Pinevale High

By Philbert Hayes

Published on Apr 10, 2022


Pinevale High Part 3

"Everybody, textbooks on chapter 2, page 45." Mr. Holland gave us textbooks to read. Dirk sat next to me, moving cutely as he sneaked like a little kid to get near to me.

"Dirk, hey," I said, waving at him.

"Dexter. So, Esteban is acting weird right now, and you were the only one who had been in contact with him. It's as if he's like... happy?" Dirk whispered at me. Oh fuck. Did that bastard go into overdrive since he got the taste of my cock?

"I dunno, we just played a quick round of chess. Why are you saying that, by the way?" I asked, taking notes of what was written on the board.

"Okay, you see Esteban is a beast. An untamable beast whose heart is cold. Nobody managed to make him crack a smile like that except for Richard before... the breakup, but how did you manage to do it? Are you..." Dirk gave me his death glare and raised a brow. Oh, fuck!

"Mr. Dimagiba, Mr. Collins, eyes up here please." Mr. Holland said.

"Maybe you tamed him by unlocking something interesting in you, per se." A guy from the same class barged into our conversation.

"Patrick, shush. This is a private talk!" Dirk said as Patrick backed off.

"See, Esteban and I didn't have an affair, but why are we cool?" Patrick said.

"Because he liked you, Patrick! He had feelings for you!"

"Yeah, but no harm done, right? We're still cool after I told him I was straight."

"If Esteban was cool with Dexter... does that mean..." Dirk said as he, Patrick, and Mr. Holland turned to me. What? What's Mr. Holland doing?

"You 3, what's that? What are you 3 talking about?" Mr. Holland said as the class turned to us.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Just another tactic for cleanliness. I do wanna defend my position as school president. I have my notes here, so I'm good." Dirk came up with something as Mr. Holland went back to explaining the phyla.

As I wrote some notes, I came upon a face. A face of someone, face flat on their table and is seemed to be amused by me.

"Hey, Dexter." I heard Richard's voice. Get him out of your head. He won't help you get into a good university. "Whatcha doin?" He asked, in a weird tone. Kinda like Isabella's tone in 'Phineas and Ferb'.

"Oh fuck, it's you. I didn't know you were in the same class as me. Wait, you're a senior. What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. Kinda weird for him to be in the junior's classroom.

"Nothing. Wanted to see you, and also waiting for Gareth. He and I are practicing for a game. Don't want these guns to go limp." He says, flexing his arm on me. I do admit, he had pretty big arms, but Esteban's were twice as better.

"Out!" Esteban moved Richard's face out of the way.

"Esteban. My guy! Hey, I was thinking the 3 of us could get a coffee. Just like old times, right?" Richard smiles.

"Yeah, old times where you tried to poison me with black coffee."

"I apologized, remember? I didn't know you were allergic to coffee or something."

"Which implies you know very little about me."

"Mr. Stillwater, you don't belong in this class. Why are you here?" Mr. Holland came back as Richard stood up and gave us finger guns and bolted out.

"Dexter, the one I want to lock eyes with." Esteban leaned his face on his table, smiling as his eyes shined at me. I smiled back, feeling his hand was on my crotch and was making me hard.

"Mr. Vasquez, Mr. Collins. Eyes up here. Now, the phylum invertebrae are types of animals which have no backbone..." We were interrupted by the announcement from... oh fuck no!

"Ahem, ahem. Is this on? Okay! Hello everybody at Pinevale High! I see all of you feel dark and depressed, so let's send some reinforcements! Bring the beat on, Carpy!" Principal Collins, I mean uncle Rick's voice echoed through the school.

Esteban lets out a silly laugh. "I like this part!"

As Esteban looked in awe at the door, Mr. Holland took a step back. A few seconds later, a figure kicked the door and came in. "Fuck, that mascot again. Cover my eyes." Dirk let out those words as a carp mascot came in and did a moonwalk and danced in front of us. Oh god, what the fuck is this!?

"Carpy, the most amazing school mascot! Go Carpy!" Esteban was cheering like a kid.

