Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Jan 29, 2019


Part 3

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

This work contains material of sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy or save this work. In no way does the author endorse sexual contact with minors, nor does the author intend to promote unsafe sexual acts. Please observe all local, federal and international law and practice safe sex at all times.

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`keep cool Alex, keep cool' I thought to myself as I blushed furiously at the thought of Bill and Paul seeing me follow Liam into the lavatory and then leaving about five minutes later.

"Had a good rest Alex?" Bill said with a knowing look.

"uhm, yeah, it was good! Didn't manage much sleep though" What an idiotic thing to say. They obviously knew I didn't get much sleep considering I came back from my break a bit earlier and the view on the screen had said everything needed to say.

"Don't beat yourself down too much" Bill said. "We all do it, might as well get it over with early" he continued with Paul laughing knowingly. "I would hover have thought you be more into Jessica down back, but hey, I'm not judging".

I laughed with them now, feeling a bit more welcome in the group, although I didn't have any problems before that.

The reminder of the flight went smoothly with the 787 operating like a dream! No wonder they dubbed it the `dreamliner'. It was a beast.

"Beautiful landing Alex" Paul complimented with Bill agreeing enthusiastically.

"I will definitely request you on some of my routes" Bill added, with the benefit of being a senior captain, he had the power to request both crew and routes. "The emergency was very well handled Alex as well, you're a top pilot and I'm looking forward to the leg back in a couple of days. Now head back there and give the passengers a view of the pilot who got them safely to the ground whilst we finish up here"

I couldn't do much but beam at both Paul and Bill as I left the flight deck and took up my position next to Liam.

"Smooth landing there, hot shot" Liam said with a grin as he felt me walk up behind him.

"hah, thank you" I said with a smile as I nodded to the older lady who just thanked me. "How's your passenger?"

"Yeah, he's good, really nice guy actually!" Liam said with a grin, "He was up for showing us around a bit later" he continued, looking up at me with those penetrating Caramel eyes.

I got lost in them instantly. that's odd' I thought, I never noticed he was a bit shorter than me'.

"earth to captain Alex..." he said teasingly bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Not a captain yet" I said with a chuckle, nodding to further passengers as I heard Liam mumble something which sounded like captain', my' and existence.

"sorry I missed that" I said, looking back at Liam

"oh nothing" he said blushing.

God, I hope he's not getting any ideas' I thought. I mean, he's a lovely guy and all that but my career doesn't really allow for steady relationships'

"What's up with you" Liam said, yet again bringing me back from my thoughts. "You seem like we left you in Iceland" he said with his signature grin.

"Oh sorry, it's been a long flight and didn't get that much sleep last night if you recall"

He could only smile at that as he was silenced by the presence of Isaac who had clearly taken his time vacating his section and was now the last passenger there.

He held out his hand to me which I took with an intrigued look.

"Thanks a lot captain" Isaac said, and I noticed Liam flashing me his grin yet again as Isaac uttered those words. "Liam here tells me that you guys want a tour later" he continued. "He has my number, so hit me up later and I'll take you around town"

"Sounds great, oh.. and not a captain, just a First officer" I said with a smile as he started to walk away.

He turned around, his head framed with his long-ish blond hair and a sparkle in his grey eyes. "I'll see you later then... Mr. First officer". And he was gone down the gangway.

I thought Liam would crumble as he let out an uncontrollable giggle.

"Jesus man" he panted, "I he has the hots for you man, I'm getting all jealous".

"Oh, don't be silly" I said laughing. "Oh by the way, here's my card, add my mobile number and text me when we're settled at the hotel, I need to finish off up at the deck" I said walking away.

The difference in climate was amazing as the sun shone on us whilst waiting for the crew pick up to take us over to the airport adjacent Hilton. I could feel the sweat running down my back and my shirt was sticking to my chest like glue and I was very glad to feel the cold breeze from the air-conditioning as I took a seat in the van.

"You're looking all hot and bothered" a soft voice sounded as a blond, and very well-proportioned flight attendant sat next to me. "I'm Jessica, and you're Alex" she continued, stating the obvious as I had already clocked her name tag as well as airline credentials.

"I am, indeed, very nice to meet you Jessica" I said. I could see why the other pilots liked her. In an alternate universe I might have had by cock buried in her instead of Liam, but alas, one can't control the level of gayness one is born with.

