Pinball Wizard

By Suma L

Published on Sep 20, 2001


Okay, I am discontinuing the shorts for now, because I think the ones I wrote are not yet ready to be put in the story. Maybe later on down the line. And.. Oh yes, I HAVE planned an end to this story. It will come along sometime in December, maybe earlier if I get more freetime.


Guess who got herself a boyfriend? I DID! Our one month anniversary was the day after the um.. attack.. (Bad timing, huh?) Anyway, he's the sweetest guy! I LOVE YOU, MIKE!

Anyway, um, on with the story?

I love feedback. Give it to me baby! Bookmark me * winks *


This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well.

Chapter 6


Thud thud thud. "8:00"


Trip. Stumble. Thud thud thud. "8:00"


Thud. "No. 8:00."

"I know that!" Thud thud thud.



"8:30." Thud thud. Pause. "HEY! You messed me up on purpose!"

"I wouldn't do it if you would stop repeating that over and over again! You're gonna give me a fucking migraine!"

"Why are you BEING like this?"

"Why do YOU have to go!?"

Sigh. "Lance. We went over this. It would really help my career as a singer to be more involved in other kinds of music. And besides, I love Jazz, you know that. I really want to go to this conference!"

"Yeah, well, that makes one of us..."

"I'll only be gone for a week and a half."

"That's sure as hell a LONG conference!"

"I know, but I really want to do this! Can't you just be happy for me?"

"No, because I really DON'T want you to do this! Who's going to be here for me?"

"Lance, you'll do fine. Besides, if you want, Joey can come stay with you. He already offered to stay the whole time I'm gone."

"Joey." I pouted. Great. Eleven days with the 'Italian Stallion.' I'd rather be shot.

"He's not that bad, Lance. He'll be a lot of fun. You'll really get to bond with one of your band mates."

"That reminds me, when are you going to teach me the new songs you guys wrote?"

"When I get back. I promise."

"Because right now, I don't feel like a member of the group."

"You ARE, baby. I promise." He kissed my nose. I twitched. "Now I've got to finish packing. When's my flight?"

"8:00..." I sighed. It was going to be a long week.

"Please clean up after yourself. If you see anything unusual in the walk ways around the house, move it when you see it, not later. If you break anything, I'll kill you. Take care of Lance for me, okay?"

"Alright, man. Calm down! Relax! Have a good trip! Bye!" Joey shut the door. "Thank god. He was starting to drive me insane. What about you?"

"I live with him!" We both laughed at JC's expense. I love Josh, but he's a LITTLE annoying sometimes.

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"I dunno. What about you?"

"Drink. Eat. Sleep. Be merry."

"Haha. No, really?"

"Maybe just chill for awhile. That'd be cool. Talk. Just stuff."

"Cool. I'm so tired."

"Well, hey, c'mere." Joey pulled me to him on the couch, and laid down a ways till I was between his legs. He held me tight. "JC says take care of you, and take care of you I will do." I smiled. He made me feel safe. "Hey, can I ask you some questions?"


"I've never known anyone blind before, so don't get offended, okay?"

"I promise I won't."

"Okay. Well, first off, how do you get around? I mean, wouldn't you bump into stuff? Or walls?"

"Not anymore. You kind of learn where everything is. If it makes a sound, it's even easier. When we first moved in here, I used to run into things. Scared Josh a lot. I'd get cuts and scrapes. Big bruises that were sore every time they were touched. Josh would outline them with his fingers for me so I knew how big they were. Half the time I didn't even know what I ran into. But you get used to it, and you figure out where this is, and that is. I could easily draw up a map of the house from memory. Probably wouldn't be exact, but close."

"That's so cool. See, I could never do that! Do you ever... miss not being able to see?"

"Dumb question, Joey. Of course I do. But then again, I only remember a little about actually seeing. I was so young. I remember some colors, and certain things like the sun, and grass, and stuff. But I don't really remember what people look like or animals. I'd love to see. The first thing I'd want to see, though, is myself. I don't know what I look like, and from what I know, looks matter, but it sucks that I have no clue what other people are seeing!"

"Well, I'll tell you this, Lance. You are NOT ugly by any means. Your very handsome. Pretty some would say. You've got beautiful pale white skin, blonde hair, amazing green eyes, a big smile, and a good body..."

"My, my, Joey Fatone, do you have the hots for me?"

He laughed for a second. I picked up on the nervousness to it. "I won't lie. I do like you, Lance. A lot. I think your so cute, and sweet, and funny, and smart. I would date you in a heartbeat. But your with JC, happily. I never want to come between that."

Well, I'm speechless! That's, like... the most flattering thing I've ever heard from someone NOT JC! "Well, if JC and I ever part, I'll give you a call, okay?"

"Okay." He held me tighter. I inhaled his scent. He smelt so manly and a strong, and secure. I love JC to death, but he always smells nervous and cautious, and has such a neutral smell. So weird. Okay, maybe 11 days with Joey wouldn't be so bad...

"Why are we eating cheesecake on JC and I's bed?"

"Because you said JC doesn't allow eating in here, and I have a cheesecake craving."

"Okay." That ALMOST made sense. "It's good."

"I told you my mother makes good stuff! I've had this frozen since she was last here. Thought you might like some, so I defrosted it and brought it over." His head plopped on my stomach. "I'm full now. And tired."

"Shouldn't that be my line?"

He laughed at me, then pushed up my shirt a little. "The skin on your tummy is just the right softness." It felt good to have his cheek pressed against my stomach, my hand running through his hair. Bad. I know. But it felt so nice. I was being wanted, and longed for for once. It's a good feeling. You should try it sometime!

