
By Dominic Ashen

Published on Jul 3, 2020


Pinned: Epilogue

Pinned ======

by Dominic N. Ashen

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Epilogue --------


Fuck, I overslept. Probably shouldn't have taken that nap after the gym, but it felt so good. Classes are officially over, and tonight is the annual end of semester PAK party. If I hurry I won't get there too late. Just gotta do a little prep work in the shower and grab a change of clothes.

It only takes me about twenty minutes, I knew this was coming so I watched what I ate today. Practically have it down to a science now. Can't say a year ago this is where I thought I'd be, but I'm not really sure I foresaw any amount of douching in my future then. I was so naive.

I throw on a t-shirt and some shorts. Shouldn't need to bring anything else. I'll be spending the night tonight, but one of the great things about not sneaking around anymore is getting to leave some of my stuff in my boyfriend's room. It's mostly just some clothes, as I generally try not to borrow anything of John's when it comes to clothing. There was this one time I actually thought it was kinda cute, but then after breakfast one of the guys noticed I had on the same old frat shirt as his date who had spent the night... Well, I've made sure not to repeat that mistake.

I grab my phone and my keys and head out. I told Dave about the party earlier, he said he'd be able to swing by a little later. I was glad when he and I finally got the chance to sit down and talk about everything. I told him why I had been acting so weird the last month, and he was apparently worried that I'd found out he'd fucked John after we broke up... It was a nice roommate bonding night in our room.

We've talked a lot more since and I realize I really undervalued having another sub like Dave to talk to. I've been using him as a sounding board for how things are progressing with me and John, and he's been up to some fun of his own. Apparently that football player he was hooking up with has two really hot roommates, and the four of them have been hanging out together... I told John we may need to be introduced when we decide to open things up again.

That's been going well too. It's still just been the two of us, not that we haven't kept plenty busy. I'm in his room about four times a week now, but you know, small price to pay to keep my Daddy happy. Also, I guess I wasn't entirely truthful when I said I wasn't bringing anything else tonight - I've had my cage on for a full week now. John said it comes off tonight for a 'milking''s to that?

By the time I get to the frat house the place is packed. That's to be expected for the last party of the school year though. I squeeze my way into the crowded living room, maneuvering carefully past a number of precariously held solo cups. I see a few of my brothers and familiar faces, but not the one I'm looking for... There he is, John. Leaning against the wall, beer in hand, talking to Mike and Pete.

"I'm pretty sure I totally bombed that final." Pete is commiserating when I walk up to the trio.

"Aww, that sucks, bro," I announce myself to the group, before leaning in to kiss John...and then swiping his beer and taking a sip. "Hi."

"Hi." His mouth is smiling, but his eyes are saying 'are you trying to get spanked tonight?' Maybe I am.

"How's it going tonight?" I ask, referring to the party and otherwise, before taking another swig of John's beer and winking. I'm getting good at this PDA thing.

"Good, except Pete maybe failing a class." Mike jokes.

"Just the final!" Pete defends.

"Big turnout, as always." John leans in like he's gonna kiss me, but instead takes back his beer and finishes the small amount left, before handing me the empty. "So why don't you go and grab me another beer before some freshman tries to steal it."

"Yes, Sir," I smile sheepishly and respond loud enough for only the three of them to hear. As I turn to grab more beer, John swats me on the ass. Still makes me blush in public.

I make my way through the crowd of students, not the least bit worried that someone might have just seen that. I'd get endless amounts of shit saying this out loud, but since coming out the frat house has really been kind of a safe space for me. None of the brothers have given me any problems, and if anyone is talking shit about me behind my back, I haven't heard about it. For maybe the first time since joining I feel like I can actually relax and be myself around here.

The kitchen is just as crowded as the rest of the house, of course. There's not a line, but I do have to squeeze my way between a few people to reach the coolers. I crouch down and slosh through the ice to find the kind that Sir likes, and then one of my own, before closing the lid.

"Hey, was wondering if you were gonna make it." I turn to see Fred talking to me.

"Hey man!" I lean in for a hug that is reciprocated. "How's it going?"

"Good! Glad fucking finals are over." He drinks his beer. "What about you? Pass everything?"

"Some stuff was kinda close, but I think so." Once I got Brian out of my hair, I did my best to catch up in some of the classes I'd be slacking in. With finals, I should have pulled at least a 'C' in everything. Even though it seems like half of the classes may not matter anymore after I change my major.

"You pick a new major yet?" I try to hold back a grimace at the question. I get asked this like twice a day now.

"No, not yet." I twist off the cap on my beer and take a swig. "I signed up for a class over the summer that's supposed to help me figure it out, though."

