
By Dominic Ashen

Published on Jul 3, 2020


Pinned: Chapter 15

Pinned ======

by Dominic N. Ashen

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Chapter 15 ----------


"Dude, this is like the third time you've split up, why do you keep getting back together with her?" I'm pretty sure I heard Marcus ask Andrew that question last time, too.

"You don't understand man, we just have this connection..." Andrew trails off as his eyes begin to water again, mourning his recent breakup.

I (and everyone else in the living room) roll our eyes at that. It's been a pretty quiet afternoon since getting back from breakfast with Lance. I took a nap and then did a little work on my thesis paper, but for the last hour or so I've been taking a break, having a beer with a few of the brothers. It's me, Mike, Pete, Jeff, Fred, Aaron and a few of the other guys who live in the house hanging around with the TV on in the background.

"So, anyways," Fred decides to press on, ignoring Andrew sniffling. "The game last night was pretty good. Almost had to go into overtime."

The sound of the front door opening pulls my attention away from the rest of Fred's story, because it's Lance! I smile at him as he closes the door, and he smiles at me brightly in return, walking towards the group. I'm just about to take a step back to make room for him in our little circle, when he steps up to me, pulls me towards him, and kisses me.

Wait, what?

"I love you." He tells me as he breaks the kiss, still smiling widely.

"I... Love you too?" I don't mean it to sound like a question, but I hope Lance understands why as I turn to the rest of the people in the room somewhat confusedly. Even the guys who already knew Lance's secret look surprised.

"I'm gay." Lance tells the baffled faces before reaching for my hand. "And John and I are together."

"Cool?" A timid Marcus pipes up from the couch after a long silence.

"Yeah, cool." Andrew agrees, Lance's announcement enough to distract him from his melodramatic relationship issues.

"Wait, you're gay?" Fred asks his little brother. I get the confusion. The two of them were obviously close last year, but I'm not sure they've really talked in a while.

"Oh, hey Fred." Lance responds sheepishly, apparently only just now bothering to check who's in the room. Oh boy. "Y-yeah. Heh."

"I guess we need to catch up, huh little bro?" Fred looks at Lance thoughtfully. "I didn't see this coming at all."

"Yeah, I didn't either." Everyone looks at me confused. "Not the gay thing. The coming out thing." I turn to Lance. "Everything okay? This isn't exactly what we talked about earlier."

"Yeah. Really good actually." He looks happy. "Just kinda riding the momentum of a good afternoon."

"What'd ya do?" Marcus asks, eager to talk about anything other than Andrew's girl problems.

"I, uh...quit the wrestling team." There were small grumbles of disagreement. "No, it's okay, I've been wanting to. Then I came out to my first person, and it went really well, so I decided to...come straight here after." Lance pauses his story, looking down for a moment in thought. "Everyone' with that, right?"

Rounds of "yeah" and "of course" came from the room. I'd say Lance picked a good group of guys to come out to, but I'm not sure he thought this through at all.

"Really, man, I just had no idea." Fred repeats his responses from earlier. "I don't think I've really seen you much around the house at all lately."

"Oh, he's been here." Jeff wisecracks before grunting in pain when Pete elbows him in the stomach.

"That's kinda why I wanted to do it." Lance shrugs. "I haven't really been able to be myself much around here lately. Or ever, I guess."

"You can always talk to us." Fred puts a hand on Lance's shoulder before sipping his beer. "We're your brothers. Seriously, I'm happy for you little bro."

"Thanks, big bro." Lance claps him on the forearm before turning to me. "Actually, can you and I talk, sir-ooome? Can you and I talk some?" Nice attempt at a save, boy.

"Yeah, of course." I ignore Jeff's chortle at Lance's slip up, leading Lance from the room and down the hall to mine.

"So someone had a busy day, huh?" I close the door behind us.

"You could say that, Sir." Lance grins as he sits on my bed. "Just feeling really good about everything right now."

"I'm happy to hear that." I sit on the bed next to him. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I want to call my parents and come out to them too," Lance responds without hesitation.

"Oh." Wow he didn't even hesitate. "Okay. You know I will support you no matter what, but..."

"You don't think I should?" I immediately regret what I'm saying when I hear Lance's crestfallen tone.