"Likewise!" she said, flashing a broad smile. "We should get a drink tonight. Meet me at the bar?"

"Oh, um.. sorry Jessica.."

"Oh no don't get the wrong idea! Just as colleagues, and hopefully friends! Liam has told me aaaaallll about you" she said with a giggle as I blushed furiously. "but you must know that us cabin crew love our gossip"

`oh god...how much did he tell her! Fucking in the toilets was definitely a breach of some rules' "Well, I must have a word with Liam then" I said in a harsher tone than I intended.

"Oh don't be silly hun, don't go scolding him like a child, he didn't tell me much, just that you hooked up in the hotel, and honestly... he's quite smitten by you, which is really cute, and I think he's a lovely guy and you guys looked so so cute together standing there by the door". She said all this in a quick burst making me wonder if she even required to breath like a normal human.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we." I said with a tone of finality.

"So what about that drink" she said like I hadn't uttered a single word.

"Uh, sure but not tonight, how about tomorrow?" I said, just to get her off my back.

"Great! Cosmo's at ten then!" She said just as we arrived at the hotel and she shot out of the van, grabbing Liam with her saying something about a pool and "boygazing".

I couldn't help but laugh as I followed them into the American grandeur of the Hilton.

`Finally,' I thought as I spread out on the bed, pulling my shirt from the grips of my trousers and undoing my belt.

The A/C felt amazing as it blasted cold air into the room, making my nipples rise to attention under my damp shirt which was still plastered to my chest. "How can anyone stand this heat" I thought as I got out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom, turning the shower on, making sure it was only lukewarm.

The stream of the water was very refreshing as I entered the shower. My every pore was screaming as the cold to the touch water hit my back and ran down my firm body. My nipples were harder than I thought they could get. I ran my fingers over them, pinching them slightly, sending shivers down my spine towards my cock that was now fully erect from the sensation.

I was surprised by my self-control as I squirted shower-gel in my hands, resisting the urge to grab a hold of my meat and beating it into submission, but instead I fueled my erection by slowly lathering my body with soap, running my hands slowly and deliberately down my body, over my abs, chest and my thick thighs, making sure I only gave my cock a quick wash to further resit stroking my tonsil tickler. I didn't want to waste a drop of my seed on the hotel pipes. That was reserved for the conquest of the day.

A `ding' from my phone brought be back from my sensual rub down and I decided that I must be clean enough considering the humidity would get me all sweaty in no time.

Hi. Isaac is coming around in an hour or so.

Cool, meet me downstairs at the bar in 20. Let's grab a pint

gr8, c u then

I hate text talk...

Sry :P

Ugh..' I thought. "He seems to really like teasing me this one. I better bring him to heel and that quick. I don't need an endearing puppy" I muttered to myself as Jessica's words seemed to ring in my ears You looked so cute together'.

I was seated facing the entrance as I always did, with a cold refreshing beer in my hand, slurping it down like a new born foal drinking its mothers' milk for the first time, enjoying the cold sensation as it hit my throat. Who knew beer could be THIS refreshing I thought.

I was still receiving some looks from the time I entered the bar with my signature purposeful stride. Might be something to do with the way my shorts enhanced by round butt and showed off my prominent bulge, or the fact I decided on a sleeveless top which showed of my biceps and that prominent vein that ran down my entire arm.

I was too used to the looks coming from men and women alike and had mastered the art of repelling unwanted punters with a single look. They would know if they had a chance as you couldn't winch away from the look I gave the pray I was reeling in when the mood struck.

The patrons of the bar noticed him before I did as from the corner of my eye I noticed their heads snap towards the entrance, spotting a new addition to what was rapidly becoming meat market in their minds.

There Liam was, walking towards me. It was the first time I saw him wearing something other than his uniform or my cock. He had donned a navy short sleeved shirt which showed of his impressive body and tanned chinos which were artfully turned up over his ankles showing off the loafers he must've selected just for that outfit.

"A brave choice wearing dark colors in this heat" I said as he sat down motioning the waiter over "Two please, same as he's having" he said in a manner that reminded me of dominant opposed to a submissive boy that begged for cock.

"Oh come on." He said, clearly scanning with his caramel eyes. "Its not so bad out there, its gorgeous".

"Suit yourself" I grumbled as I glanced outside noticing the mirage hugging the street.

"So what's the plan with Isaac" he said as he slid the beer the waiter just brought over towards me, smacking his lips as he took a sip.