"That'll" Fred does his best to sound enthusiastic but it still sounds like a question.

"No," I deadpan, "No it will not be."

Fred laughs at that, and I'm happy to leave that subject there. "What about wrestling? You been doing anything else since you quit?"

"I've been looking around." This is a less sore subject. I've got no regrets from quitting the team. "I'm not sure there's anything on campus that I'm too interested in."

"I guess you could always do stuff off-campus, but...having a life outside of school and the frat?" Fred fakes scared eyes. "Scary thought."

"I'm just happy to have the free time back for now." I chuckle. With John's help, I actually have been looking into things to do outside of school. It's just that most of them involve me wearing little more than a harness. Apparently, we have a few dungeons in the area, and John's also told me about some leather events that might be worth traveling to. Places where he and I can continue my 'training' in more public settings, with it still just the two of us playing. I've been learning I like showing off just as much as John.

"Alright, I gotta go get this to John." I hold up the still-closed beer bottle in my other hand.

"See ya later, little bro." He bumps my shoulder and heads out of the kitchen through the opposite side.

I leave the kitchen and start maneuvering my way through the crowd back to John. I'm just turning a corner when who should I make eye contact with across the room, but Brian. The second our eyes meet, he looks away. Good. I roll my eyes - to myself, I guess. I'm not surprised to see him here, Jeff had asked me earlier if it would be okay for him to come. I said that was fine, just that he had to stay away from me. Glad he's listening.

I don't know all the details - don't want to - but Jeff's been keeping Brian on a pretty short leash for the last month. Only a few brothers are aware, of course, but Brian's not even allowed in the house without my okay. Same goes for other frat events, too. It was fun the first couple weeks not letting him do anything or come near this place, and not be able to tell anyone why. This is the first time he's been in the frat house since that night.

I guess I feel a little bad for the guy. Not that bad, but it is the end of the semester. I started to see a therapist, like John suggested. It's only been a few weeks, and that first session was not easy,'s helped a bit. I feel less angry. I'm not sure how long I plan to keep going, but for now, it's helping.

When I finally make it back to John, a couple other brothers - Jeff and Andrew - have joined the circle. It's a little tight, but I squeeze my way between John and Jeff, nodding at Jeff before handing the beer to John. He smiles as I hand him the bottle.

"Thanks, boy." He winks as he grabs the bottle neck with his shirt and twists the cap off.

"Dude, I don't get why you're always so excited to go home every semester," Pete scoffs at Andrew.

"Dude, how are you not excited? I can't wait to get home, my mom is gonna make so much fucking food." Andrew rubbed his stomach happily.

"Yeah, my mom can't cook," Pete shrugs. "I don't think I'm going home until Thanksgiving."

"Damn, you're gonna stay here all summer?" Jeff questions.

"That's the plan. I like being able to do what I want without my dad breathing down my neck," Pete grouses. Guess he and his dad don't get along. "What about you Lance? You going home?"

"Uh, just for like a week?" I leave in a couple days. "Then I gotta come back for summer classes. Should be cool."

After that, Andrew goes back to describing the mountain of food he's expecting to be waiting for him when he gets home. Truth be told, I am a little nervous about going home. Not because my parents haven't been okay since I told them. They've been great. Very supportive. Like, "sending me links to articles and letting me know when Pride is happening so I can come home" supportive. It's...a lot. I'm a little worried that when I get off the plane I'm going to be greeted with balloons and a rainbow banner.

Which, as Sir has told me, really isn't something to complain about. I'm not. I'm actually really happy my parents are being so supportive. It's just, you know, they're my parents. I think no matter what they did, it would feel like too much.

But I seriously hope there isn't a banner.

Thankfully the spotlight stays off me while everyone else talks about home stuff. A few more of the brothers end up joining us, and I'm more than happy to listen to everyone else complaining about their own problems instead of mine. I'm kind of exhausted from talking about all the gay shit, you know? After the phone call with my parents, I was so happy...before John started telling me about how coming out is an 'ongoing process' and that it's something I'll be doing for the rest of my life. Every time I meet someone or go somewhere new I'll have to consider whether or not I should tell them. Sounds and feels exhausting.

Mike is just starting a story about how his mom found his porn stash and left it on his bed last time he was home when someone taps me on the shoulder. It's Joey! I was wondering when he'd make it. I'm happy to say he and I have still been talking and hanging out a lot. He said he'd bring his girlfriend and judging from the red-head girl standing next to him, he did.

"Hey man!" I lean in for a hug. "Glad you could make it."

"Wasn't hard to find the place, it's fucking packed in here." He gestures to the crowd behind him. "You guys know how to throw a party."