"It's not that," I try to reassure. "I just mean, you've just been through a crazy 24 hours. You've made a bunch of pretty big decisions in the last couple of hours, and this is an even bigger one. I'm not saying not to do it, but...maybe just sleep on it? Only for a night. If you still feel the same way in the morning, you can give them a call and I'll be right here with you."

I watch Lance as he thinks over my proposal. I feel bad, I didn't mean to discourage him. I'm just not sure he's fully thought through what coming out to your parents fully entails. I don't know anything about Lance's parents, but I do know the consequences of coming out to them can sometimes be pretty harsh.

"Okay. I'll wait until tomorrow." Lance nods to himself before slipping into a playful grin. "So does that mean I'm sleeping over?"

"Well I wasn't planning on it or anything." I tease as I lean my body against his. "But I guess I could make room for you or something."

"Mmmm." Lance leans in and kisses me, but pauses after a second. "Oof. I ate a little too much for lunch. Could we maybe...wait a little bit." He rubs his stomach a little.

"Sure, boy," I chuckle. "How about we just hang out for a little?" If he was going to spend the night he'd need to run back to his dorm to grab a couple things anyway. "I'm not in a rush. Besides, I think you and I are due for a nice long reacquainting session as Sir and boy. It's been a while."

"I really am sorry, Sir." Fuck, I again regret my words as soon as I hear Lance's apology.

"No, boy, I didn't mean it like-"

"I know, it's not my fault," Lance cuts me off, determined. "It still feels shitty though. I hated lying to you. From the very start... Remember that guy I told you I was fooling around with, like two months ago? The 'straight' athletic student? That was Brian. That was my way of...sticking to the rules about when we see other guys, while still keeping it a secret."

"Oh." I truthfully haven't given that guy another thought since long before the breakup. "Lance, you could have told me everything, or nothing, about that guy, I still wouldn't be mad at you. I'm sorry for even putting you in a situation where you felt like you had to lie to me." Having my 'rule' backfire in me like that makes me feel more than a little gross.

"No, that's not what I meant." Lance sounds frustrated. "I liked our rules. I liked being yours. I hated that he took that away from me. That he made me break them."

"I..." I can tell this is really bothering Lance. "What can I do to help?"

"Well...I broke a rule, Sir." Lance states matter-of-factly. "Shouldn't you...shouldn't you punish me?"

"Lance... I'm not going to punish you for that." Is he serious? "I told you, that wasn't your fault. That wasn't what the rule was meant for. That was an extremely fucked up extenuating circumstance." I reach for his hand.

"I know, I know." He sighs but lets me hold his hand. "I still don't feel good about how things ended. I just want things to be like how they used to."

"I told you, we'll get there." I give his hand a squeeze. "We're taking it slow, remember? Just you and me."

"I know, Sir. I'm not saying that's not what I want. There's just this feeling... Maybe punishment isn't the word. It's just like I need..." He pauses, getting frustrated with himself.

"A reminder about who you belong to?" I finish his thought, thinking that's what he's trying to say.

"Yes, Sir. Exactly." He smiles at that. "Just because we're taking it slow...I don't want you to wear the kiddie gloves with me again. I don't want to start all the way over."

"I think I might be able to help you with that, boy." I smile, before poking him in the stomach. "Later tonight when you can actually move around."

"Ugh. I'm so horny though." Lance flops onto his back defeated. "Shouldn't have had that second burger."

"Why did you eat two burgers?" I join him in laying down.

"I had a point to prove." Lance sounds determined.

"To who?" And what kind of point do you make by eating two burgers?

"...Myself?" Lance questions himself.

"See, this is why boys like you need to be kept on a tight leash." I poke him again in the stomach.

"You can punish me for that, then." He bats my hand away.

I chuckle and sit up on the bed, grabbing my phone so I can throw something on the TV. Lance curls up on my side with his head in my lap, which really doesn't do me any favors given that I've got a boy that's too full for me to have my way with him. But I'm a patient man. I throw on something silly - Big Mouth is good - and relax, stroking my hand through Lance's hair.

We watch a few episodes, about an hour and half's worth. At some point, Lance sinks to the floor, pulling me towards the edge so he can sit between my legs. It's not a position he's taken with me before, but I don't mind it. I also don't mind when he flips around one episode later and begins mouthing at my cock through my shorts.

"Mmmm." I run my hands through his hair again, grabbing him softly and pulling him into my crotch.

