Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Feb 2, 2019


Part 5

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

This work contains material of sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy or save this work. In no way does the author endorse sexual contact with minors, nor does the author intend to promote unsafe sexual acts. Please observe all local, federal and international law and practice safe sex at all times.

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I just stood there staring at the closing door, the look of Liam's face imprinted in my mind, looking like a wounded puppy bolting away from an abusive owner.

It took me couple of seconds to realize that the Latino was still standing there in his exposed position with my cum pooling on the floor below him, his cock was hard now and he was looking at me expectantly.

"Get dressed and get out of here" I shot at him, as it dawned on him that I was not going to return any favors or allowing him to shoot his load in return.

I sat down after he left and took in the heat and smell of the sauna, surprising myself of how long I managed to stay in there considering I didn't like heat very much.

I must've stayed there for another thirty minutes before I made my way back to my room where I took a long shower, enjoying the lukewarm water bouncing off my back whilst Liam's face was still imprinted in my mind.

I noticed an unread text message on my phone as I was drying off

Got your number from the crew sheet, drinks a 6 so we're out of the 8hr window -- Jess

As crew can't drink 8 hours before a flight and we were due for departure at 8 the next morning we would have a couple of hours to knock a few back so I quickly fired back a text to Jessica telling her I'd meet her in the bar at 6. Seeing that I had a few hours to spare I decided on a quick nap, which I felt always cleared my head a bit.

I woke up just before five in the afternoon kicking myself for sleeping so long. What was supposed to be an hour's nap ended up being about 3 hours of deep sleep! A full day wasted but I clearly needed it.

I'm grabbing a drink with Jessica later; would you care to join us.

I shot the text over to Liam and started to get ready for my drinks with Jess and as I finished putting the final touches on my hairstyle, I heard the chime of a text message come in,

.... No

I stared at the message. `I must've really pissed him off' I thought as I pulled on a blazer and head down towards the bar.

Jessica and I seemed to have a lot in common. She was a cheerful girl, slightly inappropriate but really fun to hang around with, yet she seemed to be itching to say something, but she was holding whatever it was, back.

It wasn't until we saw Liam enter the bar, stopping short, and then leaving that she decided to let go.

"I know we just met and all that, but I think we're pretty much on the same page" she said as I just nodded and watched Liam head out the front doors. "but tell me something" she continued; "What the hell happened with you and Liam?"

"Eh... what do you mean?" I asked, looking back at her.

"Well... Yesterday and the day before he couldn't stop talking about you... like literally going off like a high-school girl panting over the quarterback, but now it's like the artic between you guys"

"I don't really know" I said. "I think he got the wrong message."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well... we fucked a couple of times and even had another guy join us as well" I said, sliding over the fact that the `guy' was a passenger. "And then he told me that he had some feelings for me or something, which doesn't make sense to me since we just met"

She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I mean, I never gave any hints of anything more than just sex..." I continued as she just kept staring at me.

"Is that it?" she said

"uhm... well.."

"go on.."

"The chat confused me and I was trying to figure out what it meant, so I did what I so often do, found myself a hot piece of ass to fuck... and Liam walked in on us and just ran away"

"well, that was stupid" she said laughing, sipping her cosmopolitan

"It's not like we're exclusive! I mean, we just met, for fuck sake!"

"Oh babe chill" She said with a grin. "I get where you're coming from! Of all the pilots and the straight cabin crew I've ridden, they all seem to think we're getting married or something"

I just rolled my eyes and knocked back my drink, ordering another.

"But think about it. You come sweeping in looking all hot and pumped up, with your sexy smile and... gorgeous ass... flirting with him, and before long you're fucking him all over the place giving him something that he's probably never had before. He's lusting for you and he's confused"

"How old are you again" I asked

"25" she said with a grin

"Are you sure, because you just sounded like a mother" I said laughing.

She just laughed as well and continued knocking back those cosmopolitans.

