Pinning Tyler

By james robinson

Published on Aug 31, 2004


This story is a figment of my imagination, it has never happened to my knowledge and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. The story contains sex between males and if this is not your thing please leave, if you are under age please leave otherwise sit back and enjoy. Any comments or ideas gratefully received, flames will be extinguished on receipt and all emails answered at Thanks to all those who are requesting this story continues.

Pinning Tyler, Chapter 3,


We spent the night together after our insanely hot sex where I took Tyler's cherry, we fucked each other through the night, we would sleep for a while then either one would awaken and sink his baby maker into the hot wet chute of the other. Our rectums were sloppily full of each other's claggy discharges, our cocks slid in without lubrication riding on the previous deposits, which welcomed the invader like a warm blanc mange, squelching around the thrusting shaft as it filled the sloppy space.

Dawn made its appearance as we blearily cracked our tired eyes, I felt as though half of a beach was embedded in my eyelids as I wearily yawned and looked at my incredibly hunky bedmate. Tyler grinned at me with that cheeky erotic smirk grasped my piss pole and said, " Hi there my horny lover, how do you feel this morning?"

I smiled wanly and said, " I feel completely and utterly rooted, as if you didn't already know, my ass feels like a sex swamp, I can feel your juice slopping around in my chute and I badly need to piss before I wet your bed."

He kissed me on my dry lips and squeezed my straining sausage then said, " Well Cody you'd better get up and empty out both ends then I'll do the same, I feel exactly the same my ring is having difficulty containing your sweet juices."

I staggered on wonky legs from the untidy bed and fumbled my way to the toilet across the passageway, I sat on the cold seat and sighed as I felt my tired sore ass explode sending Tyler's beautiful donations down the sewer, my erect cock was refusing to allow me to empty my bladder and I had to bend it painfully down into the toilet pan trapping it under the cold rim. The feel of the cold bowl reduced my hard on like having a cold shower and I relaxed happily as my stretched bladder emptied, I heard bare feet padding on the tiles and looked up to see my horny friend step into the bathroom.

He stood there leaning on the vanity cupboard and said, " Man you sure are unloading a bucket of cum, I didn't think I could produce that much. Just goes to show the effect you have on me sexy one, I just want to keep stuffing you."

I blushed as he leant down and kissed me as I sat on the loo, I was embarrassed to the max but I loved Tyler and couldn't say a word about him snogging me while I was having a crap. It showed he must love me to put up with the aroma issuing from the toilet as I dumped. He laughed at my crimson face and glowing ears then wandered off back to the bedroom, he sat on the bed and said, " Hurry up Cody babe, I really need to go too, I don't want to crap on the bed." I hastened and cleaned up flushed the toilet and turned on the exhaust fan to clear the air for Tyler, I walked out and said, " Go for it Ty, I'll wait here then we can shower together if you'd like to?"

Tyler bounded out and threw himself on the toilet as I layback tiredly on the mussed bed redolent with the aroma of our night of incredible sex. My tired eyelids drooped as I began to nod off again, I lay there lethargically and drowsed, then I was awoken by the feeling of someone stroking my flaccid penis. I peered down to find Tyler kneeling between my splayed thighs stroking me to erection, I chuckled and said, " Haven't you had enough yet? My God you are insatiable, not that I'm complaining you sex fiend."

Tyler snorted and shook his head indicating he definitely hadn't had enough; I squeezed my legs on his head and laughed as he licked my balls. I opened my legs again as his face pressed into my sweaty perineum then he tongued the smooth flesh in the valleys between my nuts and thighs rising up till his wet appendage was laving around my tensed abdominal muscles giggling like a kid as he dove into my navel tickling me sensuously. My cock was erect and trembling with excitement as he grasped it and began to wank me off, his warm strong hand sliding up and down on my silky pole as if he was milking a cow. My breathing became ragged as he excited me with his tender stroking, my engorged knob oozing juice as he milked me, I was panting and arching up off the bed into his hand every muscle tensed, his other hand was roaming all over my torso stroking, patting, feeling and pinching.

My brain was in a raging whirl trying to accept the incredible stimulations being carried out on my body, my groin was aching as my fully charged goolies were tightening and drawing up ready to erupt, to spew my creamy, sperm laden lava out into the morning air. Tyler bent over my swelling purple knob as he saw my piss hole opening wider he aligned his sexy lips on my knob as I bucked up spewing cum out into his hungry mouth as he gulped down my offering. My body felt like the vibrating strings of a violin as Tyler worked me to a howling climax, my groans sounded through the apartment as I humped my crotch and emptied my pounding nuts.