"Yep. He's all good and friendly. A cheerful fellow. Nobody knows who they are, but I just seem to like the entertainment they give." Seamus says as Dirk was uncomfortable about it.

"Let me know if it's gone. I don't want to see it." Dirk says.

"Be happy everyone! Especially you, Dexter! Optimistic smile, remember?" Uncle Rick came in and sprayed us with confetti. Esteban was still cheering like crazy as he couldn't get enough and danced along with Carpy and Uncle Rick. Wow, he was jolly and... cute in his own childlike way. I couldn't stop staring at Esteban as he dances along to the joyful music and makes silly faces.

Seems like Esteban was a bit childish, but he was cute in his way. He's like a big hunk of adorableness and love, but he was also seductive and tantalizing. It's like he has different sides of his personality that reside around him. We still haven't talked about putting a label on our... relationship, but I wonder what he thinks? More importantly, what will happen to us? There's still not an 'us', but life is too short to wait and sit down! I have to ask him myself!

School was over in the nick of time. I was all excited about all the cock-sucking, sexual fun Esteban and I are looking forward to. My lust for Esteban skyrocketed through the roof. I acted chill, but deep down the little guys on my head were wild with anticipation and excitement.

I waited for everyone to go home, just to receive a text message from Esteban. "Locker room, don't bring anyone." Okay, this is... hot. But, I still needed some things from him. An answer, an explanation, and a blowjob hehe.

But, what if he asks for me to put a label? Will we be ready? Most importantly, will we be ready? God, this is all too sudden! Okay, recap, recap.

Esteban is an amazing guy. The best, maybe. He's cute, he's childish and jolly, he has a big cock, yes that's one of his amazing attributes. He's brittle and easily gets hurt over little things. He's like a warm fuzzy bear, but he's insecure about what other people think of him. He gets mad over things not going his way, he's clumsy, immature, and a hothead. But, he gives me butterflies and makes me happy. He's... ugh! I am not ready for this!

But, Dexter! What if it all comes true? What if he'd be your first? What if you're suddenly dragged into a chasm of responsibilities, loyalty, and patience? What if he'd be the first to break your heart?

Argh! Where are all these intrusive thoughts coming from!? No, there's still no chance Esteban likes me. But, we still need more dirt to find some... more dirt and I know who's the gardener here.

"What do you want, Dexter? Someone bullying you?" Dirk drops his book on modern chemistry and talks to me. I sat on the chair in his own little office here. School president's office. Wow.

"Um, I've been meaning to ask and tell you something." If I need to know more about Esteban, I may need to tell him about it, minus the explicit parts.

6 minutes later, Dirk's face was still heeding about what I'm telling. "And, I don't know where to begin. It's all confusing since I have never been in one before." I said as Dirk took a deep breath.

"Esteban kissed you?"

"You could put it that way, yes."

"Mhm." Dirk stands up. "Follow me."

I stood up and did so. Dirk made sure nobody followed us as we went to the gymnasium. "Esteban will tell you something. Let's just say he wants to get it off his chest." Dirk says. He walks away, then stops. "Oh, Dexter?" He says. I looked back at him. "Take care of Esteban for me. He's like a brother to me." Dirk walks away. Wow, that was... unexpected of him. Take care? What does that mean?

"Dexter? You're here! Wow!" I saw Esteban, on a tank top as he gulped an entire tumbler half-filled with water.

"Yeah, haha. I didn't know you were here." I said, watching him from the bleachers.

"Let me just finish this match real quick." Esteban runs to the rubber mat. He mentioned once that he was on a wrestling team. Kinda homoerotic, if you ask me. I enjoyed watching Esteban's buffed arms, his puffy chest, and his magnificent body.

I checked my messages and the time. It was just dad, checking. It was already 4.42 pm. The soft light was bouncing all over the bleachers, the shelves of dodgeballs, and the basketball court. It was warm, and most resembled the smell of clean windows and I don't know why. A couple of minutes later, I saw Esteban lift someone above his head as Esteban lets out a burst of barbaric laughter and drops the fella.