"Well, you tell me. You've spoken to him"

"I was thinking of having him show us around international drive, we could perhaps grab something to eat and then head back here for a drink"

"A well-formed plan then" I said but noting that there was something he was holding back. "what else..." I added.

"If he's... amenable... which I think he might be... we could take him up to your room" he said with a shy-ish grin.

"a threesome huh?"

"No, not quite" he responded with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But... again, if he's amenable... I would love to watch you fuck him" he said blushing furiously now. "I want to see you do what you do, it would be a major turn on for me"

I must admit that I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting him to want me to rough them both up a bit, but not for him taking a back seat in all that.

"You sure?" I said, with a searching expression

"Yes. Absolutely. I had a feeling that he was more into you, and I don't mind that, but I really want to watch" he finished.

I couldn't see any expression which would contradict what he was saying so I went with it.

"Ok sounds good. But if we get him up there and you decide you want to join, then let me know Ok?" It would be dick-ish move to not offer, but I knew that he knew that he had to ask permission to join in anyway.

"Sure thing" he said as his phone chimed. "He's here. blue truck outside"

"I hope he has air-con" I said as I braced myself for the raising temperature outside.

Our day to international drive was as close as perfect as you could imagine, although the sun irritated me.

We wandered about and grabbed some drinks at a cocktail lounge just off the drive as well as grabbing some grub at a cute Italian restaurant. Isaac was extremely accommodating, pointing out everything of interest as we walked.

Turns out Isaac had in fact recently turned 18 and he was very engaging considering how young he was. With his carefree attitude, coupled with a great sense of humor and his husky voice.

Sadly, I didn't get a good view of his body during our outing but his general aesthetic was really turning me on, making me wish that I could rip his clothes off in the middle of the drive, force him to his knees and feed him my cock that seemed to be in the eternal state of semi arousal. Must've been the heat and the two boys flanking me on each side.

The Liam on the ground was quite different from Liam in the skies, as he seemed to be much more assertive on solid ground. He spoke with authority and determination. I concluded that as many others, his in work' personality was different than his off work' personality, shed away with his uniform. That, or he was just getting a bit more comfortable, but it did make me wonder about the extent of his submission.

Towards the end of outing both Liam and I noticed that Isaac was starting to lay it on a bit thick with his shameless flirting, which had been an ongoing theme throughout the day and we silently decided to put our plan into motion.

"Say Isaac" I said, glancing at the teen as he came to a halt on his walk towards the car

"Yeah Mr. First officer" he responded in his husky voice with a grin on his face.

"Just call me Alex for now" I said, with a hint of `call me something else later' in my voice. "How about we head back to the hotel for a drink or two.

"Eh sure..." he said and look of disappointment flashed briefly over his face. "They won't serve me alcohol though" he continued

"Ah, of course... I tell you what. Liam and I will grab a couple of beers in the bar and we can continue our chat in a nice air-conditioned bar, and if the mood strikes, we can raid the minibar in my room and no one will be any wiser if you have a couple with us in there"

"OK Let's go!" he said quickly taking a 180 degree turn and striding towards the place we parked the car, with a grin on this face.

Liam and I looked at each other bemused. "That was easy" he said giggling as we followed Isaac towards the car.

I felt I was following a kid running towards his favorite toy shop as he was a few paces ahead the entire time and every so often he would turn around with a `move faster' look on his face.

"A quick question Liam" I said, glancing towards Isaac rolling my eyes at him as he turned around yet again.

"huh, yeah what?" Liam said as he himself had been laughing at Isaac

"Have you always been this submissive, or is this a new thing?" I asked unable to control my curiosity, as the Liam I saw today seemed anything but a submissive.

"Well..." he said, his voice lowering so Isaac couldn't hear "I'm a bit of both to be honest with you... a switch if you will." He said with an air of conclusion which sounded to me that he did not wish to explore this particular topic in this setting.

"Interesting" was all I said to that, my mind racing a bit around this revelation.

We had been sitting in the hotel bar for about forty minutes until Isaac was practically begging us to go to my room. Seeing it was just going on seven in the evening I started to agree with him as the growing crowd, most of which kept stealing not so subtle glances at the trio whom all could easily be on the next Abercrombie poster, were getting on my nerves.

"Alright let's go" I said, and Isaac shot up from his chair even before I could finish the sentence.

