Pine Valley High

By Adam

Published on Dec 27, 2001



The characters in this story are fictional, they have come from own imagination. If any character in any resembles you or resembles situations you have been in, then you are just reading it to it, or I have great psychic abilites. Seriously though, this is not intentionally written to mimic any one's life or personality. If it in any way does, then I apologize for that from the get go. This story will contain gay themes in it, including sex and relationships, so if you are in the wrong spot then please stop.

Chapter 1

"Mornin'" It's a little odd to be waking up at 3 in the morning, but Adam can tell by the dull pain in his head that he didn't sleep much at all. However he can't be sure, because the last memory he has of the night before is drinking shots in his basement with a couple of the other guests at the party, sleep had to have come some time after that.

Standing at a mere 5'8 and weighing in at barely 140 pounds there isn't much of a resistance for alcohol. At the same time, having an adorable face and that innocent cute appeal doesn't have much resistance to every gay kid in school. So who ever happens to be speaking to Adam at the moment is pushed out of his mind, because he feels sleep could be just a little more important.

A few hours later, however, when Adam wakes up alone and the room is slightly colder without a body next to him he wishes that he might have woken up. But that's okay, cuz he's use to one night stands after parties, and he can live with another one. Even if the night keeps flashing back to him in pieces and the sex was good.

Sliding out of the bed with nothing on is a cold rush, one Adam isn't too thrilled with. He looks around to find that his boxers are gone, instead a pair of boxer briefs are left in place. He figures who ever he did it with left them and took his by accident, and he really doesn't care as long as it's something to wear. Slipping them on he walks out of the room and down towards his living room. The party was big, the mess will be huge.

Sure enough the mess in the living room and kitchen is large; beer cans, kegs, and remnants of food litter the floor and furniture, but it's better then he expected and he slowly begins to pick up. It's times like this he wished his friends weren't already home, after all, if he had gotten up in the first place they probably still would have been there to help. At least his good friends, but he had to keep dreaming.

Ring Ring Ring

The phone interrupts his cleaning and at first he's not even sure if he can find it. But sure enough it's on the kitchen counter where he thinks he left it when he went upstairs, and he quickly hits the on button before the machine picks it up for him.


"Hi, honey, how are things going?" Adam has to hold the phone back from his head, because he's pretty sure his mother is screaming into it.

"Good, I'm just getting ready for a shower. What about's the trip?" Lies come easy when you have no reason to tell the truth.

"Great, your father and I just settle into the hotel this morning. The flight was delayed but you know how things are and all. Well I was just calling to see how things were there, I'm sure you are having fun on your own and all, so I think I'll be going. You father sends his love."

"Tell dad I said hi." A groan follows that comment and he hopes his mother didn't pick up on it.

"Alright, take care honey."

"You too mom." ..... "Love you too." ...... "Bye."

Putting the phone back down on the counter he gets back to picking up. He figures if he can get through the ground level of the house, the rest will just be clothes and condoms people left behind. After all, he locked two of the five bedrooms on the second floor, so he only has to clean the one he slept in and the guest bedroom. Downstairs would be pretty bad, but he would worry about that another day towards the end of his parent's vacation, because it would just get trashed again.

As he looks around and then at himself, Adam realizes that the shower he lied to his mom about really does sound like a good idea. His body is pretty sweaty, probably from the sex, and his hair is a mess. Those two things bring back more thoughts of the previous night, and he frowns at the fact that he continued to sleep. But instead of playing with that thought he slips back upstairs and into the master bathroom.

It's not often that people even venture into the room, but Adam can see that some one found it, because remnants of sex linger in the room. For starters the used condom half way in the garbage can is a good sign, and the bra left on the sink is another. He picks the bra up and stuffs it in the garbage can, sending the condom with it. Other then that he is free to shower, and the the freedom from the tight boxer briefs is a smile.

Once in the shower he turns the heat up all the way, relaxes, sinking down to the bottom of the tub as the water cascades down his body. He makes a mental note to pop an advil afterwards and take a nap, but for the most part focuses on cleaning up. Soaping up his body he runs his hands soothingly over his chest and stomach, the feeling giving him a little pleasure, but he forces that out of his mind. He's not in the mood for a jack off session, not when he had good sex less than twelve hours earlier.

Instead he focuses on the rest of his body, saving his hair for last. A mess of hair it is too. The last time he got it cut couldn't have been anything less than two or three months ago, and it's definetly getting a little shaggy, but most of his friends seem to like it and so does he, so he figured he might as well keep the look for as long as it did him justice. The little bit of blond he once claimed left him long ago, the darker brown settled in for winter weather. Even his eyes seemed to change from a light blue to a darker chrystal color.

