Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Apr 28, 2022


Pilot Chronicles Chapter 13

         Chapter 13

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

This work contains material of sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy or save this work. In no way does the author endorse sexual contact with minors, nor does the author intend to promote unsafe sexual acts. Please observe all local, federal and international law and practice safe sex at all times.

As always I would like to thank everyone who have taken time to email me with their comments and contributions. Your feedback is what drives the story forward.

All rights reserved

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* * *


As I crawled into bed with Alex and into his arms, my mind immediately began to race. I couldn’t believe that he had agreed to my Fifty-Fifty option and somehow he had proved that he was completly serious with that fucking. Compared to the other times we fucked, this time felt different. He was gentle but passionate at the same time. There was feeling behind it.

“How are you feeling?” Alex asked as he gently ran his hand through my hair.

“Perfect now” I responded with a sigh as he kept running his hand through my hair, playing with it gently. “I just hope I didn’t force you into something you’re not ready for and you’ll resent me for it.” I continued, glancing up at him, gauging his reaction.

He stopped playing with my hair briefly. “I’m actually glad that you did. I haven’t fucked like that in a long time, let alone cuddled someone and been completely at ease” he finally said as he carried on playing with my hair.

“So… you’re fine with this?” I said nervously, absentmindedly stroking his chest, feeling his hard muscles.

“I’m absolutely willing to give it a go, and I’m ready to go the extra mile to make sure that it works” he said. And I’m certain that I heard a slight surprise in his voice. Was he realizing this as he spoke?

The conversation changed direction after this and we probably spent about an hour just chatting about anything and everything. Alex put on a cute little playlist that was humming in the background like a sweet lullaby and before I really knew it I was asleep.

The sleep didn’t last very long as I woke up to Alex shifting slightly in his sleep. He hadn’t drawn the curtains when we got into bed and the street lights below cast a yellowish glow through the floor to ceiling windows. I noticed that Alex hadn’t bothered slipping under the covers so there he was sprawled out naked in front of me, lit up by the street lights outside.

I took hold of this moment, where I could have all the time in the world to study him without feeling awkward or getting lost in those blue eyes of his. His blond hair was untidy and since there were a couple of days since he last flew his stubble was growing out a bit, slightly drawing away from his chiseled jawline. My eyes focused on his chest which rose and fell in sync with his breathing. It was perfectly sculpted, a light brushing of hair covered the upper part of his chest but nowhere else. His nipples, perked up in the slight breeze that filtered through the room, brown and perfectly sized in stark contrast to his pale skin. His abs were bulging… two, for six, seven. Practically an eight pack, clearly visible in the yellow tinted light. Even the muscles over the ribs were visible without him flexing them. I was dying to run my tongue over them. His thighs were huge and his calves were equally proportioned making it clear that he never skipped leg day. And then there was the cock. If he had told me in a text how big it was I wouldn’t have believed him, but it was massive. Probably between 9 and 11 inches and it was thick. You wouldn’t have thought it would reach that size by looking at it now. It was probably around 5 inches draped over an impressive ball sack.

I must have been staring at him for over thirty minutes absentmindedly stroking my own cock which was rock hard by now and already oozing precum which I used to lube up the head of my cock sending currents of pleasure through my body. This man sprawled out in front of me made me incredibly horny and I couldn't help myself any longer.

Making sure I didn’t disturb his sleep I slid down so my face was in line with his beautiful cock. I was tempted to take in my mouth there and then but instead, I blew on it gently and sure enough that did the trick. Almost instantly I watched it grow from the 5 inches to the 9-11 inches. There it was, now pointing towards his face as he was fast asleep. I noticed a pearl of precum forming at the tip and instinctively I leaned forward and licked it off. The taste was amazing, just the taste made my cock ooze more precum, which was now dripping onto his white sheets.

I looked up and noticed he was still asleep but I really couldn’t control myself any longer, so I went for it. Opening my mouth wide I took him in. I was proud to manage about half of his shaft in one go and gently began to work up the saliva to lube it up.

