Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Apr 29, 2022


Pilot Chronicles Chapter 14

         Chapter 14

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

This work contains material of sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy or save this work. In no way does the author endorse sexual contact with minors, nor does the author intend to promote unsafe sexual acts. Please observe all local, federal and international law and practice safe sex at all times.

As always I would like to thank everyone who have taken time to email me with their comments and contributions. Your feedback is what drives the story forward.

All rights reserved

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* * *


I stared at the message for probably ten minutes before typing out my reply, adjusting my bulging cock as I typed out the message. I would love to get a feel of that tanned bubble butt again, look deep into those carmel eyes as I thrust my shaft deep inside of him, making him scream out as I rearranged his insides. I could picture Liam’s face the moment I’d penetrate him, the look of surprise when I’d grab him by the throat and spit in his mouth and slapping that innocent looking face, putting him back in his rightful place.

I could feel the precum oozing from my cock, staining the white Aussiebum underwear I was wearing underneath my tight black jeans. Just the thought of me dominating Liam one more time was driving me absolutely insane..

I’m up for it… I want to destroy your hole one more time.

My finger hovered over the send button and just as I was about to send the message my phone vibrated signalling an incoming message

(New Message) was displayed at the top of my screen and immediately a tang of guilt spread through me. Hadn’t I just told him last night that I was going to try and make things work between us? I mean, we hadn’t spoken about exclusivity, and it was way too early to have that chat, but was it the right thing to do, go and fuck someone? Wouldn’t it just mess with my mind.

I quickly deleted the message I had typed out to Liam and replaced it.

I’m sorry, I won’t be able to meet you tonight. But have a great time, and we can perhaps meet when I next layover in Orlando.

Oh… ok

“Clearly not the answer he was expecting” I mumbled to myself opening the message from Sean.

* * *


I was just laying here, my chest rising and falling rapidly, covered in sweat and extremely sore. Josh just stood over me looking at me with a smirk on his face now.

“You really have to pull it together” he said with a chuckle as he held out his arm to assist me back on my feet.

“You know I’m not a fan of the pull up bars” I said wincing as I got back on my feet looking up at one of the many pull up bar setups scattered throughout the gym.

“Well, you’ve made a lot of progress on them since you started training with me though” Josh said as he playfully punched my shoulder, resulting in a laugh from me. “Punch bag, let’s go”

I just stood there watching him walk through the gym towards the boxing area, studying his walk. Josh had been my personal trainer for about 2 years now. During that time we had become very good friends. I spoke to him about my conquests and he raged on about the various girls he was playing in the moment. He was this typical gym dude, but surprisingly open. Well, open enough to fuck me once after a nigt out on the town, but we decided that was just a moment of weakness for both of us and we’d keep it friendly and professional.

“You coming” He called over from the boxing bag as he began strapping on the gloves.

“Yeah, give me a second” I called back, pulling my phone from my bag, noticing a message from Alex.

Hey you, thanks for the coffee! Want to grab dinner tonight?

I couldn’t hide my smile. At least he was trying!

Hey, sorry for the late reply. And you’re welcome! Making myself feel like home right? And yeah, I’m up for dinner tonight! Let me know the time and place and I’ll meet you there?

“What are you smiling about” Josh said as I joined him

“Huh? Nothing” I said, dismissing him as I pulled on the boxing gloves.

“Don’t lie to me Sean” he said looking at me with mock hurt spread over his face

“I’m not lying to you Josh” I said, rolling my eyes as I began dancing around the boxing bag

“Wait… I know this smile” he said as he studied me dancing around the bag. “This smile means one of two things… One, You got laid…” he paused dramatically looking for any sign I might give away “ Or two… you met someone you really really like” As he let out that last sentence I hit the bag at an awkward angle, slipping slightly.

“AHA!” He exclaimed as he grabbed the back of the back holding it steady for me. “So it’s number two”

I could feel myself blushing furiously. This was one thing I hated about Josh. Well not hated, hate is a strong word…disliked about him was how well he read me.

“So what….” ‘thump’ thump’ the sounds of my fists hitting the boxing bag echoed through the gym “…if I met someone” ‘thump thump thump’

“Ah so you did meet someone then?” he said with a grin on his fce

“Maybe…” ‘thump thump’ “I did..” I said panting, sweat starting to drip down my face again, plastering my blond hair to my forehead.

“So, tell me about him then” He said encouragingly, clearly very curious.

“So far…” thump thump “there isn’t much to tell!” thump thump.

