Pinevale High

By Philbert Hayes

Published on Mar 21, 2022


Hey. This is my first story. I hope this thing goes well.

This story is a work of fiction. Any places, events, characters, dead or alive are make-believe and are purely coincidental.

Anyways, don't forget to donate to nifty for the amazing service!


Hope y'all like it! (Kindly put it in the high school and young friends division pls)

Anyways, onwards to the story!

Pinevale High Part 1

"Dad. No." I blankly said as I saw the 'Welcome to the City of Northwood' sign on the car window.

"Dex, come on. It's gonna be fun! America is all we've wished for, right?" Dad used that annoying smile that he uses to piss me on daily.

"It's what you and mom dreamt of before she died! Canada was fine and now we're moving to hellish America?! See, the temperature's too hot, it's fucking 48 degrees celsius on the reader dad!" I said, angrily.

"Um, that's on Fahrenheit, Dex. Don't know your imperial measurement, bud?" Dad stifles a laugh.

"Fuck off." I angrily said as I just strapped my headphones on and listened to random bullshit I could find.

Man, we're. just 4 hours in America and now I'm tired. My father's been nudging me to go follow him, including my annoying to-the-bone brother. Why can't we go back to Canada! I made tons of friends there.... 5 is a ton, right? But, healthcare is free there! Maple syrup... yes, I may have been disgusted by it, but I already miss home. The memories. It's just sad to see we'll be starting another chapter of our lives.

"We're heeereee!" Garrett with his loud voice woke me up from my daydream. The ray of sunrise hit my eyes as I saw dad, kicking the 'For Sale' sign on the yard.

"Not too loud, people. It's still early. Don't wanna wake up the new neighbors." I said. Seeing this house made me rethink being angry. I mean, it has the apple tree I've been wishing for, my bedroom's about 23 percent larger and more spacious and already has a bathroom in it, and I finally won't share a room with Garrett. I mean, I could live here! The net is freaking fast!

"Amazing, isn't it? This place is great. So, you 2! Breakfast! The first day of school today. Don't wanna miss it, right Dex?" Dad said as he barged into my room while I was changing. I quickly jumped.

"There's something called privacy, dad!" I yelled.

"Oh, come on. I'm your old man. Seen everything and hoo wee, you sure had the genes. That is a massive 6-inch cock there. I remembered the days when I was 15, I had a monster cock and would sometimes flash them off to my fellow football mates. Ah, good ol' days." Dad says as I close the door.

"Dad! Stop!" I yelled as I heard dad's footsteps, meaning he may have left me alone now. Dad's been struggling to take care of us for the past 6 years. I'm currently 15 now and moving to a new school. I have light brown hair, some fur on my chest, hazel eyes, and an...

"Optimistic smile!" Dad said as Gareth smiled. Yeah, that. That's what dad told me. I copied the link to the new school's website.

Pinevale High. Home of the Pinevale Carps. Seriously?! A carp is a great mascot costume they can think of? Now that I think about it, this school fucks carps. It's nice to use the signature Willowstone lake, but not the carp. You could go with Pinevale Owls if they wanna. This is too much, but at least they have a 4.6-star rating on At least I get to use the new car.

I took a toaster strudel, a cup of coffee and quickly had breakfast before Garrett could finish and insisted on getting in the car. No way I'm driving him to some primary school. I said goodbye as I went to hit the road. The air was misty, I could see some perps walking to school. The view of the mountain range on the left and the Northwood cityscape on the right was a sight to behold. It was already almost 8 and I needed to get there ASAP.

I saw the parking lot and made sure my car was near the windows. I got out, only to see an ocean of teenagers, walking, socializing, smoking cannabis. This was chaos and I somehow needed to decide whether I owned it like a boss, did it silently like a ninja, or cut classes for the day. I got out my heart at my neck. I walk to the entrance, just to get bumped by a huge, but yet somehow cute guy. His book fell as my awkward-ass foot caught it. He went down to get it. He had silvery, dark hair, brown eyes, a Greek-shaped nose, and tawny skin. His brows were thick, and he had visible muscles under his cardigan. Dang, he was buff.

"Why would you catch it with your foot? Are your hands broken?" He said, in an insulting tone. Um, wow. Rude as fuck.

"I was just trying to help. Try to use your head once in a while." I insulted him back.

"I don't need help. Help is for pathetic losers, like you." He storms off. Pathetic? Me?! Rude. Well, whatever. I just need to organize my locker, not bumping into any...