He ran over to me as I reached him a bottle of water. He panted as the heat was radiating from his body. I took a towel and wiped his sweaty, red face as we giggled and blushed. He leans closer to me and pressed his lips against mine. Salty, but cute. I kissed him harder as his large hand ended up on my cheek.

"Your boyfriend, Esteban?" A guy from his team asked.

Esteban was having some confusion as he finally let out an answer.


"Wow. Hey, more power to you 2! Also, Esteban's a good guy. Hope you guys have a happy relationship!" His teammates cheered him on as they left.

Wait, did I hear it right or did he say that we're... dating? Oh. Wait, what the fuck!? I wasn't ready! "Um, they were nice," I said.

"Yes. They were cool folks. Umm, are you okay about it?" He asks and sits next to me. He took off his shirt to reveal his magnificent body.

"About what?"

"The fact that I called you my boyfriend." He covers his face and looks away like a little child.

"Um..." I still couldn't let out an answer.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I went a little bit fast, right? It's just I can't even let someone as amazing as you go, Dexter." Esteban look up at the gymnasium ceiling as birds flew past. "Believe me or not, but I thought you were out of my league. I was scared I was overdoing too much, but I think I did. I'm sorry if I weirded you out. It's just my nature to be like that around someone I love." Esteban looks at me as I scooched over to him.

"Well, someone as adorable as you shouldn't go to the hands of the wrong person. I haven't seen that wide bright smile from you." I said, caressing his cheek. He turns to me as his eyes glisten.

If I haven't given us a chance, I would not get the opportunity again. Esteban was legit the nicest guy ever and he was the apple of my eye. I couldn't let him slip away from me. It would be the same as throwing a winning lottery ticket. Besides, I'm young and free!

"Really?" Esteban looked in awe as we smiled at each other. He goes closer to me as I did too. I guess this is what Dirk mentioned. I'm too much of a risk-taker to let all of this get discarded.

We moved closer, inch by inch as my arms reached out to his head in anticipation. I grasped his head, bringing it closer to me as we closed our eyes, pressed lips, and kissed passionately. It came to a moment when I got too close to his reach and carried me up to his lap. His large hands ended up on both of my cheeks. We slightly opened our lips as both of our tongues slipped through. It was wild, wet, and warm. I was on cloud nine with all these mixed emotions. Who could've known? My first love would be in a place I didn't expect.

We pulled off and broke the kiss. "I rate that 10 out of 10. Tastes like lemons and you smell like a field of buttercups in early spring, Dexter." Esteban said as we giggled. "Let's get out of here. Not a good place to treat my boyfriend the fun he deserves." He winks at me as he carried me out of his lap. Damn, he was built and strong.

We immediately ran out of the gymnasium and made random happy noises while running. We were running through the halls, the courtyard, everywhere. Esteban chases me as we kept running happily and enthusiastically. It came to a part where Esteban caught up to me as we reached the soccer field. He pins me to the grass and kisses every bit of my face, including my neck. God! This is amazing! His warm and wet kisses were turning me on as I had a visible boner. Esteban reached his hand inside my pants as we continued to kiss.

"I love you, Dexter," Esteban whispers to my ear as he licks it.

"I love you more, Esteban," I held his hand and stood up.

We did a silly laugh as we walked through the neighborhood. To be frank, I was excited about what Esteban is planning for this evening. He said he'd do something special for me. Wait, is this what I think it is? Nope, nope. Maybe just typical blowjobs, and nothing more special. I mean, hehe.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To my Abuela. I'm going to introduce you to her."

"Abuela? Like, your grandma?"

"Don't worry though, she knows about who I am."

This is weird. Nobody ever introduced me as their date before. I never had a date before! I never had someone tell their parents, nor grandparents that they're dating me! Esteban yelled something in Spanish but I didn't really figure out what it was. A nice old woman, with cats, opened the door as Esteban hugged her.

"Ah, niños. Come. Esteban, who this?" She asked as Esteban led me to the living room.

