Pine Valley High

By Adam

Published on Jan 21, 2002



Um, if you read the first chapter then you know the story plot and all that. So basically, accept homosexuality and you can read this story. Oh yeah, and be over 18 or the legal age in your area of residence, so basically yeah, that's it...hope you enjoy this chapter

Okay so this is the chapter I promised. It will pick up from where Chapter four left off, and then will be the whole chapter at Adam's sister's home. You'll meet his brother in law, and of course you'll get to see the conversation and interaction between all the characters.

I want to thank every one who continues to send me feedback, I appriciate it alot.

Chapter 5

"I love you" Jared smiled as he plopped a kiss on Adam's cheek. They were still naked, laying in Adam's bed. Adam was busy wrapped in Jared's arms to even respond with anything but an incoherent mumble. He probably meant to say something back, but it didn't really come out as words. At least, not words that Jared could understand. "I'm gonna get a shower, keep sleeping."

Jared slid out of the bed and wandered into the bathroom on the top floor of the house. Adam's house was like a second home to him, just like any of the other's friend's homes were. They all knew everything about the houses, where the bathrooms were, the bedrooms, even the secret hiding places for the liquor. It was like second nature to them to just find whatever they were looking for.

So Jared had no problem finding the towels. He was already naked, so throwing the towel on the rack he stepped into the shower and turned on the water. At first he took some time to regulate it, not too hot, but not too cold. The water was a relief to him, his body was at bliss though, he still hadn't fully recovered from the orgasm he had only twenty minutes earlier. He had recovered physically, but something in his head hadn't gotten the sensation to subside. It really was the best sex he had ever had. Better now because Adam hadn't been drunk for it this time and of course, because it was a willing act of love and not just lust.

Taking the shampoo bottle he rubbed it through out his hair and then shut his eyes. The water ran down his head and on down over his body in a sensual way. It was almost gliding across his skin. The whole situation of the day had been amazing to him, from the sex to the after, this shower was a perfect wrap up.

After about ten minutes he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Drying himself off he finished by wrapping the towel around his waist. It was pretty short, but that didn't seem to bother him, because Adam had seen him naked plenty of times now as friends and as lovers, but at the same time, he knew that limited clothing also left something to the imagination.

But sure enough Adam hadn't even moved from the position on his bed ,still sound asleep. He smiled and walked back to the bed, he grabbed his shirt and brought it up to his nose. It definetly didn't smell good enough for him to make a good impression in. So instead he stood back up from the bed and made his way to Adam's closet. He grabbed a shirt of Adam's, knowing it would be too tight on him, but not really having any other options, and threw it on. Letting the towel drop from his waist he grabbed a pair of Adam's boxers from his dresser drawer and pulled them on.

If he wanted to get a good reaction he could have met Adam's brother-in-law like that. The shirt barely reached the top of his boxers, and the boxers were more like boxer briefs. Jared just smiled and grabbed his jeans off the floor. He knew they would smell fine so he pulled them on and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Get up baby." He lightly shook Adam's side and tried to wake him. Adam only stirred slightly, but didn't get much of a reaction from him. "Come on, don't make me tickle you."

"no" Adam just murmered and rolled over.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Jared laughed as he stood up from the bed. Walking over to Adam's dresser for the second time that day he started to pick out some clothes. He knew that Adam would have taken for ever if he left that task up to him, so he just picked out the sexiest clothes he would like seeing Adam in.

He picked out a tight black tank top with a hood on the back. Then he picked out some cargo pants, and finally grab a pair of boxer briefs. He piled the outfit on top of his arms and carried them towards the bathroom. Leaving Adam to get a few more winks with peace.

Placing them on the sink he walked over towards the shower and pulled back the curtain. He turned on the water and let it regulate to a warm temperature and smiled. Pulling the curtain shut he walked out of the bathroom and back towards Adam's bedroom. His smile grew larger as he pulled Adam's covers away from his naked body. Adam visibly shook from the cold air hitting his exposed body. But really made no effort to get up from his sleeping position.

Jared took it into his own hands though. Literally when he picked Adam up from the bed with the utmost of ease and carried him off towards the bathroom. Adam didn't make any effort to struggle, instead he leaned his head into Jared's chest and wrapped his arms around Jared's neck. The position was actually pretty comfortable and he had no problem being in it. Although when he was placed in the shower without warning he probably was thinking other wise and regretting his decision to stay sleeping.


"I warned you. Seriously, hurry up. We gotta get going or your sister's gonna eat without us." Jared laughed and pulled the curtain shut. He took a seat on the side of the sink and waited for Adam to finish. After about ten minutes he got bored and walked back to the shower. "I told you to hurry up."