I let him work my dick through the fabric, already half hard since he sat at my feet. My shorts are pretty loose, and I hike up one of the legs, pulling my cock out through the bottom. Lance immediately attacks it with his mouth, moaning low as he wraps his lips around my head. I feed him the rest of my cock slowly, holding his head down once he's reached his limit just long enough to feel him gag, then release him.

Lance pulls back with a gasp, but immediately dives back in for more. He bobs his head slowly up and down the first few inches of my cock hollowing, hollowing his cheeks as he sucks in and runs his tongue along the bottom. My hand still in his hair, I let him work me for a few minutes longer. I can tell when he starts to really get into it - and that's when I pull him up.

"Wha?" Lance looks between me and my dick, confused.

"I want a lot more than just your mouth, boy." A lot more. "I think it's time for you to run back to your room, do your prep work, and pack a bag for tonight. Bring your cage."

Lance's eyes brighten when I mention his cage. "Yes, Sir."

He stands, and so do I , pulling him into me before he has a chance to step away. I kiss him hard, biting at his lips and grabbing his ass roughly, smacking it a few times. I can feel his own hard cock rubbing against me through his shorts. I turn him around and shove him towards my door, sending him down the hall with another spank. He looks back at me bashfully, but continues down the hall with a wave. I hear a few cat calls from the living room as Lance passes through, and then I hear the door shut.

I give myself a second, adjusting my cock once it's soft enough so I can step out into the living room. I need to make a few things clear to the guys, and doing it without an obvious erection is probably for the best. I expect there to be some ribbing, because that's what frat brothers do to each other. But, especially after everything that just happened, I need to look out for my boy.

"Alright guys, this should go without saying, but if anyone gives Lance a hard time about this, I'll kick their asses." I state to the room of men still gathered around doing nothing in particular.

"Aww, you know we were just fucking around, boss." Jeff says from the couch. "You know we'll look out for him."

"I know. And I know he can handle it." He's not helpless. "But I mean that more for people who aren't in this room right now, you know?"

"Hey, he's our brother." Fred states plainly, and repeats Jeff's sentiment. "We'll look out for him."

"Thanks guys." I wave and head back to my room.

"Aww, he wear you out frat daddy?" Jeff calls to me.

"Why, you want a turn too, boy?" I call back.

Unlike Lance, there really isn't much I need to do to prepare for tonight. Tops luck out in that department, so remember to tip your bottoms. Still, I am cooking up a plan that will require some setup. With how subby he was acting, and the whole asking for a punishment thing, I think I know what Lance needs tonight.

I get back to my room and open one of my toy drawers, grabbing my wrist and ankle cuffs, attach the ankle cuffs to the bed. Lance is bringing his cage, and I don't think I need much else. I think about grabbing a paddle, or maybe my gloves, but no. My hand will be better.

After that, I wait. I'm in no rush, like I said, tops get the long end of the stick. I throw some background noise music on and relax. I think about my plans for the evening, maybe stroke my cock a little. It's about an hour later when Lance texts that he's on his way back over. I switch the playlist and open my door for him preemptively.

"Hey, Sir." Lance pokes his head in the doorway, the rest of him following.

"Hey, boy." I let him close the door behind him before pulling him into me, his bag falling to the ground.

I stand there kissing him for a moment, before I grab his hair, tugging his head to one side. I kiss my way down his neck slowly, while reaching a hand down to grab that fat ass of his I've missed so much. Hope that doesn't go anywhere without wrestling. I continue my necking as I pull him into me roughly, noticing the familiar feeling of hard plastic poking against me.

I attack his lips with my own again, the thought of him already in chastity throwing fuel on the fire. After a minute of this I pull us apart reluctantly, moving my hand from his ass to his crotch and cupping his caged cock.

"Someone couldn't wait for me, huh?" I squeeze his already leaking length.

"No, Sir." He sounds breathless after our kissing. "I thought you'd like that."

"Good boy." I release my hold on his hair. "Where's the key?"

Lance reaches into his pocket and procures the requested key. I take and hold it aloft between us for a moment.

"You know, now that you don't have practice, there's going to be a lot less reason for the cage to come off," I threaten, if that's what you want to call it.

"I know, Sir." Lance bites his lip. That's my boy. I toss the key onto my desk where I hear it land with a clatter.