“Alright, stop for a minute Sean. I’m genuinely curious. I haven’t seen you grin like that at a text message for a long time, if ever.” He said in a tone that could only be described as brotherly love. I stopped my dance around the boxing bag, leaning up against the wall panting.

“I don't really know what to say,” I said.

“Well, maybe start at the beginning? What’s his name?”

“His name is Alex, and I met him at work. He sometimes comes in for the wine selection” I finally said.

“Oh, the wiiiine selection eh?” Josh said with a chuckle as he leaned against the bag.

“Shut up you…” I said, laughing. “He’s an airline captain and extremely handsome with a giant…”

“STOP… I don’t want to get into all the dirty details” he said laughing “but I got the picture.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at him as I knew deep down that he wanted to hear more, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. You see, Josh was one of those alpha types as well, always going after the girls, telling me all the details about he fucked them well, but when we hooked up that one time, he admitted that he was hoping for me to be a complete top. You would never have thought that he would take something up there, and to my knowledge he hadn’t but he was definitely curious about it.

“Fine, I won’t go into details on that front… yet” I said with a grin.

“Hah, good!” he said, giving me a wink. “Where does he live?”

“Just around the corner from the store actually, which is convenient. In that new complex just off the high street.”

“Ooh fancy! I dream about those buildings. Saw a rental listing there but I’d need about 40 new clients to be able to afford it! Is it nice” Josh was a bit of a property pervert. If he wasn’t watching netflix, he was browsing properties around the world. He should’ve gone into real estate.

“It’s amazing. He’s fitted it out very well! Huge kitchen with a six hob range cooker, two ovens and marble countertops, wooden flooring, large living room with a gas fireplace, floor to ceiling windows the entire south and east side with balconies and the shower… oh the shower. He literally has a smart shower that he can turn on with his phone.” I finally stopped realising I was ranting. I knew I loved his apartment, but I hadn't’ realised I was fangirling over it.

“Ohh marble countertops! I love them. They are so convenient!” Josh said, fangirling with me

“They are cold to lie on though…” I said with a grin and wink resulting in a bellowing laugh from Josh.

“Ok, when I come for dinner, remember to clean the countertops before you start cooking” he said laughing.

“Coming for dinner huh?”

“Yeah, well, eventually I’ll have to meet him right?”

“Eventually maybe, but we’re only starting to date, and to be honest, I think I’m the first guy he’s ever dated. He seems to be more of a… physical person” I said, blushing slightly.

“Oh, so you’re taming a beast?”

“Taming, maybe not… beast… accurate” I said, winking at him once again as he showed mock horror.

“So, how old is he”

“Uhm, he’s thirty” I replied, shy now.

“Oooh so not only is he well off, has a great job but an older man as well… I like where this is going”

“I wouldn’t go as far as calling him an older man.. But yes, he’s older than me”

“Well, I for one can’t wait to meet him, as it’s obvious that you like him a lot”

“I’ll float the idea when the time is right” I said as I stood up. “Shall we call it a day and hit the showers?”

“You go ahead, I’m going to stay a bit longer, I saw a girl I want to chat to” he said, giving me a sly look as his eyes darted over to the treadmills where a young brunette was running at full speed, looking more like she was trying to escape a bear attack than exercising.

“Hah, go for it stud, I’ll message you later”

I had a think for locker rooms, there was something about the smell. I had fantasised for a long time to be fucked in this locker room, or any locker room for that matter.

* * *


“Yes, table for two please, and could you seat us in those booths towards the back of the restaurant for some privacy?….Great, thanks, yes eight thirty would be good… thank you.”

I threw the phone on my bed as I browsed through my wardrobe looking for something to wear tonight. “My first proper date” I thought, chuckling to myself. I had asked Sean to meet me at Green Park Station by the entrance to the park at around eight so I had a few hours to get ready. Not that I usually needed a few hours.

I noticed him almost immediately as I climbed the stairs of the tube station as he was leaning against a lamppost opposite the entrance watching something on his phone. I remember thinking how well he cleans up, and I was really beginning to like his style. The tight navy suit trousers were perfectly coordinated with a brown leather belt and loafers. He was wearing a fitted white shirt with a nice blue pattern on the inside of the collar and to top it off he was wearing a long brown trench coat which really showed off his lean physique.

“What you watching?” I said as I approached him, being met with those beautiful eyes and a wide smile.

“Oh just some TikTok videos to pass the time” he said leaning towards me, not knowing if I was very PDA or not.

