavin hoped it wouldn't be anytime soon. Then as he sucked something warm on his own penis shocked him. He realized that Pip was now licking his cock too.

As they moved to get more comfortable the two were now licking, kissing and sucking each other.

Sperm shoots when the body wants it to, not when the owner wants and Gavin was soon gulping Pip's cum.

"Wow man I dont' believe you swallowed that" Pip said as he wiped Gavins' cum off his face where it had landed.

"It's ok" Gavin said, "isn't it?"

"Yea I'm healthy, didn't know how uh active you've been"

As they lay together with their arms around each other, they talked about the years Gavin had tought about sex with Pip but had never done anything with anyone. Pip confessed he hadn't been a virgin and talked about his summer adventures.

"So you're a virgin" he finally said

"Well until now" Gavin said as he reached to see if Pip's treassured cock was hard again or not. It was getting that way he was thrilled to discover.

"I've got allot to show you this weekend" Pip said "You ready for it all?" he asked as he moved his hand under Gavin to his buttock. "You know I've always thought you had a cute butt"

By the time Martin showed up on Monday, Gavin was no longer a virgin. His mouth and ass had felt Pip's cock. It was as good as Pip thought it would be.

"You think that somehow we were destined to do this even when we were kids?" Pip asked.

Gavin "From what we've been doing, I'd say yes"

Pip's mouth and ass were thoroughly used by Gavin as well. "You know everytime this summer when some dude got me in the sack, I thought about coming here to see you".

Martin didn't seem too pleased to find out Gavin was gay. But he didnt' seem to care that Pip was sticking around and sleeping in their dorm room.

"You're right he has a nice pecker" Martin said to Gavin.

And Gavin wondered if the three of them would continue to be roommates or if just Pip and he would be when the next term began.

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