Esteban nervously laughs. "That's what I want to tell you, Abuela." She and Esteban went to the kitchen as a cheesy telenovela was on. Hey, this was the part where Mariano impregnates Rosita. Classic drama. Then, Doña Cruz will find out about the baby, blah blah blah. Yes, Mexican drama. Oh, nice kitty.

I can't help but eavesdrop on them.

"El es mi novio, abuela. Dexter es mi novio. Sé que han pasado un par de días... pero siento algo por él." Wow. Esteban sounds... hot when he speaks Spanish. I dunno what it means though.

"¿Esteban? ¿Es esto cierto? ¿Tienes novio?" Esteban's Abuela replies. Still, I don't know what it means. Might need to use the ol' Google translate.

"¿Y si es como el chico de antes? Te rompió el corazón, Esteban. No quiero verte lastimado." Esteban's abuela says.

"What if he's like the previous guy? He broke your heart, Esteban. I don't want to see you hurt." That's what it says here. Previous guy? Is she talking about Richard?

"Dexter es diferente, abuela. Sé que es un buen tipo." Esteban says.

"Dexter is different, Grandma. I know he is a nice guy." Aw, that's sweet.

As I placed my ear against the wall, I heard footsteps approaching. Oh shit, they're coming back.

"Abuela, this is Dexter." Esteban signals me to stand up. I can't help but use the awkward smile that I use in an awkward situation.

"Oh, so guapo!" She then pinches my cheek. Ow.

"She says you're handsome," Esteban says.

"Oh.. gracias?" I said as she smiles.

"¿Ah, como hablar Español? Haha, ya me gusta. Vamos, niños. Tengamos meriendas." Esteban's grandma goes to the kitchen.

"What did she say?" I whispered.

"Let's go and follow her. Abuela prepared snacks." He says.

Turns out Esteban's grandma was loud and cheery. I get the feeling she approves of me? We had snacks, fun, and also cute cats lying around Esteban's house. Esteban insisted on watching cartoons instead of Hell's Kitchen. Yeah, even I second the motion. Gordon Ramsay is just making me hate cooking. It's still kinda weird to have a 16-year old, cocksucker, a wrestler, and also a sex appeal with a big cock to watch cartoons. I guess some people are like that, haha.

I texted dad I was having a sleepover at my friend's house and as any boomer would do, he sent me a ridiculous amount of detail in a text message. TL; DR, dad. I went back to having dinner with them. I'm still not aware that he had asked for my hand and I just immediately granted his request. Isn't it a bit odd for it to happen so fast? I mean, aren't relationships supposed to build upon some foundations? I'm pretty sure someone told me that.

"Relationships may come fast, but once the time is spent upon them, they'll blossom into something strong and majestic like a flower in May."Oh, Uncle Rick! Him and his dumb healthy relationships seminar. Why was I even there though?

But he somehow proves a point. We just need time, that's it. I'm sure we'll work it out. We need experience though, just like in games.

His Abuela gave us dinner as we sat on the couch. Esteban couldn't help but rest his head on my shoulder as we watched a cartoon. Esteban laughed softly. He holds my hand tight and firm as his Abuela was watching us from afar and smiled warmly at us.

"I get the feeling Abuela likes you." He whispers to my ear and then gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Aw, you think so?"

"Of course I do. You can tell me what you want to ask."

Wha? How did he know? I wanted to ask him about... this. I'm still confused.

"It's because I don't want other guys or girls getting you earlier than me. I don't want to see you falling to another guy, Dexter." Esteban made it clear.

Ahh, I see. He didn't want to have competition. He's the kind of guy that sets out an objective. If he achieves it, he'll do anything not to let other people steal it. Esteban's Abuela went to bed and turned the living room lights off. We went to the basement(yes, Esteban has his room in the basement) and took some blankets upstairs.

"I stink," Esteban says as we laugh.

