Pinball Wizard

By Suma L

Published on Apr 7, 2001


The people have spoken, and their answer is unanimous! THEY WANT TO READ MORE "Pinball Wizard!" Good. I'm thrilled. :P I'll try to update whenever I can. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. Til the next chapter -- Peace, Love, and Lance,

Suma : ) P.S. I LOVE FEEDBACK! : )


This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well.

Chapter 2 --

"How's my baby doing? You taking good care of him?" Diane Bass's voice boomed over the cordless phone that JC held in his hand.

"He's good. Infact, he's right here eating his dinner." I turned to face his voice, and started smacking my lips. "HE'S SMACKING! He's chewing all with his mouth open!" I reached out to smack JC, and couldn't find him, so I continued to eat my sandwich. Peanut butter and bananas. Tasty. Put together clumsily all by myself, even though I knew I had peanut butter on my face, hands, and shirt, I didn't care. It was fun, and it was something I could do on my own. That made me extremely happy.

"Let me talk to him!" Diane shrieked excitedly.

"Lance, your mom wants to talk to you." A phone was shoved into my hand.

"Mom?" I ate another bite.

"Hey, honey! How are you doing?"

"Just fine, mommy. We have bandmates now!" I knew I sounded like a little kid, but my mom loved to fuss over me, pampering me, and so I learned how to play the role.

"I know, hon! I'm really happy for both of you guys. I can't wait to meet the new boys!" I shifted the phone to my other ear so I could finish chomping on my sandwich comfortably.

"So, when's the next time you're gonna come see me?"

"Oh, Wednesday, that's two days from now. Have you boys cleaned up for me?"

"No, but I'm sure JC would just love to clean up though!" I felt a hand collide with the back of my head painfully. "Or not." I added with a laugh.

"Well, I'll let you go to finish your meal, but let me talk to JC one last time real quick. Love ya, honey."

"Love you too, mom. Here he is." I said cheerfully, holding the phone out to him.

"Yessum?" JC said, taking it from my hand.

"JC, how's he doing?"

"Just fine."

"No, I mean, on his own, coping with everyday stuff and people?" JC took a deep breath as he remembered what she was talking about. I had been living with my mother right up until a few months ago. I had never lived on my own before, and JC, being my boyfriend and part-time guardian gladly moved in with me.

"He's doing okay. Sometimes, he gets really frustrated with himself for messing up on something, or being unable to make it somewhere, and so he quits or berates himself for a long time."

"Does he walk in to walls anymore?"

"No, he's got the rooms memorized. I wish he would memorize the drawers though. I keep finding him in my clothes. But then again, maybe he does that on purpose." I smiled happily at that comment. I didn't always do it on purpose, but when I did, I just wanted to feel all… Joshish all over!

"That's good. I didn't really want to come there to find holes in the wall, and a son with a bunch of bruises."

JC laughed for a moment, and then listened to Diane speak. I couldn't hear the rest. "Okay, you too. Bye." The phone clicked off, and I was done eating. There was silence, and then JC busted up laughing.

"What is so funny?" I didn't get it.

"Lance, I wish you could see yourself right now. Your hands and arms are covered in peanut butter! I want to take a picture, please!?"

"NO, YOU MAY NOT!" I yelled, and lunged forward at where I thought he was, but missed, and grabbed air.

"AIR JC!" He called out with a giggle. I listened to his footsteps circle me, and when I finally heard them get close enough, I grabbed. GOT HIM! "Lance! Lance! Stop! You're getting your peanut butter all over me!" He pulled my hand up to his mouth and started licking off the peanut butter. Sometimes, I would have found this incredibly annoying, but right then, it was the most erotic thing ever.

"Josh…." I said, my voice getting deeper and more breathy. "Josh… let's go upstairs…" His lips crashed onto mine, and our tongues met again and again. I could feel him dragging me upstairs, and I went with him never wanting to let go.

"Lance…" He moaned, and hissed me deeper as he threw me down on the bed, and jumped up onto my body. I laid back and let him pull off my shirt, and undo my jeans, dragging them off with my underwear. I wanted to help him take off his, but somewhere inbetween throwing me, and jumping me, he got naked. JC could be like Flash Gordon when he was horny.

His lips trailed up and down my chest. I reached down to push his head lower, but he just grabbed my hands and held them back. "Please, Josh. Please, Josh. Please, Josh. Please, Josh. OH JOSH!" I moaned out as his mouth enveloped the head of my dick. The pleasure was so strong, and I let myself fall into it, hoping I'd never come out again!

I was warm. Very warm. There was a body against me. A very warm body. It felt nice, but was getting to be too hot.

