Pine Valley High

By Adam

Published on Jan 7, 2002



Um, if you read the first chapter then you know the story plot and all that. So basically, accept homosexuality and you can read this story. Oh yeah, and be over 18 or the legal age in your area of residence, so basically yeah, that's it...hope you enjoy this chapter

I'd like to thank everyone who sent me feedback. I got a lot of great ideas for both cases, on whether or not Adam should get raped. I was amazed by how many fans had good ideas and even gave me plenty of options to write about for this chapter. I chose a mixture of about three people's e-mails, and I hope that everyone finds this chapter interesting. Let me know by e-mailing me at

Chapter 3

Adam shuddered as he heard Andrew's heart beats. He shuddered even more when he heard the unzippering of pants. He wondered how this could be happening. There were only three minutes if even left in the gym class, how would Andrew not get caught. Eventually he would have to slip and Adam would be able to make a noise, someone would hear. But then again as of now Andrew had a tight grip on him, and it didn't look like he was about to let go so easily.

"I told you I'd make you mine." The voice was soft, something Adam didn't know Andrew possessed. Then of course that whole theory was gone becuase Andrew's tongue was working it's way into Adam's ear, and disgust once again was the only thing Adam could think of. "If you say you'll be my boyfriend we could make this a lot more peaceful." Andrew replied as he kissed Adam behind the ear.

The warning bell rings at that point, the kids from the gym class slowly circulate into the locker room, given five minutes to change. Andrew feels confident that he is safe however, becuase no one in his gym class actually uses the stalls. He knows that they are all comfortable with getting dressed and naked in front of each other, and there fore has no reason to hurry with what is going on. Instead he stands silent, his hand remaining tightly around Adam's mouth, and the other firmly pressing his arm to his back. Adam can only wait along with him, truly scared and unsure of what is to come.

"Hey, Lindsey...have you seen Adam?" Lindsey usually stays around after gym class to practice a little more, so for no reason out of the ordinary, Jared, Jamie and Brent find her shooting hoops as they come to find there friend.

"Yeah, he went into change about ten minutes ago, I didn't see him come out yet. But you gotta hear this." Lindsey shot for the basket one last time and turned to face them. The three of them listened intently. "My friend was walking past the locker room, she said she over heard Adam and Andrew, ya know, that really cute kid, and she said it sounded like they were getting it on. Or at least that's what she said. Adam denied it, but I wouldn't be surrpised if it was true. Adam is known to sleep around."

Jared held back his anger at the comment. He couldn't get completey pissed even if he wanted to. Because in reality, Adam was known for his sex with many of the guys in school. Jared knew it would be tough for him to overcome that past part of his life, but at the same time he thought he could put more trust in Adam. At least a day's worth of trust that is to say.

"Well I'm gonna go get changed. Talk to you all later." Lindsey turned and walked towards the girl's locker room, leaving the three friends by themselves.

"I'm sure Adam wouldn't do that, not with him at least. That kid is so full of himself." Jamie replied, hoping that Jared wasn't upset, because even being a girl, she wasn't very good with comforting people.

"Maybe you should find out for yourself." Brent suggested with a smirk on his face. Jamie wanted to smack him on the shoulder for that comment.

"Maybe I should." Jared replied with a sound of hurt, and a little bit of anger in his voice. Jamie watched as Brent led the way to the locker room. She coudn't believe that Brent had truly put Adam in this situation. She was afraid to know what Adam really was doing, because if he was cheating on Jared, she was a little fearful of what would happen.

"ADAM!" The locker room at this point was mostly quiet. Two seniors were still in the shower, but that was it. However, Jared did notice two sets of legs under a dressing stall. His emotions took control of him. Had he known what was really going on in the other side of the stall, he might not have been so angered when he flung the door open. The thud that accompanied it was meant to hurt, the sight hurt just a little more.

Adam took the brunt of the hit to his head and shoulder, falling to the ground as Andrew lost grip of him. The scene was obvious, their was no questioning of what had been going on. Adam was naked, Andrew was fully clothed, well, he had all his clothes on, but his private area was sticking out of his pants and his face was full of the guilt that he had in him.

The first reaction was shock. Anger quickly left Jared's thoughts, at least the anger he had at first felt. The new anger that arose was more powerful then that first sense of anger. Brent really didn't know what to do. He was a little disgusted at the sight, but at the same time, seeing the image of one of his best friends and this pervert had arose a little bit of anger in himself too.

"What the fuck were you doing?" Jared quickly picked Andrew up with all his strength, shoving him into a locker. The situation was a little disturbing, seeing Jared throwing an exposed Andrew into the locker, that made Brent react with force as he helped hold Andrew still.