"Honestly Isaac" Liam said laughing. "You're like an excited puppy going to the park"

We all laughed at this as we headed towards the elevators.

The room was cool as I had used my `business card in the electric switch' hotel trick, leaving the A/C on whilst we were out, which was such a relief.

Isaac made himself at home and planted himself on my bed and kicked off his shoes exposing his bare feet. I'm usually not that much into feet, but I honestly could've licked them, or made Liam lick them. Why was everything about this barely legal boy so sexy to me.

"I hope you don't mind" he said, nodding towards his shoes.

"No not at all! Make yourself feel at home" I said whilst handing him a beer which he slurped on enthusiastically.

Liam on the other hand, had mixed himself a gin and tonic and took a seat on the convenient chair facing the bed, leaving me with no other surface than the desk which I leaned up against, my eyes staring Isaac down.

On his second beer, it seemed that Isaac had gotten a `bravery' injection is he pulled his tight-fitting t-shirt over his head, ruffling up his hair a bit whilst letting out a sigh of relief.

"Shoes and shirt are usually the first thing I remove when I get home" he said. "You did say `make yourself at home' right" he said with a glint in his grey eyes as they searched my steely expression for any sign of weakness for him.

All he had to do was to gaze a bit further south as my cock had jumped as soon as his blond happy trail had been brought into view, then his well sculpted abs, and then his pecks where a tattoo of an eagle rested.

"How American" I said with a grin "your tattoo" I answered his quizzical look

"Ah yeah, I guess it is" his husky voice now getting a bit lower with each sip of his third beer.

Liam simply sat there watching in awe as I worked my smoldering magic on the boy, perhaps looking for some hints for future conquests, his bulge clearly starting to grow.

"What else do you usually take off at home" I hinted as his eyes flashed with pure lust

"well... these" he said seductively as he unbuttoned his shorts

"take them off then" I commanded with him quickly obeying.

There he was, stood in front of Liam and I in bright blue aussiebum underwear which really complimented his ass and bulge, which was no longer just a bulge rather than a tent pole, pushing his underwear out giving my peak at his trimmed bush.

"This turning you on" I questioned him as he had dropped all pretenses now and stood there shaking a bit. His chest rising rapidly in sync with his breath.

"Yeah..." He whispered in his husky voice

"You want me" I questioned again

"Yeah..." He whispered even lower

"You will do what I want to please me"

"....." He hesitated, glancing towards Liam who sat there, licking his lips without thinking about it, watching the boy crumble under my penetrating gaze

"well?" I pressed

"eh.. Yes... Sir" He added the final word quickly, reading the situation like a complete pro.

"Good boy" I said, pulling my own shirt over my head, giving both my boys the view, they had been craving. Liam actually drooled a bit and I could see Isaacs knees buckle for a split second.

"Come here" I commanded. He was quick to obey, bit not quite as quick as Liam had been. He walked towards me and came to a stop a foot away.

"closer" I whispered

I could smell the teenage musk radiating from him as he stepped closer, giving my cock yet another opportunity to jump in my trousers. I knew he could smell my pits from the day out in the sun and noticed that a wet patch was forming where the head of his cock was pushing on the underwear. I heard him inhale deeply which was followed by the slightest tremble. I leaned closer to him, my lips close to his ear. He trembled again as he felt my breath on his neck.

"You like the smell of a real man" I whispered to him

"yess" he moaned out

At this I grabbed a hold of his long blond hair and showed his face into my sweaty armpit. He let out a short whelp as the force of my grip surprised him.

"take it in boy" I whispered again and not a second passed until I heard him inhale deeply accompanied by that tremble of satisfaction and lust shooting through his body.

I looked over to Liam which still had that look of admiration on his face, but had now unbuttoned his shirt and pulled out his oozing cock and proceeded to stroke it.

"Lick my armpit clean" I said a little louder so Liam could hear me as my piercing blue eyes locked with his caramel stare. A smile appearing on his lips.

Isaac wasted no time and started on cleaning my armpit bringing great sense of pleasure down my spine. I quickly maneuvered him towards my other armpit, not letting go of his hair, and straight away he proceeded to lick and inhale.

"On your knees" I said to him with him obeying much quicker now. I noticed that his wet spot had tripled in size by now, indicating that he was a gusher.

I undid my trousers and dropped them to my ankles revealing my 11-inch meat to him. As I did his eyes widened in what can only be described as terror and then darted up to mine.