The warm body moved around a bit, and then pulled closer to me. "JC, GET OFF ME!" I shouted, and I felt him jump right off. I pulled the covers off and stood up calmly. "I have to pee." I made my way to the bathroom, and sat down to go. Now, I'm sure most people are only using to small boys doing that because their aim is bad, but being of a person who can't even see the target, aiming is out of the question. I'm more of a… point and click kind of guy.

"Lance, what do you want to do today?" JC's voice called to me from the bedroom. I could hear drawers opening and shutting, so I knew he was getting things ready, and dressed himself.

"I think Justin, Chris, and Joey are coming over. Didn't they say they were coming by today?"

"Oh yeah, well, we should hurry and get dressed." The bathroom door opened and closed, and then there was some shuffling and a buzzing noise. "Lance, hold still, I'm going to shave you real quick."

"JC, I'm going to the bathroom. You have strange timing."

"It'll speed things up, now, hold still!" I let him shave my face, and then I stood up, and went into the bedroom while he shaved himself.

Ten minutes later, we were both dressed and ready downstairs. The doorbell rang, and I listened to JC go and get it.

"LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!" Joey's voice called through the entire house. I cringed. Oh, how I HATED listening to that movie.

"Well, I was walking down the street, just havin a think, when a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink! He shooka me up, he took me by surprise with a pickup truck and the devils eyes! He stared at me and I felt a change! Time meant nothing, never would again!" Chris's voice was even louder and more shrill.

I waited. Justin would sing next… at any moment… "I was feeling done in… Couldn't win.. I'd only ever kissed before… I thought there's no use getting… into heavy petting… it only leads to trouble and… seat wetting…" Okay, he sang. They were done.

"It's beyond me… HELP me MOMMY!" I smacked my forehead. JC just HAD to join in.

"STOP!" I screamed. There was immediate silence following it. I'd had enough. We'd known Justin, Chris, and Joey for only so long, and already, JC and I were attached, but this was pushing my joy for them.

"Hey, Lance!" Chris hugged me, then Joey, then Justin.

"What are you guys doing today?" Justin asked excitedly.

"Why? You guys wanting to do something?"

"Actually, I was wondering if I could take Lance shopping with me. Just me and him. Hanging out you know?" Ooo, sounded fun. A day away from semi-overprotective JC, and to be given money to buy whatever I wanted. Sounding better and better.

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

"Lance, I'd really like it if I went with you." JC said, butting in.

"Your not my father!" I declared frustratedly. I am not a child, I am an adult, and I can make decisions for myself. I don't always need his help. I wish he would realize that.

"C'mon, JC. Besides, Joey, and Chris were gonna take you to play basketball." Justin pointed out. I moved toward where I heard Justin's voice as if to take a stand.

"Well… Okay, but before you go, I want to talk to you real quick, Justin. You too, Lance." I listened to his footsteps walk away, and the ones next to me left as well.

"Hey, Lance. Let's go wait for them in the kitchen." Joey and Chris's arms linked with mine, walked with me into the kitchen, and sat me down in a chair.

"Sometimes, I just hate JC." I pouted, and put my elbows on the table, resting my head in my hands.

"You don't hate him. You just hate how he babys you. I'd hate it too, but you have to remember he does it because he loves you and only wants you to be well and safe." Chris patted my shoulder, but I shrugged it away.

"He makes me mad." That's all I could say before the two steps of footsteps returned.

"Hey, Lance? I gave Justin your money to hold on to. Whatever you want, just tell him and he'll get it for you."

"Whatever happened to marking my bills, JC? With the tape and the hole punch?" JC and I had worked out a great idea for me to handle money. He would double tape edges of money, and punch holes once for a dollar, 2 for a 5, 3 for a 10, and so on, that way when I spent money, I would just feel the edge, and would know what I was holding.

"I didn't have enough time to make you up any. Just go with me on this, please? It's faster."

"Okay…" I pouted. "Want to lecture me some more?" There was a pause and a deep, frustrated sigh. I'd won.

"No, baby. I don't have anything else to say. I love you, okay? Have fun." Arms wrapped themselves around my neck, and two lips pecked my cheek. I turned my head to face them so he would kiss my lips, and he did. Justin grabbed my arm, and helped me to the door.

"We'll be back at about 1 or 2! BYE!" Justin called, and let me out the door.



"Where exactly ARE we going?"


------- Sorry to cut this off in such a weird place, but I have things planned for the next one! Thank you to everyone who has written me so far, and please keep it coming! It really keeps me going to write some more! :)

Next: Chapter 3

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