Pinball Wizard

By Suma L

Published on Apr 10, 2001


Wow. I'm popping these out pretty quick. :) * Winks at DJ * Thanks for the motivation :) I'm really liking this story, and I want you to ALL PLEASE GOTO MY WEBSITE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD at I've worked very hard on it, and so please go to it! They're coordinating pictures for all the stories. I like the one for the Joey and Lance companion story. It fits SOOO well! :) AND I LOVE GETTING FEEDBACK! Thanks to all who have written me so far! Your writing has motivated me to keep writing even when I was actually about to quit! Thanks, and keep it up! :) Look forward to seeing Chapter 4 be out sometime during this week!

---Peace, Love, and Lance,

-----<3 Suma


This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well.

Chapter 3--

"So, Lance, can I ask you some questions?"

"Well, okay, as long as I can ask you some too."

"Sounds fair." I nodded, and bopped my head along with the music. We were on our way to the mall, but as soon as we'd left, I realized it was 45 minutes away.

"Okay, um... When did you first become blind?"

"When I was born."

"Oh, uh... When did you first meet JC?"

"It was the first day at our new school. They had redone it trying out this new "Multi-age" system, but it was also my first day at a public school. I was in... first grade I think. My mom wanted me to be around regular children, and get to know others. My sister took me there the day before so I could get accustomed to the room, but when I went the first day, I was so lost. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and then I heard his voice. He was so nice, he led me around class all day, and then even invited me to come over and play after school. After that, we were inseperable." I sighed deeply at the memory.

"When did you start dating him?"

"Oh, um... I'm not sure. We kind of always dated it seems, you know> We started fooling around pretty young, um, 5th grade."

"5th GRADE!?"

"Yeah. One night we were at his house in his room talking about the girl at school that wasn't wearing any underwear and a boy pulled down her skirt to see if she looked like his dad's Playboy centerfold. He told me that he'd rather look at a penis than a vagina, and I told him that I didn't like girls, that they smelled funny, and made me feel too uncomfortable around them."

"Then what?"

"I felt his lips on mine, and his hand on mine."

"So when did you officially start dating?"

"We fooled around until freshmen year. He's older than me, and he had become Mr. Popular. His friends tried to get him to date this popular girl, Christina, and after a while, he gave in. I was heartbroken. One night, he came over before his double date with another couple, and told me that he loved me more than anything, and that he wanted me to be his boyfriend, but only in secret though. We both feared being outted because of the small town we lived in. People are very... prejudiced there. A week later, he broke up with her, and we've been dating ever since."

"Wow. That's a lot at such a young age. Have you ever had any doubts?"

"No. He has always showed me the most fantastic love that I have ever felt, not even with my own parents."

"I wish I had that..."

"So, Justin, are you straight, bi or gay?"

"Basically straight, but maybe bi. I have had some sexual thoughts about men before."

"That's cool. Whatever floats your boat. I know what does mine." I smiled happily.

"Lance, do you ever wish that you could see? And what is the one thing in the whole world that you wished you could see more than anything?"

"Hmm... I don't think I could ever say that I don't like being blind, because I've been it forever, and I know things only through being blind, but I would like to see someday. If I could see anything in the whole world, I would want to see JC. I've never seen a human beings before, so I want to see the lips that kiss me, and the hands that touch me. I want to see the man that loves me."

"That's so sweet, Lance! Your making me horribly jealous!" Justin laughed, and I scratched my nose. "We're here." I climbed out of he car with his help.

"Justin, you'll hold my hand, right?" I felt stupid asking, but it was just that JC always held my hand, and I didn't know the mall all that well.

"Um.. what for?" Justin was nervous. I knew why, though. He didn't want to seem 'gay' by holding another man's hand.

"Justin, it's okay, just walk beside me and keep talking instead. Guide me if I get too close to hitting something."

"Aren't you supposed to have a cane and sunglasses or something?"

"I just want to be normal, okay?"

"Okay." I felt Justin's hand grab mine. He was holding is tight, and started walking, pulling me with him.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Your welcome." He whispered back.

We walked around forever, not talking, just... walking. I got really bored, and my legs started to hurt. "Can we go sit in the food court or something?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

"Yeah, sure." He led me over to a rough feeling table and chair set, and helped me sit down.

We were both quiet for awhile, and then I heard some yelling, and then Justin's voice as well.

"HEY, YOU GUYS!" There was a shuffling noise, and then a pause. "Hey, Lance? Some of my friends are here, I'm going to go hang out with them a second, K?"

I was about to say something, but he had already taken off. I sat there.. by myself... bored stiff for about 20 minutes before I started getting worried. "A second my ass..." I mumbled. Digging around in my pocket, I found my cell phone. I clicked the button that read the time out loud. '11:56.' I laid my head down on the table, waiting for him to come back.

I clicked the button again. '12:25.' "Justin, I'm going to kill you." I said angrily as I dialed out JC's cell phone number carefully. Ring...ring...ring...ring...



"Hey, honey, whats going on? You and Justin having a good time?"

"Oh, I'm sure Justin is, but I'm not."

"Why not?"

"Because he left me here, like, an hour ago!"

JC took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger, and then spoke again. "Okay, where's here?"

"The food court. Other than that, I don't know."

"Oh god, I am SO mad at him! Okay, Lance, you stay there, alright? Me, Chris, and Joey are coming to get you."

"Don't be so mad, JC. He's young, and he's probably just forgetful."

"I'm going to kick him out the group!"

"JC! PLEASE! Just come get me, and we'll all talk about this later!"

"Okay, fine. See you a little bit."

"Hurry, K? I'm bored." JC laughed.

"Typical. See you soon. Love you."

"Love you too." I clicked off the phone. Justin was in deeeeep trouble, I just hoped JC would overreact and get violent. I just wanted someone to come get me because I was bored. It's okay, Justin's still young. I sighed, and laid my head back down. A nap really wouldn't kill me til JC got here.

Next: Chapter 4

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