"I think my cock needs refreshing a bit, don't you?" I said to him as even I caught the unmistakable scent of a cock that had been trapped in humid trousers for a day.

"I....I don't think I can take that" he said in a trembling voice

"You take what I give you, and you'll like it" I said, grabbing a hold of his hair again and shoving his face on my balls.

His tongue darted out as he obeyed and began licking my ripe ball sack. My cock resting on his forehead as he did. I guided his face up my shaft and he licked the entire length, leaving a streak of saliva in its wake.

Liam was vigorously jerking his own meat now making sure to edge himself if he came to close to the point of no return but was thoroughly enjoying the show he was receiving.

"open your mouth" I said, as I pulled Isaac off my cock. Again, he obeyed instantly.

I looked him in the eyes as I spat on his face, the resulting moan told me that not only did he like it, he positively loved it. My spit dripped down his face and he caught it with his tongue. Taking it as an invitation I spat straight in his mouth. He swallowed my spit like he'd done nothing else.

Now it was the time to feed him my cock. I had him roped in, there was no way out and he knew he was passed the point of bucking out. I grabbed his hair again and guided my cock into his mouth. I barely fit as his petite lips were stretched around the head of my cock. I spat on him again, but this time my spit acted as a lube for his tight lips wrapped around my cock.

"Oh liam" I said, giving Isaac time to get acquainted with my size before the onslaught of cock would begin. Liam looked at me with a hungry expression. "Do not dare to cum unless instructed to" I said as I grabbed a hold of Isaacs head with both hands and thrust my cock deep into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat and holding it there despite the struggling boy underneath me.

Liam looked at me with a smile, his eyes darting from the struggling boy to me and then nodding with a grin as he slowed the jerking of his cock.

I pulled my cock out of Isaac to the sounds of gagging, coughing and gasps for air. The traditional white mucus followed and dripped down his chin and from my cock.

"Again?" I said

"..ug. N.. Wait.." he didn't get a chance to finish as my cock was in his mouth again. I thrust even deeper now and felt his throat muscles spasm around the foreign object which tried to invade their realm.

I carried on like this for about 10 minutes, thrusting my cock down his throat, scull fucking him for a couple of seconds, giving him a chance to breath, and repeat. His eyes were flooded with tears, his face covered in mucus, saliva and my precum as I repeatedly slammed my wet cock over his face.

"Get on the bed, on your back facing me with your head over the edge" I commanded, with Isaac savoring the opportunity to get off the floor.

As he got himself into position I leant over him and took a hold of both his nipples and twisted them until he screamed out in pain and just as he did, I muffled his screams by showing my cock now balls deep down his throat, managing the entire length with my balls slamming on his forehead. I noticed him panicking as he wriggled underneath me, so I pulled out completely, again to the sound of retching. Mucus flowed out of his mouth now covering his face, mixing with the tears.

"again" I warned him, but now taking a hold of his throat as I slid into his mouth pressing down firmly, I could feel my cock slide down his throat, passing my grip. This alone almost made me deposit my seed straight into his stomach, so I quickly let go.

I had trained myself in cum control, so I knew exactly when and what I needed to avoid for an extended session, and it seemed that Liam was just as accomplished. As I proceeded to scull fuck Isaac I looked over to Liam who was now completely naked, one leg over the arm of the chair, his oozing cock now glistening wet with precum in his left hand and the finger on his right hand, clearly lubed up with precum, circling his sphincter, which still seemed a bit raw after the vicious pounding I had given him on the flight earlier. He gave me a lustful look as I nodded my approval for him to enter himself, and without hesitation his finger sunk knuckle deep into his wanting hole.

We carried this on for a little while, Liam fingering himself on the chair, me violating Isaacs mouth and Isaac... Well he was loving every second of it. He had taken to his role as a house on fire. Not daring to touch himself, his cock seemed harder than ever and there wasn't a dry spot on the front of his tight briefs as his cock seemed to ooze precum none stop. There wasn't a dry spot on his face for that matter as the mucus, saliva and tears now covered his entire face and well up into his hair.

"Liam" I said in such a commanding voice it made Liam sit up so quickly accidentally sitting on his hand, pushing the three fingers he had inserted, further in which made me lough a little. "Go grab the belt of the two robes there in the closet as well as my belt and bring it to me. "Isaac" I said as I unsheathed my cock from his now raw red lips, "Remove your underwear, touch nothing, lie down on your back with your hands above your head" I shot those commands in quick successions with both boys springing to action as their life depended on it.

