Pinning Tyler

By james robinson

Published on Sep 4, 2004


This story is a figment of my imagination although the accident actually did happen the rest is mostly fiction. It contains sex between males if you don't like such stories you had better leave now, if you are too young to read adult material please leave, otherwise sit back and enjoy the story. I have had a complaint about including the accident in the story, but I try to make my stories as lifelike as I can. The accident allowed me to show how strong Tyler is and how he assists Cody in his time of sorrow. Any ideas or comments please send them to me at All emails will be answered but flames will be extinguished on receipt. Please donate a few dollars to Nifty to keep the site free in the future.

Pinning Tyler Chapter 4,


Tyler and I left after the funeral saying goodbye to Josh his sister and their parents, we decided not to go to the cemetery for the burial as I felt it would bring the accident back to me to clearly to see the two coffins being lowered into the cold ground. Josh the 14 year old brother of the two dead guys clung to my arm, tears coursing down his smooth soft cheeks and said, " I wish you would come with us I need your help at the cemetery."

Tyler gently pried the boy's hands from my arm and said softly, " No Josh I think it is a time for you and your family to say goodbye to your brothers, it's not our place to intrude on your grief, but remember if you need to talk later just contact Cody and we will be there for you."

The gorgeous young boy nodded sadly and turned to his family where his dad put a protecting arm around his shoulders and mouthed silently to us, " Thank you both."

We hurried away to Tyler's car and drove back to my place where we knocked back a few beers to sooth the hurt and sorrow we felt from the funeral. Some hours later we were relaxing in our briefs on the couch when I heard a gentle knocking on the door and I got up pulled on my shorts and hurried down the hall to the door. I opened it to find young Josh standing there; he had obviously been home and changed from the black suite to a pair of cut off denims and a t-shirt and sneakers. He looked up at me and said, " Sorry I need to talk can I come in please Cody."

I was sort of stunned that he would show up so soon but I stood aside and he entered and moved up the hall to the lounge room, he entered and saw Tyler stretched out in his tighty whities, the boy stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the huge bulge of Tyler's genitals. He blushed bright red and dropped his gaze to the floor then slowly raised them again as he took in Tyler's feet, legs and crotch, I was standing behind him and he walked slowly across to the couch and sat down never taking his eyes off the stretched white cotton.

He turned to me and I saw his eyes flick over my torso then lock onto my crotch hidden in my shorts. I looked down at his groin and saw he had a major hard on stretched down the leg of his shorts, the end protruding out the frayed leg opening covered by his red briefs. He saw my eyes looking at his erection and he blushed covering the bulge with his folded hands, he looked away to the carpet as he tried to get his body under control.

Tyler placed his hand on Josh's thigh and said quietly, " Don't worry about it Josh, we are all guys here and we all have the same problems sometimes."

Josh looked up at him and said, " I know, my brothers and I always were getting boners together, I should be used to it. Do you and Cody ummm."

His sentence died in his mouth as he blushed again, Tyler said, " Are you asking if Cody and I are lovers?"

Josh nodded and said, " Tell me to mind my own business if you like but I'd really like to know."

Tyler looked up at me and raised his eyebrows questioningly, I thought hard for a minute and nodded to him, Tyler lifted Josh's chin up and looked into his eyes then asked, " Will it upset you if we say we are?"

Josh shook his head and replied, " No because I think I'm like that too."

Tyler nodded to him and said, " Well the answer is yes Josh, and we are lovers."

I looked at his young face as he smiled, the smile lighting up his handsome young face; he was the spitting image of his younger of his brothers. My heart lumped in my chest, as I thought of his brothers lying dead and cold in the ground and how it must affect this young boy. I sat down next to him so he was in the middle between Tyler and I and I put my arm protectively around his slim shoulders. He looked up at me and smiled I smiled back and he snuggled into my shoulder.

Josh sat there quietly for some minutes then he said, " I miss my brothers so much we did heaps of things together, I'd have been with them that day but I had to play sport that morning."

I said, " Well Josh just as well you weren't with them or you might have not been here now. You have your whole life ahead of you now and I'm sure you will be successful in the future you are a very bright young guy."

Josh nodded and I felt him shiver slightly then he sobbed softly into my chest, I felt a wetness as his tears ran down my side, I hugged him tight and said, " Cry it all out Josh you need to let it all go so you can begin to heal."

He sobbed and sobbed his young body trembling as he cried, we let him go not saying anything just supporting him with our thoughts and my arm around him while Tyler stroked the boy's thigh gently. Time passed and the tremors passed as Josh cried himself out he began to relax in my arms and Tyler gently lifted the lad's slim muscular legs up onto his lap so the boy could stretch out comfortably. Josh relaxed and laid back his head on my lap and his eyelids grew heavy as he nodded off to sleep. We sat there talking quietly as the boy slept, Tyler was amazed that the boy had admitted he thought he was gay and I said, " He desperately needed to know he wasn't the only gay boy around, I wonder about his brothers if the three were so close do you think they were all gay and messing with each other?"