“Have you been waiting long?” I asked as I leaned in and gave him a quick but intimate kiss. I could hear his breath catch as our lips met.

“Be careful…” He whispered “I’ve been thinking about you fucking me all day, and we might not make it through the meal if you kiss me like this again”

Almost instantly I could feel my cock twitch at the thought of me fucking him in the restaurant bathroom between courses.

“Come on, let’s go” I said, leading him in the direction of Piccadilly.

“So, what’s the restaurant?” He asked. “I hope it’s not too expensive, you remember that I only work in a corner store” He said, looking a bit embarrassed.

“Don’t worry about it, this one is on me” I said as we walked

“I’m not in the market for a sugar daddy” I heard him say from behind me, not realising that he had stopped, and was looking at me with an indignant expression.

“Who said anything about me becoming your sugar daddy?” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

“Well… taking me out to a fancy restaurant in mayfair, offering to pay for me. What’s next, clothes shopping?” He said, still indignant.

“Don’t be silly, I’m just treating you to a meal. That’s what people who are dating do right? You can cover the bill next time.”

“Nope, we are at least splitting it.” He insisted.

I walked up to him slowly looking him dead in the eyes, pulling myself up to my most dominating stature. “First of all, remember that you agreed to fifty-fifty, second of all, I will punish you so hard for this, third of all I’m paying for dinner…” he was cowering slightly at this point, realising that he might have crossed that imaginary line we had drawn in the sand. “… And finally, I really like your style so I’m not buying you clothes.” I finished with a grin.

“I’m sorry, sir” he said as he began walking again, resigning to the fact that I would be paying for dinner.

We reached the restaurant and were seated at our table at the back. “I love this restaurant” I said as I took in the atmosphere. It had very dim lighting and dark furniture with soft music playing in the background. There was something slightly erotic about it. As Sean sat down I noticed how his tight trousers were hugging his ass and showing off his thick thighs, the material stretching over all of his assets.

“Right, choose whatever you like” I said, smiling at him as he studied the menu.

“This all sounds amazing! I’ve no idea what to go for”

“The seared diver scallops are amazing or even the tuna ceviche” I said as I studied the wine menu.

“Mhh yes, scallops I think…” he said instinctively smacking his lips “Are you sure you don’t want to…” He didn’t finish the sentence as he saw me glaring at him.

“I promise to let you pay next time,Ok?” I said finally, after watching him squirm for a while.

“Fiiine” he said, smiling at me as he continued to review the menu.

“Ready to order the wine, sir?” the waiter said, interrupting my study of Sean, pouring water into our glasses in turn.

“Yes, to start with we would like two southsides and for the wine it will be Terrazas ‘Las Compuertas, unless you have the Châteauneuf-du-Pape in stock, I don’t see it here” I said looking at the waiter with a demanding stare, Sean just staring in me in turn.

“My apologies sir, the Châteauneuf-du-Pape is not in stock today, but the Terrazas ‘Las Compuertas is a fine Malbec”

“Very good, that will be all for now” I said dismissing the watier.

“You sure know your wine” Sean said with an impressed look on his face.

“Good wine has somewhat been a hobby of mine for a long time” I said, taking a sip of water. “You know what you’re having yet for your mains?” I said as I studied the menu

“I think I’m going for the 400gr Sirloin with a black pepper sauce” he said, smacking his lips again.

“Perfect choice” I said as I summoned the waiter over.

“Yes sir, Are you ready?” He said again with the put on poshness.

“Yes, We will both have the seared scallops to begin with. Then it’s going to be two 400gr sirloins for mains, one with bearnaise sauce and other with black pepper sauce. I’ll be having the creamy mashed potatoes and spinach….” I said.

“And it will be the Heritage carrots and mushroom confit for me” Sean interjected.

“Very good sirs” the waiter said as he swooped away to put in our order.

I noticed Sean studying him as he walked away.

“Would you do him?” he finally said as he continued to gaze over to the waiter.

“I hadn't really considered it, I was more focused on your face” I said teasingly as I looked over to the waiter.

He was probably in his early twenties, dark hair and slightly tanned, as far as I could see considering the dark lighting. His black shirt was hugging his chest showing some muscle definition and the black trousers gave us a good view of his ass. It wasn’t great, but not bad either.

“Well, he’s definitely hot” I said as I looked him over. “But I prefer you” I said, winking at him.

“Yeah, I prefer you too” he said with a smile.

