Pinball Wizard

By Suma L

Published on Apr 5, 2001


Suma L. Pinball Wizard Chapter 1 April 4, 2001

Hey everyone. Here I am, starting yet another story, but I will eventually finish out my others. I'm just having writers block on those particular ones. But never fear! As soon as a certain lovely man (You know who you are. Don't disappoint the fans! This is for your own good!) posts a new story involving AHEM, then you will all see brand new chapters of my four stories posted. It will be a Suma-Bonanza. So-don't delay-email him today at say, "I WANT MY SUMA STORIES, SO YOU BETTER POST RIGHT AWAY!" :)

In The Meantime, Please Check Out Some Of My Other Stories: The Beauty Brand New Feeling/The Feel Of Honesty Or Check Out My Newly Worked On Website: Also, I'm on this weird Deaf, Dumb, and Blind kick, so, I'm learning sign language and I may put some animated sign language on my web page for those who understand it. (I've been watching a lot of movies about Helen Keller.)

I know the name of it's kind of strange, 'Pinball Wizard,' but I was thinking of that song by The Who, and if you read this chapter, and you've heard the song, you'll kind of get the joke.


This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well.

Chapter 1--

A pair of soft lips trailed gently across my jaw, and ended sweetly on my own pair. It was JC.

"Josh, I'm up." I sighed, and pushed him off of me so I could sit up.

"Guess what today is, Lance?" He asked, leaning over to rub my shoulders.

"The day I meet our-"

"BANDMATES! I know! Aren't you excited?" JC exclaimed, cutting me off. I knew that he enjoyed this part, because he loved showing me off. Don't get me wrong, I love being loved, but the downfall is that if JC gets his hopes up about band mates, and they turn out not to like me because of my disability, Josh always gets so heartbroken.

You see, I'm blind, and have been so all 18 years of my life. JC was my first and only real friend I'd ever had. He'd lead me around a bit when I needed it, and he learned things to help me, like Braille. Eventually, he professed his love for me, and I, after some convincing from family and friends, accepted his love, and returned it with my own.

JC and I both love to sing, so it only seemed natural that he and I start a singing group, seeing as we don't sound complete on our own.

"I've got a good feeling about them, Lance. I can just sense it." I knew he was probably grinning ear to ear from excitement, and I reached up and touched his mouth to make sure. I was right.

"You said that the last time." I let out a deep sigh, and then stood up to stretch my arms. I knew that I was being overly negative about the whole situation, but there was no way around it. Every time that we had tried to find band mates, it just didn't work. They always wanted a band mate who could sing AND dance. I can dance just fine, I just have to feel the choreography, someone has to move my arms and legs, and tell me what to do. After that, if I have it memorized, I can do it anywhere if I just remember the counts of the steps.

"Why do you have to be so goddamn negative? I really think these guys are going to be the ones!" JC stood with me.

"When do we meet them?"

"10:30. OH SHIT! OH SHIT!" I could hear him scrambling about the room.

"What do you mean, "oh shit?" What's going on? What time is it?"

"We have ten minutes! I thought we would be up earlier! Wrong!" I felt clothes being shoved into my arms.

"Here! These match! Put them on! No time for a shower. I don't think you smell dirty." I sniffed. The only thing I could smell was JC's cologne and detergent.

"I smell pretty nice." JC didn't reply, but I could still hear him running around.

"OPEN YOUR MOUTH!" I heard as soon as the footsteps came back up to me.

"Wha-" I asked, but had a toothbrush shoved in my mouth in reply. Taking the handle in my hand, I began to brush as instructed. Boy, was he being grouchy this morning. Probably because he was nervous. I felt the brush being ripped from my hand, then I was pushed into the bathroom.

"Rinse! Spit! Gargle! Then let's get downstairs!"

"I can get mySELF downstairs, thank you very much." I pushed him away, and reached around for the paper cups. The doorbell rang.

"SHIT! THEY'RE EARLY!" His footsteps clomped loudly as he ran down the stairs. I could hear some talking, and then they came back up quickly. "Are you ready to meet them? They're pretty excited to meet you." He slipped my sunglasses onto my face, and smoothed the spikes in my hair I was trying to create with gel.

"I suppose so." I let him lead me down the stairs.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend Lance, he sings bass. Lance, this is Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, and Chris Kirkpatrick." He gently pushed Lance forward to shake their hands.

All three guys reached out their hands to shake, and were confused when I reached out my hand nervously, feeling around for someone else's hand.

"Pleased to meet you, but if one of you guys has your hand out, would you be so kind as to shake mine?"

"Can't you see our hands?" Justin asked timidly.

"No, I can't. I'm blind." I could hear three gasps, and immediately pulled my hand back.

"JC, why didn't you tell us he was blind?"

"Well, I really wanted you to meet him first, and see his singing quality before you make judgments based on sight ability."

"Can he dance?" Chris asked, and JC and I both took big gulps before even attempting to answer that one.

"I can, but I have to feel it."

"Feel it? I don't understand..." He asked, trailing off.

"What Lance is saying is that he has to have someone move him into the position if it's too difficult, but with basic commands, he can do moves, he's just a little slow... But once he memorizes them, he can do them anywhere, anything perfectly!"

"Oh, okay. I have no problem with that. But how can he read music?"

"If it's just words, Braille. For pitches, we have a toner that you enter the piece of paper with the music on it and it beeps out the pitches."

"That's pretty cool." Justin reached forward and shook my hand. "Hey, Lance. I'm Justin, can I be your new band mate?"

JC grinned, and reached forward putting his hands on both of ours combined. "Speaking for myself and Lance as well, 'welcome to the group!'

"Me too." Chris said with a smile, and put his hand in as well.