"Listen babe, we should head off so we don't get into trouble tomorrow. And by the way, just give Liam some space. If you just want it to be a regular fuck, or a onetime thing, or even something more, you just have to tell him, but give him space for a while." She said as she stood up, kissed me on the cheek and started towards the lobby.

I threw myself on the bed as soon as I got up to my room. I felt horny as always, so I fired up grindr to see what was around and was quickly messaged by someone that was registering as 300 meters away.

I glanced at the picture and was greeted by the standard naked torso which seemed decent and the stats told me he was vers, African American and 23 years old.

Hi. Hey hru?

Fucking text talk..

Good thank you, how are you? Hrny Aren't we all Hilton? Yeah, you? mhm [Picture]

He had a very hot ass that was perfectly round and very inviting

Show me your lips [Picture]

He had those typical lips you would expect, very plump and would look amazing wrapped around my cock.

Come to room 1549 in 10 min, as soon as you let you in, I want you on your knees, hands behind your back, ready to accept my cock down your throat. Yes sir..

I shut down the app and looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I was looking alright. I was a bit sweaty from the heat but otherwise I looked just fine.

Exactly ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. I let the black boy in, and he strode purposely to the middle of the room, removed the t-shirt and shorts he was wearing and sank to the floor, eyes trained down, not looking at me, hand behind his back as instructed.

I stood over him observing him. He was wearing tight black briefs and he had a firm body, but not very sculpted. His round globes stuck out with the fabric of his briefs stretching to keep them in check. His lips seemed moist and the front of his briefs looked quite tented. He had his frizzy hair trimmed down and I noticed no other hair on his smooth black body. He smelled faintly of coconut and the hotel shampoo.

I slowly unbuttoned my shirt an undid my trousers giving my now throbbing cock some breathing space. There was something incredibly hot seeing this black boy, or any boy for that matter, on his knees, ready to submit himself to me.

I shortened the gap between us, standing over him. My figure drowning his, noticing a slight tremor of anticipation run through him, his eyes not leaving the floor.

"Look at me" I said

And his eyes shot up to look me in the face, darting briefly to my bulge and then back up, his lips slightly parted.

I grabbed the back of his head and showed his face in my groin, feeling his hot breath on my crotch and hearing him inhale sharply as he was introduced to my manly scent.

He nuzzled against my throbbing shaft which was threatening to burst through the fabric of my underwear.

"Do you want this cock black boy" I said

"Yes sir" he whispered, surprising me with his deep raspy voice.

"You want to submit to the white man" I added, seeing how far I could push him.

"Oh god yes..."


I slapped him across the face hard, the sound of the slap rang in our ears

"yes what." I said menacingly

"Oh god yes sir..." He said looking up at me salivating.

"You like being the white man's slut"

"Yes sir"

"You want me to use you as my cum dumpster"

"Please sir"

"Want me to show you where a little pussy like you belongs in the food chain"

"YES SIR" his booming voice sounded throughout the room. He was panting now, his briefs were so stretched around his cock that I was sure they wouldn't hold on much longer with precum now dripping through the fabric, a clear blob forming at the base of his cock.

"Are you turned on?"

"I don't think I've ever been this turned on sir" he panted "Make me your slave"

I was surprised at these words, as I would never have mentioned the `slave' word to an African American, knowing it was a very touchy subject with many. I had too much respect for them.

"You want to be a slave to the white man?" I said

"Fuck yes sir, it turns me on so much"

"So you like Race-play"

"Fuck yes sir. Abuse me, abuse my body"

"So the nigger wants to suck on the white boy's cock then" I said gently , testing the waters.

I practically saw him melt underneath my stare as I said those words. His eyes flashed with longing and another blob of precum pressed its way through the fabric of his briefs.

"yes sir, this little nigger sluts wants to worship his rightful master"

At this my cock throbbed violently and I let it out of its cage. His eyes widened as he watched my massive pecker spring free.

"Open your mouth bitch" I said as I brushed the head of my leaking cock over his lips.

As soon as he did, I slid my cock into the warmth of his mouth and he started sucking on my meat, pulling back at least six inches in one gulp.