Tyler shrugged and said, " Only time will tell I think if you are right he will tell us when he is more certain of our friendship."

I looked at the young cutie as he slept and I said, " I could understand if they were he is a handsome well built young guy isn't he?"

Tyler grinned at me and said, " Well he certainly is well hung for a 14 year old, I can see up the leg of his cut offs from here. You know a lot of guys have their first sexual experience with their brothers or cousins, I know I did when I was 12, my brother taught me how to jack off and more."

I looked down the boy's torso to study the crotch of his tight shorts and certainly could see the bulge quite easily, I grinned at Tyler and said, " Pity he's so young isn't it, if he was nearer our age we could really have some fun together."

Tyler sighed and replied, " Yeah if he was only three or four years older he would be an even bigger and better stud that's for sure."

We sat there quietly and after half an hour Josh slowly awoke and stretched his body flexing his young muscles, my eyes took in every nuance as his body flexed, his crotch stretched showing his firm young prick as it nestled in the leg of his shorts. His calves rubbed on Tyler's already erect cock sending a surge through his body as he felt the young lad's muscles rub on his hard pole. The boy sensed that Tyler was excited and his legs began to move slightly but consistently until Tyler had to restrain his movements as he began to get more and more stimulated.

My own tool was standing hard in my shorts as the boy's head rolled about on me, he definitely knew what he was doing and I was now sure he and his brothers had messed about together. I lifted him up off my lap as Tyler put his legs onto the couch, he whimpered in frustration as we sat him up I said, " Enough Josh, you will cause us to have accidents if you keep that up, please behave yourself."

He looked annoyed and said, " I just wanted you to enjoy my being here is that so very wrong?"

I said, " Josh if you were older that wouldn't be a problem but we could get into a lot of trouble with the law this way. Please don't expect us to do sexy things with you, you need to find a guy nearer your own age buddy."

He looked very anguished and screwed up his face as he began to cry again, he looked from Tyler to me and cried, " Oh but my brothers didn't worry about my age why should you?" I said, " Josh, what you and your brothers did together is your business they were your family, we are not your family we are friends and older friends at that. We would be in all sorts of trouble if the authorities found out we were messing about with a 14 year old guy, no matter that we both love you it doesn't count with the law."

He sat there crying again as he shook his head and in a cracked voice mumbled, " I wouldn't tell anyone about us surely you know that? I wouldn't think about getting you into trouble. I never told anyone what my brothers and I did together even my parents don't know."

Tyler cleared his throat and said, " Ahem, Josh we both love you a lot but we can't become involved sexually with you, not from not wanting to but we just can't have sex with you."

Josh looked up at him then said, " Well what if we just jerk off together, each one jacking his own cock, would that be ok? You wouldn't be touching me sexually would you?"

I looked at him and grinned then said, " Well no we wouldn't be touching you but it would be considered to be the same in the eyes of the law."

Josh frowned and said, " But it isn't the same, what if you two were jerking off and I was watching you from say outside the room through a crack in the door?"

Tyler said, " That would be different as long as we didn't know you were there, it would be you perving on us."

Josh smiled triumphantly then said, " So I'll go out of the room and you two can start having sex together and I will watch from the hallway and jerk off my cock."

I laughed uproariously and said, " Great idea, but we know you are going to be there so it would still be wrong wouldn't it?"

Josh frowned again thinking hard then he smiled cheekily and said, " Well I'll go outside and sneak back in then you won't know when I'll be there will you? That should work out alright."

We both broke up and threw our hands in the air saying, " You are impossible young Josh we give up, so now you go outside and we'll see what happens."

He got up and sauntered from the room as Tyler and I laughed together, then Tyler turned to me and we kissed passionately as we fumbled our raging cocks from our clothing. We began to jack off as we kissed and we soon forgot about our young visitor and we soon were panting hard as we neared our united climax. I felt Tyler swelling in my hand as he pulsed my own body was on fire as our tongues tangoed and our hands stroked faster and faster. I heard Tyler groan and he flexed in my grip then I felt his hot cum spraying up onto my chest as he bucked like a bronco on the couch sending me off in unison. We ejaculated together like fire hoses, cum spraying thick and hot rope after rope of sweet juice splattering on our bare sweaty skin. Suddenly we heard a young voice shouting, " OH FUCK OR HELL I'm CUMMING HARD."

We both remembered our visitor and turned together to see him standing in the doorway his cut off at his feet with his red briefs as he held his 6inch cock against his taught stomach muscles as he shot his load straight up his torso. Cum hitting his chin then spraying all over his chest, stomach then dribbling into his cupped hand. He quivered and his abs were spasaming as his nuts emptied and then he wobbled about as his body fell off the pinnacle he had reached. His glazed eyes stared into the lounge room as he raised his hand up dreamily and he licked the sweet offering from his balls.

Tyler looked at me and whispered, " My god have you ever seen a climax like that? Young Josh is unbelievably horny isn't he?"

