Pinning Tyler

By james robinson

Published on Sep 14, 2004


This story is fictional and has never happened, except for the accident, any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. The tale contains sex between young men and possibly young men and a teenage boy, if you don't enjoy this type of story you had better leave now, if you are under age please leave otherwise guys sit back and enjoy the tale. Your comments are eagerly sought and all emails are answered except flames, which are extinguished on receipt. Please contact me at

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Pinning Tyler, Chapter 5,


The truck hummed along the highway, the heavy off road tread singing at speed, setting a good pace and soon was climbing the first mountain range they reached the top and pulled into the parking space at the viewing area, they climbed out and led Josh to the platform where they could look down on the flat lands and see the city way off in the distance almost hidden in the smoggy air. They had a piss in the toilet in the car park then climbed back into the truck and headed down the far side into the heavily forested country between the mountain ranges. They traveled across the area then reached the major dam at the base of the mountains they skirted the huge water reservoir and climbed again into the mountains.

The truck weaved its way through the cool forests and they enjoyed the glorious scenery as they motored on into the hilly country, finally they arrived at the turn off and engaged 4-wheel drive for the final lap into the area of the tragedy. Josh had been talking like a parrot all the way now he seemed to feel the gravity of the situation as they neared the spot where his brothers died.

The truck finally reached the corner where the side of the track was still showing the scars of the Suzuki sliding off into the deep valley, Tyler pointed out the marks to Josh who silently stared at the disturbed earth and rocks. Then Cody turned off onto the steep track down the cliff to the river below, Josh's hands were white knuckled on the panic bar on the door beside him as he stared terrified at the steep track through the windscreen.

They slowly bounced and slipped their way down the slippery muddy trail till they reached the dark wet rocky river bank and Cody turned to where the battered, torn and twisted little 4wheel drive lay. Turning a corner and there was the white crumpled heap of metal and Cody stopped on a level piece of ground and turned off the engine.

The rushing river babbled past them as it leapt and played around the boulders in its course, uncaring that this spot was now somber, heavy with the loss of two young human lives. The truck sat there steam drifting from the hot brakes in the cold moist air, the engine ticking as it cooled under the bonnet. They climbed out of the truck and approached the wreckage, Josh led the way silently as tears ran down his cheeks, and Tyler followed his arm around Cody's shoulder as they picked their way across the wet rocks.

They reached the wreck and Josh could see the blood still visible on the seats and ripped body panels, which were quickly developing a patina of rust on the bared metal, he shuddered as he sobbed deeply as Cody and Tyler joined him. They stood there arms around each other and Josh began to say the Lord's Prayer, they all joined in and their voices lifted up through the damp air. They prayed for some time until the chill damp air drove into their bones then Josh said, " Well guys I think our prayers have been heard by my brothers now we can leave this unhappy place and go back into the world of the living."

We turned and walked away silently, arm in arm then climbed into the car and Cody turned the truck around and they climbed slowly back up into the sunlight of the mountain. We headed back to the river meadow we had stopped at after the accident; no one spoke during the trip, as we were all deep in thought.

Cody turned off onto the muddy trail down from the track and we parked in the meadow, unloaded the gear and spread out the picnic rug on the lush grass dotted with wild flowers. Josh wandered off down to the river and sat on a large rock watching the water as it slowly moved through this flat area. He sat there for a while deep in thought staring into the clear water, suddenly his head jerked up and he concentrated on a large submerged rock in the river. He turned to us and said, " Hey guys come here there is a huge fish in the river here."

We stood and wandered over to see a trout about 10 pounds resting behind the rock waiting for dinner to swim past, Josh was excited and said, " Wow imagine hooking him wouldn't that be fun."

This simple statement broke their somber moods and suddenly they were feeling happier as if a cloud had lifted leaving them in the bright sunlight. They began to laugh and chat about things and it seemed that what Josh had said had occurred the ghost of the accident had been laid to rest.

The horrific memories ebbed by the side of the river; the long lush grass of the tiny meadow formed a comfortable cushion beneath our bodies. We sat there and ate our picnic while Josh ate and ran around the meadow studying everything he could find, he had turned into a joyful 14year old boy again. We finished eating and drinking and lay back and enjoyed the sunshine, the fresh country air and the babbling river, the bird life was thick in the trees and we lay there absorbing nature.