"Ah! Dexter! I thought I recognized that face!" weirdos. I forgot that Uncle Rick was in charge here, or should I say, Principal Collins. Yes.

"Ehe. Hey, Mr. Collins." I forced my muscles to make a smile.

"Now, now. You can call me Rick." Uncle, I mean Rick said as a couple of students called him by his first name. "Hehe, cool Uncle Rick, right?"

Oh, fuck my life. Just when I thought this day won't get any worse than having your uncle babysit you throughout the semester. Shit.

"Hello? Earth to Dexter?" Uncle Rick snapped his fingers at me as I got back to my senses... again, just to find out he's still here and I wasn't having a fever dream. 8 minutes in, and I already hate this fucking place.

"Oh, yep. Everything's fine Uncle, I mean, Sir." I fumbled upon my words, probably due to embarrassment.

"Please, call me your 'cool' uncle, Rick!" I think I'm gonna be sick! Oh, that rhymes. "Anyhow, since you're new here.." Uncle Rick came to my locker and stuck some magnets to it. "A little something to brighten your day. Hey, a smile makes you a lot more attractive, Dex. Come on, show me your..."

No shit. I just tuned him out and went to the bathroom until he realized I was gone. Good for him. I stuffed my shit into the locker, strapped my headphones, and listened to music. The first class today was Science and got into the classroom.

"New guy?" A guy sat next to me and offered me a pack of marshmallows.

I ignored him as I went to write some notes. "You're much ruder than I thought you were." As I heard his voice again, I recognized it. I looked up, and a seemingly attractive figure of a guy showed up. It was him! The guy from earlier.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"This is what is called, apologizing." He offered me the marshmallows, again. He wouldn't brush me off, wouldn't he?

"Fine. If it makes you happy or something." I said and gobbled his marshmallows. What a weird guy.

"Esteban." He said, avoiding eye contact.

"Dexter," I replied.

"Where are you from?" He asks and leans on his face.

"Canada, you?" I said

"Trinidad, but mostly from Argentina. My family moved here last year." He replied.

The science teacher came in, and he did his usual work. Chit chat here, explanation here, putting more homework there, and so on, so on. Esteban was, I dunno how to put it. Eager to learn? I guess I can put it that way. I still couldn't believe he was in the same class as me. Science came to an end and I caught a fella's eye. He was giving me and Esteban a weird glare. Like, an 'I have my eye on you 2' look. What the fuck is his problem?

"I see that Dirk is already giving you death glares," Esteban says and drinks a juice box. Isn't he a bit too old for that?

"Dirk?" I asked, still pretending I wasn't looking at Dirk.

"He doesn't do well with new people," Esteban said.

"Oh, his adjustment, not mine. It's not like he owns the school." I said.

Time moved like a horse as we go onwards to the exciting part in high school storylines whatsoever. Lunch. The smell of mac and cheese was in the air and people were all around me. I got the food, which was the first part, and now goes the tricky part. Finding a seat. Esteban was the only person I knew here, but he has his circle of friends. Uhh... the Asian nerds? I'm not Asian. Art geeks? Nope. I guess there's only one place I can go. The losers table.

As a stereotypical setting, it is located far from the rest, but I could see someone since their hair color stood out. I got closer to the table and saw a guy, reading a book bigger than his head. His hair was a bit reddish but mostly brown, and his skin was as white as milk. He doesn't have sharp teeth, nor claws, so it's best to say I'm sitting here. Just stare at your food, don't make any eye contact whatsoever, and get on with it. I went to open my sub, wrapped in tinfoil. Steamy, just the way I liked it. I took a bite when I heard the probably cutest thing ever; a giggle from him. I looked at him, and saw a cute smile, as he reads his book. Okay, but like he's really cute, not gonna lie.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know someone was here." He caught me, looking at him as he blushed. Like, an obvious blush that made his face brighten like a lit lightbulb. Goshdarn it, he has a cute face! His lips were peach, and his teeth were in a perfect appearance.

"Oh, it's okay. Normal to laugh at something funny, right?" I said and continued to focus my attention on my bit sub. I looked to see what book is he reading and found out it was an astronomy book. "Um, what's so funny about planets and stars?" I asked.

"The fact that ancient people just started wars due to planet Venus' rotation. I just realized how idiotic that was to believe in omens long ago." He stifles a laugh.