"Strip." I give the order and walk around Lance, observing as he removes his clothing until he's standing in nothing but a jockstrap, the bulge of his cage visible. He says nothing, eyeing me a little warily as I 'inspect' my boy. He wants a reminder of who he belongs to? Well I'm happy to give it to him.

I circle him one more time before I pounce on him, my hands on his body and my mouth on his. My kisses are rough and biting, and I grab a fistful of hair to hold him in place as I shove my tongue into his mouth. I feel Lance rumble with a groan, doing his best to kiss me back. Pleased with myself, I squeeze his exposed ass appreciatively, pulling him into me.

Once I feel my boy has been thoroughly ravished, I'm ready for the next part of the evening. I release my hold on him, stepping backwards towards the bed. I make sure all my tools for the night are in place before sitting in the center of the bed and patting my thigh. "Over my lap, boy."

Lance's eyes open a little wider in surprise, but he quickly moves to obey. I help settle him over my lap, before reaching towards the foot of the bed and grabbing the cuffs I've left there.

"Remember your safeword?" I use the question to make it clear the evening he's in for.

"Tap out, Sir." I wonder if he'll want to change that now.

Once I'm satisfied with his position, I bend his legs at the knee so I can attach the cuffs, tightening the buckles around each ankle. I lower each leg, clipping them to the bondage strap I left sticking out for myself earlier, adjusting the length after testing to hold his legs in place.

"Hands behind your back." Lance's chest sinks into the bed as he complies, his wrists moving the small of his back. I attach the remaining cuffs to his wrists, settling them in position and linking them together with a carabiner.

"Remember, this isn't a punishment." I slowly rub my hand along his ass.

"How many, Sir?" Lance turns his head to the side to ask.

"However many it takes, boy." I set to work immediately, smacking the plump ass in front of me. I set a steady but slow pace at first, hitting just hard enough to sting. We're just warming up for now.

It isn't long before Lance's ass starts turning a nice pink color, his breathing getting a little heavier the longer we go on. I start to speed up slightly, letting my hand fall a little harder as well. Soon enough I am rewarded with the occasional gasp or curse as the sting of each spank gets worse, and worse.

My boy has a big ass, and I make sure to pay each inch of it equal attention. I'm starting to feel the same sting in my hand, but I'm prepared to go much longer then this. I don't think it will take too long though, I'm already starting to see some of the reaction I want from him. He wanted a reminder, so I'm giving it to him. Going to keep this up until he breaks. The restraints are here to help hold him in place because I expect him to start fighting me before too long.

His ass is bright red now, and I can feel the heat radiating off it each time it connects with my hand. As the spanking continues, I hear a few muttered curses, the first of many. Soon after that, I see his arms attempt to rise, and I quickly use my free hand to pin them in place. Once I'm smacking his ass about as fast and hard as I'm planning to, he really starts to thrash. Probably would have bucked off the bed by now if I hadn't tied his legs down.

Thankfully it only takes a couple of minutes more before I get what I'm looking for: a sob of frustration. It only takes a few more smacks if my hand before this turns into full on crying, the struggling ceasing at the same time as Lance slumps into my lap and accepts his fate. Which is what I (and he) wanted. I pepper that sore surface with a few more smacks, before slowing and then stopping as the sobbing wracks his body. I give him a moment, running my hand along the sheen of sweat covering his back before unclipping his wrists. I run those same hands over his poor abused ass, the sweat causing the blonde fur to stick to his skin. Once he's calmed, I lean down and release his ankles, carefully sliding out from under him and pulling him towards me on the bed.

Instantly, he buries his face in my chest, sniffling as he inhales deeply. I can remember back when we first started seeing each other, how it took us a moment to figure out this position because of the few inches of height he has on me. I rest my chin on his head and stroke his sweaty back, feeling his still pounding heartbeat start to slow. His breath evens out, and I'm left with a cuddly and well-spanked boy in my arms.

"Feel better?" I ask, pulling the two of us apart slightly.

"Yes, Daddy." The emotions pulling my favorite pet name from Lance as he sniffles again, his eyes red from crying. "That was..." He can't seem to find the words.

"Different, but good?" I finish for him. "It's a release. It's giving up control and having no choice but to accept what's happening to you. Plus, it just feels good to cry sometimes."

"Makes sense." Another sniffle, and he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.