"I am" Adam laughed and rinsed the soap off of his arms.

"Well maybe if you get out in the next ten minutes I'll give you a kiss." Jared replied with a smirk. Adam just winked at him and pulled the curtain shut.

About ten minutes later when the water turned off, Jared was not going to give Adam a kiss. Instead he handed Adam the towel and watched his boyfriend dry off. Adam just smiled and got dressed.

"You picked a wonderful outfit." Adam replied as the shirt clung to his chest. It exposed the little bit of muscles that he actually had on his arms, and the little bit of definition in his chest that you really couldn't see to begin with. But he could always say it showed off his muscles.

Jared just smiled and pulled him into the kiss that he wasn't going to give him only moments earlier. The outfit he picked out had worked the way he wanted it to, maybe a little too much. The kiss lasted a minute or two as Adam leaned into the wall and Jared pushed his tongue into his mouth. As they broke away Adam was yearning for that kiss to return, yearning for the power that he felt in Jared's arms.

"You wanna drive or should I?" Jared asked as he walked out of the bathroom. Adam followed quickly.

"I want another kiss first." Adam replied with arms crossed and a pout on his face.

Jared did as he was asked, pulling Adam close again and planting a quick kiss. Adam was disappointed in the shortness, but he was left with no time to argue as Jared continued towards his truck. "I'll drive, you said it wasn't hard to get there, so I figurd it won't be a problem."

Adam shook his head in agreement and relaxed for the ten minute drive. He wasn't in the mood to drive anyways, he was in the mood to stare at Jared's body and muscles.His own outfit was very attractive too. He liked how his shirt fit Jared just perfectly so that his six pack was visble when he was sitting. Not to mention how the pants fit him just perfect and showed off his leg muscles.

Adam cleared his mind as the car pulled into his sister's house. He guessed that the questions Jared had been asking him about turning and where to go were clearly good enough, because Jared made it to the right place.

Jared got out of the car pretty slower, a lot slower then he had gotten into on the way there. Adam was quick as could be as he led the way to the front door. Jared expected him to knock, but was surprised when Adam opened the door and held it open for Jared to enter.

"Don't be nervous, you already know Melissa and Frank is so cool. Plus he use to play football, you two will get along great." Adam smiled and laughed as he led Jared into the kitchen. Melissa was busy making a salad and Frank, or at least Jared assumed was Frank seemed to be busy in the kitchen.

"Hey there....thanks for letting me know you were arriving." Melissa laughed as she looked up from her cooking. "Jared, I want you to meet my husband Frank, Frank this is Jared, Adam's boyfriend." Jared nervously shook Frank's hand as he extended it to him. Frank just smiled and laughed, it was obvious that Jared would need a lot of work to get him comfortable for the moment.

"Nice to meet you Jared."

"You too sir." Jared replied politely.

"Adam how are ya?" Frank laughed and just changed his direction towards Adam. Adam smiled at him.

"I'm good, real good." Adam replied. "You'll have to excuse Jared, he's just really nervous about meeting you. I think he thinks this is like as close as he's going to get to meeting my parents, so he figures he has to make a good impression. But if he'd just relax I'm sure you guys will love him. I already do and Melissa knows him, so it's just up to you."

Jared was blushing the whole time, he had heard every word of their conversation and was a little upset that Adam would talk about him when he was right there. But the way they were talking didn't seem to be too bad, and by the expression of laughter on Frank's face, he kind of lost the little anger he had.

"Let's finish this conversation over dinner. " Melissa grabbed the salad and put it on the table. The steak was already waiting and so were the mashed potatoes. Adam pulled Jared's hand and led him to a seat. Adam sat down next to him, and Melissa and Frank sat at the heads of the table.

"So, Jared, you ever have a boyfriend before?" Frank began small talk as Melissa passed around the salad.

"Um, no, Adam's my first." Jared replied still a little nervous. "I've had girlfriends though, but no boyfriends."

"Then I'm sure this is new to the both of you. Adam never having a boyfriend either." Frank replied.

"Yeah, it is pretty new to us. I mean, my girlfriends were never very special to me. But that's different with Adam, he is special. I've liked him for a long time, I just only admitted to myself that I'm gay, so it took a little while for this to happen." Jared replied, his nervousness was fleeting and fleeting fast. The more he talked it was like he was just with a group of friends and not his boyfriend's family.