"Really? That is strange. People long ago have no common sense whatsoever and just imagined that stars were so-called 'gods'." I said as he did a cute laugh again. God, why is he cute!? He blushed again and arranged his glasses. His deep green eyes were captivating.

"Yes! That is why humanity needs to get more advanced to prevent deaths, right? Or maybe I'm wrong? Too much power makes a civilization fall, and maybe even drives us to our extinction." He looked up, suggesting he was thinking about something. "Yep, the number of carbon footprints, loss of agricultural and ecological balance. We may be practically be standing on a sinking ship! Ugh! Seamus, stop thinking too much!" He said, stressfully while holding his head.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he took deep breaths.

"It's fine. I may have ventured deep down to the rabbit hole... again. Dirk said I should stop overthinking too much. Too much info is fucking hurting my psyche, y'know." He says.

"Well, why not relax for a while? Try dropping that book." I said, pulling the book from his grip.

"I guess so. Okay, Seamus. Deep breaths. Deep breaths." He gave himself a pep talk. Seamus? What a weird name. "I'm Seamus, by the way." He reached his hand out to me and smiled warmly at me.


Seamus moved seats as he sits next to me. He began asking questions, the usual stuff, and we kept chatting. A couple of minutes later, the crowd was making some mumbling noises as we heard some shouting.

"Make way for the MVP of Pinevale Carps!" A guy shouted.

MVP? Oh, he's probably the star attraction here. The gem in a museum. "Oh god, he's here," Seamus said to himself.




"Richard John... I forgot his last name. He's like mega-popular and, yeah he's a major asshole, like in every stereotypical high school drama movie. His traits, suit his face and personality." As Seamus pointed out his attributes, a perfect-looking, blonde-haired guy wearing a tank top, went and winked at everyone. Dang! His teeth were as white as pearls, his eyes were glistening blue. His body was alike an underwear model or a Hollywood actor. The lighting chiseled his facial features as he turns to both me and Seamus.

"What does he need?" I said to myself.

He goes and sits next to Seamus which was holding his sub like an innocent child. "Seamus, my guy!" He said, wrapping his arms around Seamus.

"I-It's good to see you, Richard," Seamus said nervously.

"Aw, come on Seamus. A week after we broke up and you're still as cold as... uhh..." Richard looked up as a familiar person came.

"-273.15 degrees Celcius? Bugger off, Richard." It was Dirk!

"Dirk! My favorite guy! I missed you! How was your trip to the Philippines, by the way?" Richard asked as Dirk pulled him out of the seat.

"Don't you know I can say 'leave me the fuck alone' in Tagalog?" Dirk gave him a death glare.

"I do hope not. Anyways, catch ya later my dudes!" Richard took a while to notice me as he winked at me. "See y'all around." Richard bolted out.

"Thanks, Dirk." Seamus looked at Dirk who sat upfront us.

"Don't mention it. Besides, we can all agree he was a dick, right?" Dirk said.

"You mean, cock right?" Seamus said.

"Dicks, cocks, penises. The same thing." Dirk said. I still feel that Dirk hates my guts and wants me outta here. It took a while for Dirk to notice me, but he eventually did and when he did, he gave me his death glare. Dirk had tan skin, brown eyes, and curly black hair. He fumbled on his notebook titled: 'New arrivals." I guess he may be the president or something.

"State your name," Dirk said, raising a brow at me.

"Uh, Dexter," I replied to him. Dirk was still staring at me. His brown eyes terrify me. "Um, I like the blue streaks, by the way," I said, which made his eyes widen. He had blue streaks on his hair, which was cool.

"Ha! Told ya somebody would like them!" Dirk said at Seamus.

"It's just a bit... inappropriate for dress codes, y'know," Seamus says.

"Dexter, was it?" Dirk tuned Seamus out. "Seems like Seamus already introduced me to you. Rick told me you were new here." Dirk said.

"Rick? Ohh... Shit. I forgot he was still here." I gave myself a facepalm for not realizing that sooner.

"Forgot about this." Richard frightened me as I let out an audible 'Jesus!' "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you or whatever... what's his name again?" He asked.

"Dexter. Now get lost before this knuckle leaves a mark on your face." Dirk clenched his fist.

"Not too hard, Dirk. He needs his good looks to seduce those dancers into having sex with him." Esteban barges in and sits next to Dirk.

"Esteban! My guy! How long has it been! Did you miss me?" Richard takes a seat.