I collapsed back completely satiated as Tyler knelt there swirling my semen around in his mouth then he bent down and kissed me allowing some of my offering to slide into my mouth, a sweet cocktail of my cum and his saliva rolled onto my tongue. I relished the taste kissing him hard tasting what his sensuous mouth had contained as our tongues fenced sexily. We kissed for some minutes before he broke the contact and said, " Mmm nice but we'd better get up and shower off, we both reek of sex, sweat and juices. Let's get cleaned up then we can have breakfast."

I rolled off the bed onto my knees then staggered to my feet as my head spun around, my roiling brain trying to come down from the sexual high so I could return to earth. Tyler put his arm around my waist and guided me towards the bathroom, he led me to the shower recess opened the swing door and turned on the water adjusting the temperature. He pushed me under the spray then joined me as I clung to his slippery smooth body, warm water cascading over us as we hugged and kissed, unbelievably both our cocks erected again and we were soon grinding them together as we reveled in the flowing water.

Tyler turned me and began soaping my back, the sensuous feel as the soap slid up and down on my skin sent high voltage through my body zapping into my nervous system as I quivered under his hands. He reached my ass cheeks and pressed his lips to my ear saying, " Lean over and press your hands against the tiles and open your sexy legs wide I want to wash your gorgeous hole and ass crack."

I groaned and followed his instructions like a zombie, I felt him part my muscled cheeks then the soap slid down my crevice and ran across my puffy ass lips, I trembled and moaned with sensuous pleasure as he burrowed the rounded corner of the soap bar into my anus. He played there for a while then pushed a soapy finger into my ring as I flinched, my ass ring was still sore from the nocturnal pounding but I resisted the urge to groan in pain, as I didn't want him to know I was hurting. He finger fucked me for some time then worked a second finger in as I loosened up a little, he began to twist and turn his digits and opened them as he worked on me. My ring muscle slowly surrendered to his manipulations and he soon had three fingers deep in me, as I moaned deliriously pushing back onto his digits as he played. He leaned into my ass and whispered in my ear, " Cody you are so hot babe, do you want me to root you again now?"

I was lost to his manipulations and begged him to fuck my ass again, he kissed my ear and I felt his inquisitive tongue tip slip into my orifice as he tongued my ear, this sent a quiver through my aroused body and I bucked my ass back onto his three fingers, which were up to his knuckles inside my rectum. I groaned aloud saying, " Oh fuck Ty, stick it up me now I need your hot pole in my wanton ass. I want to feel that fat smooth shaft filling my empty hole."

Tyler kept his fingers in my stretched hole as he pushed the crimson tip of his perfect pole in, as he poked into my widely open ring he pulled his fingers out allowing my anus to snap back like a rubber band around the shaft behind the widely flared head of his prick. I shuddered as it shrank onto his cock, then he slowly but definitely inched a little at a time into my chute, he kept asking if I was ok and I speechless, just nodded with my eyes squinted with the pain. He kept pressing in until I felt the tickling of his wiry black pubes, I grunted in pleasure to know he was now fully inside my body and that the pain would now lessen as I adjusted to his invasion.

Tyler felt my tensed body relax and he asked, " Was I hurting you Cody? Why didn't you tell me I'd have stopped for you? The last thing I want is to hurt you babe."

I groaned and said, " Just a little but I wanted you all the way up my tunnel so I just couldn't tell you that I was still sore from last night. Don't worry about me I can take a little pain to accept your hot cock up my tight hole."

Tyler grinned and said, " You silly bugger, if I'd known you were sore I'd have gone much more gently. "

I grimaced and clenched my ass muscles around his intruder then gently moved back and forth on his slippery pole sending tremors through both our excited bodies as he realized I was now ready for him to root hard. Tyler began to rotate his hips as he plunged into and pulled back in my hole, I moaned as his fat cock head caressed my prostate and bucked with excitement. Tyler was on a hair trigger and my bucking and clenching on his hard tool started his nuts to draw up, my balls erupted and a spray of clear juice fired out as I climaxed, my nuts empty were unable to cum but they sent pre cum out as if I was blowing my load. Tyler felt my body orgasm and his joined mine as he pumped my ass full of his thick semen, his already fat cock swelling by a third as he fired volley after volley up into my intestines. His hips slamming into my round muscled cheeks as he bucked and humped into me.

My legs gave out and Tyler still embedded deep in my guts still spraying his hot sperm gradually slid to the tiled floor with me, as he clutched my hips pulling me hard to his groin. We knelt there on the shower floor water spraying over us as Tyler knelt hunched over my back his teeth clenched on the base of my neck. I moaned and groaned in pleasure and pain as Tyler gave me his semen and a huge hickey on my neck. He let my flesh drop from his mouth and he kissed the bruised area saying, " There Cody I've marked you to show you and I are lovers, would you like to give me a hickey too?"