"We try. Guys, this is Joey." I step out of the circle so I can make introductions. "Okay so, that's Jeff, Fred, Aaron, Andrew, Mike, and Pete, and this is John, my boyfriend." That's my first time introducing him like that.

"Uh, hey everyone." Joey waves somewhat awkwardly to the group, before putting his arm around the girl next to him. "This is my girlfriend, Amber."

"Aww, you guys gonna double date now?" Jeff jokes before John uses his beer to tap the top of Jeff's. It rapidly starts to foam, and when he stuffs it in his mouth to try and save it most just ends up all over his shirt.

"Nice to meet you Joey, Amber." John smiles as if he didn't just do that.

"You're on the wrestling team, right?" Fred asks as we make room for the two to join us.

"Yeah, not a quitter like Stevens here." Oof, last naming me like coach did, even.

"Aww, miss seeing me in the locker room?" I'm really glad our friendship hasn't changed.

As expected, Joey gets along with my frat brothers perfectly. I'm almost surprised he didn't rush a fraternity, but he's always told me that just wasn't his thing. Amber seems nice, though standing with a group of eight guys doesn't give her many opportunities to jump in. But that's not really why they're here anyway.

Amber is the kinky girl Joey started seeing a month ago. And obviously, they've continued seeing each other. Joey hasn't gone into a ton of detail, but things seem to be progressing in the kink department. I know for certain that he's let her tie him up, more than once, but he hasn't told me much more than that. And as much as I want to know more, I haven't pressed him because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

When I told Joey about the party, he was interested in coming with Amber, but not just to hang out. After Joey told me about the bondage thing, I started to let him know that my relationship with John was a little less than vanilla. Apparently, he let that slip to Amber, and she became very interested in meeting John. She's still new to the kink scene and just wanted to know if they could talk. You know, ask questions, get some tips. Normal Dom stuff, right?

Not that I would know.

Anyways, I told John and he was more than happy to, especially if it meant he finally got to meet Joey. It wasn't like I was trying to keep them apart. I just hadn't really thought about it since I came out to him. Besides, introducing them at the party ended up working out perfectly.

"Hey, why don't you guys come with me and we get you some beers?" I ask the couple, hoping they pick up on the hint.

"Lead the way, man." Joey smiles and takes Amber's hand so they don't get separated through the crowd.

Lead the way I do, towards the kitchen and the beers, while simultaneously pulling out my phone and texting John.

'Meet in your room in 5 Sir.' I hit send and pocket my phone. The two of them wait outside the kitchen while I grab the beers for them, leading the way towards the back hall. I have to make a conscious effort not to turn to look at the group we just left, trying not to make it obvious that I'm leading these two back to John's room for...well I guess half of them know exactly what happens there.

The door's open when we get there, John standing in the middle of it. "Hey, guys."

"Hi." It's Amber that speaks first this time, hand extended towards John as she greets him. "Thanks for inviting us. Not really easy to talk out there."

"No, especially not the stuff Lance said you wanted to talk about." He shakes her hand with a chuckle. I look to see if Joey's going to add anything, but he's just standing quietly to my left.

"You sure you don't mind?" Amber steps back to hand her beer to Joey, standing sheepishly to my left. He silently opens the bottle and hands it back. I don't think anything of it until Amber responds with a "good boy." Joey blushes.

I think my brain is going to explode. WHAT?!

"Not at all. Lance, get the door." John nods his head at the door behind me. "Did you have anything specific you wanted to ask?"

It takes a second for the order to register, but I shut the door and give us some privacy. Joey is currently trying to burn a hole into the floor with his eyes, and it is taking all of my willpower to both not ask a million questions or crack any jokes. SO HARD.

"Actually, yes. I wanted to know if you could recommend some toys? Restraints, specifically." She's getting right to business. "We've been using this cheap pink pair I got as a gag gift from my sorority sisters, but they dig into his skin and hurt him when we get a little rough. Plus there's only so many ways I can tie him up with them, you know?"

Joey's eyes are now closed, which is good because I do not need him to see the face I'm making at him right now. Holy shit what is happening? I thought this was just a girl who wanted to maybe spank him during sex once or twice. Oh my god is Joey going to get pegged?!

"Oooo, I have some great sites I'll give you links to," John says a little gleefully as he steps over to his cabinet of wonders. "They're all geared towards and run by gay men, but don't let that intimidate you. They know what they're doing, and most of them provide video evidence to prove it."

"Boy, in front of the bed." John points where he wants me as he opens the drawer and retrieves our regular set of cuffs, and I move to obey.

"So with these, you can adjust them as you need to fit the sub," he points out the straps on the side of the cuff as he speaks and I get into place. I'm actually kind of looking forward to showing off now. "Arms." The single word is spoken to me. Showtime!