The shadows crept slowly across the valley and the temperature dropped accordingly, Tyler kissed me and said, " Well Cody do you feel up to the long drive home? If not would you like me to drive your truck back?"

I lay there sucking on a grass stem as I stared up into his handsome Eurasian face, I nodded and said, " I think I can handle it Tyler, I'm over the trauma thanks to young Josh and you, I just don't know how I would have got on without your love and support. That accident shook me to the core, I never want to see anything like that again as long as I live."

Tyler stroked my hair as he gazed fondly into my eyes then he bent down again pulled the grass from my mouth and pressed his soft lips to mine slipping his tongue between my lips to touch mine wetly, I answered him with a soft moan as my tongue slithered around his. He pulled back and smiled saying, " Yep you are feeling much better I can tell from your reactions you have been like a zombie till this afternoon, you are now behaving almost normally again. We'd better get on the road dude, or we will have to drive over that track in the dark and that could get a little dangerous."

I sat up stretched my body to get it mobile after lying there for so long and began to stand up, Tyler sat there watching me his dark orbs locked on my crotch and he reached out and gently fondled my cock settling it into a comfortable position. Of course my cock reacted immediately by leaping erect, he grinned devilishly up at me then unzipped my cargos and pulled my penis out licking the dribbling head, sending thrills through my groin, then sucked me into his warm wet sexy mouth. I shuddered from head to toe from his expert fellatio and he soon had me humping his throat furiously as I strove to empty my nuts into his stomach.

I groaned as my nuts squeezed up into my groin, my penis swelled and grew in his wet palpitating throat and as I arched back thrusting for his core I erupted spewing my load, spurt after spurt into my lover's mouth and hungry throat. Tyler siphoned me skillfully and soon had me a quivering jelly on wobbly legs; I was puffing heavily my chest unable to suck enough air after my unbelievably exciting climax. Tyler was stroking his huge engorged tool as I slowly recuperated I dimly heard him gasping in my post sexual daze and he shot his sweet man juice out onto the flattened grass of our nest. I looked down to see the pearly globules glistening on the green grass in long strings, how I cursed to myself, I desperately wanted to taste him and eat his sweet load but too late he had fertilized the grasses of the meadow instead.

Tyler was clasping my legs for stability as he recovered from his climax, I could feel his hot breath on my bare thighs as he gasped and panted heavily, I stroked his lacquer black hair as he leant against my legs then he looked up and licked the tip of my tool sucking out the last drip of my cum. I quivered again at the touch of his wet tongue sexily wiping across my piss slit, he felt my reaction and looked up into my eyes and grinned sexily at me. I bent down and helped him stand up on his now trembling legs and we hugged together till he felt capable of locomotion without falling over. I looked to see Josh kneeling there beside us naked stroking his ejaculating tool his eyes glazed over and his tongue protruding from his grimacing mouth.

His cum flew through the air and landed on my arm and Tyler's legs as he frantically stroked himself, I raised my arm and licked the boy juice from my skin it tasted great much sweeter than our more mature semen. I then lifted a string off Tyler's thigh and offered it to him he swallowed my finger and smiled at the superb flavor as I licked the remnants from his muscular leg. Tyler regained his composure and brought his hand to my mouth as I licked his cum covered fingers savoring his taste as he giggled happily.

We pulled our shorts up and packed up the gear, folded the rug and headed back to the truck, we packed the gear away and climbed into the truck and I started the engine and we rolled out of the sweet meadow up the steep muddy track to the main trail and headed back towards the highway.

We passed the spot where the edge was disturbed by the little Suzuki, as it rolled off the side tumbling and rolling into the valley, we all said a quick prayer for the two dead guys and continued back down the mountain till we saw the black top. I turned onto the highway heading back on the long drive to the city as darkness descended on the nearly deserted highway.