Liam handed me the fabric belts of the ropes and I proceeded to tie one end of each to Isaacs ankles. He had a look of worry on his face. Being a good dominant, I sought to reassure him. "Listen carefully to what I am about to say to you" I began as I expertly knotted the belt to his ankle, with Liam hanging on my every word. "I am going to tie you up, expose your hole for the world to see, making you feel more exposed than the day you were born. I am going to whip you with my belt, I am going to fuck you mercilessly for as long as I feel like it, I am going to use your holes for what they were intended, to please me and other men which may come across them. You are now a hole for me use and fill with my seed and you will always remember, that it was I who broke you into submission and put you in your rightful place...." I stopped there gauging Isaacs reaction which was a mixture of intrigue, terror and... was it lust? Liam however, was gaping at me with a clear look of lust... or was it more?

"However,..." I continued, sounding awfully a lot like Severus Snape from the Harry Potter films, "I do not wish to break you completely so if you say the word "RED" or "Pineapple stick" I will stop what I am doing, release you and make sure you are safe and in good health. Although (There was Snape again) if you do use those safe words, once I have assured myself that you are in fact in good health, you will not see me or hear from me again, nor will you enjoy the immense pleasure and release I have to offer. Do you understand" I concluded.

My little speech had made an impact. Liam was drooling again, Isaac was alive and excited again.

"Yes Sir... I trust you" he said, and his words were my command.

I tied both ends of the fabric belt to his wrist, pulling his ass up in the air exposing what could only be described as the tightest ever hole I had ever seen. I was surprised that he could let anything out of there, let alone in.

I saw Liam looking from my cock to his hole and back to my cock trying to do the Math on how it would fit, as geometry would serve him well in this situation.

I grabbed my belt and in a swift motion brought it down hard onto Isaacs left butt cheek, leaving an angry red mark in its wake. He screamed out as the leather hit the skin and the sound of the belt on his skin was drowned.

Liam was furiously jerking off now, standing just behind me watching as I brought the belt down, four, five, six times. Liam was now whimpering underneath the stroke of the belt and I felt him being close to uttering the word that would end the onslaught of pain, yet also would kill the promise of pleasure so I stopped.

"It's your turn" I said to Liam and his eyes flashed to mine. "Get to work on that hole with your tongue, I need him well lubed up for what is coming." Liam was quick to comply as he was clearly starting to want a piece of the action. He was on the bed in a flash and his tongue danced a subtle dance on the boy's sphincter. Isaac winced as Liam laid his hands firmly on his butt cheeks and spread them further, but soon enough the room was filled with moans of pleasure and lust.

I wandered to the minibar, glancing in the mirror opposite the bed as I did, enjoying the view of Liam going to town. I leaned back on the desk as before and watched as Liam began to finger the boy with adept movements, still making sure that he wouldn't open him up too much.

I let Liam do his dance for some time as I welcomed the breather and very much enjoyed what I was seeing. Isaacs had a look of bliss upon his mucus covered face, precum poling on his chest as a steady stream dripped from his cock, both boys now moaning with pleasure.

"Enough" I said as I pulled the pretzelled Isaac towards the edge of the bed letting Liam take his place again.

I stroked my cock over Isaacs now wet hole, his body trembled with anticipation.

"Are you ready" I questioned as I lined my head to the opening of what was to be my new cock sleeve.

"I... think so" He said with his seductive husky voice still reeling from the rimming he had just received.

Without further warning I pressed against his opening, his muscles trying to stop my entrance, yet as always the defenses buckled under the immense applied pressure applied and with an audible `pop' I felt the warm sensation of his anus as it wrapped around my head, followed my a loud cry of pain from Isaac. I saw his eyes flash open in shock. I didn't give him a chance to react further as I gave an almighty thrust and bottomed out in his bowels in one hard motion.

"SHIIT, NO, WAIT, WAIT, AAGGGHH" He screamed out in pain as I drilled even deeper down, leaning over him, grabbing his throat tightly, constricting his windpipe as I did, his eyes still filled with shock as he tried to moan out, tried rejecting my meat.

"you know the safe word" I whispered as I let go of his throat.

Only a whimper...