I allowed him to go at his own pace to begin with, enjoying those magnificent lips and the skill of his tongue as it darted up and down the shaft of my cock and around the head.

It wasn't long until the urge surged through me and I grabbed the back of his head and drove his face down on my cock, thrusting my pelvis forward bursting my pecker down his throat to the sound of his gagging.

Tears streamed down, leave streaks of moisture on his black sculpted jaw and I felt him struggle and convulse a little, yet his hands were firmly placed behind his back like the trooper he was.

I pulled my cock back out and proceeded to face fuck him mercilessly, as was my signature move, to let them feel the force of my hips driving my cock forward, beating any resistance out of the way.

The urge to piss hit me without warning and instead of breaking off and going to the bathroom, I pulled my cock back so only my head remained and released a stream of hot piss in his mouth.

His eyes shot up to mine in shock

"I suggest you swallow so you don't drown in my piss nigger" I said and without further hesitation he started gulping on my piss. "make sure to drink every single drop, you slut. We don't want to mess up the carpet".

My bladder must've been so full of all the drinks as I must've let out about a gallon of piss in his mouth and down his throat.

I could hear him moaning in pleasure as he swallowed mouthful after mouthful of my hot piss and just as I was finishing, I rammed my cock down his throat again.

After about ten minutes of fucking his face I ordered him to stand up and remove his briefs which were now soaking in his precum.

"give them to me" I said as the slightly shorter man was now completely naked in front of me. His penis standing straight out at about eight inches, oozing pre-cum.

"Open your mouth"

As he did I pushed his precum soaked briefs in his mouth

"taste yourself nigger" I said pushing him down on the bed as he just moaned.

I pushed his knees up to his chest exposing his round ass and winking hole.

"wrap your arms under you legs and hold them in place" I said as I stood back and observed the guy on my bed rubbing my cock as I slipped my trousers and shirt off, spitting in my hand and lubing up my cock.

"I'm going to fuck you raw, slave" I whispered, and I could see his sphincter tighten at my words.

I walked back over to him, aligned by cock to his hole and pushed towards it, feeling the resistance of his sphincter buckle away. He screamed out as my head popped in and without stopping, I thrust myself into him until my pelvis hit his ass.

He was squirming underneath me, his screams muffled by his underwear, is eyes shut in a grimace. I pulled my cock almost all the way out again and drove it back to base with renewed screams from the black boy below me. He was now realizing that this wasn't about his pleasure at all, but purely about mine as I hardheartedly drove my cock down hard, sawing back up and driving it back at a menacing pace leaning over him and grabbing his throat in my hand pressing down on his windpipe, only giving it a slack with every fourth thrust.

Suddenly I felt his ass clench around my cock and his body starting to convulse. Looking down I saw his cock shoot ropes of cum hitting his face, chest and stomach until it just drizzled out of the head of his cock, pooling underneath it. As every single nerve ending in his body lit on fire his moans escalated, his eyes rolled back in their sockets, and he shivered as I continued my brutal fucking of his ass.

"Did I say you could cum you little bitch" I said as I slapped him across his face, following that up by spitting on his face.

I ripped the briefs from his mouth and soaked them in his seed showing the now cum soaked briefs back in his mouth.

"Suck on that you little whore" I said as I increased my speed further and slamming into him harder than ever, knocking the breath out of him with every thrust.

I carried on like this for a further 10 minutes until I could feel my balls contract in my sack.

"It's time for your breeding, nigger" I said just as I unloaded into his bowels, filling him up to the brim as I shot at least 12 consecutive loads into him. "Now you can feel me inside you for while" I added as I carefully pulled out, stepping back and seeing him drop his feet down, exhausted.

"You can stand up now" I said and as he did his knees buckled with him falling on the floor as he burst out laughing.

"Wow man" he said with his booming voice. "No one has never paralyzed me before" he said with a grin as he pulled himself up, knees still shaking. "That was amazing, thank you"

"You're welcome" I said with a smile. Liking how we were somewhat equals now. "I don't want to sound rude, but I've got an early flight tomorrow" hinting to him that I needed sleep.

