Pine Valley High

By Adam

Published on Jan 14, 2002



Um, if you read the first chapter then you know the story plot and all that. So basically, accept homosexuality and you can read this story. Oh yeah, and be over 18 or the legal age in your area of residence, so basically yeah, that's it...hope you enjoy this chapter

So this chapter was supposed to cover the whole dinner thing at Adam's sister's house, but I've decided to push that back to chapter five instead, so this chapter is going to be the after school outings of Adam and Jared. Just the two of them, from the time school ends til the time they are going to go to Adam's sister's home. Just wanted to let you all know, so you didn't get upset if you thought you were going to read something else.

Thanks to everyone who sent me feedback. I'm really surprised that I'm still getting new readers, sometimes every day. It's a real honor to have fans, and I want to thank everyone who has e-mailed me since the first chapter. Thanks alot.

Chapter 4

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jared's eyes were shady, they weren't focused. His voice and question were directed at Adam, he fully meant for that to be known, but to stare him straight in the eyes made him shudder, a feeling he didn't want to have, but at the same time couldn't quell with in himself.

"Not really." Adam replied, he wasn't having that same problem. His eyes were looking Jared up and down, seemingly studying him for some sign of feeling or emotion. He found something he had never really seen in Jared. "Were you, I mean, were you afraid?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" Jared replied, his voice changing from understanding, his eyes caught Adam's. Adam saw the anger in the question, as though Adam had been wrong himself when he asked Jared that same question.

"I'm sorry, I was. If you want to know I was scared shitless. I was naked, I was helpless, I was at his hands, and he could have done what ever the fuck he wanted to. He could have fucked me, he could have raped me, I know he came close to it. I knew that the chances of someone finding me before anything would have happened were small. I knew the most likely outcome was that some one would find me on the ground unconcious, probably bleeding. I know I felt like a pussy cuz I couldn't fight back, becuase he barely had to use strength to get me in that stall. I'm pissed that he outsmarted me by putting my clothes on the locker, I'm pissed that I fell for it." Adam was just blurting out everything he felt. All the emotions that his sister had told him to, the ones he didn't think he really wanted to. "And I'm so fucking happy that you came in there. I don't care if you came in cuz you thought I was fucking around or what. That doesn't matter, because all that does matter is that you saved me. Sure you hurt my head and my shoulder, but it's better that then having to live with that pervert's disgusting act. There, I answered your question. I did more then just answer you question, so answer mine."

Jared sat speechless at first. There wasn't much he coudl say, wasn't much he could think of saying, and wasn't much he could even imagine doing. Adam had just told him everything, everything that had went through his mind when it happened, and now that he was done, Jared felt that he should have to compete with that. That he would have to tell Adam everything that he had been thinking. And pouring out his emotions was something he was not use to doing.

"I thought I lost you, I thought I lost you before I even got you. Okay, when Lindsey told me you were in there with him, I just, I thought it was all some fling for you. Like me being your boyfriend was just a fuck, and you really didn't care for me anymore. When I saw you on the floor, after I hit you with the door. My first reaction was to run, not fight. Before it dawned on me that you weren't in a willing situation." Jared replied in his own sense of anger. "I thought he had already fucked you and you had let him. I thought you were just using me for something, I didn't know what, and I honestly couldn't even tell you a simple choice of things, but I thought you were. And it completely flipped my mind."

Once again speechlessness hit the room. This time Adam had the reaction. He hadn't expected anything like that from Jared. He knew Jared wasn't an expressing kind of guy, at least not emotions like the ones that he had expressed. It was a shock to him, but at the same time a relief. What was to come was a bigger surprise.

"I love you Adam, I know, it's soon and all, but I've known you for years. I know you considered Jamie your best friend, but I always considered you mine. You were always there for advice, and you never judged me when I made stupid mistakes or when I fooled around with who knows how many of the girls in our school. When you and me had sex at your party, I knew at that point I was gonna ask you out. When you said yes a hundred thoughts went through my mind. I mean, what if this is just a phase and I break your heart. But when I saw you on the floor in the locker room, I knew this was a hell of a lot more then a phase. And I was afraid, I'm afraid of just about everything that is going on in my life. I'm afraid because this is all so different and I don't wanna lose you because of something as stupid as my fears."

Adam had a tear in his eyes, he fought to keep it back but it rolled down his cheek as Jared finished. He wasn't sure when the tear actually formed, maybe when Jared had said he loved him, but then he thought it was a little later on, like the part about the sex and boyfriend part. But it didn't really matter, because it was a tear none the less, and he wasn't sad, he was just happy, more like joyful at Jared's words.

"I love you too." His words were simple but enough. Jared was obviously choked up, but Adam knew he wasn't going to cry. He knew Jared had long been too strong for crying. The hug that developed between the two of them was enough for both of them, enough for them to comfort each other with out words, because those could only get in the way.