I give him a few more moments to compose himself, just lazily running my hand up and down his body as he snuggles into me. I feel his own hand begin to do the same to me, and mine goes from 'lazy' to 'exploratory' in response. I lightly scratch my nails down his back, stopping when I reach the start of his ass. I rub my palms across the heated skin slowly, eliciting a groan from Lance.

"Fuck, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow," the boy whines.

"Probably," I taunt, grabbing a meaty handful and squeezing. "Still got the rest of tonight to deal with, too."

"I do?" Lance pouts. "But Sir, I'm injured."

I roll on top of Lance, spreading his legs and pinning his arms. He groans as his ass makes contact with the mattress. "You once pulled a muscle during practice and then still limped your way back to my room in the middle of the night to get some dick." I lower my face inches from his. "I think you'll survive." I don't let him respond, attacking his lips again.

I feel Lance's arms attempt to move, but I hold them in place above his head until I'm through kissing him. With one last bite of his lips, I release him, moving down and partially off the bed, helping to flip him onto his stomach. Knowing what I'm after, he raises his poor sore ass into the air for me, and I pounce on it like a starving man.

I squeeze and smack at Lance's ass lightly, pulling a few groans from him. I missed this ass. I spread his sore cheeks and dive for his hole. Lance whines at the scratchiness of my beard, but sighs when he feels my tongue on his hole. I lap at it slowly, tracing my way up and down his crack. I can feel the heat of his ass in my hands, and I knead the flesh gently as I work.

Lance pushes back against me despite his soreness. I continue to squeeze at his ass as I start to dip my tongue into his hole. I slip it in and out, each time pushing just a little bit deeper. Every few seconds I'll lap over the hole a few times before pushing my tongue back into him. Once I'm as deep as I can go, I give his ass a few smacks as I start to tongue fuck him.

I hear a muffled groan as I slide my wet tongue in and out of Lance, which only pushes me to go further. Fuck, I haven't eaten anyone out in weeks. That's a really long time for me, okay? I've said this before, but I love eating pussy. And Lance's pussy will be the only one I will be eating for the foreseeable future. Which I am more than okay with.

I take my time and eat my fill, continuing to squeeze and play with Lance's ass to torment him. Good boy that he is, my boy just lays there and takes it, whimpering and moaning for me while I work. When I'm finished, I give him one last spank and stand, helping him flip back onto his back. Knowing what's next, he stuffs a pillow under his butt while I grab the lube.

I've got the bottle in my hands as I shuffle back between Lance's spread legs. His face is flush, and I can see a wet spot on his jock, so it seems like he's enjoying himself. I squirt some lube into my hand and slowly stroke it up and down my cock, making a show of it for Lance. His eyes are glued to my crotch, and he licks his lips subconsciously.

I reach my lube-slathered hand down to his already wet hole and push inside. I just fucked him this morning, so it's not like Lance needs much prep, but I still wanna get him nice and slick for me. I add a second finger and scissor him open briefly, before pulling out and lifting his legs to my shoulders.

Lance watches as I reach down and aim my cock at his ass. I'm gripping it in one hand while I push back on his thigh with the other, exposing his hole to me more fully. I push my hips forward and rub my cockhead against his opening. I watch as it twitches and puckers against me, teasing me to enter.

Who am I to turn that down? I press myself forward, forcing my cockhead into Lance's ass. Watching the ring of muscle stretch around me. I keep pushing, watching inch after inch of my dick disappear into Lance, all while he's letting out a soft groan as he's filled. Once I'm fully inside, I lean down, kissing my boy while bending him nearly in half.

I lean back up and waste no time in getting to work, holding down both of Lance's thighs as I start to move my hips. I make my strokes long and steady, pulling nearly all the way out before sliding back in. I keep this up until out of the corner of my eye, I see Lance's feet start to wiggle. That gets me to start moving faster, and I see Lance's expression shifting as I do.

Once I'm really pounding into him, I start to feel the all-too familiar twitching of his hole. I'm about to make him cum. I see his hands gripping onto the sheets, his toes curling in the air, and then his hole starts to push and yep, there it is. Lance groans as the prostate orgasm washes over him. The constant prodding of his prostate only serves to make the precum spot on his jock bigger.

"That's a good boy," I soothe Lance as he catches his breath, slowing down for just a moment. "Only nine more to go."

"What?!" Lance's eyes shoot open.