"Sure thing bro, I'll catch you later, and yeah, thanks again" he said as he walked to the door with his t-shirt in his hands, and a prominent wet spot on the back of his shorts where my cum was dripping out of his gaping hole.

"Speedbird 1569, Runway 17-left, wind is at 145 degrees at 5 knots, cleared for take-off"

"Cleared for take-off, Speedbird 1569" bill replied to Air traffic control

"TOGA Set, Full throttle" I said as the engines revved up and the Boeing started moving.

"80 Knots" Bill Called out





I pulled up on the yolk feeling the lift as the aircraft pulled upp from the tarmac

"Positive rate gear up" I called out and Bill pulled up the landing gear leaver.

"Gears locked"

"Climb profile established, Autopilot engaged" I said as we passed one thousand feet

"Speedbird 1569, turn left heading 130 and resume own navigation, contact departure on 134.9"

I dialed the heading into the autopilot as Bill responded

"Left, 130, own navigation, going to 34.9, speedbird 1569, good day"

The weather was amazing, so we had quite a view over Orlando as we ascended to our cruising altitude which I was enjoying immensely.

Paul was the first one on break Today, Bill was to be second and I third so it I sat back and got comfortable.

"Had a good layover" Bill asked as he himself got comfortable, grabbing a Stephen King novel from his flight bag.

"Not to bad, I got to see some sights, grab a couple of drinks and rub shoulders with the locals"

"Only the locals" Bill said, glancing in my direction.

"hahaha, maybe not" I said, but we left it at that as we both read our books.

Just after Bill left for his break, we heard the chime of the door bell to the flight deck and we let Jessica in to take our food orders.

"Where is Liam, I thought he was up front" I said casually, noting that he had been absent as we ordered our pre-flight refreshments.

"Oh, he asked to be in the back today" she said as she rolled her eyes at me with a smile.

"I see. Paul what are you having, Chicken or steak"

"Chicken please" Paul said to my amazement, leaving the steak option to me as we were not allowed to eat the same meal.

When it was time for my break, I decided, instead of going straight to crew rest, I would wander towards the back in the hope of finding Liam. I found him finally at he aft galley speaking to Maria, another attendant on the flight.

"Would you excuse us please Maria" I said as Liam gave me a scathing look, and she darted towards the front.

"What the fuck do you want" I shot at me with pure disgust in his voice.

I stared at him baffled. `What did I do to deserve this amount of hostility' I thought to my self.

"Liam" I started with him just giving me a scalding look. "I would like to remind you that when we are on board this aircraft, I am your superior, no matter what differences we might have on the ground, but in here I demand that you show me the respect my position commands"

He just looked at me

"I should write you up for this" I said to him again which sparked a response.

"Then fucking write a report, look if I care"

"Listen Liam, I'm not sure what I did to warrant this kind of an outburst, but I would like for us to sit down over drink when we get back to base and work this out Ok?"

"No, you can fuck off"

"This is my last warning to you Liam, speak to me like this again and I will indeed be forced to write you up and you know that neither of us wants that"

He just looked at me and walked away towards the front leaving me in the aft galley.

I gave him a couple of minutes before walking back towards the front, which meant I had to pass him either in the corridor or in the front galley. Corridor it was.

I had to squeeze past him, and he was trying to decide which way to turn, face or back to me. It was his back and as I squeezed passed him, I felt his bubble butt rub against me, the fresh smell of is cologne filled my senses as my hand gently grazed him. I could feel him stiffen and let out the slightest of gasps as I did.

I left him mid plane and headed to the crew rest compartment. I had just removed my shirt when there was a knock on the door and as I opened it, I saw Liam there. With a look of frustration on his face he placed his hand on my chest and pushed me into the cabin, closing the door behind us.

End of Part 5

As always, your comments, thoughts, complaints etc. are always welcome. Pilotchron@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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