"Mmmm, that feels good." I murmured.

"Does it?" Uh... uh oh. Joey's voice just turned porno style. First day and ALREADY wanting to cheat on my man.

"Yes." I squeaked out.

"Good." He purred and pushed his way farther up my chest and started kissing on my neck.

"Joey... um.. oh... Joey... JC...He'll be...."

"Nevermind him. He told me to take care of you. And I will. No one needs to know..."

"Oh, Joey..." I moaned out. He ran his tongue along my jaw then plunged it into my open moaning mouth. It was so hot, and it felt so right.

"Do you want it?" He growled in my ear when the kiss finally ended. He started to grind his crotch up against mine. "Do. You. Want it?"

"Yes!" I cried out and then proceeded to melt into a pool of me.

I did a bad thing. I did a bad thing. I did a bad thing. I did a bad thing. I did a bad thing. I did a VERY bad thing. Oh, god! I was almost in a state of panic when I woke up. Joey was halfway on top of me so I couldn't go anywhere. I was a little bit sticky, and it was hot.

"Joey... Joey get UP!" I whined.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry, baby..." He held my left cheek in his right hand. "My pretty baby. Was I as good as you thought I'd be?" My heart melted. Guilt slipping away in small increments.

"Oh yeah. Very rough. Exactly how I like it. And your so big."

"I thought JC was pretty big."

"Well, then I guess the 'captain and tenille's' shrunk."

"Please tell me that's not what he..." I nodded. "Oh, that's just wrong."

"Tell me about it!" We both laughed yet again at JC's expense, and the guilt started to come back again. "Joey, whats... what's going to happen now? With us?"

"We'll stay the same of course. It's your decision who you stay with in the end though. JC or I. I don't want to break up the group, but that's JC's thing. I won't hate either of you if you choose him."

"But now I want both."

"And that's something you, unfortunately, can't have."

"I know..." Oh great. Double fuck. Shit's gonna hit the fan when Josh get's back!

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Joey and I have just been hanging out." JC finally called. After three days. He said he'd been very busy. And I'd been very busy praying he'd cheat on me. My dreams never come true, I swear! "Joey? Oh, um, he's in the living room, I think. Uh, watching TV." Joey's fingers ran along my spine, making me shiver with excitement.

"Time can never mend, the careless whispers of a good friend. To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind. There's no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find..." Joey sang softly.

I put my hand over the mouthpiece on the phone. "Nice, Joey. Shut up!" I uncovered it. "Sorry, um, Joey had the game up kinda loud. Had to yell at him to turn it down."

"So he's taking good care of you, baby?" JC sounded genuinely concerned.

"Um, yep!" I replied, overly cheerful. I was feeling guilty, and VERY bad. But how can something that feels so good and right be bad? Damnit. There should be no such thing as write or wrong. I think I'll blame... Henry VIII. He was a bad man. He invented right or wrong. ANYWAY..

"Well, I've got to go! There's a performance by this new bluesy kind of jazz group in about 5 minutes, and I want to dress up a bit."

"Okay, bye, JC."

"Bye, Lance. I love you."

I hesistated. I don't know why. Maybe I was scared, nervous, pathetic, but I did. "I... I love you, too." Click. Now, I wonder if JC caught the hesitation in my voice? Nah, he's kind of oblivious to stuff.

"I feel so unsure as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor. As the music dies, something in your eyes calls to mind a silver screen, and all its sad goodbyes."

Joey was still singing. "Why are you singing that stupid song?" I said angrily. I was confused and tired. He was getting on my nerves.

"I think it's a nice little song. Besides, it's stuck in my head."

I sighed, and laid back on the bed. Joey took this as an opportunity to lay all over me, which he did. I relaxed, and felt myself start to fall asleep, and Joey kept... singing... that... (yawn)... song...

"I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know your not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I'd been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you"


The song featured in this chapter is Careless Whisper -- George Michael, but I first heard this song being sung by Tamia on the Night at the Roxbury soundtrack. (Which I proudly own, and suggest you all purchase as well) I thought it was a little befitting to the chapter. I think N SYNC should do a cover of it... or not..

I'd like to add that even though I am agnostic, and don't exactly 'pray,' that my heart and mind is filled with worry for the victims and the families hurt by the attack on 9-11-01. It hit home for me. I know people at the Edison Schools building nearby, and also my brothers have been sent out. One's at the Pentagon, and the other, who knows? I spent all day watching the news when I found out what happened. I couldn't even function right. It was all I could think about. I took car chalk and wrote on my back window "Our Prayers Are With The World" (I KNOW, I don't pray, but there were Christians in the car with me, and I am a former Catholic) People in my town panicked and rushed to buy gas, so on the side windows of my car, I wrote "Panic causes Chaos." I live in a small town, 2,900 some people, and it seemed like they all wanted gas that second. And yes, there WAS price gouging going on. But, anyway, back to my first order of business, I am deeply hoping for all the families out there that they only find happiness and a reason to rejoice in the upcoming weeks. That they remember the happier times of their loved ones lives. I actually -- Okay, I'M a nerd -- wrote a song about Sept. 11th, but I'm too chicken shit to do anything with it, so it will just always stay with me.

And, oh yes, if anyone wants to know what 'I' was doing when the attack happened, I was sleeping in my bed, skipping school. I didn't hear about it until noon when I finally went back.

Love to every and all-


--P.S. I LUV feedback!

Next: Chapter 9

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