Josh was subdued but still chatting as we roared along the highway, he was telling us how much he missed his brothers and how they had taught him all about sex, jacking off, kissing and in the end they had both fucked his young arse and had taught and allowed him to fuck both of their arses. He seemed to look up to both of them very much and we could hear the love and respect in his voice and words, they obviously were his heroes and mentors. It was so sad to think neither of them would be there for him in the future and that both had died so senselessly. Even though we had seen them dead and mangled badly they were still very handsome guys, it was a real shame.

Arriving back in the city we had both been deep in thought reliving the accident and what young Josh had told us, we didn't even realize that the boy hadn't spoken for some time and I looked in the rear vision mirror to see that Josh was sleeping soundly seated in the back seat with his head resting in the corner where the seat met the rear door. The street lights illuminating his face as we sped along, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open as he slept. He looked so cute and peaceful sleeping as if he didn't have a care in the world, I thought to myself, " Sleep on young angel I hope your troubles are over and you can face life again."

We reached his home and pulled up at the kerb, he slept on regardless, the braking hadn't even disturbed him, I reached around into the back and grasped his knee squeezing it and saying, " Come on Josh you are home its time to go to bed."

He squirmed in my grip and turned more onto his side grunting as if annoyed at my disturbing his sleep, Tyler raised his voice and said, " Wakey, wakey Josh its time you woke up we've arrived at your place you have to get out and go to bed now."

Josh stirred and groaned as he awoke, he stretched and afforded us the delightful sight of his turgid tossle bulging up obscenely in his jeans, he opened his eyes and looked into mine saying, " Oh heck! Can I come stay with you tonight Cody? I need to have an older guy to talk to tonight. I just don't want to be by myself I miss my brothers so much I don't think I'll be able to sleep on my own in bed."

I said, " What about your parents wont they want to know where you are?"

He shook his head saying, " No I told them I would probably stay over at your place, they didn't care they are still very upset and missing my brothers. I probably will just be in the way just now, till they get over the shock."

Tyler looked at me and shrugged as if to say that it didn't worry him if Josh stayed over with us, there was plenty of room and he could sleep in the second bedroom. I looked at the young teen and said, " Ok if you're sure your rents are ok about this you can sleep over with us in the spare room."

Josh punched the air saying, " Yeah awesome, thanks guys I'll never forget you for this. You two rule ok?"

I pulled away from the house and we drove to my place, pulled into the parking space and we got out and I clicked the remote locking the truck as we entered the apartment building. We climbed up to the third floor and I unlocked the door opening it and gesturing for Josh to enter, he bounded through the doorway and bounced into the lounge room throwing himself down onto the couch. He lay back with his hands behind his cute tousled head and grinned up at us, his jeans still showing his excitement as his cock stood hard and pointing up towards his hidden navel.

I sat down in my leather recliner as Tyler perched on it's arm and we both studied the flushed youthful face as Josh watched us, his grin splitting his cute face as he grinned happily. He said, " Gee thanks Cody this is much better than being at home there is like a big black pall hanging over our place and it makes me feel so miserable I could almost kill myself. You guys make me feel happy and you are a bit like having my brothers still around."

Tyler put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a gentle squeeze saying, " It's great to have you here with us Josh, please don't say anymore about the suicide business, you mustn't ever think about that resolution it is too final you have your whole life in front of you."

I nodded in agreement and said, " Yeah Josh that is too morbid, your young and full of life and fun you don't want to top yourself and deprive the world of a sexy young dude like you."

Josh brightened up and said; " Ok I wont think about it anymore, I've got you two as my big brothers now."

I said, " Josh don't transfer your feelings for your brothers to us, we are friends but can never be your brothers they are no longer with us. We are here for you as long as you need us but we can't replace your brothers they are your flesh and blood."

His eyes clouded as I said this and the grin faded from his face as he looked miserable, I could have kicked myself saying what I did but I was trying to help him while stopping him transferring his love to us. Tyler spoke up saying, " Well Josh you'd better go get a shower while Cody and I rustle up some food for tea, off you go get undressed and cleaned up."