With the last rinse of shampoo from his head he slides out of the shower. With blind eyes he grabs for a towel from the side closet and pulls it to his body. A once over and then wrapping it around his body is enough as he walks out of the bathroom. He doesn't both to head to his bedroom, he figures he might as well just head downstairs again and finish up the kitchen at least before taking that nap he thought about.

Although at the same time he hardly expected to find any one in the house with him just in a towel too.

"Hey cutie." Jamie Bradly owns that sweet voice. She also owns an amazing body with flowing blond hair and a c cup worthy of a move up to a size d. One thing she doesn't own is the common sense to knock, but then again she hasn't knocked at Adam's house in five years, so why change the habit now?

"Hi." A blush creeps in but is quickly swept away. He slowly realizes that just about every one in school has seen him in his boxers, a towel or completely naked by now so why bother to hide it in front of his best friend.

"So care to know who you slept with last night?" Jamie has a small smirk on her face, turned up right just a tad to give her that evil cunning appeal.

"I figured you would remember."

"Well I'll tell you, but first you gotta hear about my night. Ya know, cuz you just disappeared at about 2 in the morning and I never saw you again. So I'll tell you now." Jamie smiled again, this time friendlier. "After all those body shots you did with a certain young man, who I'll get to...I went to find my own fun. I ran into Jackson Sinclear a little bit after that, and one thing led to another and we got it on in your guest bedroom. He wasn't bad, ya know the jock type, usually all talk, but nah, he had a little something to him."

"How big?"

"Aren't we nebby?" Jamie giggled to herself. "I'd say a good 6, but that's it. I've had bigger, and better, but I can't say he was the worst."

"I'll have to keep that in mind." Adam smiled at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I don't think so, trust me on this one, Jackson is definetly straight. I know, I know, you think you can turn any man in this school into a fag but I think your mistaken on this one."

"Fine, I won't even try it if you just tell me who I slept with." Adam asked with anxiousness.

"Alright, if you really must know. Like I was saying, after the body shots you disappeared, I really can't blame you, I would have been drunk off my ass too. But back to the point, you slipped away with a nice piece of work, one that I have heard plenty of good things about from other satisfied customers." Jamie came to a laughing stop.

"From what I remember he was pretty damn good." Adam joined in.

"You my friend are one lucky guy, because last night you slept with mr. popular, yes, you definetly got lucky." Jamie laughed as Adam's eyes shot up in confusion and excitement. He had his own thoughts on who Jamie was going to say, and was almost positive on one, but he wanted to hear the name first. "If you slept with the person you left the party with, and if you slept with the person who left your room this afternoon after the party, then you slept with Jared Connel."

The silence of the room was a surprise to Jamie, she expected to hear something besides nothing. Maybe a little swearing, or a little yelling, or laughing, or at least something. But yeah, silence worked just as well she guessed.

"Was he, I mean, was he drunk?"

"From what I You were...but he wasn't. Although I did hear from one source that he was a little high, but they said he was coherent the whole time and he was the one helping you to the bedroom." Jamie replied with a smile.

"Did you see him leave today?" Adam asked with joy. Jamie simply nodded her head. "Was he upset? Was he happy? What did he look like?"

"I don't know, he seemed fine to me. He grabbed some o.j. from your fridge and then snuck out the back door. I'm pretty sure he was wearing your boxers though, because he didn't have a shirt on yet and they looked like yours." Adam blushed slightly again, but quickly forced it away like the last.

"Which reminds me, I'm still in a towel, so I think I'll go change." Adam quickly slipped out of the room and up the stairs, leaving Summer in the kitchen to clean up.

Jared Connel truly did define the word popular. Standing at 6 feet even and weighing in at 200 pounds he was the king of all seniors. His body was complete with a six pack to drool over and a well defined every thing else to compare. His hair was always messy, and always brown, he didn't go for the dying or bleaching thing like every one else, he chose natural, and always looked good with it. He was sexy, not cute like Adam, no, he was definetly sexy.

It was hard to believe for Adam that he had slept with this man of a god. It wasn't that he himself was unpopular. In fact he was definetly a member of the incrowd, one of the defining members of that crowd to be exact. He, Jamie, Jared, a few of the cheerleaders and some of the football players made up that group, so finding that he had slept with Jared was a complete shock to him. If any members of the incrowd were gay, he figured they would have come to him for advice, and he was almost positive that Jared Connel was definetly not gay. Almost.

Now dressed in a pair of button ups and a wife beater Adam entered the room again. Jamie was still busy cleaning the kitchen and he went into help her.

"So I, yeah, I slept with Jared?"

"Dude, if you didn't sleep with Jared then some one else took over his body and fucked you." Jamie replied with a smile, Adam smiled. "Now what do you say we clean this up later and go get dinner. After all I'm sure you could use some food, being that you have done anything but sleep and shower since sex. You probably need to refuel."