"When you put them on the first time, stick two fingers on the inside when you tighten it."

I hold both arms out for Sir as he demonstrates. "Arms behind your back."

"C'mere baby, I want you to see how to do this too," Amber says to Joey, who is apparently 'baby,' and walks towards us. I turn to face the bed and feel my arms being positioned as I move them behind me. Kinda sad I can't see Joey's face for this.

"So these only have the one D-ring each, but they make them with more if you find you need them. You just use one of these to clip them together." I'm guessing John is holding up a carabiner, which is a weird word. I feel my wrists being moved to the small of my back, one on top of the other, and hear the familiar click of the metal clip closing around one, and then the other ring. "They can hold a lot of weight. Boy, try to pull them apart." I knowingly struggle in vain to show the strength of the lightweight and oddly shaped metal clip.

Amber humms behind me. "Okay, but what about when I want to tie him to something else?"

"Well, it's a little pricer, but you may want to invest in one of these." John steps to my left in front of the bed, bending down to lift the mattress and show the crisscrossing straps that lay beneath.

"Wow." Amber sounds impressed.

"Holy shit." And that was Joey.

"It uses the weight of the people on the bed to hold everything in place. You just tuck the straps away when you're not using them, and no one is the wiser." John drops the mattress and moves to unhook my cuffs. "One of the sites actually sells a kit with the cuffs and the straps, but it sells out a lot."

"That is exactly what we need." Amber takes a hold of Joey's hand. "All I've got is this cheap as shit metal headboard for me to cuff his wrists two, and we've already bent that like, twice now."

"Have you cuffed his ankles yet?" John offers. Good advice, I guess?

"Oh my god, I never even thought about that." I can see Amber shaking the hand she's holding with Joey in excitement. "Thank you so much. I cannot believe how we lucked out, finding out Lance and you were into all of this. Right babe?"

Joey can only nod somewhat dumbfounded, still looking redder than a tomato. I can't help what comes out of my mouth next.

"I'm more than happy to help pop that bondage cherry for you, bro," I snark.

Joey snorts and says nothing, but I'm pleased with myself.

John, not so much though. "You know boy, you sure seem like you've been having a lot of fun at your friend's expense tonight. That doesn't seem very nice."

Uh oh. "Uh, just kidding, heh?"

"Mhmm." The look John gives me is...unsettling. "Does Joey know about your cage?"

Welp, that's my cue to crawl into a hole in the ground. When I don't respond, Joey and Amber both turn to look at me.

"Like a dog cage?" There's concern in Joey's voice when he asks.

"God, no, where would I even put that?" John laughs. "I'm gonna take that as a no. Let's fix that. Drop 'em, boy."

I freeze. This was not on the menu for tonight. For a second I think about safewording. John wouldn't be upset if I did, but he also isn't doing anything he hasn't before - I've gotten more than a few orders to show my cage to strangers at the bar in the last month. But those were all to other gay men, not my straight friend and his girlfriend. On the other hand, I have spent the last fifteen minutes gleefully gathering information to hold my own personal roast. Fair is fair, I guess.

With a sigh, I undo the button and zipper of my jeans, sticking my thumbs in the waistband of my pants and jock. With another deep breath, I push both items down to my thighs, exposing my crotch and caged cock therein. I can't actually bring myself to look down at the pink plastic I can feel encasing me, but I can see Joey and Amber's faces, and they are telling a story.

"And he's not even being punished." My daddy decides to helpfully add. "He's wearing it just cause he likes it."

"Wow." There's a laugh behind Joey's words. "You saving yourself for marriage or something buddy?"

"Do they sell those too?" It's right back to business with Amber.

"What!?" Joey's head snaps to the side.

"Of course!" John answers. "Actually, if your boy ends up being anything like mine, you may want to invest in some of these." John moves back to the still-open drawer and pulls out a gag. "Sometimes mine needs a little help keeping his mouth from getting him in trouble. And for when he is in trouble, let me show you some paddles... Pick your pants up boy." John orders, making me blush again while he's already showing Amber more of his toy collection.

"Is it always like this?" Joey asks me quietly. Doesn't sound scared though, and I see the hint of a smile on his face.

"It's..." It's a lot. Sometimes it feels like too much. But that's part of it, right? Setting your limits, and then pushing them. "It's like this as much as you want it to be."

Joey bites his lip, trying to hide a smile as he looks on at this girl who's making him question everything he knows about himself. Is that what I look like when I see John? When I look to find out, he's already looking at me.

Yeah. I'm exactly where I want to be. He's got my heart pinned.

Like what you read? You can find and read more stories like this on my website at You can also email me at or find me on Twitter at @DomNAshen where I post updates, story art, and more!

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