"Yeah, I don't want to suck a raunchy cock, if you know what I mean." I winked at him and then went upstairs to shower. He immediately followed me into the shower. We silently crept into the bathroom as he pins me to the wall. He snogged me hard as I grasped his hair firmly. He took my shirt off my body as his tongue slid along my chest. He used his tongue to grope my nipples. I softly moaned and shuddered as I grasped his hair. He bit my nipple softly, to my surprise he bit it harder which made me immediately jump.

"Dude! Too hard!" I said as we giggled.

"Sorry." He smiled shyly. I took a step closer to kiss his neck. Our bodies and hard cocks touched. Esteban grabbed my thighs as he lifts me. He used my cock to rub his as we continued to kiss under the dripping of warm water from the showerhead. Of course, we needed to clean and used that fancy soap his Abuela uses. Smells like pecan nuts.

We were clean and dry. We didn't bother to put on clothes since why the hell not!? Esteban lay on his bed as I jumped to him. He caught me with his superior, muscly arms and cuddled there. He amorously kissed me as our tongues intertwined with one another.

"Enough with the kissing, I want to make actual love with you!" Esteban says as we roll around his bed.

He got on top of me and pinned my wrists to the bed. He started to lick, kiss, and grope my body, slowly and seductively. I couldn't help but moan from the pleasure cruise I was in. He went to my nipples, my belly, then down to my taint. He lifts my legs up and wet my crack with his saliva and his tongue. I shudder and moan.

"Wild, and raunchy. It turns me on so hard!" Esteban says in a muffled way as his mouth was still in between my asscheeks.

My cock keeps swaying in the air as Esteban puts my legs back on the bed. He grabbed my balls and started to lick and kiss them. Oh god. He began his way up, sliding his tongue upward my balls, to my shaft. He opened his mouth, and immediately, I watched my cock, slowly disappear centimeter by centimeter into Esteban's mouth. Ah! Fuck! It's so good. I'm drowning in ecstasy. I moaned and groaned as Esteban went up and down swiftly.

I gasp for air. "P-Pull... It's..coming!" I was out of words and I was drowning in ecstasy. Esteban was surprised as he hesitated to pull off or don't. I couldn't keep it in, so I grasped Esteban's hair firmly, and released my load to his mouth.

"That was amazing! I love you so much!" I excitedly said, pulling his head closer for a kiss. My cum was all over his mouth as I reached it out using my tongue. Yes, unhygienic, but free protein and also...

"Mm, sweet. I'd rate your cum taste 9 out of 10." Esteban stopped kissing me as he pins my wrists to the bed once more. "Open your mouth for a surprise." I obediently opened my mouth as he spits cum and saliva into my mouth. Not gonna lie, that was hot.

He let go of me and laid down as I got on top of him. Grasping his cock and rubbing it in my palms, it went as hard as obsidian. He places his hands in behind his head and laid down in a relaxed way. Spreading his huge meaty thighs, I began worshipping his muscles. I licked his arms, kissed his chest, sucked his nipples, and slid my fingers through his crack. It made him moan for more as I got to the climax.

I grabbed his balls and played them around like a sandbag. His veiny cock was in an amazing form. Chunky, and large. It was in between his meaty thighs and I was tempted to immediately put it in my mouth. I began licking it as he did, which kinda made me gag. I haven't done this before and this was a whole new experience. I can do it! I kissed his cock, licking and sniffing it before I went to take an inch inside my mouth. He enjoyed the feeling judging from the moaning and happy noises he made. I went up and down, not taking all of it since it's making me gag. It's too big to swallow, not gonna lie. I can only take half of it inside my mouth.

He gave no warning that his orgasm was coming and I felt his cock twitch. He didn't take long to get his orgasm. As soon as I knew it, I finished his cock off and surrendered the precious milliliters of cum inside his cock. Ah, he wasn't kidding about having much cum inside him. I closed my mouth and saw Esteban, opening his mouth. Yep, he's thinking what I'm thinking. I went closer to him, spitting cum into his mouth. He pulls me in for another nice cum kiss as we eloped and made out amorously on his bed. Twisting, and turning we had fun that night

I just hope things will start to get better now that I probably found the one

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