Pinball Wizard

By Suma L

Published on May 6, 2001


Okay, in tradition with my other stories, I try to incorporate the music that I listen to into my writing. The music I listen to heavily influences the writing that I do. Therefore, unlike the other stories that involve; Songs that Inspire the Story! This one will be "C/D's in my C/D players!" Seeing as I have 6 places that I play C/D's, every chapter will feature 6 new C/D's that I think you should listen to because they might inspire you! Here goes:

C/D's In My C/D Players! Jill Scott -- Who Is Jill Scott? Sade -- Lovers Rock A*Teens - Single Ashley Ballard -- 'Hottie' Single Austin Powers Soundtrack (1st movie, not the second!)


This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well.

Chapter 4--

I woke up about 30 minutes after the call I had made. Strange, but nobody really talks to you when you sleep in a mall foodcourt. Especially during a busy lunch rush. Must be courtesy sort of things. JC shook me awake, and gave me a hug and kiss.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine! Seriously! Let's just get Justin and go, okay? I'm bored, and I want to go home and take a nap or something."

JC laughed at me, and then ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek. "That's my Lance. More worried about being bored than being left alone. Are you hungry? It's past lunch time, and I doubt you've eaten anything."

"I could use a chicken sandwich."

"Okay, I'll be right back!" His footsteps went away. About 5 minutes later, I heard the rustling of chairs and shouting.

"I can't believe you did something so stupid, Justin." Chris.

"Me too. How fuckin careless can you get?" Joey.

"Guys, it's okay, really." I mumbled, but they ignored me.

"I'm sorry, okay? Lance, I'm sorry. I got caught up in hanging out with my friends that I completely forgot about you. I didn't plan it, and I didn't mean to forget! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, I'm not mad, Justin. It's just JC you might want to watch out for." I kept my head down in my arms. I was still a bit tired. The smell of chicken wofted my way, and I held out my hands. JC was back with my sandwich! I felt the plop in my hands, and hungrily tore open the package and started to chow down. Food. Good.

"Justin, we'll TALK when we get home." JC's voice was full of venom, and I was scared for the boy, really. JC had a horrendous temper, and I would never cross it. Too scared to. Justin should have been as well.

"Okay..." He said nervously. Haha, he was scared.

"C'mon, Lance. I'll take you home." I felt his arm tugging on mine, and I went with it.

I sat back in the chair reading my book. Joey and Chris were watching a movie. JC and Justin were yelling in the other room. We were all trying to ignore the sounds, but it was hard. JC was REALLY loud. We heard something shatter once. None of us wanted to interrupt. We just let it go. JC was pissed. I ain't gonna mess with that.

"Lance?" Joey.

"Yeah?" I put my book down in my lap for a second.

"Will he ever stop yelling? I'm starting to feel really bad for Justin."

"Me too. They should be done fighting any minute. I say, just wait it out. Give em five more minutes."

"Okay." Joey sighed.

I went back to my book. Very very good book it was too! It's called, "Ivy's Thorn." It's about this girl who ends up pregnant, then her man leaves her, and she's all poor, and she's learning how to live life with a kid and being poor. I heard a door slam. I snapped my book shut and sat up.

"I hate him. I'm leaving. Joey? Chris?You guys coming?"

"Huh? What's going on?" I asked, but got the funniest feeling I was going to be ignored.

"Justin, calm down, dude." Joey.

"I hate him. I'm leaving."

"The GROUP!?" Chris shrieked.

"Maybe, I dunno. Make one mistake and he goes psycho. That's fucked up."

"He just cares about Lance. You have to understand where he's coming from. What could have happened. You know." Joey again.

"Oh, trust me. I KNOW. He made it pretty clear when I was in there."

"I'm sorry, Justin. Please don't go..." I managed to say. I felt horrible. It was all my fault. I should have just waited, Justin would have come back. I didn't HAVE to call Josh, and make this whole mess happen.

"Lance, don't, okay? It was my fault. I'm the one who's sorry."

"I shouldn't have called Josh. It's me, okay? Stay, for me?"

"I... Okay... I do need to calm down anyway, but it's not your fault. I want you to remember that." I heard Justin plop down on the couch.

"Yesss." I hissed to myself. He wasn't going to leave. I heard a door slam again. It was Josh. I heard loud thudding footsteps, and then felt myself being picked up. "Hey! Heyheyhey! Where are you taking me!? Put my down, Joshua! I'm not an invalid! I can walk! Just tell me where to go!"

"Not right now, Lance." I let him carry me. I felt really awkward just being randomly carried through my house in front of Justin, Chris, and Joey, who were probably all wondering where the hell he was taking me. I felt myself being set down on a chair. I was in the kitchen, because it was a stool.

"Joshhhh.." I whined. "Why am I in the kitchen?"

"Because I made a Sundae for you." He thrust a spoon in my hand. "Eat."

I reached around, and felt the bowl. Pulling it towards me, I dug in. Ice cream, yummy. Josh made desserts when he was pissed. I have never figured out why, but he does. I was surprised he didn't make an 8 layer wedding cake or something more drastic, but a sundae was cool. Mmm, chocolate.

"I'm so mad at his immaturity." JC grunted out.

"I don't want to hear it, Josh. We all had to hear you fight for... EVER! I think you owe Joey and Chris an apology for having to hear it. I think you went overboard." I took another bite. "It wasn't that big a deal. I'm okay. Maybe you should go talk to Justin again in a CALM manner."

JC didn't reply for awhile. I kept eating, but got worried. "Josh?"

"I'm just thinking, Lance."

"Okay, well, while you think, I'm gonna go upstairs and jack off."

JC was quiet again. Haha, I'd stunned him into silence. I win. "Bye!" I said happily, and climbed off the stool. I felt my way to the wall that connected to the staircase, then I suddenly felt his hands on my hips.

"Let me help you." I walked with him up a few steps until he said something. He was being much to quiet for what I had said. "You were kidding, right? About the jacking off thing?"

I thought for a minute on the perfect reply. "Nope. Need to. Horny." We kept walking, and his grip on me tightened a bit.

"Well, let me help you."

"You need to go talk to Joey, Chris, and Justin, though. Maybe another time." We'd reached the landing. I felt my way along the wall to the bedroom door.

"Lance, I'm serious." He followed me into the bedroom. I really wasn't gonna masturbate, but since he'd joined me in the room, I had to follow through with what I'd said. This sucked. I wanted a nap, actually. I unzipped and pulled down my pants once I'd sat on the bed. I reached in my underwear and pulled it out and started to rub.

"Lance!" He footsteps quickly thudded to my side. I felt his hand over mine. "Lance, let me help you. If you don't, I'll feel bad."

I pouted. I just wanted a nap, and I only told him I was just gonna go jack off to play with his mind. Damn him, he followed me upstairs. Well, a blowjob didn't sound so bad...

"Well, if you insist." I pulled myself up farther on the bed, and laid back while Josh went to work. Okay, so, a lie got things a little confused around here. Boohoo, iiiii got a blowjob, so, everything worked out for the best!

Now, if I could only could only get JC to not be so mad at Justin. Oh! And if only I could just finish my book too!


Hey! I know this chapter was kind of lame. Sorry, then next few will get better and longer. Also, in the next few the singing group will start to form more. More practicing, and dahdahdahdah. Hope to get some feedback on this lame chapter.

---Peace, Love, and Lance,

----<3 Suma/SumSum

Next: Chapter 5

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