The meal was quite uneventful apart from how exquisit the wine and food were. The conversation flowed naturally. We spoke about our mutual interest in travelling, our favorite cities, wine, music and of course the gym.

* * *

“Go to the bathroom and wait for me in the innermost stall” I whispered to Sean just after the waiter took away the last side plates.

He had been driving me crazy throughout the dinner. Running his foot up my leg, brushing it against my throbbing cock, brushing his hand against mine as we both reached for the bread. For the two hours we’d been sitting there the sexual tension had been rising rapidly.

Without having to tell him twice, he stood up and headed to the bathroom with me following him shortly after, meeting him in the stall.

“Get on your knees, boy” I hissed at him as I released my cock from its fabric cage. He didn't hesitate to follow my order as he sank down to his knees, opening his mouth like a good pup. I slapped him across the face with my cock, letting him feel the weight of it before placing it in his mouth and letting him get to work.

I leaned back against the bathroom door as I let him service me.

“I thought you just had dinner” I said, mocking the eagerness of his blow job. He was working my cock as a mad man. Slurping on the shaft, licking my balls and back to working on my cockhead, my dick dripping with his saliva.

“I need your cock inside me please” He said, as he pulled away from my dick briefly.

“We’ll have to be quick though” I said as I pulled him off the floor. I had hardly blinked when his trousers were around his ankles with him leaning onto the toilet tank, revealing the most amazing black jockstrap which made his ass look even perkier.

I was expecting him to be a bit loose from last nights fucking in the shower, but somehow he was just as tight as before. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get my cock inside of him until finally his sphincter gave way with an audible pop and a moan of mixed pain and pleasure from Sean.

I wasted no time as I began thrusting my cock deep in his bowles, pulling most of the way out and thrusting hard into him again. The sound of my pelvis hitting his ass cheeks as I drove my cock into him was hardly drowned out by the soft elevator music that played in the bathroom.

It didn’t take long until the familiar feeling of my climax washed over me, my cock throbbing and pulsing as I began to pump my load inside of him. Trying to contain my moan of ecstasy, eventually pulling out of him.

“Look” he said laughing, pointing at the front of his jock where his cock was struggling against the fabric of the jockstrap, precum oozing through the underwear. I quickly ran my finger over the drop protruding through the fabric, quickly licking it.

“You taste amazing” I said as I opened the door walking out the cubicle with Sean following closely, only to be met by the waiter, leaning against the sink sporting a prominent bulge and a seductive look plastered on his face.

* * *

“Gentlemen” He said, without moving an inch.

“You may bring the dessert menu, and a couple amaretto sours” I simply said as I began walking away from him, but he held out his hand stopping me, resulting in me putting on my most dominant frame, for the second time this evening. “Remove your hand” I said, glaring at him.

“Certainly, sir…” he said cowering quickly “It’s just… if you want a third, I would like to give you this” he said, his voice shaking slightly as he handed me a card with his number on it, which I pocketed without word and led Sean out of the bathroom.

“Holy shit…” he said under his breath. “did that actually happen?” he said laughing, quickly stopping as the waiter arrived, blushed, handing us the menus and the cocktails.

“So it seems” I said with a grin.

“Like, do people do this?”

“Apparently they do!” I said laughing.

“Are you interested in having him join?” he said and I was unable to read his expression. Did he want to play with other people?

“We can discuss that later, for now, I just want to enjoy you all by myself.” A look of shock spread over his face which quickly switched to dread. “Is that such a horrible idea?” I said a little annoyed.

“No… Uhm… I’m dripping” he finally said, blushing furiously.

“You’re what?” I said confused

“Your cum… I’m dripping your cum” he said, just as the waiter arrived at the table. The look on the waiters face was priceless. It was a look of want and hilarity at the same time. As soon as he had left the plates we burst out laughing.

“Poor guy, I think we’re driving him mad.” Sean said, laughing. “But no, it’s not a horrible thought. It’s perfect.”

“Good” I said, taking a bite of my cake. “So, I got my schedule for next week and I have two nights in Boston lined up… “ I said, hesitating slightly. “It may be a bit too soon, but would you like to join me?”

“That would be amazing!” He said, beaming “When is it?”

“4th to the 7th of May”

“I’ll see if I can take some time off work”

* * *

Author’s note

Practice social distancing, read stories and support Nifty. We are all in this together.

Thank you all for your amazing feedback to the story. It’s been a huge inspiration to read your emails and has driven me forward to continue. Please send your feedback to pilotchron@gmail.com as I’d love to hear more from you guys!

Next: Chapter 15

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