As the silence filtered out of the room with Adam's sniffles, Jared's face was turned into a smile. "Did we just have a fight?"

"You really don't know much about relationships." Adam laughed.

"Look who's talking." Jared replied joining in.

"That definetly wasn't a fight, that was just, that was nice." Adam sniffled again and relaxed into the couch. "What do you say we go watch some tv upstairs, I feel like relaxing and my bed is a lot more comfortable then this couch."

"I guess." Jared replied sarcastically. "I'd rather go home and practice some football with my dad, but if you really wanna relax..." Jared laughed at himself and stopped. Adam just shook his head while he laughed and led the way to his room. Not that Jared wasn't familiar with how to get there.

Adam immediately laid down in his bed, Jared plopped down next to him, rocking hte matress. Adam just frowned and pushed him, Jared laughed, and barely budged from his spot. "Nice try."

"Thank you" Adam laughed. "I do my best."

"I love you even if you don't have any strength." Jared teased, at the same time he pushed Adam he almost fell off the bed with the force. Jared laughed while Adam rolled back, this time closer to Jared's body.

"I happen to think I have plenty of strength for the position I am in. Anyways, I like that you have strength over me. Makes me feel safe." Adam laughed, but the laugh slowly faded as Jared pulled him close. The words he had seemingnly taken to heart. Adam cuddled into him, the warmth of there bodies making him feel as safe as he said it did. Jared smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"I guess I am pretty tough." Jared laughed.

"Yeah, you are really tough. But then again today after lunch Brent was telling me how tough he was in the bathroom. Ya know, as he fucked me and all, he was just moaning about how strong he was, how much of a man he was." Adam started to laugh uncontrollably at his own comments as Jared's face went white. It immediately reclaimed it's color as he watched Adam's laughter grow. His face then turned to a devious smirk as he rolled on top of Adam's body.

"hey!" Adam tried to protest, but his arms were quickly pinned underneath Jared's knees.

"That so wasn't funny. Tell me who's the strong one now?" Jared laughed to himself, still holding him down.

"You" Adam spit out quickly, a little bit of laughter making it hard for him to breath. Jared just smiled and moved his hands down to Adam's head. He slowly ran his hand through Adam's hair. Tentatively he leaned down, his lips making contact with Adam's lips, his hand holding Adam's head possessively into that kiss. It was magic, it wasn't their first kiss, but to both of them it was like their first real kiss.

Jared pulled back and flipped off of him, pulling Adam ontop of his body. "More comfortable." Adam replied as another kiss connected the two of them. Jared wrapped his arms around Adam's body, holding him close as the kiss deepened and tongues battled tongues. Jared's hands quickly left the back of Adam's body and focused on the front. Adam's shirt was quickly off Adam's body, and Jared's hands were on his body. Adam loved the feeling, that feeling of intamacy, but instead he rolled away from the conflict and next to Jared's body.

"Pants have to go." Adam's voice was mixed with need and want as he unzipped his jeans. They were on the floor with in seconds, leaving Adam in nothing but his boxer briefs, a tight pair of black boxer briefs of which were restraining a very hard and straining cock, one that Jared was eager to see.

Jared smiled at Adam, kissed him on the cheek and then stripped. His t-shirt was off, the tightness of it was an appealing image of Jared, but the six pack and smooth chest that carried a much larger appeal. Next came his pants, as soon as they were off Adam was pleased to see that he was wearing briefs. The briefs that Jared always wore were always a little tight, always exposing his bulge, with or without an erection. However, at this moment it was the latter of the tightness, the one showing off an erection that had him interested. Jared's cock wasn't huge, wasn't even abnormally big, it was actually average, just like Adam's, but that was plenty for Adam in the end. It wasn't about the sex it was about the relationship.

"Suck me." Jared replied in a smooth voice filled with lust. Adam did as he was asked, moving himself below Jared's legs and placing himself at Jared's cock. It was at that moment that he realized this was a first, not a first out of blow jobs, becuase he had given plenty of those, but a first with him and Jared. And nervousness took over, but was quickly shut out by experience as he did what was like second nature to him in this situation of sex.

Jared relaxed into the bed, his hands above his head. He was already in ecstasy, and yet Adam had only been working on his cock for ten seconds or less. It was like a total bliss, as stupid and over said, it was the truth.

Adam was good at just about everything sexual. He didn't have to brag about it, or even prove it, becuase most people in school knew it. He had been having sexual experiences with guys since he was in the 7th grade, and he was a quick learner. His first time at sex was with a senior in highschool, he was only in the 8th grade then, but it was good enough for that senior that he told some friends. Adam was by no means a whore, but he couldn't deny that he didn't like sex.

With Jared it seemed to be different. Jared himself had been with plenty of girls, never relationships, just sex and blow jobs when they both wanted it. Jared was good too, that coming from those girls and even Adam who remember vaguely what he and Jared had done that night. But like said, between the two of them it was a different story.