“Mhhh that’s the perfect way to wake up” I heard him say announcing that I had awoken him. I didn’t stop to answer, but drove my head as far down as I could, making just over three quarters of the way before having to pull up again. As I pulled up, I looked him straight in the eyes, gave him a cheeky wink and carried on suckling on his cock without breaking eye contact.

He reached down and I could feel his head on the back of my head now, his hips thrusting upwards to meet my downwards motion, coaching his massive cock deeper down my throat. I tried fighting back the gagging but eventually I began gagging on his cock.

“Mhhh yeah… gag on it.” I heard him whisper, coming to the realisation that it was clearly a major turn on for him. His palms grabbed firmly onto the hair at the back of my head, pulling me almost all the way off his cock, allowing me to taste the precum oozing from the tip of his cock.

“You ready?” he suddenly said, my eyes flashing to his with a mumbled “huh” following and without warning, he grabbed the back of my head firmly and rammed his cock almost the entire way down my throat. I gagged furiously and could feel the bile rising in my throat but he didn’t stop. He was mercilessly fucking my throat now. Instinctively I tried pushing away from him but my crossfit training failed me, he was much stronger than me. Not that I wanted this to stop, it was just instinct.

He carried on fucking my throat and I carried on gagging, his cock soaking wet with my spit, saliva was dripping down his balls. I could feel his cock slide down my throat and back up again but eventually I got used to it, my gag reflex faded and all you could hear was the sound of a wet cock sliding in and out of my mouth… you know the sound I mean.

I could hear his breathing quicken as he carried on fucking my throat. His stamina was immense. I felt like he had fucked my throat for an hour, but in reality it was around twenty minutes. With every upwards thrust of my hips, his hands pushed my head downwards and in sync my cock oozes brecum. The sheets were soaking wet with my precum and I was dying to burst my load, I knew that all I had to do was tug on it twice or thrice and it would be the end game for me.

After about 30 minutes of relentless facefucking I could feel his cock start to throb, the veins began to bulge and his cockhead became noticably bigger as it slid down my throat.

“Mhh fuck, I’m going to coat your throat with my load” Alex moaned out as he took a firmer hold of the back of my head, pushed my face down to the hilt of his cock and blew his load straight down my throat. I could feel his cock pulsing in my throat as I grabbed my own cock, jerked it off until I began spewing my load all over his calves, my chin and his sheets. He seemed to take forever to finish unloading down my throat. I was struggling to hold my breath any longer and just after I began thrashing about, trying to pull off his cock he let go of the back of my head allowing me to come up gasping for air and eventually collapsing on the bed between his legs in a pool of my cum mixed with precum.

I could feel his hand on the back of my head again, but gently this time, again stroking through my hair.

“I like the feel of your hair… and I love the feel of your mouth” he said with a grin as he continued to stroke through my hair.

All of a sudden I heard the shower start which surprised me as he hadn’t left the bed, looking up I noticed that he had his phone in his hand.

“Go take a shower, I’ll clean up here and I’ll join you in a second” he said.

“You have… a remote controlled shower…” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

“What… I just like smart things” he said laughing pushing me out of bed towards the en-suite bathroom.

* * *


Once again, my mind was racing as I changed the bedsheets. I had really meant it when I said I wanted to make this work with Sean. the effect he had on me really surprised me. I mean, we hadn’t known each other for that long. But what was even stranger, since I met Sean, I had hardly thought about Liam. It was like he had just vanished from my thoughts.to imagine that maybe a week ago I was wanting to make him my submissive and come to think of it, that would probably have been a disaster.

“You coming?” Sean's voice echoed from the bathroom, snapping me back to right now.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there” I replied, making my way to the en-suite stopping short at the doorway to take in the view. There he was, soaking wet under the stream of hot water which was cascading off him, foamy soap running down his body over his ass and muscles, His blond hair slicked back, steam billowing from the cubicle, fogging up the mirror. I couldn’t help but to study him for a bit before joining him. I was still amazed by his form. I remembered him telling me about the years of Karate training combined with cross fit and that regiment was clearly working for him. He wasn’t too bulky, quite the opposite. He was slender and his muscles were very accented.I couldn't get over how hot his bubble butt was and his thighs were massive. His biceps bulged as he ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it up slightly.