"That's good, cuz if you had said that Adam wasn't special I think you wouldn't be able to eat that steak." Frank laughed as did Jared. "Adam's like a son to me, don't wanna see him get hurt. But I'm sure neither do you. Not to mention the fact I know how stubborn he can be. Him and his sister have so much in common. Sometimes I can't get Melissa to decide on anything, she's so pig headed some times. And of course, I'm sure Adam's like that. I know how hard it is to wake him up and to get him ready too. Just like his sister."

"I'm well aware of those problems." Jared laughed.

"I'm not that bad. I just like to sleep, and I like to make sure I look perfect. I can't be going out and looking bad can I? Cuz that would be a reflection of you. You dont' want people thinking you have bad taste when your boyfriend looks like an ya?" Adam replied with a questioning smile.

"You look good anyways." Jared smiled brightly with a gleam in his face. Adam just blushed.

"Good answer Jared." Frank laughed.

"Alright, enough of us embarrassing people. Let's change the subject to something else." Melissa spoke for the first time. "How about we talk about school or something?" She suggested.

"How about something other then school?" Adam laughed.

"How about we get to know Jared, I guess Adam knows alot about him, but I know I don't. I'd like to know your background and stuff, get to know the kid that's dating our Adam." Frank suggested.

"Well, um, I play on the football team, or at least, I did the last seven years. I mean, ya know, graduation and all. But anyways, I don't know where to start. My parents don't know that I'm gay, in fact, I don't think I plan on telling them for a while. I know how Adam's parents are, so I know that that means you two will be like the only adults that we can talk to. I mean, I'm hoping since Adam can talk to you, that it would be okay if I could come to you guys for help too. And I think I'll probably need some, this is really new to me. Not the whole gay thing, but the whole relationship thing. I'm all about making this work, because I really do love Adam. I know that's naive to say, but seriously, I've been his friend for a long time and I know everything about him, just like he does me." Jared was basically just saying anything that came to his mind. "But none of that is really about me. Uh, I don't have much to say about myself. I'm going to ALU probably, I've been accepted, I just don't know. I mean, I was never the star football player and I didn't get any scholarships, and my grades are only decent. So ALU wouldn't be so bad for me, it would be the perfect fit."

"That's a lot of information." Frank laughed. "And I'm sure ALU isn't a bad school, after all, you could still probably play some college ball."

"I'm not sure if I want to. I really haven't focused on what I'm gonna be when I get out of high school, and that's something I think I can figure out when I'm in college. That wouldn't leave time for football. Basically I'll be managing time between classes and Adam." Jared replied with a smile.

"You know where you're going to school Adam?" Frank asked a little confused. Jared had made it seem like he knew, but as Frank remembered Adam had never told him or Melissa where he was planning on attending.

"No, not yet. There are a lot of good schools in state, so probably some where close. God knows we have the money to send me away, but I don't have the want to leave this state." Adam replied, taking a bite of his salad. "Plus, if I leave state I have to leave everything. In case you all didn't notice I'm really reliant on people, and leaving you two, and Jared, and all my friends, I don't think it would be so good for me."

"Why don't you go to ALU?" Melissa suggested as she took a sip of water. "You'd be close, you'd be with Jared, it would perfect for what you described."

"Yeah, I guess, but I don't have to decide yet." Adam replied, not sure where he really wanted to go to school.

"It is your senior year, it is the second semester of your senior year." Melissa laughed. "Have you even sent anything to any college?"

"No, not yet, but neither have any of my friends." Adam replied, trying to make it seem like he wasn't the only one who was slacking on the topic.

"Hey, I'm sending mine in this weekend. I've got all the shit I need for ALU." Jared replied, he didn't want to be brought into this conversation.

"Then I'll figure it out quickly." Adam replied with a smirk.

The conversation returned to other topics, and dinner finished. Jared hadn't realized how easy it was to get along with them. He walked into the whole situation nervous as fuck, but now, he really felt like he had gotten close to Frank and Melissa. And he was glad that he and Frank hadn't talked much about football. He knew he could have always used that as a bonding mechanism, but at the same time, he knew he also wanted to bond with the real Frank and for the real Frank to get to know him, not the football player.

In all the dinner was enjoyable, and Jared was anxious to do it again. As he dropped Adam off at his house, he walked him to the door and gave him a quick kiss, promised to pick him up in the morning for school, and then drove back towards his own home.

Yeah, he was really liking this whole boyfriend, relationship thing.


Well I hoped you liked it. This chapter was just a focus on characters more then anything else, although you got to know about college plans. But that was about it. I hope you like the chapter, and like I said once before, if you'd ever like to see any other characters get bigger parts just let me know and I'll try my best. Well, thanks to everyone who sent me feedback for the last chapter. If you'd like to e-mail me the address is Thanks again, and I hope you enjoyed.

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