"Yeah, let me grab a coat and some money." Once again heading back up his steps Adam grabbed his wallet and coat. He pulled his car keys out of the coat pocket and ran back down the steps.

Jamie followed him out of the house and into the car, a brand new 2001 Ford truck, bright red and big. Adam got it for a birthday present earlier that month, and had spent as much time in it as his bedroom. After all, a truck bed worked just as well as a house bed.

"So when are your parents coming home again?" Jamie asked as they pulled into the local McDonald's.

"Not for a week, too bad most of that week is school." Adam replied as he walked into the restauraunt.

"You don't have to go to school, who's the secretary gonna call to nform that you aren't in school, yourself?"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna miss any more classes, I sleep in and skip enough." Adam laughed as they approached the counter. He and Jamie were yet to see that their friends had pulled in behind them and were now entering the restauraunt as well.

"Dudes, don't order!" Nick Garner had the loudest voice in the world. And that gave him the role of class clown at Pine Valley High. Adam and Jamie turned as he came running at them, jumping over the railing and in front of them. "Saw you guys pulling in, wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with chinese place?"

"I'm not dressed for that." Adam replied, pulling back his jacket to reveal his wife beater and button up pants.

"ohhhhhh baby....don't tease me like that." Nick's voice was even louder now as he feigned temptation at Adam's exposed body. "I wouldn't want Jared to get jealous." Adam blushed again for the third time that day, and fought hard to wipe it off his face. "Seriously, you look fine though. And my Jamie doll over here always looks good." Nick smiled brightly and wrapped his arm around Jamie's shoulder.

"Can't say the same." Jamie laughed and pushed hm backwards.

Nick wasn't ugly, wasn't good looking either, but still. He was a good 6'2 and probably only 130 pounds, a walking stick as he was frequently called by his friends. His hair was a dirty blond, and his eyes were dark brown, pretty weird looking if you asked Adam or Jamie, but they never mentioned that to him.

"Come on ya'll...some of us are hungry!" Jenny Turner screamed as she peaked in through the door.

Adam and Jamie shrugged and followed Nick outside. Nick jumped in one of the other cars and Adam and Jamie followed the two cars towards their favorite chinese place. Adam drove as normal as always, appeared as normal as always, but something about seeing Jared wasn't going to be normal, but he would damn well try to make it seem normal.

The restauraunt was only a good ten minutes away from McDonald's and as they pulled in Adam noticed that Jared was looking rather nice. He also noticed that he was still looking a little under dressed compared to every one else.

Jared was wearing his football shirt, a logo of the Pine Valley wolf and his number. It was a tight fitting shirt, meant to show off muscles, for once Adam wished it wasn't. Jared was also wearing a pair of jeans with the shirt, and Adam could slightly see a pair of boxers sneaking up over them, for a second he thought they were his, but he shook the thought from his head, knowing Jared had to have taken them off by now.

Every one else was dressed nicely as well, but Adam didn't really take heed. He did know that the whole group was there, Jared, himself, Jamie, Nick, Jenny, Brittany Hill, Megan Crisp, Brent Varner, and Jimmy Glee. Most of them were dressed casually, but Adam still thought they all looked nicer then him. He figured he would keep his coat on, being that it was leather and it did look nicer then just a wife beater.

Jared kindly held the door open for all his friends, and some how Adam seemed to be the last one to enter before him. Jared seemingly lept through the door after him, his body right up against Adam's back. The distance was cut shorter when Jared went to whisper in his ear.

"We should talk." Adam shook his head in agreement, he really didn't know what else to do besides agree. Jared blew in his ear after that, and he didn't know what to do at all then. So he simply walked and followed his friends to a table. The restauraunt was pretty empty for a Sunday night, and they were immediately seated and allowed to head up to the buffet. The guys went up quickly, so did Jamie, but Jenny, Megan, Brittany and Adam stayed at the table to wait.

"So, who'd you two end up with last night?" Adam asked, hoping it would keep the attention away from him until Jared came back, that away no one would have the balls to say anything.

"I ended up with Jimmy again, ya know, I think we might get together." Jenny replied with a smile. Jenny was nice, some times too much of a fake nice, but Adam got over that when they first became friends and was now use to it. "We'd be good for each other, I mean, now that Jimmy has a running for Prom King at the end of the year."

Megan and Brittany giggled at the comment, Adam knew why.

"Me and Brent hooked up, nothing much, I was a little drunk myself, and I think he was too. It was good, just a fuck." Megan was down to earth, and she didn't try and make things sound better then they were, if she said it was a fuck, then to her it was a fuck. "I don't think I'll get a good fuck in a long time unless it's from Brent. The best fuck seems to be preoccupied with someone else."

Once again the girls errupted into giggles, and Adam fought hard to squell a fourth blush.