Adam was some what nervous even if he wasn't showing it in his technique. His tongue never faltered, and his speed was incredible, better than Jared had ever had with an eager cheerleader or student council member. But even Jared felt different, not becuase it was his first blow job from a guy, not because it was so good, maybe it was because it was Adam, and it wasn't just pleasure or a release, it was so much more.

"I'm gonna cum." Jared moaned through an almost clenched mouth. Adam quickly pulled off and crawled up to Jared, as Jared went to finish the job with his hand Adam stopped him. "It's okay, that was great." Jared replied, thinking Adam wanted to finish him, but Adam held his hands tight, a pleading look in his eyes.

"Make love to me." Adam's face was feeled with lust and want. His eyes were glazed over with pleasure, pleasure that was apparently coming from just the idea of Jared fucking him. Not that the idea hadn't turned him on a million times since they began their relationship only the day earlier.

Jared didn't say a word, just leaned into Adam for a kiss and then stood up from the bed. "Do you have a condom and some lube?" Adam reached over to the dresser drawer and pulled out a condom. Jared grabbed it eagerly and rolled it onto his dick. He was still rock hard, as was Adam in anticipation. Adam then grabbed the lube and tossed it to Jared, Jared caught it and squeezed a small amount into the palm of his hand.

He put a little on the condom wrapped dick, and then squeezed another glob into his hand. He rubbed it into the fingers on his right hand. Adam laid flat on his back, as Jared inserted one finger after another. He was able to get four of them in as Adam moaned and whimpered for more. He took that as a cue and slid his fingers out. He wiped them on the side of the bed and then grabbed Adam's legs. He pushed them towards Adam's chest and placed the head of his cock at Adam's entrance.

"I love you." Jared whispered as he pushed in. Adam was use to this, and the pain that would have hit him was nothing but a small whimper of need. Their thrusts were sychronized, Jared in and Adam back for the most pleasurable sex he had ever had. It was amazing how some one so new at gay sex could be so good, but for only his second time, Jared was already a master at the trade, and seemingly knew just where to hit Adam.

"ohhhh" Adam was panting and moaning with the thrusts, no words came out but he was begging for more with every ounce of his body that could use symbolize as words. Jared's thrusts quickly because faster and harder, each one pounding into Adam with a thudding force, each one hitting his prostate with dead on accuracy and precision.

Jared slowed the pace though as he felt his climax coming on, he wasn't ready to end this, not yet. Instead, he flipped Adam on his side and laid back down on the bed beside him, so that they were side by side, but yet Jared was still behind Adam. Wrapping his arms around Adam's body he held him as he slowly and steadily fucked him. The kisses Adam felt on his neck were enough to push him over the edge, but what really threw him was the hand that found itself wrapped around his cock. Jared was fucking him good and hard, and jerking him off at the same time.

"Cum for me baby, cum for me." Jared was panting in Adam's ear, and Adam could not refuse such a command. Not when Jared was doing everything in his power to make it come true whether he wanted to wait or not. And so he did, his whole body tensed as Jared removed his hand. The cum that erupted from his cock mostly flew to the floor a good distance from where he lay. The rest of it subsided on his stomach along with his limp and soft cock.

The way Adam's body tensed sent Jared over the edge. Adam's ass contracted, closing Jared's dick and signaling his own orgasm. The power of it made Adam tingle, he could feel the cum hitting his prostate as Jared sucked in breath with a heavy effort.

They lay like that for ten minutes, just the panting of subsiding bodies, Jared still partially in Adam, half hard, and surely about to get hard if he didn't pull out. His arms were wrapped protectively over Adam's body, the occasional touch of his lips to Adam's skin kept reminding him that he was in love. As he pulled out of Adam's ass, he could hear the tiny whimper come from his boyfriend's voice. As though it was an act he couldn't control, Jared smiled, and it was a large smile.

"Love you baby." Jared replied for the third time in such a short period. But he meant it, whether it was true love or not not. Whether parents and teachers call it puppy love, Jared wasn't sure if they were right or not. No, he was sure that he was in love, whether you add the puppy in front of it or not, love was love. A beautiful thing that Jared was sure would keep him with Adam for quite some time. But most importantly would get him to know a whole new world, one he had never felt with his quickies and sex partners. No this was definetly a good different.


This chapter was pretty short, but I just wanted to throw it in there. I got some suggestions for a just Adam and Jared chapter, and also some sex. Which I'm not that great at writing, but I thought I did an okay job. I admit I suck at it, so I have to get some credit. Anyways, this chapter was just there because of both suggestions, the ones who wanted an Adam and Jared chapter got the conversation in the beginning, and those who wanted sex got it at the end. So I hope I pleased both sides.

The next chapter will be the one I spoke of last time at Adam's sister's home.

I hope you enjoyed and as always feedback is appriciated and can be sent to Thanks again

Next: Chapter 5

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