I pull the next two p-gasms out of him in the same way, my hands on his thighs, rapidly slamming my cock in and out of him. Between each orgasm, it's just a litany of muttered swears and gasps. It's all the poor thing can do to hold on and take it, doing his best to keep his moaning and groaning low.

For the next three, I lean back down, once again folding Lance like a book so I can kiss him. Thanks to his flexibility, I'm able to wrap my arms around his legs and reach for his chest. I rub and squeeze at his pecs, pinching his nipples lightly when my thumbs stroke over them. Each time he cums, Lance sobs into my mouth with pleasure, and I fuck him with my tongue as deeply as my cock is his ass.

Once the tally is up to six, I pull out, flipping Lance onto his stomach. I admire his still red ass, seeing his wet hole slightly distended from the abuse it's received already. Then I climb up his body and plant my dick right back inside him. I wrap an arm around Lance's neck, cutting off his air just a little, and forcing it back to kiss me. I start to fuck straight down into his ass, knowing it won't be long before he's cumming again. And again. And again.

"And that makes nine." I pant, needing a moment to catch my own breath. "Just one more to go.

Lance says nothing, can't say anything, poor thing is too exhausted. He just whimpers into the sheets. I nuzzle his neck while I let him rest, but only for a minute, then my arm is around his waist, holding him against me as I shift us to our sides together, my dick still inside of him.

My hand still on his waist, I hold him in place as I start pumping my hips again. No going slow, I get right to work, not just to get him to cum one final time, but also to cum myself. We've been at this for at least thirty minutes now and I am ready to blow. I nuzzle against Lance's back as I work the both of us towards our climaxes.

"C'mon boy, just one more," I growl low. "Give it to daddy."

Lance is again non-verbal, but I can tell he's getting close. It's just whimpers, moans, and the wet sounds of my cock pushing in and out of his ass. My hand drifts down to his caged and jock-covered dick, the puddle of precum I've forced out of him nearly soaking the whole thing. I hold his balls in my hand and squeeze lightly, running my thumb over the fabric.

Apparently that's all Lance needs, and soon his pussy starts clamping down on me for the tenth and final time that evening, a long, continuous moan pouring out of his mouth. I fuck him through it, holding his waist tightly again, all the while jackhammering my cock in and out of his hole. It doesn't take me much longer to spill over the edge myself, and I bite into his shoulder as I do, growling into his skin.

The two of us lay there, drenched in sweat and panting like dogs. That...that was a lot. But I bet my boy won't forget who owns him now. I'm glad I moved us onto our sides beforehand, so the two of us can just lay here for a while. I stroke his sweaty-covered furry belly as we both come down from the endorphin high.

"...Sir?" I barely hear the timid question coming from Lance's front.

"Yeah boy?"

"I know I had a lot for lunch but...I'm really hungry again," he sheepishly admits, and I can't help but laugh. I tilt my head up to look at the clock when I'm through.

"Chinese food will be here in eighteen minutes." I flop my head back down onto a pillow. "Scheduled an order before you got here."

"Oh my god, you're the best."

Once our food arrived, I threw on some shorts and padded my way to the living room to grab it for us. A couple of the guys were still there, and because I made no attempt to clean myself up, they made sure to give me shit for it. Which was fine. I was too fucked out to care at that point. Lance and I ate in my room, watching stupid TV shows until we passed out.

We woke kind of early the next morning. Much earlier than I would have liked for a Sunday. But once Lance was awake, he started thinking about whether or not he wanted to call his parents. And he's been pacing in my room, going back and forth between the two options for nearly an hour.

"I still really want to tell them."

"So tell them."

"But what if they freak out!"

"Then don't tell them."

Lance says nothing, just glares at me annoyed.

I snort a laugh. "Babe, I'm sorry, but this is a decision I can't make for you."

"I just wish I had some idea about what was going to happen." He finally sits on my bed, crossing his arms. "What happened when you came out to your parents?"

"Oh boy, that was...ten years ago, wow." I haven't really thought about that in a long time.

"You were sixteen?" Lance snorts in surprise. "That's young. You were still in high school."

"Yep, but I was ready." I've known I was gay since I was around twelve. "My family is...interesting. I was nervous but had a pretty good feeling my parents would be okay with it."

"Why's that?"

"Well, my mom's side of the family is kind of conservative, but my Dad's... My grandparents on his side? Hippies." I lean back on the bed as I settle in to tell the story.

"What?" 'Hippies' is a pretty broad term I guess, but...