The boy walked slowly off to the bathroom and disappeared inside, a couple of minutes later we heard the shower spraying and we began to make a meal. I got a large can of spaghetti from the cupboard opened it, tipped it into a pot and lit the stove while Tyler began to toast some bread. I put the kettle on to boil and we hugged and kissed while we waited, I had to stir the pot every now and then to stop the spaghetti from burning and sticking to the pot. Josh appeared from his shower a towel round his slim waist, his damp hair sticking up like a birch broom in a fit, I looked at his hairless torso with its young but nicely defined musculature as he walked into the kitchen. The towel unable to hid his nice flaccid penis as it bulged out over his scrotum from his extremely flat groin, the sight was quite erotic and I felt my cock twitching in my cargo shorts.

He was using a smaller hand towel to dry his unruly hair exposing his armpits and they were completely naked not a hair in sight, Josh was obviously a late bloomer as I had pit and pubic hair when I was just thirteen. Josh had pubic hair I had seen the two small wing like growths when he jacked off up at the river this afternoon but his legs only had a faint peach fuzz showing, it made him look younger than he was and if anything cuter too.

We sat down and ate the meal and Josh was yawning widely when we finished and I said, " Josh I think its time for you to toddle off and get some shut eye, we'll see you in the morning mate."

Josh slowly arose and walked slowly and dejectedly down the passage to the second bedroom he looked sadly back at us then disappeared from sight. I looked at Tyler and he shrugged saying, " He's not too happy but what can we do we've let him sleep over. I think he wants to share our bed tonight but we can't have him do that. He'll just have to accept we are his friends and that's all."

We felt weary so we showered together and dried off then climbed into the sack together, we kissed and cuddled for a few minutes then we dropped off to sleep. I was awoken after some time by a strange noise; I lay there listening it sounded like someone gagging on a big cock. The sound was in my flat and I looked at Tyler who was sound asleep, he could sleep through a bomb explosion, so I slid out of bed as the sounds diminished and I could hear thumping sounds as if Josh was hitting the wall.

I walked to the door of his room and listened the sounds were getting fainter, I opened the door a crack and peered into the room, the bed was empty but the sounds were still faintly there so I opened the door fully to see the horrifying sight of Josh hanging from the heavy curtain rail, he had tied a sheet around his throat after tying the sheet to the rail while standing on the chair, which was now lying on the floor tipped over. The thumping sound was his heels drumming on the plaster as he choked purple faced, his tongue protruding from his gaping mouth. I rushed across to him and grasped him by the waist and lifted him taking the strain off his neck as I called loudly to Tyler.

Josh was almost unconscious, his body twitching and spasming in my arms, I could feel his hard erection pressed against my chest as I held him up. His breathing was more like a coughing gasp, a retching sound, repeated over and over as he tried to suck air into his deflated lungs, I kept screaming to Tyler as I told Josh to breathe.

Tyler finally awoke and staggered into the room his brain befuddled by sleep as he said, " What's going on Cody why are you holding onto Josh like that?"

His brain cleared slowly and he noticed the sheet around Josh's throat, he rushed across and set the chair upright and climbed onto it to untie the sheet from the rail, we freed Josh and I lowered him onto the bed and began to breath life into his gasping mouth. Minutes passed and he finally began to breathe normally I sat back on my haunches and held my hands on his bony hips.

I sat there with tears running down my cheeks as I said over and over, " Why Josh, why?"

The boy couldn't speak yet just gravelly grunting sounds emitted from his sore throat, he lay there his chest still heaving as he cried heavily, Tyler sat next to him and caressed his hair gently saying, " Oh Josh you silly bugger why did you try to kill yourself?"

The boy just sobbed and gasped as I pushed up and kissed his bluish lips then I said, " Oh Josh we both love you, you would have shattered us if you had succeeded in killing yourself, what did you think you were doing?"

He finally regained his breath and he croaked, " You didn't really want me so I thought I might as well end the pain and join my brothers."

Tyler kissed his forehead and whispered, " Oh Joshy, we really do love you it's just that at your age we could get into a lot of trouble by sleeping with you."

Josh coughed and said, " Why? My brothers slept with me all the time, we had lots of fun and I never ever told anyone about them, why would you get into trouble? I'll never tell on you."

Tyler picked the boy up in his arms and carried him into my bedroom and placed him in the center of the bed and we climbed in one on each side and we spooned together hugging and sharing the warmth between us.

Here we leave the lads in bed together.

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