I moaned and nodded my head then turned to his chest and sank my teeth into his flat muscle, Tyler flinched and his eyes squinted up as my bite tightened, I ground my teeth marking him indelibly. I released him and we lay there with the water spraying over us, we were breathing heavily as we gazed at one another lovingly. My ass slowly released the flood of cum he had donated and it swirled around us before slipping from sight into the drain hole. I mused on the thousands of Tyler's babies drowning down in the sewers as his rich cum drifted away, what a sad thought.

We finally finished showering and dried off, we wandered across to the bedroom and Tyler said, " You want a change of clothes Cory? We are about the same size, help yourself to my stuff."

I was thrilled to think I could pull on his briefs, have my cock nestled in the same place his had been, the thoughts flooded my mind and I felt my prick twitching excitedly. He saw the smile on my face and he grinned at me sensing the thoughts that were flooding my mind. He pulled a pair of pale blue briefs from his drawer and stepped into them pulling them up his legs, he settled his ample genitals into the pouch and stood there as I chose a pair of red briefs and pulled them up. We stood there admiring one another then he tossed me a pair of cargo shorts while he pulled on a pair of denim ones, we donned t-shirts and then slipped on our sneakers. Tyler asked, " What would you like to do today?"

I said, " I don't mind what would you like to do? We could maybe go for a drive or something?"

Tyler nodded and said, " Whose car will we go in? Where would we head for?"

I said, " We can use mine and head off into the back country I know a great trail up one of the rivers near here, it runs miles into the mountains along the valley. Not many people use it as it gets pretty rough in spots and has quite a few creek crossings to contend with."

Tyler grinned and said, " We could pick up some take away food and drink and make a picnic of it, sounds like a great plan."

We left Tyler's and climbed into my Pathfinder and headed to the nearest take away loaded up the car fridge with food and beer then drove out of the city into the back country. I located the dirt track and turned off onto it, kicked in the four-wheel drive as we left the blacktop, the truck took to the gravel and dirt track like an antelope as she reveled in the conditions. We climbed up the side of the mountain looking down into the valley, where the fast flowing river crashed and sprayed over the boulders in it's course, we were soon 500 feet up paralleling the river as I hugged the edge of the narrow trail. I had met a few idiot drivers on this track who traveled too fast for the conditions so I was cautious when approaching corners and I kept a sharp look out in the distance for dust plumes thrown up by approaching vehicles.

We were 15 miles into the wilderness when we rounded a sharp bend and saw an approaching Suzuki; the small vehicle swerved the wrong way in panic and slewed onto the shoulder as I swung the opposite way. In slow motion we watched it tilt and saw the faces of the two young guys in it as they looked helplessly at us and screamed as the small truck left the track and disappeared over the vertical drop. It was about 100 feet to the bottom of the valley at this spot and we pulled up to peer over the edge to see the mangled white wreck on the rocks below. I knew there was a down trail not far ahead so we jumped into the truck and raced to the turn off I gently turned onto the very steep downgrade and engaged low on the gears as we slowly negotiated the trail down.

The truck rocked and rolled as we motored slowly over the boulders, the wheels slipping and sliding as we neared the bottom along the riverbank. We finally arrived at the site of the wreck to find the vehicle destroyed, the roof ripped off and the chassis bent up front and rear, the driver and passenger lying trapped inside the mangled wreck. The driver a young guy about 18 and who looked like the older passenger were both dead, the driver's face had obviously slammed into the windscreen driving his nose bone up into his brain, serum, a mixture of blood and spinal fluid oozing from his nose and ears. His brown eyes, one wide open the other slightly, staring vacantly into space; his mouth gaping open slightly exposing his smashed teeth as he lay across on top of what I'm sure was his older brother, who was hanging out of the truck where the crumpled door had been. The older guy's right arm was nearly torn from his shoulder and his t-shirt ripped open displaying his nipple and below that his flesh ripped open by two protruding broken ribs. This guy maybe 21 years old was torn up considerably as the vehicle had crumpled over on his legs although his handsome face was virtually untouched except he was splattered with his brother's blood and serum. His lower body was wrapped in the crumpled bodywork and hidden from sight from the upper thighs down. Tyler began to vomit which caused me to join him as we stared at the two dead mutilated young guys.

I grabbed my mobile phone but it was useless here in the mountains, there was no service in the area, I helped Tyler back to the truck and said, " Oh shit Tyler, that is so sad two young lives wasted so stupidly. We will have to go back to the main road again to get the authorities, I can't get any service up here."

Tyler was crying and shaking as he repeated over and over, " What a senseless waste, what a waste, they were only around our age."

We started the engine and I turned around with great difficulty on the slippery moss covered smooth rounded river rocks then began the slow climb back up to the main track, we then had to drive all the way back to the main road and travel for some distance to find a hotel where we could ring the authorities. The police told me to go back to the junction of the main road and the track and meet them there so they could find the place and told me that we would have to lead them down to the wreck. I wasn't happy about having to return to the site but realized they would have great difficulty finding the area unless we showed them.