"Like, long haired, pot smoking, tinted-glasses wearing hippies." I'm not trying to stereotype people but seriously, they'd be the picture in the dictionary. "My grandpa gave me a bag of pot for my 18th birthday. Dad wasn't really happy about that. He's a lot more down to earth than them, but he's always been pretty open-minded, I guess?"

"I get it. What about your mom, though?" Lance scoots to lay next to me.

"Like I said, they're a lot more conservative. Upper class, rich, republican, but it's not like I had ever heard them saying anything racist or homophobic. My mom has always been a little more straight-laced than my dad, I really didn't know how she would take it. She's a lawyer. Both of them are, actually."

"Wow, how did your parents even meet?"

"College. Three years of law school together can do that, I guess." I've heard that story enough times myself. "Mom is a corporate attorney, while Dad tends to do more non-profit and pro-bono stuff. Opposites attract."

"Wow, and they get along and everything?" Most people seem surprised when I talk about my parents.

"Honestly, yeah, I've almost never seen them fight. They've always been super loving and supportive of me and each other." My parents have always been good about communicating. "My dad likes to tell me they're like a gender-swapped Dharma & Greg and I like to tell him that I'm not old enough to get that reference."

Lance chuckles and then looks up at me expectedly. "'d they take it?"

"Like I thought. Dad was great about it. All the 'we love you no matter what' stuff. But mom... Well, I got asked about being sure or if it might be a phase more than once." That was a difficult couple of weeks. "She tried to set me up on a date with a girl, asked how I could know if I'd never even tried... That was one of the few times I actually can remember them fighting. I packed a bag and crashed with a friend for the night."

"I'm sorry." Lance throws an arm around my waist. "What happened after that?"

"Dad called me the next morning and we talked. We decided I'd come home before dinner so my mom could talk to me. He said she wanted to apologize but was still figuring out what to say." I run my hand through my hair, that was a weird day. "I tried to just...relax and hang out with my friend, but I was too wound up. Ended up coming home early."

"They both hugged me, told me they loved me," I continue telling the story, lying back on the bed fully. "My mom said she was sorry. That she wasn't going to question me or try to...set me up with a girl again. That she felt so terrible, she loved me no matter what, never wanted me to think differently. There was a lot of hugging and crying."

"Was she better about things after that?" Lance asks tentatively.

"Things were weird for a little while after that, but eventually she came around." My mom tried her best. "My grandma - Dad's mom - explained it to me later. She was mourning. Not me, but the life she wanted for me."

"But it's not her life," Lance points out.

"Exactly. And eventually she understood that too." My mom and I have a great relationship now.

"When did you tell your grandparents?"

"So, Mom's family... My mom wanted me to wait to tell them. I was okay with that, for the most part. It's not like I had a boyfriend to bring to family gatherings, and there was nothing I really had to 'hide.'" I shrug. "I told a couple of my cousins I knew I could trust, but waited until I was eighteen before telling the grandparents officially. They were... Well I saw where my mom got a lot of her questions. They were never outright shitty or treated me any differently. For a while they just kinda pretended it never happened. But eventually they came around too."

"What about your other grandparents?" Lance pokes my stomach playfully.

"They took it much better. They were maybe a little too supportive."

"Like how?"

"For the first year they both kept trying to set me up. I met a lot of their friends' grandkids." Most of whom I had nothing in common with.

"Wow, so everyone but your dad tried to get you laid, huh?" Lance teases.

"Oh no, see, after he found my porn stash with all the leather and kink stuff? He introduced me to one of his friends who's a Dom," I deadpan, reliving the mortifying moment in my memory.

"WHAT?" Lance raises his body to look down at me in shock.

"Yeah. I came home one day and found out he had to borrow my computer. The computer on which I had left a bunch of tabs open." It wasn't the light stuff either. "I thought I was having a stroke while I stood there, listening to my father tell me that it's perfectly natural to be interested in looking at videos of men being tied up. He just wanted to make sure I understood what 'enthusiastic consent' meant. I almost screamed when he used the word 'safeword.'"

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." Lance buries his face in my chest out of embarrassment.

"I thought that was the end of it, but then next week, Dad's handing me the phone and I'm talking to 'Master Steve', a friend of his from college." I've never wanted to crawl into a hole faster then when my dad handed me that phone.

Lance's eyes go even wider. "Holy shit. Did you meet him?"