"No one, once again I lucked out, although Jamie told me I passed out on top of Connor Blake, so at least I got to sleep on something hot." Brittany replied with a groan. "And I really don't have any sarcastic joke about Adam and Jared fucking."

Adam almost spit out his water at the comment, which got a laugh from the girls. So maybe Brittany did have something to say that was funny.

"I know you guys know. But uh, yeah, let's just not talk about it in front of every body." Adam was basically asking for their silence, something that didn't come easy from his friends.

"Why? Every one knows, well, I mean every one here knows. Jared told Brent, Jimmy and Nick this afternoon, and Jamie and I saw the whole thing going down, well until behind closed doors." Megan replied truthfully.

"So Jared's talking about it...he's not like...embarrassed." Adam asked incredibly.

"Yeah Jimmy said Jared thought you were the best fuck he'd had in a long time. Not in those exact words, ya know, it was probably nicer then that." Jenny replied with a smile and a sip of water.

Adam couldn't help but feel a little used with those words, but then again, Jenny was probably right, it was probably something nicer than just a fuck. At least, Adam hoped it was something nicer then a fuck, because just all the talk of Jared not being embarrassed was making him hopeful, and just a fuck was about to crush all those hopes under a great weight of reality.

Just then the rest of the table arrived back at the seats, the girls and Adam took there leave to get there own food.

"So, everyone have fun last night?" Jamie asked as she took a bite of her chicken.

"Yeah, Jenny and me hooked up again. I'm thinking of asking her out, what do you think James?" Jimmy asked calling Jamie by her nickname.

"I don't know, I think she's interested, but you realize what will happen. I mean, you'll have to actually pay for her and stuff, ya know, be a boyfriend." Jamie laughed at her own joke, Jimmy just frowned at her. "Which reminds, I don't have enough money to pay for you tonight, so you better have some one else paying for your meal."

"I've got my own money thank you." Jimmy smiled at her.

"Anyways, what about you Brent....who'd you do?" Jamie asked with another bite of chicken.

"Megan, again." Brent replied with a mouthful of food. "Do you think the girls sit around the table and talk about us like this? Cuz I mean, this is just about all we talk about when they aren't around...who we fucked...and all."

"I doubt it." Jared replied with a small chuckle.

"I think you'd be surprised." Jenny laughed as she took a seat at the table. "We aren't as girly as you think."

"So you guys, I mean, you talk about the same shit we talk about?" Jared asked as he took a drink of water. By now everyone was back at the table. For some reason the seating arrangments left Adam next to Jared, and of course Jamie, but mostly he only realized his close proximity to Jared.

"Yep, just about the same." Jenny laughed again. "Why, it's not like we can't brag either? Oh fuck dudes, ya all won't believe the piece of ass I got last night." Jenny grabbed her crotch and did her best impersonation of Jimmy or one of the other guys. The whole table burst into laughter and smiles, as Jenny continued the impersonation with another scratch and a fake belch.

"Alright, alright." Megan laughed uncontrollably and hoped to calm them all down. "Maybe we should move onto a topic that is more mature?"

"Yeah, like romance." Jenny winked directly at Adam, and damn if he didn't blush for a fifth time. Maybe that thing about him not blushing didn't really apply any more.

"What kind of romance?" Jared asked with a smile of his own, this one more of a smirk and directed right at Jenny.

"Well, I don't know. I guess love is in the air is all. I mean, I heard certain things from the party last night, certain things that hint towards relationships blossoming." Jenny replied with a twinkle.

"How the hell do you know shit so quick?" Jimmy's face was filled with confusion and a little anger. "I was gonna wait, but I guess I'll just do it now. Do you wanna be my girl?"

The girls erupted into laughter, fully aware that Jenny was not talking about herself and Jimmy. Jared had a smirk on his face, apparently he too knew that he got out of the lime light.

"You dumbass, of course I'll be your girlfriend, but I wasn't talking about you." Jenny slapped him on the shoulder with her napkin and scowled.

"So who were you talking about then?" Jimmy asked with an even dumber look.

"Nothing, no one." Jenny knew she was defeated in the matter and she couldn't help but feel like everyone was smirking or snickering at her.

"Well ya'll, I know this has been short, but I have to be heading home. My place isn't clean yet and if my sister pops over for a house check like she always does I'll have a lot of explaining to do." Adam stood from the table. "Can Summer catch a ride home from one of ya'll?"

"I'll take her." Jared smiled and Adam blushed again. Yeah, it definetly wasn't the case any more.

"Thanks, I'll see ya guys later." Adam threw down his money, probably too much, but he really didn't care to count it out or even get change. He still couldn't get any of the thoughts out of his head, just a fuck...could have been something nicer. Which one was it really.


Let me know what you think of the story and send me a line at with some feedback. I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter should be without in a week or less. So be expecting it.

Next: Chapter 2

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