We drove back and parked at the turn off and waited for nearly an hour then saw the police Chevy Blazer roaring up the road, we flashed the lights and they slowed down and pulled up beside us. The senior officer said, " Right lads you lead off and we will follow you, we will have to retrieve the bodies as the ambulance wont attempt the trip up the track."

We started up and led the way up the mountain then turned off at the trail which led down to the wreck, we reached the spot and the police climbed out and checked the bodies for life signs but I told them we checked earlier and found none otherwise we would have tried to remove them from the wreckage. The police asked for our assistance as we had to free the bodies from the twisted metal, much pulling and pushing and we were able to remove the older guy, his legs broken and twisted, broken bones had torn through the guys jeans which were saturated with blood. We now had the younger boy also pinned by the legs and steering wheel and dashboard, which had collapsed over his groin area. More lifting and pulling we managed to raise the column and dashboard up, I had hold of his shoulders by his blood sodden windcheater as they lifted the crumpled steering. I felt his body move so I began to gently pull him across the seats, his bloody head flopping limply as I lifted him up and pulled him free, a piece of the plastic air vent had been driven into his groin by the force of the impact.

I lowered him to the ground beside his brother and then vomited again retching helplessly as I knelt beside him. They had both been very handsome guys and I cried at the stupid waste of two young lives and thought how their parents would feel when the police contacted them.

Tyler came around and helped me to my feet as I cried my eyes out on his chest. The police came around and searched the guy's pockets to find their wallets and obtain their names and address. It turned out they lived not far from my home and I had probably seen them around but couldn't remember their faces although the blood and damage would make it hard to really identify them.

The police thanked us for our assistance and Tyler and I helped them load the bodies into the rear compartment of the big Chevy. We waited for the police to turn and pull away then we followed them up to the trail, Tyler said, " Lets go on to the spot you were going to take me then we can chill out and try to forget what we've experienced." I nodded and turned up the mountain driving till we reached the sidetrack down to the little river flat and meadow where we could relax and chill out. We unloaded the car fridge and picnic rug and made our way down to the grassy river bank and set the rug under the shade of a tree.

We relaxed and stretched out comfortably on the rug and dozed off in the warmth. I had recurring dreams of the Suzuki rolling over the edge and the sight of the two dead guys. I awoke to find Tyler cuddling me to his chest, rubbing my back saying, " its ok Cody we are still alive and we must forget about what we saw."

I nodded as he bent his face and pressed his soft sweet lips against mine as we kissed gently, not passionately but sweetly. We sat there crying out our pain and sorrow over what we had witnessed, Tyler spoke quietly and said, " It wasn't your fault my lover, you did everything right they were on the wrong side of the track and we were lucky you were a careful driver or we might have joined them on the rocks dead."

My tears and trembling eased under his gentle compassionate behavior and he said, " Come on Cody you need some food to keep up your strength and it may help take your mind off the accident."

I nodded but my heart wasn't really into eating but I nibbled some food just to pacify Tyler. We rested by the hurrying river enjoying each other's company in the peace and quiet of the idyllic spot. I now realized why I loved Tyler, apart from his sexy looks and body, he was a very genuine guy and his loving support as we lay there was a huge bolster in my hour of need after the horrific accident. Without him I would have been unable to carry on but his love and care enabled me to come to terms with what had happened.

We chilled out for a few hours under the tree then I felt capable of returning to the city, we loaded our gear into the truck and drove slowly and carefully back out along the track to the main road then headed back to town. Tyler suggested that he would keep an eye on the funeral notices and when the two lads were to be buried we could attend the funeral and pay our last respects and seek closure to the events by saying farewell to them. I said, " That sounds like a great idea Tyler, I think it will be a closing of the sad affair."

The funeral took place five days later and we attended and met the lads' parents and gave them our commiserations and explained to them how it had happened that it was a terrible accident but nobody's fault. Their father nodded and said, " I was told by the police that it was purely an accident and that you weren't to blame, thank you so much for coming and paying your respects to our sons. We appreciate your going to the trouble of attending their funeral. "

We shook hands with him and his wife and they introduced us to their 17year old daughter, Jasmine, and their youngest son, Josh, a lovely lad about 14 years old who hugged both of us as he cried. We hugged him back and cried with him. I said to the boy, " If you need to talk and want someone to talk to I live nearby."

He looked up at me through tear filled eyes and replied, " That would be great can you give me your phone number so I can contact you if I need to talk?"

I wrote out my number and address for him and he placed it in his wallet and smiled through his misery thanking us for our help. We left the church and made our way back to my place where we undressed and climbed into bed together cuddled and kissed till we settled down and dropped off into a deep sleep, locked together with our bodies entwined.

Next: Chapter 4

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