"No. Well, not then at least. I explained to him, very loudly while standing in front of my father, that while I appreciated the gesture, this was the most embarrassing thing he could have possibly done, and would he please explain to my father that a child does not want to discuss their porn habits and kinks with their parents or their friends." I don't think I could look my dad in the eyes for a week after that phone call.

"Wow. You said, 'not then' though?"

"A few years later I ended up meeting him at a bar. We didn't realize who each other were until he heard my last name." Steve actually ended up being a pretty good confidant when it came to kink stuff. "He actually taught me a few things about impact play."

"So I should thank him for your spanking skills?" Another tease.

"You still haven't thanked me for my spanking skills." I poke him in the stomach this time. "You're avoiding your problem, though. What's your decision?"

Lance sighs. "I'm going to call them. Can... Can you stay in the room with me? Not to talk or anything, I just..."

"Of course, boy." I pull him into me before the two of us sit up. "I'll be right here."

"Okay." He stands. "Let me just go pee real quick."

I roll my eyes as he makes his way into my bathroom, returning a moment later. He resumes his place on the bed next to me, holding his phone. He takes a breath. Maybe a few. Then he opens it up and scrolls through his contacts. He stops when he finds it, and I squeeze his thigh. I'm ready when he is.

"Here we go." He taps the contact for his mother, hitting the speaker phone button once the call begins connecting.

"Lance?" A woman's voice filters out of the phone's speaker.

"Hey, Mom." Lance smiles a little when he says her name.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Her tone perks up once she knows it's her son.

"I'm good. Is Dad home?"

"Yeah, you wanna talk to him?"

"Actually, can you get him and both of you go on speaker? I need to talk to both of you." He's trying not to sound nervous.

"Sure, just a sec." We hear the sounds of a phone being put down and the name 'Jack' being shouted. A second later, there's more clattering and the background noise coming from the phone changes as there's is put on speaker.

"Hey son, what's going on?" And that would be his father, Jack.

"Is everything alright, Lance?" And his mom is there too, good.

"Yeah, everything's good. I just needed to talk to you both about something." I can see Lance's nerves starting to creep on him.

"Okay, well, we're listening."

"It's about me. I, um..." I can see Lance's leg starting to bounce, and I give his thigh another squeeze. He takes a breath and exhales. "I'm gay."

There's silence, and for a moment I fear the worst. Then his dad speaks up.

"Are you sure?"

"Jack." That his mom.

'What! I'm just asking if he's sure!" I have to hold in my laughter at that.

"You do not ask your son, who just told you he's gay, if he's sure!" I hear the sound of what I assume is a slap on the arm.

"Mom, it's okay." Lance laughs a little himself. "Dad, I'm sure."

"Okay. That's all I wanted to know." He says that more to Lance's mom than Lance. "Son, you know your mother and I will love and support you no matter what."

"Thank you for finally telling us, sweetie." I can feel the warmth coming through the phone.

Lance is smiling. But then the smile falters. "Wait, what do you mean 'finally?'"

There's silence for a good ten seconds, before we hear a cough. "Mom!"

"Well... you'd have those girlfriends in high school, but you never brought any of them home..." She trails off.

"After a while your mother and I started to wonder if maybe you might be..." He trails off as well.

"Oh my god." Lance wipes his hand down his face. I give him a sad smile and a sympathy belly rub.

"Sometimes parents just get these feelings." Mom tries to explain. "We knew we'd still love you no matter what."

"I love you guys too." Lance sighs, the weight of the conversation finally lifting.

"Is there anything else?" She asks. "Everything going alright with school?"

"How's wrestling?" Dad chimes in.

"Uh..." Lance's eyes bug out. Don't think he planned for that one. "Actually, I...kinda quit the wrestling team. And I might be changing my major."

"You what?!" The question is dueted by both voices.

"I love you guys, I'll call you later okay? Bye!" Lance quickly hangs up the phone and throws it onto my nightstand like it just burned him.

"What was that?" I can finally laugh out loud at his antics.

"Me coming out to my parents?" At least he's cute when he plays dumb.

"Uh huh." I nod my head before pulling him down onto the bed with me. "That's going to be a fun conversation you have with them later." As I finish my sentence, Lance's phone begins to ring. "Or right now."

My poor boy can only groan in response. I should go make some popcorn.

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Next: Chapter 8

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