They all turned to look at Joey. "I... it's going to take some getting used to...but... okay. I'm in, too!" He finally put his hand in. I reached up and squeezed his reassuringly.

"So... we're.... A group now?" JC asked curiously, pulling his hand back. He put his arm around me, and kissed my cheek.

"Of course." Justin sat down on the sofa, as did Chris and Joey.

"Can I see you guys real quick first?" I asked nervously. I didn't want to ask, but I knew they would kind of find it odd to feel my hands rubbing all over their faces.

"See us? How?" Justin elbowed Chris at that question. "What!? I'm serious!"

"He touches your face, and makes a memory of the shapes and such. It helps him know who you are." I let JC speak for me, and stayed standing with him.

"Okay." They all said in unison. I felt JC pushing me towards one end of the couch.

"Lance, this is Joey." I put out my hands slowly until they hit soft, warm flesh. Joey's face was soft, but the rough facial hair on his chin wasn't so. His nose was about the same size as JC's. I think JC has a remotely larger nose than the average person, but I don't want to hurt his feelings and tell him that. Besides, I figure that now that I've found another with such a large nose, they rule out the average, and become it themselves.

When I was finished with him, JC pushed me down the couch a bit. "Lance, this is Justin." The first thing I hit with my hands was his hair. It was so curly and soft like a cats that I just had to fight the urge to pet and kiss it. He has a well defined chin and bone structure, but not nearly as nice as JC's. I pinched his cheeks jokingly when I was through which caused everyone to laugh.

One last guy. "Lance, this is Chris." His face was so small. He felt... pixie like. Every feature was smaller than everybody else's. From what I heard about his voice from JC, I started to wonder just how old he was. The facial hair threw me off a bit, though.

"All finished." I reached over to JC, found his face, and pulled it in for a kiss. "I love you..." I whispered, and then grabbed his hand so he could lead me to a chair. Seeing as I'd pretty much memorized the house, I probably could have found it myself, but I wanted to be pampered at that moment.

A hours later, we all found ourselves watching TV while I read a book. TV really isn't my forte, because first off, I can't see it. Second of all... I just don't find it all that exciting anyway. Justin and JC had joked around all day while Chris and Joey asked me a million questions. They were all starting to drive me crazy!

There was a crashing noise followed by obnoxious giggling. I didn't know how much more I could take. A foot whacked into my leg, and I could hear JC laughing, and Justin and Joey grunting. Not being quite sure what was going on, I decided that I didn't really want to know what was going on anyway.

I snapped my book shut, and set it on the end table. I'd had enough of all this, and I was getting sleepy. "JC, show me to bed."

"You're tired now? Jesus, it's only..." Pause. Shuffling noise. "Joey, let me see your watch." Pause. "15 till 7, Lance, you can't seriously be tired!"

"I am, now, show me to bed, or I'll just stumble up there myself." I crossed my arms, and pouted. He was choosing band mates over me. How rude!

"Okay, hold on." More shuffling noise. "Guys, I'll be RIGHT back, I swear."

"That's cool. Take your time." Joey said, then returned to tickling Chris. "C'mon mini me! GIVE UP!"

I felt hands on my shoulders, and walked with them as they guided me up the stairs, and around to the bedroom. I found my own way in to the bathroom, and listened as the bed creaked. JC had sat down.

"Lance, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm peachy, never been better." I replied in between brushing my teeth and flossing. Wandering to the bed, I sat next to JC. "Pajamas." I commanded, knowing full well he would get them for me.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." He began to rub my shoulders, and I shrugged them away, standing up.

"I'll just get them myself!" The drawer was hell to find, but finally I did, and ran my fingers over the fabrics, feeling for flannel.

"Lance, stop, and just tell me!"

Dig. Dig. Cotton. Cotton. Polyester. Cotton. Spandex. SPANDEX? Cotton. Flannel. AHA! I ripped them from the drawer, but felt a hand yank them from me, and then grab both my hands, pulling them together roughly.

"STOP AVOIDING IT! Don't be so damn stubborn all the time, Lance! Okay, so, what is wrong?"

"You guys were being annoying, that's all."

"Is that it!?"

"Yeah, that, and I wanted to punish you for a bit. Kind of fun to make you a little mad sometimes. Just testing you." I smiled sweetly, and pulled his hand up and kissed it.

"Jesus Christ, Lance! You had me scared! I thought you were really pissed off at me. God!" He ran a hand through his hair, and then pulled me to my feet. "C'mon, baby, let's get you into bed."

JC pulled back the covers, and helped me up into it, then tucked me in. "Lay with me for a minute, please? Then you can go join the boys." I tried to look as pitiful as possible until I felt the bed shift, and warm, strong arms around me. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Lance, I really like Justin, Joey, and Chris. I was right this time, huh? They're going to work out alright..." He took a long pause, and then I felt his lips kissing mine, and his tongue forcing it's way in. We kissed for awhile until I decided that I was too tired to continue.

"Too much excitement. Bed. Tired." I relaxed deep into the covers, yawned, then turned over.

I listened to JC's footsteps move to the door then stop so he could turn off the light. I listened... and listened... and listened... The feet never moved again. "Stop watching me sleep, Josh."

"Fine, you're no fun. And by the way, those are my pajamas." I grinned to myself and rubbed my hands all over my shirt, then sniffed.

"Smells like JC Spirit." I whispered to myself with a giggle, then fell promptly asleep.

I really hoped you guys liked that first chapter! PLEASE write to me so I know if there's anything you want me to change, what you liked or disliked, or just to tell me that someone is actually reading it! Thanks a mil! Enjoy Nifty!

--Peace, Love, and Lance,

----<3 Suma

Next: Chapter 2

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