"Why would I miss you? Are you made of money?" Esteban says and drinks his juice box.

"Aw, can't you just say you missed the taste of my ass? I used to love it how you use your tongue to penetrate it." Richard looks at Esteban as he reaches something from below.

"Those days were over, Richard. You're no longer the guy that I loved." Esteban said and took a big sip from his juice box.

"Wait, what?" Am I the only one not weirded out here?

"Yes, Richard and I have history, but past is past. You should never discuss it anymore." Esteban said.

"So, were you guys like..." Before I could ask anything, Dirk slammed his book at the table.

"I do not wanna hear anymore about it." Dirk gave us death glares. Oh god.

"Leave him alone, Dirk. He needs to know about Richard or else he'll manipulate him into his chasm of lies." Esteban said.

"Hey! I ain't no liar! I loved you! Even Seamus here!" Richard stood his ground.

"Love? Puh-lease, that's a sorry excuse for you to use your cock and drill it into our holes! A small one, to be exact!" Esteban said angrily.

"Um, I think I better get going," I said as I stood up. I may have dropped my pen so I went under the table to get it. Aha! Found it. Oh.

I looked around and saw what may have been... bulges. Richard's, Esteban's Dirk's and Seamus' bulges were incredibly visible. Oh, my fucking shit. I can see Esteban, rubbing his cock from below. Richard had a visible boner as he was talking about how much he missed Esteban. My god! I'm getting hard, oh fuck.

"Dexter? Found it yet?" Seamus asked.

"Were ditching this place. These lovebirds won't stop arguing." Dirk added.

"We're not lovebirds, Dirk! He's a horn dog that deserves to rot in hell along with his lies!" Esteban said angrily as Seamus pulled me out of the table.

"Oh, thanks. Are those 2 really dramatic?" I asked.

"Since the beginning of time, yes," Dirk said.

"So, like how many people have Richard been... dating now?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"Let's see. There's Andrew Andersons. Poor fella. Stella Scarborough, she was a bit shattered by it. Vikram Khalil, he's still plotting revenge on him. Lana Sparrow, yes couldn't forget her, and many others. You do not wanna know." Dirk said. "And, luckily. Seamus escaped his grasp." He added.

"Seamus? You're gay too?" I accidentally asked.

"Yes, why? Is there a problem?" Seamus raised a brow.

"No, nothing. It's just..."

"Just what?" Dirk asked.

"Umm, wait Dirk are you gay too?" I asked, not knowing he was clenching his fist.

"Oh, for fuck's sake NO! A huge NO!" Dirk said angrily about it.

"Yeah, you get that a lot, Dirk," Seamus adds.

"For fuck's sake no! I'm straight." Dirk says angrily.

"Well, how about you, Dexter? Are you gay? This is just a friendly question, don't worry about it." Seamus asks.

Wait. What was that? "Uh, what?" I asked.

"Duh, it's okay. Pinevale is top-notch. We have sexuality roles here, y'know. No discriminations happening here." Esteban barges in.

"Holy fuck! You scared me!" Dirk said. "Yeah, we just want something clear. As school president, yes." Dirk added. "So, what are your roles? Pronouns? Any?" Dirk took out his ballpen and a notebook.

"Why is y'all interrogating me all of a sudden?" I took a step back.

"Something to write on my student profiles."

"Just curious."

"I have a cousin, and I think you 2 will make the perfect couple."

Uh, okay this is sudden. "This is too sudden, fellas. Let's not be too crazy on my first day, alright?" I said.

"Oh, in a state of questioning, I guess?" Dirk said.

Uh, wait. Wait a damn minute. Okay. Am I gay? To be frank, I did have girl crushes, so I guess that doesn't make me gay, right? But why did you get hard when back in middle school, those older guys would spank your ass and tell you how cute you are? Why are you interested in guys, rather than girls?

"I still don't know. We better get going though." I said, just to avoid any talk. Hopefully, my head will forget about it.

But, for real though, I was actually just oblivious about my sexuality. I just assumed I'd fall in love at the right time, with the right woman, and settle and have a family, just like what everyone else expects you to do. But, I never actually thought about what my sexual orientation is. I just assumed I was straight. I even jacked off to naked women, but I'm still not satisfied. I had no intentions of falling in love either, but I still don't know at this point, and maybe they can help me find myself and hopefully, fit in here nicely like the final piece of a puzzle. But, one question.

Am I gay?

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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