“Are you joining me or are you going to stand there gawping?” he said as he turned to look at me with a big smile running his hands over his smooth developed chest, down his ripped abs. His cock still plump in a semi erection.

“Yeah” I simply said with a smile entering the shower behind him, happy with the fact that I installed a very large shower opposed to a bathtub in the En-suite. As soon as I entered the shower he leaned back onto me, resting his head on my shoulder letting the hot water hit his chest as I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight. My cock, now rock hard again, resting between his firm ass cheeks.

“This is perfect” I heard him whisper as we stood there under the stream of water as he ever so gently moved his ass up and down on my cock, slightly rocking his hips back and forth.

“You're insatiable” I said with a grin, slightly thrusting my own hips forward to meet the rocking motion of his. “But I agree, this is pretty perfect.”

“I just can't get enough of your cock” he said with a chuckle as the rocking of his hips became less subtle, my cock now resting perfectly in his crack. As he clenched his cheeks he was essentially jerking me off with his bubble butt, I couldn’t stand it much longer, I wanted to be inside him.

As I grabbed my cock, I tilted my hips back giving me more space to operate but still holding him close to me with my other arm. It didn’t take long for me to align my cock with his hole as he let out a gentle moan, I could feel his hole clench and release, practically inviting me in.

“Alex, does this mean we are a… MHHHH FUCK FUCK… “ I didn’t let him finish the sentence as I rammed my cock deep into his guts. Hadn’t I had my arm over his chest he would’ve buckled forward.

“FUCK ALEX… IT’S TOO DEEP!” He whimpered as I drove my cock further into him, pushing him forward to the showe wall where his hands shot out bracing against the wall.

It didn’t take long for his panicked moans to change to sighs of pleasure as I rammed my cock deep and hard into him. My hands now around his neck, holding on tightly, slightly restricting his breathing, his moan echoing off the bathroom tiles.

I had the most perfect view of my cock sliding in and out of his ass as he stood in front of me, leaning against the shower wall. His knees began to shake and he was struggling to keep standing as I plowed him harder and deeper. Wrapping my arms around his waist I held hip up, making sure he didn’t collapse on his knees.

I continued to long fuck him hard for about 20 minutes, taking my time to unload considering that I very recently shot my load down his throat but it only took me about 10 minutes to make Sean spray his load all over the shower wall. I could feel his ass clench down on my cock shaking violently as he shot his load, with me not missing a beat. He was practically begging me to unload in him as I could feel my cock throbbing and finally bursting, coating his insights with my load.

As soon as I pulled out and let go of his waist, Sean collapsed down to all fours panting.

“You okay?” I said chuckling, still slightly worried.

“Yeah…” he said panting, still on all fours letting the water hit his back. “You’re the only one who’s made me cum by only fucking me, it’s so intense”

“Heh it is, is it?”

“Yeah..” he said, finally standing up facing me. “Can we go sleep again, I have cross fit in the morning and work in the afternoon”

“Yeah, of course, come on let’s get dry”

* * *

I hardly noticed Sean leaving in the morning. If it wouldn’t have been for the kiss on the cheek and a “I’ll message you today” I would have slept right through but around noonI woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day.

As I strolled to the kitchen I noticed that Sean had brewed coffee which was being kept warm by the hotplate of the coffee machine.

“Mhhh perfection” I mumbled as I took the first sip, grabbing my phone, loading up the Email app and immediately regretting not checking my emails regularly.


Two days ago

From: Carol McGriffin

To: Alex Thompson

Subject: Funeral - Captain Steve Wilson

Hi Alex, I trust you are well.

Mary Wilson has been in touch with me with regards to Steve’s funeral and wanted me to reach out to you about if you would be willing to participate in the service and carry the casket. We suggested having some of the captains that worked with Steve joining you which she agreed to.

Would you be willing to do this?

Let me know ASAP.

Kind Regards,

Carol Mc.Griffin

Human Resources Director


“Shit, of course, the funeral arrangements” I mumbled while taking another sip of the coffee, enjoying the slightly bitter taste.

I quickly responded to Carol agreeing to be in touch with Mary. It was a nice idea. The man had worked for the airline for several decades, so of course we would escort him to the grave.