I nodded my eyes fixed on the adorable apparition quivering in the doorway as my eyes drank in his wondrous young physique, the utter beauty of the pubescent teenager caught in the act of ejaculating. His 6 inch penis glowing bright crimson, filled with his young blood as his heart pounded in his chest to maintain the steel hard boner, the pearly white cum oozing down his glabrous torso contrasting with his well tanned young smooth skin.

Tyler and I were both entranced as he slowly came down from orbit his hand lifting the cum globules absentmindedly from his body as he licked them from his fingers, his eyes cleared as he studied us watching him. He grinned at us and said, " So you also like watching guys cum huh? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did watching you. You were both so hot and Tyler you have the biggest cock I've ever seen it is awesome."

Tyler blushed and said, " What about your brothers weren't they well equipped?"

Josh said, " Yeah they were big but no way as big as you more like Cody in size."

I said, " Well that is good, now you have watched us and blown your load I hope that you are happy now as we wont be doing it again Josh, it is still wrong."

He looked at me and grinned then said, " Ok for now can we talk some more now?"

We both nodded and he said, " I know this might sound crazy but I really would like to see where my brothers died, I would like to go there and say some prayers for them at the spot where they passed away. I know it will give me peace and they will know I've been with them there."

I looked at Tyler; he shrugged and said, " Are you sure about this Josh? It might be too traumatic for you to see the actual spot where it happened, it will upset Cody too he is still suffering from what happened."

Josh said, " Cody if you and I pray together there I'm sure it will lay the ghosts of the accident in both our minds as we share the pain and misery together."

I nodded and said, " Ok Josh if it is that important to you I'll take you up there just let me know when you want to go."

He smiled at me and said, " AS soon as we can get there the sooner we lay the ghosts the better for both of us."

Tyler said, " You are a very wise young man Josh, your not only very handsome you are very intelligent as well for your age."

Josh smiled at Tyler and said, " Thanks Tyler I appreciate your kind thoughts, you and Cody are both really great guys I hope you can be my brothers now, I need older guys to lead me ahead like my brothers did."

I told Josh that we would head off in the morning and said, " Can you be here by about 9o'clock so we can get away just after the peak traffic finishes?"

He nodded and kissed us both then said, " Ok I'll see you in the morning thanks for putting up with me guys, and I love you both."

He walked out and we heard the door close as we stared at each other, Tyler said, " He really is a remarkable young guy isn't he Cody?"

I nodded and said, " I'd love to have known his brothers they must have been unreal guys to have made him what he is today, he is a credit to his parents and his brothers that's for sure."

We went for a shower then after cleaning up we decided to have dinner then veg out in front of the box. 11 pm ticked over on the clock and we took off to bed together enjoying a great fuck before dropping off to sleep. We needed to gather our strength for the long trip up to the river tomorrow.

We slept like logs until my brain conjured up the horrific pictures of the accident, I awoke shivering in a cold clammy sweat, Tyler woken by my moaning cuddled me against his warm body stroking my damp hair as he whispered soothing words in my ear. I slowly relaxed and we dropped off to sleep again and I slept through till the alarm went off at 7 am. I lay there feeling Tyler's warmth beside me as I summoned up the energy to get up for a piss.

I struggled out of bed and padded to the bathroom preceded by my hard morning piss hard on, I forced it down towards the bowl and sighed as my bladder began to empty, the golden stream mixing with the clear water in the toilet bowl stirring it up as the bubbles spread. Tyler hearing me pissing arose and stumbled to my side aiming his boner down and joining me as our streams crossed one another in play. We then showered but behaved ourselves, as we knew we had to get ready for the long drive ahead, we had a heart breakfast of corn flakes, toast and several cups of tea. Then while Tyler did the dishes I made sandwiches and took drinks from the fridge and put it all in the car fridge to keep cool and we were ready to take off as soon as Josh arrived.

The clock showed 8.45 when I heard the door bell chime and there was our young stud Josh dressed in a neat pair of cargo shorts sneakers and a tight white t-shirt, he looked incredibly sexy with his dark hair gelled into spikes and his blue/green eyes sparkling excitedly, even though he had dark circles under them. He bounced in the door and hugged me hard then ran to Tyler and hugged him as well saying, " It's a beautiful day outside I hope things go well today."

Tyler looked at him grinned then said, " I hope so Cody woke up last night having nightmares about the accident again. I hope this trip puts an end to it all."

Josh ran to me and hugged me round the neck pulling my face to his and kissed me saying, " I'm so sorry Cody, I'm sure we will make things better today I can feel it in my heart dude. I had a bad night too spent half of it awake thinking of them. I'm sure we can lay the ghosts today."

I said, " Thanks Josh, I hope so dude. Well lets get on the road guys we have a long drive ahead of us."

We took the gear out to the truck and loaded it in then climbed aboard Tyler and I in front and Josh in the rear seat. We started up and headed out into the late peak traffic. It took an hour to clear the city and get onto the open road as we headed towards the mountains, we had to climb through the first range then there was a long drive to reach the next mountain area where the accident happened.

Here we leave the story we may return to see what happens when the guys reach the area far ahead of them.

Next: Chapter 5

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