"I...we...he wanted to..." Andrew had no idea what to do. His words were not coming out the way he thought they would. In fact he was a little stunned by the whole situation. Who was Jared to care anyways? "What's it matter?" His voice was rage filled as he managed to fight from both their arms. His first reaction was to zip up his pants, but that was about all that he had time to do. Because with in seconds he was no the floor, doubled over from Jared's fist to his stomach.

"I'm his fucking boyfriend. That's why it fucking matters. You don't touch him, you got that. Don't use any excuse that he wanted...he was naked, you weren't, he don't play like that." Jared replied with hate and venganence. He was surprised when he watched Brent's foot planted inside Andrew's ribs.

"Get outta here." Brent's words were almost as hate filled as Jared's, his reactions just as vengeful.

Andrew was in pain, but he knew not to push his luck. He didn't even stand, instead he inched away from them, pulled himself up when he was distant from then and left the locker room. It was this point that focus shifted, shifted from their hate, to sorrow and sadness. Because Adam was on the floor in pain, his own body had taken the brunt of the damage when Jared flung the door open, an accident.

"I'm sorry baby...he didn't... I mean, he didn't do anything to you did he?" Jared asked as he rubbed Adam's shoulder. Brent ran his hand through his hair and grabbed Adam's clothes from on top of the lockers. He handed them to Jared and then took his leave of the locker room, giving the new couple some time to relax together.

"No, you came in time. He, he asked me to be his boyfriend." Adam shuddered at his own words, the voice and touches of Andrew replaying themselves on his body.

"Shhh...don't think about it. Let's get you dressed." Jared did just as he said, he helped Adam slip back into his boxers, then his jeans, and finally his shirt. When Adam was fully dressed he and Jared both stood. Besides a little sore spot on his forehead, Adam was relatively okay. "We're gonna be late for our class. Maybe we should just skip it. I mean, Jamie is waiting outside, so is Brent, the four of us could just go down to your sister's office and hang out for a little while."

"I don't wanna tell her." Adam replied quickly.

"We don't have to, we could just hang out." Jared reiterated and Adam smiled. Slowly they made there way out of the locker room, met up with Brent and Jamie, and the four made their way to the office. A great excuse for missing class.

"Hey Miss Missy." Jamie smiled as she took a seat in the office. Melissa Klein, Adam's older sister smiled and put down the folder of information she was looking at. "You busy, or can your favorite students hang for a while."

"I guess, but I'm gonna have to know what reason I was blessed with this special surprise visit." Mrs. Klein asked with another smile.

"Not much. We were late to a class, didn't wanna get busted and figured you could let us hang out here and give us a pass to let our teachers know where we were. But we figured we could do that towards the end of the period, ya know, so we didn't have to actually go to class?" Brent replied with an award winning sappy face.

"Alright, I'll take that as the preliminary answer to my question and give you a yes. You can all stay here, and then I'll inform your teachers I was speaking to you if they ask where you were."

The four of them took seats around the room, but being that only three seats existed, Jared stood behind Adam's chair, one hand on the chair, and another on the shoulder that his accident had injured. He was subcounciously feeling bad for the whole thing, and he couldn't shake the image of Adam falling to the ground nude, he couldn't shake the disgust that he felt inside after the situation.

"You two don't have to be awkard." Melissa's words left the four of them confused, unaware of what she was really talking about. "I can tell you two are dating. It's pretty obvious, the stance behind him, the gentle hand on his shoulder. Why don't you see down and Adam can sit on your lap?"

Adam and Jared both blushed at the comment. Adam stood up however, and they did just as she suggested, Adam taking a seat on Jared's lap and Jared once again resuming a gently gesture by wrapping his arms around Adam's stomach and chest. Brent and Jamie smiled, while Melissa smirked at the fact that she was right all along.

"So when did you two start dating?" Melissa asked as they settled.

"Um, last night. Not many people know yet, Jared isn't, I mean he's not out." Adam replied to his sister.

"When were you going to tell me?" She asked with a teasing expression painted on her face.

"Give 'em a break. They're new to this. Adam ain't had a boyfriend before, and Jared hasn't even admitted he was gay until now. They told us, and you know he would have told you eventually. You are his favorite family member. He says so all the time." Jamie replied with a smile.

"I know, I know." Melissa laughed. "Which reminds me, George and I wanted to invite you over for dinner tonight. Why don't you bring Jared too?" George was Adam's brother-in-law, he had always been nice to Adam, and like his sister, George was also aware of Adam's homosexuality. It was great to have two adults on his side, and especially knowing that he had family to turn to when he knew he could never rely on his parents.

"Sure, we'd love to come." Jared replied for the both of them, hoping that was the answer that Adam would have given too. He really wanted to get to know Adam's sister, it was obvious from past conversations and just the basic way they spoke that the two were close, and Jared felt it was important that he too become familiar with his most favorite of family. Not to mention spending time together after the moments of the day also seemed like a great idea to him.