From: Crewing - Scheduling

To: Alex Thompson

Subject: Duty Rosters - Week 19

Please see below your assigned duty roster for the week ending the May 10th. Please note that due to company policy following an incident you have no flights scheduled for week 18. If your online roster is still showing assignments, please disregard these.

May 4th - LHR > TGL - CMNDR - ETD: 0700hrs - DUR: 1.55hr + TAXI/CLEARANCE

—- Turn around 60 Min —-

May 4th - TGL > LHR - CMNDR - ETD: 1100hrs - DUR: 2.05hr + TAXI/CLEARANCE

May 6th - LHR > BOS - CMNDR - ETD: 1115hrs - DUR: 7.20hr + TAXI/CLEARANCE


May 9th - BOS > LHR - CMNDR - ETD: 0725hrs - DUR: 6.25hr + TAXI/CLEARANCE

Details on overnights and crew assignments in daily flight briefing.




“Ooh the rest of the week off and an overnight in Boston” That was the perfect schedule in my opinion. A long haul and a short haul. Maybe I could take Sean with me, if he could get a couple of days off and the flight loads were decent.

Hey you, thanks for the coffee! Want to grab dinner tonight?

I sent off the text and proceeded to go about my day as you would normally do being distracted by the notification of yet another email coming in and as soon as I read the subject line I was filled with dread.


1 minute ago

From: Marketing

To: Alex Thompson

Subject: Marketing campaign - Photoshoot

Dear Alex,

We understand that you have agreed to participate in an upcoming marketing campaign, displaying the faces of our crew and commanders.

Are you free for a photoshoot this week, say Friday?

Let me know ASAP,


Marketing Coordinator


“Why the hell did I agree to this” I thought to myself as I agreed to the date

* * *

The rest of my day was otherwise very uneventful. I popped to the corner shop for some essential and made sure to restock my wine supply. I was very disappointed by the fact that I was being served by an older lady instead of Sean.

As I got back to my apartment after putting away the groceries I finally checked my phone with a surge of disappointment flooding through me seeing that Sean hadn’t texted back. It had been over 4 hours since I texted him I thought as I threw myself on the living room sofa, my mind yet again racing.

I had never been disappointed not receiving a text from someone I was sleeping with so for me this was a strange development. I guess I’ve been lying to myself for the past couple of years. I do have feelings for guys after all, I just haven't met the right one to catch them with.

“So that’s what it feels like” I mumbled to myself as I absentmindedly scrolled through my phone. I was really curious about how things would progress on this front. Do I even know how to be in a relationship? What am I supposed to do, send him flowers to work?

The vibration of my phone pulled me out of my thoughts, making me realise that I had been staring at a blank screen for a while. I don’t know why I was surprised to see whom the message was from…

Hey, you ok?

I stared at the message for a while, trying to figure out the tone of it, not that I would be able to see. there were no hints there.

I’m great, how are you?

I quickly messaged back.

I’m pretty good, I’m due to fly out to Orlando tomorrow, last night in London Town.

That’s exciting, I’m happy for you! I bet you’re going out tonight then to celebrate?

I meant it, I was really happy for him. Come to think of it, it was probably the best move for him. Get some independance and live life a little.

His answer wasn't instant but I could see those infamous ‘typing’ bubbles going on and off again for a while, until finally;

Uhm… I was hoping to spend my last night in London with you. Would love your cock inside me one more time.

I couldn’t help but to stare at the screen, my cock bulging slightly at the thought of fucking Liam again.

* * *


“Ugh…I can't take it anymore” I moaned.

“Come on, you can take it” Josh insisted

“No really Josh, I’m so sore, I can’t take it anymore” I whimpered, sweat dripping down my body

“You’re such a little pussy sometimes” he finally said as he turned away from me gazing across the room with a look of disappointment on his face.

* * *

End of chapter 13

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Author’s note

Practice social distancing, read stories and support Nifty. We are all in this together.

Thank you all for your amazing feedback to the story. It’s been a huge inspiration to read your emails and has driven me forward to continue. Please send your feedback to pilotchron@gmail.com as I’d love to hear more from you guys!

Next: Chapter 14

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