... Then a slight nod in agreement to continue the torment which was bound to become pleasure any moment now.

"Good boy" I said as I spat on his face and withdrew my cock completely.

His once tight asshole was already gaping at me, winking, begging to be filled. `Who was I to refuse it such pleasures' I thought as I drilled my cock bowel deep again to the sound cries and then a silent moan of pleasure coming from Liam behind me.

On my third thrust I noticed it. Just as my cock had bulged out of Isaacs throat earlier, it was now bulging out at his stomach just on the left of his belly button. Liam had noticed it too and was watching in awe as I withdrew my cock making the bulge disappear and then appearing as I slid in deep again.

I pressed firmly on the bulge making Isaac scream out, but not in pain, he was now moaning in pleasure, and me... oh I was having the fuck of my life right there. I could feel my hand pressing down on the head of my cock as I mercilessly drilled Isaac to a point where he almost fainted.

"jerk his cock Liam" I commanded. Liam took Isaacs 6-inch cut meat in his hand, needing no lube as his cock was soaking in precum. And began jerking on it as Isaac screamed out in ecstasy. Now used to the baseball bat sized cock penetrating him, hitting all the right places, driving him over the edge.

I could feel his muscles spasm around my cock as he reached his climax and started to pump his cum all over himself. His chest, face, stomach, everywhere, rope and rope of teenage spunk covered him.

I had to hold on to every ounce of willpower to stop myself from pumping him full of my seed and as soon as his muscles relaxed, I began drilling him again, his moans louder now as his hypersensitive body responded to the continuing onslaught of cock in his bowels.

"Finish yourself off Liam, and make sure to cover his face with your spunk" I said as I saw Liam getting closer with his own orgasm. He quickly positioned himself and without a moment to spare he shot about 14 streams of cum on Isaac's face and into his mouth. This was what brought be over the edge.

"I'm going to fill you to the brim" I managed to say as I started to pump jets and jets of cum deep into Isaac. It took me at least 30 seconds to stop unloading my spunk into the teenage conquest. His moans louder now as cum dripped down his face and into his mouth, a mixture of Liam's and his, tasting them and feeling the massive cock in his ass getting even thicker as it pulsed and planted its seed.

I unsheathed my cock slowly and noticed his hole was so open that it had no chance of closing any time soon and would perhaps never be as tight as it was before tonight. I watched as my cum dripped out of the gaping red hole down the back of the boy.

"Get dressed Liam, we're going for a coffee downstairs whilst the boy recovers" Liam got dressed in silence as Isaac just laid there breathing hard, Still tied up, covered in three loads, mucus and sweat.

I'm not sure if he noticed us leave the room.

"That.was.incredible" Liam exclaimed as we got into the lift for the lobby.

"You think so?" I said nonchalantly

"Fuck off man, you know what you did in there, You're a machine" he said with a look of admiration "I would love to have that on a daily basis"

I looked at him when it finally clicked.

"You think this is going to be something more than sex between us?" I said as we walked towards the coffee chart

"Why not?" He asked incredulously

"Our careers aren't meant for relationships" I said, deploying the standard defense I used on so many other occasions

"Fuck that... Listen Alex, I actually really like you and I feel we have a connection which I never felt before. I'm not going to say its love so early on, but there is something" he said

I actually laughed at that which got the response of a death glare

"Love... Lust... Whatever" I said do his deadpan face

"Listen Liam... It should be so easy, the way life is meant to be. To love one another, not just sex, but love. But it simply does not work that way for me. All of my friends and family say that there's somebody out there, but I'm still alone" Liam looked struck down by this

"Tell me Liam, what if I can't have love? What if I can't love anyone?"

"Everyone can love Alex..." I cut him off

"Something is broken Liam, deep inside. Neither do I want to be the one whose love has come and gone and then finding nobody out there."

There was complete silence as sipped the coffee and Liam just stared at me.

"Is this some elaborate `it's not you it's me' speech?

I laughed at that but could notice the way he looked at me. It was care, still there was lust, but care.

"Shall we discuss this another time? I think I'm ready for round two and our boy will have to be released at some point"

At that Liam just smiled, adjusted his cock and got ready to head back up to where Isaac laid covered in fluids.

End of part 3

A bit longer this one, but I simply couldn't find the right place to stop!

Thanks a lot for your emails which are very well received. Please don't hesitate to send on your comments, thoughts and so on to pilotchron@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 4

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