"Great, I hope you like steak. I know Adam does, at least he did last time I checked. But then again the last time I saw him eat was in forever." Melissa laughed. Jared knew what she was talking about. Adam ate frequently, but it was pretty hard to tell on his frame, he wasn't skinny, but he was definetly on the thin size. "You gotta keep my baby bro eating, ya here?"

"Trust me, I eat a lot." Adam laughed at his own comment. "And to prove it, I'll eat whatever you put on my plate tonight."

"Glad you said that, cuz you know how I get when my cooking goes uneaten."

"Well, I know you'll eat what ever you make yourself. And I'm sure Bob knows that you hate it since he is your husband. And I'm hopeful that I can manage a full plate, and Jared will eat all that and more, so I think w're going to be good on keeping you happy." Adam laughed and Jared blushed.

"You saying I eat a lot?" Jared asked in mock anger.

"Well you aren't fat so I guess not." Adam replied with a smile and a hopeful face.

"Alright." Jared replied with a smile. Jamie and Brent just smiled at the two's behavior. The two of them had been sitting silent for most of the conversation and time spent in the office and still having nothing to say, silent they remained. Melissa noticed that they had been quiet, but at the sight of their smiles towards the friend's reactions she left them at will to be content and smiled along with them.

"I think you all should be heading to your classes, the next period should be starting soon anyways. And if your teachers ask you where you were tell them to give me a call and I'll inform them." Melissa replied as they filed out of the door. "Adam, I wanna talk to you first."

"I'll see you all later." Adam replied as he friends walked out of the door, after a quick kiss from Jared he was sitting back down, anxious to know why his sister needed to speak to him.

"Anything bothering you?" She asked with a look of concern on her face. Adam was a little shocked that she could read him that well. he knew she didn't know why, but she could tell he was upset, and the whole thing surprised him.

"Um, yeah, it's no big deal though. I'll give over it." Adam replied with a fake smile. His sister's disappointed face was clue enough that she knew it was a fake smile.

"If it's no big deal then I'm sure you won't mind telling me." Melissa replied with a sincere look on her face. "After all, I'm sure it probably just has something to do with Jared. He is your first boyfriend, and it is relatively new to you. Everyone has the jitters when they begin something new. But in the end I'm sure Jared is wonderful, he seems wonderful, and it seems like the two of you strongly like each other." Melissa was about to continue no doubt, but Adam took the oppurtunity to interrupt.

"I'm not jitterery about starting a relationship with Jared. It's the best thing I could ask for. It's completely different, nothing to do with him. But if I tell you then you have to promise not to make a big deal out of it, and not to force me to tell you anything that I don't mention." Adam replied with a serious look his face.

"I promise."

"Okay, after gym class, I was getting dressed, and a kid, he took my boxers and jeans. He tried to rape me, he pushed me into a dressing stall and tried to rape me. If Jared hadn't come in he would have gotten away with it, but he didn't. Jared stopped him, and, don't get me wrong I couldn't be happier that he found me. But he only came in the locker room becuase he thought I was cheating on him. A friend of ours told him that she thought she heard me and that kid fooling around. He thought I was cheating on him, we just started dating and he thinks I'm fooling around. I didn't get raped because my boyfriend was stupid enough to believe some girl's assumption." Adam was visibly upset as he expressed his thoughts.

"I can't lie, I'd really like it if you told me who the kid was. But I'm not going to ask, because I stick to my word. I'm sure Jared didn't want to believe it. But some times jealousy and anger get the best of us. If Jared didn't truly love you he wouldn't have went into find out himself. He would have stormed away in anger, taking the girls word as the truth and leaving it at that. But he came to find you, to find out if it was true. I think you should talk to him about. And personally thank him for me, he saved you today, I owe him a big favor for that." Melissa replied. "If you wanna talk about this again, and you don't feel comfortable talking to Jared about it, you know I'm all ears."

"I know, thanks. I gotta get back to class though. But I'll see you tonight." Adam replied as he opened the door, turning he looked at his sister one more time. "Thanks again." His sister just smiled and shook her head as the door shut. She was angered, and outraged, Adam hadn't been able to pick up on that, but she was set in finding out what student had tried such a horrible thing on her little brother. She wouldn't let it go so easily as a promise.


This chapter was pretty short, sorry about that. For some reason I couldn't find much time to work on it this week, but the next one should be normal length hopefully. The next chapter will be the dinner, and if you any suggestions of what should happen I'd love to hear them. As for the rest of the chapter, I'm up for suggestions to that too. Also if you'd like to see any of the other characters get bigger roles just let me know and I'll see what I can do, even if it's only a chapter or two.

Thanks again for all the good feedback after chapter 2, I really appriciated it all. And I hope you like the way this chapter started out. The next chapter should be out within a week or so, just like usual.

Next: Chapter 4

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